Need Anime Suggestion for My Wife


Looking for an anime that would impress my wife.

She (and I) really liked His and Her Circumstances.

I'm looking for something similar that we both would like (nothing over the top cute). We just finished Ai Yori Aoshi, but she was turned off by all the "boobies".

Any help would be great. Thanks!
I've seen quite a bit of anime but I tend to ignore the romance, love and girly stuff. Although I highly recommend Happy Lessons and the Happy Lessons OVAs, Suzuka, and Shuffle! but Shuffle! has very few instances of nudity (boobs ;D). You might also want to check out Air, Planet ES is a great anime about the future and space debris that has a good love story intertwined as well, Eureka Seven is another great anime with a love story, there is also Karin but they somewhat often comment and feel her rather large boobs. Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head that I have seen. If you are interested in other anime I can give a lot more recommendations. A site to directly download anime is All you have to do is register.
okay, i'm a girl and was never in to anime, but there are two that i've seen and loved!! Cowboy Bebop and Witch Hunter Robin. I got terribly into Witch Hunter Robin, too. I wanted to watch it constantly. So, I suggest you buy the entire series and just start watching. I think she'll love it. And of course, Cowboy Bebop too.
[quote name='crazytalkx']Something pretty girly that I actually enjoyed is Fruits Basket. Disturbing that I enjoyed it? Probably.[/QUOTE]

Seconding Fruits Basket and adding in a Chobits.
Maison Ikkoku is a great romantic comedy (which seems to be the same category of His and Her Circumstances), but it is VERY long. I think it has seven volumes/seasons. I have the first volume and it has funny and touching moments. There was a slight bit of nudity IIRC but not a whole lot.
Onegai Twins or Teacher(Drama romance . I thought they were both good.Romantic and dramatic storylines kept me watching.....but others probably would disagree with me)
Princess Nine(about a girls baseball team.Really good story about the ups and downs of the main character and her team)
Genshiken(if you an anime inside of a anime)
Full Metal Panic(Mecha romance comedy)
Pani Poni Dash(if you like something off the wall)
Ouran High School(if you want to torrent it)(its also incredibly funny and one of the better i felt i watched this year)
Elfen Lied(Big gorefest but not a bad storyline eiter)

those are some that maybe you and your wife may like...if you catch one of them hope you enjoy them.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Maison Ikkoku is a great romantic comedy (which seems to be the same category of His and Her Circumstances), but it is VERY long. I think it has seven volumes/seasons. I have the first volume and it has funny and touching moments. There was a slight bit of nudity IIRC but not a whole lot.[/QUOTE]

sry for the dbl post. Yeah Maison Ikkoku went on for a long time...talking about Rumiko may also want to check out her other series. Ranma 1/2. its like maison ikkoku just take out more of the love romance with and stick in the comedy. i have all 7 seasons of ranma and i never got sick of it.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Maison Ikkoku is a great romantic comedy (which seems to be the same category of His and Her Circumstances), but it is VERY long. I think it has seven volumes/seasons. I have the first volume and it has funny and touching moments. There was a slight bit of nudity IIRC but not a whole lot.[/QUOTE]

I'll second Maison Ikkoku it a great series around 100 episodes on eight box sets. I pickup most for around 30 shipped when Rightstuf had their 40% Viz stuff sales over the last year and a half or so. I also really liked Azumanga Daioh funny and sweet, Fruit Basket is also a good choice.
[quote name='integralsmatic']sry for the dbl post. Yeah Maison Ikkoku went on for a long time...talking about Rumiko may also want to check out her other series. Ranma 1/2. its like maison ikkoku just take out more of the love romance with and stick in the comedy. i have all 7 seasons of ranma and i never got sick of it.[/quote]


Ranma 1/2 is my all time favorite show. I never get tired of watching my DVDs. OP, there is a nudity in Ranma 1/2 but 99% of it involves Ranma (who when in girl form often times acts like a guy which explains his lack of modesty most of the time). The nudity is almost always for comedic effect, not just fanservice.

