Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

Why would you want to keep the games if you sold the system? You can't play them any more. The new owner should get them, it just makes sense.
[quote name='moothemagiccow']Why would you want to keep the games if you sold the system? You can't play them any more. The new owner should get them, it just makes sense.[/QUOTE]

Did you not account for the value of the downloaded games? The buyer got a bargain.

It's not like iTunes or Kindle where you could conceivably use the files on something else. It's like my wife, who kept our DSL modem even though we got cable internet. It's like selling a car with tinted windows, buying a new car and calling up Toyota and asking them if they can tint your windows for free.

Do you normally keep games (discs, cartridges) for a system you sell? It seems bizarre not to sell the games as well.
[quote name='moothemagiccow']Did you not account for the value of the downloaded games? The buyer got a bargain.

It's not like iTunes or Kindle where you could conceivably use the files on something else. It's like my wife, who kept our DSL modem even though we got cable internet. It's like selling a car with tinted windows, buying a new car and calling up Toyota and asking them if they can tint your windows for free.

Do you normally keep games (discs, cartridges) for a system you sell? It seems bizarre not to sell the games as well.[/QUOTE]

Not bizarre at all. Steam, iTunes, XBL, and PSN do transfer content to a new device using an account system. Software and hardware are generally separate, Nintendo has been the sole exception in this newer digital age.

You provide an reasonable example with the car analogy, but that simply isnt how it works with digital content most other places.

Eidt: I should say I am cognizant of this and thus measure my Nintendo digital purchases carefully. I certainly spent a LOT less on Wii VC games as a result.
The GBA Ambassador Games, right now at least, are irreplaceable and priceless. You can't get them on 3DS right now.

I definitely won't defend Nintendo on its' 'tied to hardware' mentality, as it's ridiculous that they haven't fixed it (On Wii U, your games are tied to your account, BUT your account, for the time being, is tied to your hardware. yeah...), but I will say that it's easier to get your things back than most people let on.
[quote name='moothemagiccow']
Do you normally keep games (discs, cartridges) for a system you sell? It seems bizarre not to sell the games as well.[/QUOTE]

Um....yes. Why not sell the old hardware when you know a revised model is coming soon? Just because I'm selling a console/handheld doesn't mean I want to part with all the content I purchased on it.

If I'm going by your logic, why the hell did I hang onto all those PS1 games way back in the day when I sold my system (and nearly every other system released in the last ten years)? Oh...wait...I think my PS2 played them just fine...
I don't think a system with digital versions of games would sell for more or the same than a system with the same physical game cartridges. Unless I can be proven wrong here in which case I will eat my words. Heck some stores even wipe all the content from the system, not that you can't just go to the e-shop and figure out what the previous owner downloaded and then download it again but most casual buyers do not know that. Stores do not take into account which games are on the system when you trade it in now do they? They don't give you more for a system that has 5 retail price digital downloads on it than they do for a system that is just a plain system, again, unless I am wrong here, but I know that GS does not take that into account when trading in systems. They don't give you the same value if you have a system with 5 digital games on it that they would give you if you had a system with 5 cartridge games.

Regardless all this digital stuff is just a bad investment especially at $30-40 a pop for games, unless you have tons of money to waste and a steady, well paying job that you will never be fired or laid off from or will end for some other reason. Because if something happens and you need cash quick and you want to sell your games you won't be able to sell them if you have digital versions, if you had the physical version you could flip your games for cash pretty quickly and sometimes a lot of cash, and it would not be a regret to have blown hundreds of dollars on digital games if you are now in financial trouble. With the prices of these digital games the money can add up much faster than you realize and before you know it you have a couple hundred sunk into digital games, games that cannot be recovered if your system gets lost or stolen.

