[quote name='skiizim']Just assuming, does anybody know if you can use the USB dongle to make the wii u mini internet accessible?[/QUOTE]
[quote name='rocky435']That is exactly what I am wondering too! If the wii mini has the same OS as the regular wii and a USB port then it should be able to get Internet. Of course it may be a gutted OS but I'm hoping it has the shop channel and all the other Internet apps. I guess we will find out on December 7th when some Canadian un boxes thier wii mini
[quote name='io']I read something that implied above and beyond the lack of WiFi that Internet connectivity was not supported. I can't remember where, but I was looking specifically for that info and it seemed like bad news to me.[/QUOTE]
io is basically right here - Nintendo has said they are wholesale cutting out the internet connectivity from the Wii Mini altogether. This suggests that the OS itself won't recognize any kind of connectivity, has no Wii Shop, none of the original system's apps, etc.
This makes me wonder what the homebrew crowd can do, since the Wii's OS is apparently swiss cheese to them. Assuming the Wii Mini still has USB ports - which it would HAVE to I would assume since certain games require them (EA Active) - then it's possible they can hack in an internet module. But this is EXTREMELY wishful/theoretical thinking on my part since I have absolutely zero idea about how they'd go about doing this.
Point being is that I'd love to find out a week after its out that the hacker doods rip it open and add that kind of stuff in, because I'd definitely pick one up for pure consumer whore status (though after a price drop, to ensure CAGitude).