Other than that, I like Big O a lot (my second favorite series). No nudity at all in that and the story line is quite complex, but the characters of Roger Smith, R. Dorothy Waynewright and Angel are awesome IMO.
[quote name='kmartbum001']THere is no anime called Black Bible. I'm pretty sure you are referring to Bible Black, which is hentai.[/QUOTE]

:lol: I believe that was the joke
Any Miyazaki movie - Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Nausicaa. You really can't miss with these. They're a nice blend of interesting action, heart warming stories, amazing animation and very creative style.
[quote name='Apossum']Any Miyazaki movie - Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Nausicaa. You really can't miss with these. They're a nice blend of interesting action, heart warming stories, amazing animation and very creative style.[/quote]

I'll second that :bouncy:
I will "third" the advice of a Miyazaki film: but not Howl's Moving Castle...

How about Whisper of the Heart? Not technically Miyazaki [well, it is, he wrote it and produced it] but quite possibly the best Ghibli film..just an amazing movie and the ending is the best.

Another excellent choice would be Kiki's Delivery Service [of course, in its original Japanese] and of course, Porco Rosso: a thrilling love story = )

As for "series", I don't know how far she's willing to think outside the box. Granted, Karakano is Anno's not the Anno most people are familiar with [Evangelion, Rahxephon] and not actually based on their own manga....

If she's "okay" with the fantasy/magic/sci fi type stories, then I highly suggest Fullmetal Alchemist in its original Japanese. Action packed, funny at the right times, dramatic when it needs to be, somewhat thought provoking, very emotional, and just the right blend of shonen and shojo styles. Don't let her watch it on Adult Swim because the commercials and dubbing kind of lessen the impact..

I'm trying hard not to say "Sailor Moon", but it takes a real connoisseur to see Sailor Moon as more than just "girls in skirts fighting evil". The character development, relationships, the subtlties in expression, the art, the music, the mythos, there's so much to Sailor Moon [beyond any other anime] but if you don't get just don't get it.

Back to it..I don't know: does she actually like anime as an art form? Or does she only like it when it's closer to western television as a whole? What has she seen and liked? What has she seen and NOT liked? the latter question is a lot more important.
[quote name='sarausagi']I will "third" the advice of a Miyazaki film: but not Howl's Moving Castle[/quote]

why not?
[quote name='boo']why not?[/QUOTE]

If he retired and Howl's was his last film, it'd be like going to Jordan's last Bulls game and seeing him miss every single shot....

But in terms of actual anime..

I own every single one of Hayao Miyazaki's GHIBLI films, as well as Castle of Calistigoro [rerelease] and Grave of the Fireflies [which isn't Miyazaki but was shown along side Totoro]

Howl's Moving Castle is his absolute worst production. It just seemed, completely lifeless, and terribly uninspired. More of the same imagery, put together, just because it "fits": old ladies, deformed monsters, asexual females, glazed by little to no character development, and a plot that gets lost in the first 5 minutes. I've tried to watch it a second time and turned it off about 10 minutes in [this coming from someone who has watched each Miyazaki film at least six or seven times each year]

I wasn't very impressed by Mononoke, however, Spirited Away set the bar VERY HIGH, and Miyazaki didn't meet that bar, and I'm not going to let him get away with it because he's Miyazaki. Watch films like Porco Rosso, Whisper of the Heart, Kiki's Delivery Service, then try to tell me Howl's Moving Castle can even touch them.

Another good Miyazaki film is Castle in the Sky, you look at the story, the characters, the settings, and it's just this beautiful..don't even know what to call it anymore....just an absolute work of art. It's not that Howl's was based on a source material: Castle in the Sky is based off a book as well, but it feels like it's Miyazaki's movie, Miyazaki's work. Howl's Moving Castle just feels like an excuse to let Takuya Kimara think he's cute...[you do realize that a good chunk of Japanese Howl's tickets were because certain women wanted to hear Kimura talk? Right?]

Also..Howl's felt very Tim Burton like....

that's not a good thing in my book.
The Castle of Cagliostro is a great overlooked Miyazaki movie that despite its age should be thrown in there.
[quote name='sarausagi'] I'm trying hard not to say "Sailor Moon", but it takes a real connoisseur to see Sailor Moon as more than just "girls in skirts fighting evil". The character development, relationships, the subtlties in expression, the art, the music, the mythos, there's so much to Sailor Moon [beyond any other anime] but if you don't get just don't get it.

