NHL 09 CAG Team - CAG Game Night - Fridays @ 10 PM EST

Awesome night, guys. Fun as always.

Hopefully we can get a few more to join in post-patch. I'd love to play a full 12-man game.
Sorry I didn't rejoin you guys. I messaged Nate telling him, but one of the guys you saw in the lobby, BoS Dubb Gunz, invited me to a versus game. He's an old friend who just got this game a couple weeks ago and has been wanting to play me.

I was just going to play 1 game, but that turned into 2, and then he and Trip Mind wanted the achievement for playing with a club with Xamount of people, so I invited them. They aren't sticking around, since they're not CAGs.

FYI these are the guys I talked about- Gunz from Pittsburgh and Trip Mind from Springfield- who I met on Live and then hooked up with in Springfield a few years back and got shitfaced and went to the strip club, LOL. We have a special bond. But it was nice... Got to play with you guys and them, too. Plus we got 2 wins for the CAG team.
I was planning on playing tonight, but after doing the CAG Street Fighter IV tournament I wasn't in the mood to play anything but Street Fighter for the rest of the night. For some reason SFIV and HD Remix are running pretty good for me right now.

I'll try to make it to next weeks CAG game night cause I had a lot of fun playing last week.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Cool guys. Ive been saying to reset too. I see new uniforms though!!!! ( Im partial to the pens)

But i guess the crotch sharks can stay.[/quote]

[quote name='Cravin_Taco_Bell']I wouldn't mind new uniforms, but finding something we can all agree on would be difficult.[/quote]

Yeah, haha, no way we're switching to the Penguins. Even with longtime fans like you guys, they're just too much of a bandwagon team right now. Honestly, I think going with any NHL team would be a bad idea (way too much bias/hatred among rivals). The Crotch Sharks work because they might as well be a made up team. Nobody knows what the hell that team is. It's a lot easier for us to become the Crotch Sharks than to become the Penguins.
This is true!

I do love when other teams feel the bite of the crotch sharks! It makes me happy.

All though the bil board jerseys are growing on me as well ;-)
Bill board jerseys with my goalie pads is an automatic win. I love the pens but I don't think the Pens would be a good Idea. Ido like your Idea Nate. Maybe we can figure something out.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Bill board jerseys with my goalie pads is an automatic win. I love the pens but I don't think the Pens would be a good Idea. Ido like your Idea Nate. Maybe we can figure something out.[/quote]

Yes, your pads are an automatic win because the other team is busy recovering from thier seizures! :D

I vote for staying with the Crotch Sharks. I am a huge Pens fan, but I'm not a fan of playing as a NHL or AHL team. We could always be the German SexPanther team. 70 percent of the time we win all the time! ;)
I wasn't able to make it last night since I went furniture shopping and didn't get home until pretty late. I did get some games in the Friday before, after being MIA for over a month (due to some life drama). I'll be there next week for sure. Is the starting time still 10 PM EST? Or did you guys make it earlier for the east coast CAGs?

BTW, Crotch Sharks. :lol:
[quote name='emg28']I wasn't able to make it last night since I went furniture shopping and didn't get home until pretty late. I did get some games in the Friday before, after being MIA for over a month (due to some life drama). I'll be there next week for sure. Is the starting time still 10 PM EST? Or did you guys make it earlier for the east coast CAGs?

BTW, Crotch Sharks. :lol:[/quote]

Cool, I've been wondering where you've been man. It'll be good to have you back. And yeah, we pretty much shifted the start time to 8PM EST because most of us are on the east coast, and playing later wasn't really doing much for our west coast guys anyway. Hopefully there will be some big changes in store for next week's hockey night though. I'm really anticipating the patch being released on Tuesday. I'm counting on it coming out that day.
[quote name='Panther1484']We could always be the German SexPanther team. 70 percent of the time we win all the time! ;)[/quote]

You sure you're not just suggesting that because you're a Pitt guy? I mean, your CAG name is Panther, after all.

I'm still kinda partial to the Crotch Sharks, but if we did go the Sex Panther route, I would have to insist that this be our team logo


[quote name='n8rockerasu']You sure you're not just suggesting that because you're a Pitt guy? I mean, your CAG name is Panther, after all.[/quote]

What? Of course not! Just because my CAG name is Panther and my XBL name consists of two former Pitt alums and I have season tickets to Pitt football and... ;)

And yes, that would have to be our logo for sure. It would go nicely with Keri's pads!

It's illegal in nine countries, and I'll be honest, it smells like pure gasoline.


Ha, classic logo. I still wish we could get Jerseys Made. I would spot mine when I go to free Skate sessions :D

I think I need even brighter pads lol.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Ha, classic logo. I still wish we could get Jerseys Made. I would spot mine when I go to free Skate sessions :D

I think I need even brighter pads lol.[/quote]

We still can get them made. We just never decided on a logo and colors.
Just picked this up. Let me know if you guys are looking for more people to play. I'll probably suck at first, but once I get better I might be able to help out. It's always fun playing with CAGs.
Yeah dude, I'll send you an invite. I'll probably get on after the Kings, Lakers, and Dodgers games (all going on now) end.