If you plan on your 3DS working forever which it will not, buttons will wear out and batteries will need to be replaced eventually, if there are no replacements left on the market this will be a problem. Yes there is the transfer option but if the system dies totally and you are unable to do a transfer then you are theoretically screwed. Long term (20+ years) the 3DS will eventually become dead, and all your digital content will be gone, just gone. Whereas if you had a cartridge game you could at least either sell it off before the system became totally obsolete or purchase another system to play it on and easily slip the cartridge into the system and resume playing.
So gamestop is too dumb to figure it out? So what? Don't sell to gamestop. When I sell my PS3, the games are going with it.

[quote name='Rig']Um....yes. Why not sell the old hardware when you know a revised model is coming soon? Just because I'm selling a console/handheld doesn't mean I want to part with all the content I purchased on it.

If I'm going by your logic, why the hell did I hang onto all those PS1 games way back in the day when I sold my system (and nearly every other system released in the last ten years)? Oh...wait...I think my PS2 played them just fine...[/QUOTE]

Oh no, you found the gaping backwards compatibility loophole. How'd that work out with PS3? Now you're just nitpicking.

It's dumb to own games for a console you don't have. This kind of system doesn't benefit you; it benefits the publisher, who gets to sell digital games to you and the person you sell your console to.

I don't know how anyone can justify selling a console and then buying it again later. It's a complete money sink.
[quote name='moothemagiccow']So gamestop is too dumb to figure it out? So what? Don't sell to gamestop. When I sell my PS3, the games are going with it.

Oh no, you found the gaping backwards compatibility loophole. How'd that work out with PS3? Now you're just nitpicking.

It's dumb to own games for a console you don't have. This kind of system doesn't benefit you; it benefits the publisher, who gets to sell digital games to you and the person you sell your console to.

I don't know how anyone can justify selling a console and then buying it again later. It's a complete money sink.[/QUOTE]

Answering your question is "nitpicking"? And a loophole...okay, make sense. :roll:

And a money sink? WE ARE ON CAG! Do you honestly think there aren't ways to sell an older model/older system and get the newer one for nothing/next to nothing out of pocket?
[quote name='moothemagiccow']So gamestop is too dumb to figure it out? So what? Don't sell to gamestop. When I sell my PS3, the games are going with it.

Oh no, you found the gaping backwards compatibility loophole. How'd that work out with PS3? Now you're just nitpicking.

It's dumb to own games for a console you don't have. This kind of system doesn't benefit you; it benefits the publisher, who gets to sell digital games to you and the person you sell your console to.

I don't know how anyone can justify selling a console and then buying it again later. It's a complete money sink.[/QUOTE]

Systems break, can get stolen, or might be sold if you hit hard times. Doesn't mean you get rid of your favorite game(s) in case you can afford a system later. Tons of people were selling their old 3DS's to get an XL, myself included, and it required an extra hoop to jump through to make sure digital content transferred since you had to have both systems physically available (which I will admit was a pretty painless process once everything was set up). Otherwise it would have been a lot easier to sell the old 3DS a month in advance and possibly get more money for it in some circumstances.

Also, I haven't owned a PS1 in years but still own a few hard to find favorites.

Here's another example. I don't personally own a 360, but I'm borrowing one from a friend and might buy my own eventually. I've bought a few games on XBL because I know my content will be available under my username. I've also bought a few real games (dying to play Alan Wake) that I don't technically even own the right system to play them.
[quote name='moothemagiccow']Did you not account for the value of the downloaded games? The buyer got a bargain.

It's not like iTunes or Kindle where you could conceivably use the files on something else. It's like my wife, who kept our DSL modem even though we got cable internet. It's like selling a car with tinted windows, buying a new car and calling up Toyota and asking them if they can tint your windows for free.

Do you normally keep games (discs, cartridges) for a system you sell? It seems bizarre not to sell the games as well.[/QUOTE]

1) If I sell my DSi and get a 3DS, I shouldn't be expected to play DS games?