Heck, I dig Sailor Moon. I just never realized how butchered the North American TV version was until recently.

Heh, this topic has more activity than the "official" anime topic in the Off-Topic forum. Cool.

BTW, I love your Avatar avatar :D. I am really starting to get into that show.
[quote name='crazytalkx']The Castle of Cagliostro is a great overlooked Miyazaki movie that despite its age should be thrown in there.[/QUOTE]

Quite, I don't know why Buena Vista doesn't push it more..personally I think it has more mainstream appeal than many of the Ghibli movies...just non stop thrills.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Heck, I dig Sailor Moon. I just never realized how butchered the North American TV version was until recently.

Heh, this topic has more activity than the "official" anime topic in the Off-Topic forum. Cool.

BTW, I love your Avatar avatar :D. I am really starting to get into that show.[/QUOTE]

The worst act of butchery in Sailor Moon isn't even names or stories or lesbians or anything..

It's the music, the first season especially, had some jazzy, sophisticated, lavish music all through it: not to mention the original vocal songs, the classical music used throughout, and some of the more orchestral type stuff. The American version replaced it with cheesy synths and 80's Gi Joe type music...worst thing is, the music added so much atmosphere to the show..there's this one episode where Sailor Moon has to sneak into a club to save a musician from this monster.....

It seems like such a monster of the day episode...but it's just this amazing story...personally I think the whole first season should have been Sailor Moon alone..just because the dynamic between Luna and Usagi, the friendship with Naru and Umino, and the love with Mamoru, would have been a lot bigger part of the story

As for the CAG anime thread, I posted there once but don't read it..the title scared me off..something about Naruto fillers being over...

Don't like Naruto...thought it was funny how Cartoon Network made sure to air while Nicktoon aired Avatar reruns, they even stole that Asian/karate type tan background!
[quote name='sarausagi']Also..Howl's felt very Tim Burton like....that's not a good thing in my book.[/quote]

well, i respect your opinion however i am a huge fan of tim burton which may be one of the reasons why i liked it then. also, i know that it is impossible to always meet that bar. artists don't set out to achieve some standard, rather reinvent themselves, tell a story, entertain. it happens, however, and in such situations, we, as artists, can only crawl into the fetal position until we've found a way to do what we love without having it measured. hence the reason why rowling will never write another book under her real name. harry potter has set the bar high and categorized her into a certain genre. no artist aims to do that. but we do aim for excellence. even when we fail.
I'm a female and I would recommend:

Fruits Basket
The 12 Kingdoms
Full Metal Alchemist (I just finished that -- loved it)
Chobits has too much boobies.

I recommend Fruits Basket or Ah My Goddess. For something completely girly, I recommend Boys Over Flowers, but you might not be able to stomach it.
[quote name='Panda']I'm a female and I would recommend:

Fruits Basket
The 12 Kingdoms
Full Metal Alchemist (I just finished that -- loved it)[/QUOTE]

Cute avatar...

But here it is, another FMA suggestion, it is an incredible series.
[quote name='jshendel']Looking for an anime that would impress my wife.

She (and I) really liked His and Her Circumstances.

I'm looking for something similar that we both would like (nothing over the top cute). We just finished Ai Yori Aoshi, but she was turned off by all the "boobies".

Any help would be great. Thanks![/QUOTE]

Turned off by animated boobs? sounds like a prude!
[quote name='danny-o']Turned off by animated boobs? sounds like a prude![/QUOTE]

I know..nothing wrong with boobs...real or animated..

OP: your wife isn't even a tiny little bit bi? or is it more of a political agenda?
[quote name='Panda']I'm a female and I would recommend:

Fruits Basket
The 12 Kingdoms
Full Metal Alchemist (I just finished that -- loved it)[/quote]

Funny you should mention FMA. My sister isn't into anime much but she absolutely LOVES FMA. It seems a lot of women like it.
Personally I watched the the original Area 88 based on the Comics. It's like a war film and has a pretty decent sound track along with your basic Japnanese cartoon features.

