Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

Cant make use of the special miis!!! Im at the part of find mii with the dark room! Waa! Why r the special miis always wear green! I newd a white one! Sucks

I wasted my friend's Mii (lv 7) and around 40 coins until a white shirt appeared :bomb:. I kept telling my friend to change his Mii to white shirt but he didn't listen and I forgot to remind him when we streetpassed. There should be a way to order the Heroes prior to entering.

Also I heard the hired Heroes are either cats or dogs but I only get cats - I left the "Cats or Dogs" part in profile blank.

Another also, I got Hayashida earlier today.

Don't you have any other street pass hits?
Cant make use of the special miis!!! Im at the part of find mii with the dark room! Waa! Why r the special miis always wear green! I newd a white one! Sucks
I wasted my friend's Mii (lv 7) and around 40 coins until a white shirt appeared :bomb:. I kept telling my friend to change his Mii to white shirt but he didn't listen and I forgot to remind him when we streetpassed. There should be a way to order the Heroes prior to entering.

Also I heard the hired Heroes are either cats or dogs but I only get cats - I left the "Cats or Dogs" part in profile blank.

Another also, I got Hayashida earlier today.
Don't you have any other street pass hits?
I was on vacation at the time. In place where we stayed, there were 4 random people I got tags from (3 of them I got multiple times). None had white shirts so I decided to hire heroes, thinking you could choose what color hero you hire - and later thinking it shouldn't take that long for a white to show up :wall: . Now I know. I'm at the last boss and if one more SpotPass Special Mii is out I'll beat it.

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Same thing happened to me. I lost two special miis in the dazzling room in find mii 2 and Iwata got scared off by a mummy. The game just cheats.

I thought about it, and cheating would make me feel like a dick.

I'll just stay peeved at Nintendo until they force feed me a big mac in exchange for points on their weird "play me every day" game they've sucked me into.

Anyone else make this kind of game? I find myself playing the Rayman Challenge pretty regularly just because it's a little bit new every day. Some kind of dopamine reward or something.

They should make an exercise game like that. Different day, different routine, and you collect the pieces of a less fat ass.

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Got Tanabe.

I came across this at gamefaqs:

Can anyone with an extra 3ds confirm? I want to know if the tag counter increases.

also what if you delete a friend's Mii and get a tag later on, would the tag count reset?
Yeah, that trick works. I did it last week with Iwata because I thought that'd be the only one they'd release. Took 10 hours to get 40+ pieces.

And now the info about them fixing StreetPass for the west came out. Ugh.

Yeah, that trick works. I did it last week with Iwata because I thought that'd be the only one they'd release. Took 10 hours to get 40+ pieces.
I got it to work twice and now it won't do anything. I don't mind not being able to get all of those puzzle pieces, but I'll be bummed if I can't get the Mii back.
Heh, I find it funny that people are so frantic to complete the puzzles. I look at them as a nice little bonus that I hope to enjoy throughout the life of the console.
Yeah, that trick works. I did it last week with Iwata because I thought that'd be the only one they'd release. Took 10 hours to get 40+ pieces.
I got it to work twice and now it won't do anything. I don't mind not being able to get all of those puzzle pieces, but I'll be bummed if I can't get the Mii back.
So do Iwata or anyother Special Miis show up as just 1 tag or several. So far no Speciial Mii for June 14.

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The only problem with the StreetPass relay hotspots will be getting people to update their system software as I am pretty sure that not that many people take their 3DS systems online and the StreetPass relay sounds like it requires updated software on the system.
So do Iwata or anyother Special Miis show up as just 1 tag or several. So far no Speciial Mii for June 14.
Sorry, but I have no idea. I've never paid attention to the tags, so I don't know what my count was before attempting that last night.

