New Super Mario Bros. Wii - General Discussion & Info

Cao Cao



Official site

1. At a press roundtable, among other info, Miyamoto revealed that New Super Mario Bros. Wii will be releasing in a red DVD case, even with a red Wii header.

2. A new "Super Skills" video was recently posted on the official site above, so go there for a higher quality version.

Super Skills video
Trailer 2

The GiantBomb quick look is also worth a watch, along with both parts of the 1UP Game Night:
GiantBomb Quick Look
1UP Game Night Part 1
1UP Game Night Part 2
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This game looks amazing. I'm just now playing through NSMB (halfway through world 7 collecting all the coins) and it looks like a big screen version of it with some extras (definitely a good thing). I didn't know what to think of it because I hadn't been paying attention to the videos thinking it was multiplayer based, but I remember someone saying the levels were basically designed with single player in mind.

To sum it up: Full of win

Release date is Nov. 15th for anyone not in the know
This looks amazing. I was just bouncing around for 1-ups in SMW last night and it looks like there will be tons of that in this game.
I wasn't going to pick this up right away but this;

" My perspective is that the business is, overall, a package-based business. Me personally, I need to have a physical product. Especially when it's a nice red package like this. (laughs). "

Will get me to preorder right now. Anyone in support of not putting more shit out as dlc but on a disc will get my support hands down, that and a 2d Mario is just gold.
I really want this, but I've got so few holiday $$$ this season. Highly doubt I'll be able to find any deals nearly as good as the one Amazon has for this too.
I'll be getting this from Amazon, but it will remain sealed until Xmas, sadly. It's to be a gift to me and my kids. It's the #1 most anticipated game for me.
[quote name='FallMoon']I am praying that this is in the game. But with 4 players.[/QUOTE]

Well, it's been done before - the Mario Advance series (along with Super Star Saga) included this. All you needed was four GBAs, three cables and (I think) one copy of one of the games...
[quote name='FallMoon']Oh, that's ALL you needed? :whistle2:|[/QUOTE]

Someday they'll make an online-capable Four Swords remake... someday.

But yeah, this is effin' sweet. All signs point to it being HARD as well.
[quote name='Lone_Prodigy']Someday they'll make an online-capable Four Swords remake... someday.[/QUOTE]

I doubt it. If they wanted to do that, they could have made NSMB Wii online enabled.
If anyone didn't know, GS is running a promo to trade in 2 current gen games (see website for list) and you can get this bad boy for $9.99. I ran up there last night to turn in my dusty copies of Halo 3 and Left 4 Dead (both would have been worth $15 trade in).

Needless to say, this will be the first game I'm buying retail (sorry goozex) since KZ2 on release day. I three starred my copy of NSMB for the DS and still looking very much forward to a proper Mario game. Here's the IGN preview for anyone interested:
[quote name='QiG']If anyone didn't know, GS is running a promo to trade in 2 current gen games (see website for list) and you can get this bad boy for $9.99. I ran up there last night to turn in my dusty copies of Halo 3 and Left 4 Dead (both would have been worth $15 trade in).

for those interested in this deal Family Video has Mario Power Tennis for $9.99 +SH+tax which qualifies. Two of them would be around $25.XX
People are going to throw a shitstorm when it gets out to the press that the game can fit on a CD. CD as in CD-ROM.

Yes, it's been leaked.
[quote name='Nohbdy']People are going to throw a shitstorm when it gets out to the press that the game can fit on a CD. CD as in CD-ROM.

Yes, it's been leaked.[/QUOTE]

That wouldn't be the first Wii game that could. I can name at least one more, and I'm pretty sure there's two or three after that.

Judging a game's quality by how much space it takes it. We've really come a long way as gamers.
[quote name='Strell']That wouldn't be the first Wii game that could. I can name at least one more, and I'm pretty sure there's two or three after that.

Judging a game's quality by how much space it takes it. We've really come a long way as gamers.[/QUOTE]

Dood, I bet there isn't even any dialogue! Or cinematics! And it's not 1080p!

Honestly, it's repeated blocks and characters. It couldn't possibly take up that much space. I doubt it would take up half a DVD if it was all in 1080p and Mario was constantly explaining his plight to the the player in 2 or 3 different languages.
[quote name='FallMoon']Edge Magazine gave this game 7/10. I don't really know how their rating system works, but that doesn't sound good. :([/QUOTE]

I know some people like picking out the lowest score from a series of high scores so they can play the role of Chicken Little. You wouldn't be such a person, would you??
I'm sure the game will get dinged for being "more of the same" but that's exactly what I like and there's nothing else like it on Wii yet anyway. Of course, if Nintendo changed the formula too much then they would get dinged for that, too. Either way and regardless of review scores it will sell well--and I'm looking forward to it because it looks like it will be lots of fun...
[quote name='FallMoon']Edge Magazine gave this game 7/10. I don't really know how their rating system works, but that doesn't sound good. :([/QUOTE]

EDGE grades pretty harshly... that's probably more like a 8.5 other reviewers.
Anyone know what's up with the Limited Edition of the game? I've seen some scattered info online, but nothing concrete about pricing or where to buy.
[quote name='Nohbdy']People are going to throw a shitstorm when it gets out to the press that the game can fit on a CD. CD as in CD-ROM.

Yes, it's been leaked.[/QUOTE]

Wh...why would people be upset about the game fitting on a CD-ROM?
[quote name='Nohbdy']People are going to throw a shitstorm when it gets out to the press that the game can fit on a CD. CD as in CD-ROM.

Yes, it's been leaked.[/QUOTE]

A lot of Wii games can easily fit on a CD-ROM, but why would this even be an issue? All Wii games can fit on a DVD, should we be worried about those too? Or are you actually referring to the inherit quality of the game?