Gal force- Another explaination on earth and robots. Highly influenced by the Terminator movies. However the entire series is great all around. It is the question of how man started and how mankind wented. Very good series for that space advent person in you. However it is kinda boring the fact they travel here and there.

Project A-Ko- There is at least one artist you or your wife might know who contribute to this movie and the following movies. You can never go wrong with A-ko. If like watching a school girl kick the living tar out of everything then this your movie. Also the comments from the original Director is very great.

GenoCyber- To be honest this series is really bloody but the animation is beautiful. What I like about it the most how Mankind is destroyed to the last drop. Veery touching series.

Cleoparta D.C.- If like like rich women like Barbie prepare to meet
Cleopatra D.C. as she goes on her adventures like with Richie Rich. This is kinda influenced by Desert Storm/

KITE- if you like murder Mystery like Perfect Blue then youj will love this two part OVA. This is nicely drawn. However it is consider a hentai deww to the sexaul nature of events.

Bubble Gum Crisis 2033- One of the pinicale of Animation. This LOng running series is great for anybody who likes drama and robots.

Full Metal Panic Fuma?- The comic to the series animated is very good to laugh with. I mean omgsh you will be laughing here to wherever.

M.D. Giest. If you love Brock Sampson prepare to meet his predisesor. He is a grown Soilder made for battle. Two Part series. The Ending of Rockman Zero is strongly influenced by this Anime..
[quote name='RegalSin2020']
M.D. Giest. If you love Brock Sampson prepare to meet his predisesor. He is a grown Soilder made for battle. Two Part series. The Ending of Rockman Zero is strongly influenced by this Anime..[/QUOTE]

:rofl: :rofl:

Not only is this anime garbage, but it certainly is NOT something the OP's wife would even remotely enjoy.
I forgot a good one.

Carried by the Wind: Tsukikage Ran

A nice little series about a female samurai. Some comedy, some romance, and some action. There is little blood (even though there is a lot of action). I really enjoyed this series a great deal. It was recommended to me by CAG DuelLadyS (I wonder where she is anyway?).
I would agree with the suggestions of FullMetal Alchemist and Miyazaki films. Depending on your wife's interests Samurai Champloo might also be good.
[quote name='Roufuss']

Not only is this anime garbage, but it certainly is NOT something the OP's wife would even remotely enjoy.[/QUOTE]

Yes to be honest this movie is basically ever single stereo type brought into light but to be honest you gotta see this movie and the part two of it.

What I love about this movie is the character the most and how his influence is shown in multiple characters.

It got a comic prequel series also seeing how the main character died in the second film. You could also call this the Scarface of Anime.

You just remind me

Venus Wars- bascally earth colonize Venus and then they start to have wars like the civil war. It is very nicely animated with lots of sterotypes but what I love the most is the animated robots and machinery.

Digi Carrat- This is what I should have been watching in 1999 along with Evangelion. This is so cute to watch as a time waster. Personally I like the characters and jokes.

Viewtiful Joe series- Personally the Japanese cartoon makes everything better. It is real intresting to watch as the story goes along.

Obnoxious Aliens. Is a really funny series. To be honest it is really high schoolish but Ranma funny only without the Karate and more characters.

Batman Beyond- This is a real nice series that is really high schoolish but is probably the last real Batman series besides FOX5 Batman. You get to see Grey Superman who is wearing the Lex Suit along with various comebacks. Yo uwil cry at the ending of Sub-Zero/Freeze along with the what if about Blight and Ink children. It is not Anime but it's really nice to watch.
I fell asleep watching Spirited Away. It was just horribly dull for me. Conversly, I thought Mononoke was an amazing work.

However, I also loved Corpse Bride. :lol:

My GF liked Full Metal Panic and hounds me about DLing the lastest Naruto torrents. She also likes Inuyasha.
Try Dragonball. Its more fun/cute than DBZ/GT.

[quote name='sarausagi']If he retired and Howl's was his last film, it'd be like going to Jordan's last Bulls game and seeing him miss every single shot....

But in terms of actual anime..