Also, I forgot to mention that there was a roster update. I noticed it a couple days ago. They fixed Calder's number so there aren't two number 17s on the Kings, LaBarbera's with the Canucks, and Quick is on the roster but as a 70 rated backup to 76 rated Ersberg. That kind of sucks.

EDIT: Jello, you have to sign in to Live while playing the game in order for me to be able to invite you.
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I allready have a jersey. I was on the panthers. Yellow jeresy with black and white trim. I'll take a pic and post tomarrow.

For shady and vulcan.

So today im in the nike outlet store buying some new shoes. Im wearing my steelers hat and my wife is wearing her steelers ix time super bowl champs shirt. This guy comes over and says " steeler fans?" Which isn't unusal. Lots of people stop and talk with us about the steelers

I say " Oh yeah love them"

He says" From up there"? I of corse look up now and say yep born there raised here. I stop and look at this guy now. He is kinda short but thick. He is wearing a phillies hat. So I think a go from penslyvania. He comes walking over to me and pull his right hand out of his pocket.

There sits a steelers super bowl ring! Im sitting here looking at this and thinking wow. This guy paid a fortune for that thing. Thats nice! Is all I can say. Then As hes bending down I then notice they amount of bling coming of this guys neck, and ears. This is some real expensive shit.

My wife starts looking at the ring and her jaw drops open. It is a REALLY NICE RING!!!

He says I played for the steelers!

I am thinking yea right. This guy is trying to trick me.

I start looking closer and YES he is faimillar.

I say. NA OH! Your kidding me right!

My wifes jaw is still on the floor. I think spittle was foarming around the edges. She can't take her eyes of the damn ring!

He says no really. Im Veron Hayes.

me: Oh wow. Very nice to meet you!

wife: ah ah ah, oh my god! OH MY GOD!!ITS VERON HAYNES!!! CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPGH????


He signs with no problem shakes our hands and goes about his shoe shopping. Really cool guy! I know he was cut this year by the steelers but that damn ring from 2005 was pretty shiny! I know hes not a big timer but was still cool! I liked just seeing the ring! Sweet!

It was really cool how just walked up and told us who he was! He could have just walked right by and we wouldn't have know any different. It was funny how my wife freaked though. First time meeting a celb. I have meet several so knew it was better not to freak out. Esp in a crowded store.
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Alright! Just installed the game. Added Matt to my friends list. I'll be on tonight learning the controls and just messing around. If you want to join, just send me a friend request.

I saw the first post and noticed that there are only 2 Right Wingers, so I would be happy to be the 3rd.

#38 Jello01 Right Wing!!!
Yeah, the standings reset sounds like a good idea once all the glitchers are gone. I would be fine with remaining the Crotch Sharks. I really wish they had a custom uniform choice so we could make a uniform of CAG colors that doesn't require a stoned cat as the logo.
[quote name='jello00']Alright! Just installed the game. Added Matt to my friends list. I'll be on tonight learning the controls and just messing around. If you want to join, just send me a friend request.

I saw the first post and noticed that there are only 2 Right Wingers, so I would be happy to be the 3rd.

#38 Jello01 Right Wing!!![/QUOTE]

We all play various positions, so you don't have to just play RW. For example, I'm a center, but probably 1/3 of the time I play defense instead. We share the positional wealth.

P.S. I love how Crotch Sharks has caught on. :)
[quote name='Matt Young']We all play various positions, so you don't have to just play RW. For example, I'm a center, but probably 1/3 of the time I play defense instead. We share the positional wealth.

P.S. I love how Crotch Sharks has caught on. :)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, on the roster I am listed as a defenseman but I have enjoyed playing RW recently.
hey jello. Sorry didn't realize you were a cag. Send another friend request. Thought you were someone from halo.

yeah we kinda switch off. I normally play rw but here lately im doing better on d
That's an awesome story Mr. Hockey! Vernon was a workhorse for us and I wish he could of stayed healthy and still be in the running back mix. Vernon > Najeh.

The closest I ever got to the Seelers was in the fall of 2006 when I worked as an sports intern with KDKA-TV. I had to go over on Tuesdays for the Bill Cowher press conference and sit in with the media. Thursdays I watched them practice and had to go into the locker room and get player quotes. My shoulder still hurts from holding the mic up to reach Marvel Smith. He is a very tall man.

I'm hoping to continue that experience and find a reporter jo somewhere close, although it looks like moving will have to be the result, which I'm almost comfortable with.

Ok, back to your regularly scheduled NHL 09 thread...