2) I don't have a Vita but I have three games for it -- Virtue's Last Reward with a couple watches, Ragnarok Mercenary CE, and P4 with Vita skin. Should be obvious why I bought them. By your logic, I shouldn't have any of these games. Edit: I also *gasp* have half a dozen Vita games from PS+ that I will be able to play a year from now, if I buy a Vita by then.

3) I don't have a way to play UMD games any more, but I still have the games. So what? I also ripped several of them to play on my PSPGo, where it'd be illegal if I sold the UMDs. By your logic, I should get rid of all my UMDs. Guess what, it's easier to find a PSP than 150 UMDs.

I don't know why your siding with Nintendo on this. This is a clear case of a system behind the times.
The PS4 is not going to be backwards compatible from what i hear and who knows about the 360 so I am not touching any digital games until I know what is going to happen to the few I purchased.

I am in the long haul for this and I want my games to last a long time

I am also kind of afraid that when Nintendo does finally fix their system if they ever do that your purchases from this gen will somehow not transfer to the new account system not all DSI ware transfers to the 3DS for example.

What I don't understand is that Nintendo basically has the system already set up with club Nintendo accounts especially for those of us like me who have had club Nintendo accounts from the day club Nintendo launched. It just seems that it is completely arbitrary whether or not they restore your games if something happens and that is not really fair. Their customer service is clearly not as good as it used to be after reading various posts around the web, they just seem less willing to help the customer and they seem to make sure they want you to purchase whatever games you have multiple times since it makes them more money and the fans will do it.

Also does anyone feel a bit slighted by Nintendo in regards to their statements about DLC, I seem to recall Nintendo saying they will absolutely not make things like day 1 DLC for their products but yet they went and did it for Fire emblem. I also recall Nintendo saying they will never have free to play games on their console and now Tank Tank Tank is a microtransaction heavily restricted free to play game just like a lot of other games on the market.
[quote name='soulvengeance']Curious to know how this game is.[/QUOTE]

It is pretty good. I've only finished about 20 levels and there has been virtually no challenge though. I can see how things could (and hopefully will) get crazy. This is typical of the series. Definitely worth $10, IMO - especially if you like the other MvDK games.
Well I ended up getting a black 3DS. My friend sold me his for $100 :bouncy:, practically new. I went out and picked up Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, Fire Emblem Awakening, and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Good rotation to keep me busy for a while :)
[quote name='Javery']It is pretty good. I've only finished about 20 levels and there has been virtually no challenge though. I can see how things could (and hopefully will) get crazy. This is typical of the series. Definitely worth $10, IMO - especially if you like the other MvDK games.[/QUOTE]

I've never played any of the other MvDK games. Is this one just as good or does it feel like a budget title?
I caved and preordered the Animal Crossing 3DS XL. I like the design and I was going to get the game soon anyways. Plus all I have now is the purple 3DS so I'm not going to be replacing anything noteworthy.

Quick question though, once I do a system transfer of all my current 3DS stuff, I'll still be able to play the digital version of Animal Crossing on the new system right? I'd hate to overwrite AC with my Gameboy VC games and Crimson Shroud.
[quote name='Halo05']I caved and preordered the Animal Crossing 3DS XL. I like the design and I was going to get the game soon anyways. Plus all I have now is the purple 3DS so I'm not going to be replacing anything noteworthy.

Quick question though, once I do a system transfer of all my current 3DS stuff, I'll still be able to play the digital version of Animal Crossing on the new system right? I'd hate to overwrite AC with my Gameboy VC games and Crimson Shroud.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it's still accessible. I wanna say that when I transferred from my zelda 3ds to the XL with MK7 that I had to re-download MK7 after the system transfer but I was definitely able to keep it.
Hmm, I am in favor of buying physical copies of games but Animal Crossing is making me think twice.

It does seem like the perfect game to have downloaded onto your system. I am torn. :S
[quote name='hotpocket']Hmm, I am in favor of buying physical copies of games but Animal Crossing is making me think twice.