I own every single one of Hayao Miyazaki's GHIBLI films, as well as Castle of Calistigoro [rerelease] and Grave of the Fireflies [which isn't Miyazaki but was shown along side Totoro]

Howl's Moving Castle is his absolute worst production. It just seemed, completely lifeless, and terribly uninspired. More of the same imagery, put together, just because it "fits": old ladies, deformed monsters, asexual females, glazed by little to no character development, and a plot that gets lost in the first 5 minutes. I've tried to watch it a second time and turned it off about 10 minutes in [this coming from someone who has watched each Miyazaki film at least six or seven times each year]

I wasn't very impressed by Mononoke, however, Spirited Away set the bar VERY HIGH, and Miyazaki didn't meet that bar, and I'm not going to let him get away with it because he's Miyazaki. Watch films like Porco Rosso, Whisper of the Heart, Kiki's Delivery Service, then try to tell me Howl's Moving Castle can even touch them.

Another good Miyazaki film is Castle in the Sky, you look at the story, the characters, the settings, and it's just this beautiful..don't even know what to call it anymore....just an absolute work of art. It's not that Howl's was based on a source material: Castle in the Sky is based off a book as well, but it feels like it's Miyazaki's movie, Miyazaki's work. Howl's Moving Castle just feels like an excuse to let Takuya Kimara think he's cute...[you do realize that a good chunk of Japanese Howl's tickets were because certain women wanted to hear Kimura talk? Right?]

Also..Howl's felt very Tim Burton like....

that's not a good thing in my book.[/quote]

If you can get past the Engrish language (swearing), Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad is an awesome anime that isn't about your typical robots or fantasy settings, its simply a group of people who get together and form a band. The music in it is great and overall the story is decent as well, that is, if you like those "slice of life" type shows.


Another great adventure/action show that I don't see mentioned enough is the 100+ episode Saiyuki series, which is based on a story about some travelers who head west (can't remember the name). The classic Goku character is present with his mighty extending shaft. :)
[quote name='sarausagi']If he retired and Howl's was his last film, it'd be like going to Jordan's last Bulls game and seeing him miss every single shot....

But in terms of actual anime..

I own every single one of Hayao Miyazaki's GHIBLI films, as well as Castle of Calistigoro [rerelease] and Grave of the Fireflies [which isn't Miyazaki but was shown along side Totoro]

Howl's Moving Castle is his absolute worst production. It just seemed, completely lifeless, and terribly uninspired. More of the same imagery, put together, just because it "fits": old ladies, deformed monsters, asexual females, glazed by little to no character development, and a plot that gets lost in the first 5 minutes. I've tried to watch it a second time and turned it off about 10 minutes in [this coming from someone who has watched each Miyazaki film at least six or seven times each year]

I wasn't very impressed by Mononoke, however, Spirited Away set the bar VERY HIGH, and Miyazaki didn't meet that bar, and I'm not going to let him get away with it because he's Miyazaki. Watch films like Porco Rosso, Whisper of the Heart, Kiki's Delivery Service, then try to tell me Howl's Moving Castle can even touch them.

Another good Miyazaki film is Castle in the Sky, you look at the story, the characters, the settings, and it's just this beautiful..don't even know what to call it anymore....just an absolute work of art. It's not that Howl's was based on a source material: Castle in the Sky is based off a book as well, but it feels like it's Miyazaki's movie, Miyazaki's work. Howl's Moving Castle just feels like an excuse to let Takuya Kimara think he's cute...[you do realize that a good chunk of Japanese Howl's tickets were because certain women wanted to hear Kimura talk? Right?]

Also..Howl's felt very Tim Burton like....

that's not a good thing in my book.[/QUOTE]

It's funny that you love Spirited Away so much, and completely detest Howl's. I found them to be pretty close in terms of the story and style. I could definitely see lots of links between the 2 movies. That and the fairly uninspired script kinda detracted from Howl's, but I still enjoyed it a lot.

I think my favorites by him will always be Mononoke (my first anime!) and Nausicaa.
[quote name='Apossum']It's funny that you love Spirited Away so much, and completely detest Howl's. I found them to be pretty close in terms of the story and style. I could definitely see lots of links between the 2 movies. That and the fairly uninspired script kinda detracted from Howl's, but I still enjoyed it a lot.