No patch this morning. Hopefully tomorrow at thi time.
still no patch, uggh. I love hockey but I will find it hard to play through march madness especially since my tigers will be dancing for the first time in six years.
I'm fully expecting the patch to be posted around 2 - 4 am tonight. That's when EA does their usual server maintenance. If it doesn't get posted then, the rumors of Microsoft not approving it would have to be true, and it would be further delayed. I'm really hoping that's not the case.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I'm fully expecting the patch to be posted around 2 - 4 am tonight. That's when EA does their usual server maintenance. If it doesn't get posted then, the rumors of Microsoft not approving it would have to be true, and it would be further delayed. I'm really hoping that's not the case.[/quote]

you heard they might have rejected it? why would they do that?
[quote name='DestroVega']you heard they might have rejected it? why would they do that?[/quote]

Well, a couple people on the EA forum are claiming that they called Microsoft and were told that they did not approve of the quality of the patch and how it altered gameplay (too many penalties, etc.). I think this is complete BS though, but the longer the patch gets delayed, the more credible the argument becomes. Like I said, I really expect it to be released tonight. But if it's not, you have to start wondering why.
I think if they deny the patch, we should just consider either

A- Trading the game in for the PS3 version
B- Juicing our selves up!

But that's just what I think. I wouldnt be surprised if MS denied the patch honestjy.
Matt, are you around right now? I'm online and could play our games at any point, preferably before 8 PM eST. Let me know.
I think Mr. Hockey mentioned it, but we should set a date for the end of the league regular season...

I'm finished, and most everyone else has 4 games or less to play. Some kind of date I think could expedite the process.
[quote name='DestroVega']i told tootsie he is out till next league, he is gone on vacation until next weds... we could have the league done by then if we crack at it.[/quote]

Agreed. I'm sitting on four games and we can get them done ASAP.

I imagine we are planning a special patch edition of Cag Game Night for tomorrow? My headset died so I'll have to go out and grab one tomorrow hopefully. If not I'll be mute, which I'm sure some may be happy about! ;)

I'll try out the patch tomorrow before work and see what is up with it.

And congrats Mr. Hockey on getting your Legend card in Be a Pro. I think you are the first out of all of us to get it. :whee:
[quote name='moojuice']Good News:


tl;dr: Patch out tonight.

We'll see if tootsie can get a game going. If not, we'll set an end date.[/quote]

YEAH!!!! THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT! Glad my gut was right on this one. Tonight will go down as the night forever known in NHL 09 history...as P-Day. Can't wait for this!

Do you guys mind if I start a new thread for our team rebirth? That way I can have access to the OP to keep the roster up to date and keep people informed on when we're playing. And since we seem to have supporters for both sides, I'd like to have a poll on whether we should be the Crotch Sharks or the Sex Panthers. Might as well let the team vote.
What would the new uniforms look like? Florida's uniforms if we went sex panthers? Without the ability to import logos and design jerseys I am not sure we should.
[quote name='cubs2321']What would the new uniforms look like? Florida's uniforms if we went sex panthers? Without the ability to import logos and design jerseys I am not sure we should.[/quote]

Well, I think the thought was the German DEL Panthers. Either way, I like not using a well known uniform because it really gives us a chance to find our own identity...which is how Matt coined the term "Crotch Sharks" in the first place. Honestly, they're both great team names. I'd be fine either way.
Well I have the patch :D

Serers are till under maintance though so I couldn't try it out. I'll be curious to read all of your impressions later.

And a vote? I'd say a OTP game between the two sides would be more fair. :D
That sounds greatI had the legend card for over a month! I got it one night and it never unlocked! Then I popped nhl in about a month later and it just popped up? Has this ever happened to anyone eles? Got an achivement and didn't get the points, then just out of the blue it poops up?

I think I played 7 seasons in be a pro. simmed most of it though. Sim a game till 5.00 left in the 3rd then play it. ?I played the first 3 seasons every game though.
[quote name='moojuice']If we vote, lets keep the vote in this thread, so it's the regulars who decide. And that's weird Mr Hockey, never had that happen.[/quote]

Well, I was just going to leave the title of the thread the same (basically), but create a poll in the OP to allow people to vote. If you guys don't want a new thread though, that's cool. I just figured it would be easier to keep up on stuff if one of us is in charge of the OP...especially considering it still states that we start at 10PM. Haven't had a chance to try the patch yet, but so far, I'm reading great things.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Well, I think the thought was the German DEL Panthers. Either way, I like not using a well known uniform because it really gives us a chance to find our own identity...which is how Matt coined the term "Crotch Sharks" in the first place. Honestly, they're both great team names. I'd be fine either way.[/QUOTE]

Okay, I guess I haven't seen those jerseys yet. I prefer the unknown jerseys too. I am fine either way too.

What I have seen so far from the patch in just BAP mode is that the goalie is much better going across the goal mouth for the one timer pass across. You can still score from it, but it is not an automatic goal like it used to be.

The penalties may be a concern for me though. It still appears to be very inconsistent, I got called for every little thing I did and the computer team got away with a ton.

I am still very excited about trying it out online and think the pros will heavily outweigh the negatives.
I vote for the german panthers. There jerseys arn't bad. Blue with white and red letters i believe.

We got to win more then 60% of the time though.

And A side note: YEH FOR THE PATCH!
bread's done