In other news, it appears Nintendo has implemented a new copyright protection scheme with NSMB Wii. I won't go into a lot of details, but it looks like the only valid way of playing the game right now is with the actual retail disc. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before this scheme is broken, but I hope it holds for as long as possible. No need to make things easy for pirates, and hopefully this will help deter some potential pirating.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']In other news, it appears Nintendo has implemented a new copyright protection scheme with NSMB Wii. I won't go into a lot of details, but it looks like the only valid way of playing the game right now is with the actual retail disc. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before this scheme is broken, but I hope it holds for as long as possible. No need to make things easy for pirates, and hopefully this will help deter some potential pirating.[/QUOTE]

A quick search shows that the protection was allegedly defeated earlier today or late yesterday. Apparently, all it took was a patch code or a modified game file.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']A lot of Wii games can easily fit on a CD-ROM, but why would this even be an issue? All Wii games can fit on a DVD, should we be worried about those too? Or are you actually referring to the inherit quality of the game?

In other news, it appears Nintendo has implemented a new copyright protection scheme with NSMB Wii. I won't go into a lot of details, but it looks like the only valid way of playing the game right now is with the actual retail disc. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before this scheme is broken, but I hope it holds for as long as possible. No need to make things easy for pirates, and hopefully this will help deter some potential pirating.[/QUOTE]

I can't help but agree. I got banned from NeoGAF for expressing joy at the possibility of Wii's being bricked due to a firmware update for those that modified their system, but I stand by it. Nothing irks me more than people that pirate games.
Did Amazon offer release date delivery for this title? It's scheduled to release on the 15th. I wonder if they give people their money back....
[quote name='nbballard']Did Amazon offer release date delivery for this title? It's scheduled to release on the 15th. I wonder if they give people their money back....[/QUOTE]

I don't think so, or at least there's nothing about it on the product page.

The US TV commercials are up at the Nintendo Channel:
The last time I had looked was last night. It's disappointing that it was broken this soon, but is somewhat expected. I know the early leaks of Super Mario Galaxy didn't really effect sales all that much, but still don't like seeing any kind of advantage go to those who essentially steal from developer's hard work.

[quote name='maximumzero']I can't help but agree. I got banned from NeoGAF for expressing joy at the possibility of Wii's being bricked due to a firmware update for those that modified their system, but I stand by it. Nothing irks me more than people that pirate games.[/QUOTE]

The problem wasn't that Wiis were getting bricked because of system modifications, but rather that the bricking could happen to any system. Anyone with certain system modifications were actually more protected from bricking than a regular consumer. I dislike pirates as much as the next person, but this was the wrong way of going about doing it.

[quote name='nbballard']Did Amazon offer release date delivery for this title? It's scheduled to release on the 15th. I wonder if they give people their money back....[/QUOTE]

No, it was never listed. You can view a full list of Amazon release day delivery titles here.

I really hate when Nintendo street dates a title; it's usually on a Sunday. It means the earliest stuff is shipped out is usually Monday morning. As it stands, my shipping estimate is showing Wednesday (18th) with 2-day shipping.
[quote name='BingoBrown']Anyone know what's up with the Limited Edition of the game? I've seen some scattered info online, but nothing concrete about pricing or where to buy.[/QUOTE]

Do you have any links?
I don't think I'm to interested in this game, but I probably would get into it if I would purchase the game.
[quote name='Droenixjpn']I don't think I'm to interested in this game, but I probably would get into it if I would purchase the game.[/QUOTE]

Cool story, bro.
[quote name='benjamouth']That review makes it sound pretty decent. I'm surprised, maybe it's not the 4-player waggle-fest cluster-fuck I was expecting.[/QUOTE]

I agree; the review is mostly from the perspective of someone playing SP and I'm glad Nintendo realized with this one that traditional Mario games (be it 2D or 3D) need to focus on SP mode first and foremost above all. As with you, I was thrilled to hear it wasn't the 4-player waggle-fest cluster-fuck that it could have potentially turned into and it makes me wish Nintendo released standalone classic controllers that you don't need to piggyback with the wiimote.

That said, my only beef is that it's released on a Sunday in the midst of the NFL season ;) (why not release things on Fridays which are paydays for most people?)
Nintendo has proven again that they don't care. Even the red case has the freaking instruction-book-destroying spine clips. I really wanted for this game to be in nice shape when I bought it. That dream is automatically over. Screw you, Nintendo.

I need some coffee.
I watched some friends play this last night - there were a lot of people over his place (with wives) and I didn't get a turn to play but I did manage to see a few levels in the first world. It looks beautiful and it totally fits into the SMB lineage. It did look like it played a lot like NSMBDS though but everyone was cracking up over the multiplayer. I think there were still three large coins to find on all the levels and the world map was very similar. I don't care - I'm definitely picking this up before the end of the year (Christmas probably).
'Cube Daddy;6493109]Nintendo has proven again that they don't care. Even the red case has the freaking instruction-book-destroying spine clips. I really wanted for this game to be in nice shape when I bought it. That dream is automatically over. Screw you said:
I swear people will just find anything to complain about.

The box is red! I hate red!

Too much waggle*! I hate waggle!

It's a multiplayer game! I hate multiplayer!

Why isn't it sprite graphics?! I hate polygons!

It's too similar to the DS game! I hated that game!

*Waggle is such a retarded word and I wish I could bitchslap whomever coined the phrase.
[quote name='maximumzero']I swear people will just find anything to complain about.[/QUOTE]

My complaint is about the way the current DVD cases wrinkle up the instruction books. I'm pumped about this game and really wanted to have a copy in pristine condish.

By the way, I had my coffee and am far more mellow now (still disappointed, but mmmmellow).
bread's done