I think my favorites by him will always be Mononoke (my first anime!) and Nausicaa.[/QUOTE]

Well, the reason I loved Spirited Away was the sweet love story between Chihiro and Haku...very very comes full circle at the end and you're just like "Oh my God, that's so sweet!"

I also have the official OST/score, the music is so very beautiful in Spirited Away. So many lush orchestrations..just absolutely wonderful..Joe Hisashi at his best

There's also quite a bit of allegory and a good moral at the end of the story..Spirited Away had a very strong message and a very strong emotional aspect...that I didn't feel in Howl's Moving Castle
One Piece - Best Overall Anime
Full Metal Alchemist - Best Dramatic
Love Hina - Best Romantic Comedy
Hunter X Hunter - Best Adventure
Hajime No Ippo - Best Sports
Trigun - Best Science Fiction
The Jungle Was Always Nice, Then Came Guu - Best Comedy
Gantz - Best Horror
Read or Die OVA - Best OVA

Honorable Mention -

Cowboy Bebop, Goldenboy, Hikaru No Go, Gungrave, Great Teacher Onizuka, Monster, Bleach, Naruto, Abenobashi, and Wolf's Rain


Miyazaki is overall a great artist but he lost his touch after Princess Mononoke. The pacing of Spirited Away was beyond bad. A great site to research anime is:

I use it all the time to research which anime is worth checking out. I'm currently getting up to date on Bleach and Naruto and then I'm going to begin watching Elfen Lied.
I totally forgot...

A very under rated, unappreciated, often hated title


In my opinion, one of the better anime of the mid 90's, plus it's only 26 episodes, just the right length for an anime.

I know a lot of "non anime fans" that LOVE Blue Seed, and I adore it myself, give it a chance, the complete series can be found for less than $40...good hand drawn stuff.
Here are some fresh suggestions and some repeats. Im a chick and have been watching anime for a little over ten years and here are some of the series i have enjoyed and why:

SLAYERS, SLAYERS NEXT, SLAYERS TRY: The three seasons of Slayers are loosely tied together and have a great cast of characters, with sorceress Lina Inverse and her hijinks. A comedic fantasy show that appeals to most. Others in the genre worth looking into: THOSE WHO HUNT ELVES, SORCERER HUNTERS (more fanservice here though).

KOI KAZE and SAIKANO: The ultimate love stories? The first one is taken very seriously, slow pacing, everything unravels beautifully but the content is a bit startling. Still, I have never seen a love story handled with this kind of delicate maturity. Saikano is love against all odds and in the midst of war.

KINO'S JOURNEY: Kino is a traveler and every episode is another adventure in a new land. It represents a wide variety of customs, and different ways of life. She can visit this widely different places but not leave her mark, much like Star Trek's the prime directive. Intriguing and thoughtful series.

REVOLUTIONARY GIRL UTENA: Strange and twisted story that wraps up a handful of relationships and forces to put them to the test. throw in a bunch of sword battles that actually have meaning to them and you have one great "magical girl show" that is much more than fluff and cute outfits. Also check out the fantasy oriented SCRAPPED PRINCESS, the fairytale premises of PRINCESS TUTU and PRETEAR and MAGIC KNIGHT RAYEARTH where three girls are taken to another world to come into their power and save the day.

SUPER GALS & KALIEDO STAR: Both are fun series, but there is nothing out there quite like Kaleido Star - it follows the ups and downs of a circus type troupe as one girl tries to overcome all odds to be the trapeze Kaleido Star of the show. The performance sets are all eye candy and the "never give up" theme is inspiring. there is a second season called NEW WINGS that picks up where the first left off.

I also second the recommendations for WOLF'S RAIN, WITCH HUNTER ROBIN, CHOBITS, and FRUITS BASKET. Chobits has alot of heart and Fruits Basket is heartwarming, soul crushing and hilarious all at once. A comedy with the perfect balance. MAGICAL ARCADE ABENOBASHI was also quite hilarious with its many parodies of absolutely everything including quite a few western movies too.
bread's done