It does seem like the perfect game to have downloaded onto your system. I am torn. :S[/QUOTE]

I am pondering the same thing...
:lol: I feel the same exact way. I may just buy it from the eShop and grab the case and manual off of ebay. Having it readily available on the system would be really nice, but I also like having the case on my shelf.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']:lol: I feel the same exact way. I may just buy it from the eShop and grab the case and manual off of ebay. Having it readily available on the system would be really nice, but I also like having the case on my shelf.[/QUOTE]

This is my plan too. Hehe! Wondering how the streetpass will work on the game. I hve mario 3d land as a download and i really like getting something new each time i get a tag when im out.
[quote name='whoknows']I've never played any of the other MvDK games. Is this one just as good or does it feel like a budget title?[/QUOTE]

It doesn't really feel like a budget title - the production values are pretty good for a $10 game. You should check out the other games in the series - the DS games are fantastic puzzle games. Even Donkey Kong '94 for the Game Boy holds up pretty good.

I don't know about "just as good" yet - it is fun but I think "Mini-Land Mayhem" is just about perfect so there's no way it will live up to that.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Yeah, it's still accessible. I wanna say that when I transferred from my zelda 3ds to the XL with MK7 that I had to re-download MK7 after the system transfer but I was definitely able to keep it.[/QUOTE]

Yes, it does get erased but it is in your download history along with all the other software you may have from the eShop. Overall it was a very simple process when I get it with Mario Kart.
[quote name='CAGkrazy']This is my plan too. Hehe! Wondering how the streetpass will work on the game. I hve mario 3d land as a download and i really like getting something new each time i get a tag when im out.[/QUOTE]

I get streetpass stuff for this game and mk7 when the cartridge isnt in
[quote name='CAGkrazy']This is my plan too. Hehe! Wondering how the streetpass will work on the game. I hve mario 3d land as a download and i really like getting something new each time i get a tag when im out.[/QUOTE]

You dont need cart for street pass. The data is install on your DS card.
[quote name='moothemagiccow']I get streetpass stuff for this game and mk7 when the cartridge isnt in[/QUOTE]

Really? Hmmm i thought you only get the streetpass stuff only if you have the cartidge in or if its a download game in your menu. Cool. Thanks for the info
Yeah, I've gotten street passes for MK7, Mario 3D, and NSMB2 without the cartridge in. IDK if you need the cartridge in for my other games or if there's just nobody I've encountered that played them (DOA, Theatrhythm, etc). The manual for Rayman Origins states the cart needs to be in though...
Most games have a "Streetpass Data" thing that downloads directly to your 3DS if you enable it. You can.view it under System Settings > Data Management.
[quote name='soonersfan60']Can someone point me to an explanation of exactly what Streetpass is and why I should care... Are they just like trophies?[/QUOTE]

Along with the built in puzzle and rpg game, StreetPass allows you to swap data between games for things like high scores. The coin challenges in NSMB2 Are a great example of a well implemented use of it. Same with time attack for Mario Kart. Its a lot of fun for gaming conventions or in large cities and has definitely extended my enjoyment of certain games
You also swap collectibles with people as well. Some games also allow you to trade lineups or fighters for other people to play against.
So I'm trying to explain to my 5 year old son what Majora's Mask is since he LOVES Ocarina of Time on the 3DS and I stumble across a fake WiiU remake trailer that looks SICK. Anyway, it got me thinking - when the hell is Nintendo going to announce a remake (3DS or WiiU) of Majora's Mask? For the 3DS at least I'm guessing it would take all of 5 minutes to port and they would make a ton of money. What is the deal?
I'd much rather Nintendo take their time and recreate Majora's Mask via an enhanced remake (ala OoT 3D) than them throw up a simple port onto the system.

The original MM is available for the Wii to download so unless you really want to play the game on the go I think it'd be worth the wait for Nintendo to sprice up the game to 3DS standards.

I read awhile back that Nintendo had polled whether fans wanted a MM remake or a new Link to the Past game and recently Link to the Past 2 was announced for the 3DS.
News from the new Nintendo Direct:

Sonic: Lost World is the newest Sonic game that's coming exclusively to 3DS and Wii U. Nintendo seems to either be exclusively publishing it or at least co-publishing it.

There are new Sega Game Gear games coming soon to the 3DS eShop soon:

Crystal Warriors
Defenders of Oasis
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
G-Loc Air Battle
Shining Force II: The Sword of Hajya
Sonic Blast
Sonic Drift 2
Sonic Labyrinth
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Tails Adventure
Vampire: Master of Darkness

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages and Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons will be out on the 3DS eShop for $5.99 on May 30, which include the ability to link together to unlock special content. From May 30 to June 20, there will be a sale where they are $4.99 each.

Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D features eight new levels to unlock, one based on each of the worlds from the original game. It's out on May 24 on the 3DS eShop and at retail.

Animal Crossing: New Leaf will be out on the 3DS eShop and at retail on June 9. They will be releasing an episodic video series starring Treehouse employees where they talk about past games and New Leaf that will be released on their Youtube channel and the 3DS eShop. There will also be a new Animal Crossing panel for Streetpass and a Swapnote message.
[quote name='antlp89']I'd much rather Nintendo take their time and recreate Majora's Mask via an enhanced remake (ala OoT 3D) than them throw up a simple port onto the system.

The original MM is available for the Wii to download so unless you really want to play the game on the go I think it'd be worth the wait for Nintendo to sprice up the game to 3DS standards.

I read awhile back that Nintendo had polled whether fans wanted a MM remake or a new Link to the Past game and recently Link to the Past 2 was announced for the 3DS.[/QUOTE]

MM for the Wii could have been had for some coins @CN sometime ago and it was a one of the platinum prize choices last year.
[quote name='antlp89']I'd much rather Nintendo take their time and recreate Majora's Mask via an enhanced remake (ala OoT 3D) than them throw up a simple port onto the system.

The original MM is available for the Wii to download so unless you really want to play the game on the go I think it'd be worth the wait for Nintendo to sprice up the game to 3DS standards.[/QUOTE]

I agree an enhanced remake would be preferable. The portable thing is key though for me - I still have the cart so I guess I could play it at home whenever I wanted to... if I hooked up the N64 at some point.
Yeah I really wish Nintendo would go the Sony route (ala PS3, PSP, Vita) and tie all digital content to a single account. The ability to play all of my Virtual console games from my Wii on my 3DS would be fantastic.

Unfortunately this type of thing will probably never happen. :(
Am I the only one who is not a big fan of BearShark? I love Meat or Die, but I just cannot get into BearShark.

Also not the biggest fan of Dinosaur Office, but that is mainly the low gutteral voices. I find all the normal speaking characters hilarious, but the main guys just annoy me.
[quote name='DNukem170']Am I the only one who is not a big fan of BearShark? I love Meat or Die, but I just cannot get into BearShark.

Also not the biggest fan of Dinosaur Office, but that is mainly the low gutteral voices. I find all the normal speaking characters hilarious, but the main guys just annoy me.[/QUOTE]

I watch BearShark just to watch it... not once have I been stirred by it in any way. I think I feel the same way about Dinosaur Office. The office setting reminds me too much of reality so there's that block.
Just a random musing, but I have to give a tip of the hat to the selection of games Nintendo chose for their Ambassador program. They're all quality titles and even the less marvelous ones are balanced out, imho, by the excellent ones. Anyway, it's great having all of those titles available on the go and they've actually largely stayed exclusive to the program.

Side note, is the "Ambassador Certificate" required? It takes up like 140 blocks. I mean, it's great for picking up chicks, but . . .
bread's done