Heh, I find it funny that people are so frantic to complete the puzzles. I look at them as a nice little bonus that I hope to enjoy throughout the life of the console.
I'm only concerned with the pink pieces because I very rarely encounter people through StreetPass and when I do, they usually only have the earlier puzzles (before the pink pieces came out). So far, I think the only pink pieces I've ever received have been from Nintendo.
Well I keep getting new puzzles and I've never finished the original set. I have maybe twelve puzzles of different sizes and I've completed 3. I get maybe one streetpass a month, and often people dont have any pieces I lack
The original set is pretty easy to finish. If you don't get standard tags, you can manipulate a store demo 3DS to get them pretty easily.

Also, if you have any kind of large function going on (sporting event, concert, convention, etc.) check out around there and you will pick up a few tags.
Well I keep getting new puzzles and I've never finished the original set. I have maybe twelve puzzles of different sizes and I've completed 3. I get maybe one streetpass a month, and often people dont have any pieces I lack
Goes to MiiPlaza with a new streetpass, puzzle swap... "No new pieces". fuck you random stranger!

The only problem with the StreetPass relay hotspots will be getting people to update their system software as I am pretty sure that not that many people take their 3DS systems online and the StreetPass relay sounds like it requires updated software on the system.
Nintendo mentioned that something like...78% of peoples' 3DS' have been connected via the internet, so...I dunno. Plus, this update will probably hit right around the time Pokemon comes out, so that means a lot of new people will be buying systems and taking their 3DS' online.

I also recall there being a way to setup those access points through ones' home router, but I don't know if it still works.

The only problem with the StreetPass relay hotspots will be getting people to update their system software as I am pretty sure that not that many people take their 3DS systems online and the StreetPass relay sounds like it requires updated software on the system.
Nintendo mentioned that something like...78% of peoples' 3DS' have been connected via the internet, so...I dunno. Plus, this update will probably hit right around the time Pokemon comes out, so that means a lot of new people will be buying systems and taking their 3DS' online.

I also recall there being a way to setup those access points through ones' home router, but I don't know if it still works.
Unsecured network with "attwifi" as the name still works for Nintendo Zone. I seriously doubt it will be that easy for the Streetpass Relay thing.

Plus, if someone came to your house for the relay, wouldn't you just Streetpass them right then anyway? Unless it doesn't matter what relay a person hit....

Doubt Nintendo would make it that easy to get Streetpass hits.

Also, if you have any kind of large function going on (sporting event, concert, convention, etc.) check out around there and you will pick up a few tags.
Only if you don't live in East Bumfuck like a lot of us do.

Yes the hotspot attwifi is the one I am talking about, these hotspots currently block all

I go to places with large crowds, sometimes no hits at all, sometimes one hit, rarely more than one hit. Then I go out grocery shopping for 20 min and boom a hit. It's all about luck.

People who live in Japan apparently get street passes all the time, like a ton every day. I see no reason why we can't get the same here through a relay station. I am not sure why they even created this StreetPass system, it seems to be nothing but trouble. I can understand the want to connect to people locally but why even bother when that data could be sent online and probably cost Nintendo next to nothing to implement. You mean Nintendo is going to install special boxes in 28,000 locations? That seems like an awful lot of trouble to get something as stupid as a StreetPass. On the other hand it sounds like they already have the infrastructure set up to do this and that they are just adding something via software update but on the other hand it makes it sound like they are installing a special box in the locations of AT&T wifi hotspots. If anyone is familiar with the shopkick app I am kinda thinking its something similar, shopkick has a special box in certain stores that puts out a sound that the microphone on your device picks up in order to give you points or kicks within the app. Oh well I guess time will tell.

Most of the people I pass I can tell I am passing them non intentionally, meaning the other person is not walking around with their 3DS closed in sleep mode waiting for passes. These people are usually playing a game, or taking a picture, or doing something else, and I just happen to pass them by chance. Almost no one walks around with a 3DS closed in sleep mode waiting for passes.
I tend to take a couple of mine with me wherever I go. Mostly because I have to wait various places for people so it's easy to play a quick game of Tetris or solitaire (and I prefer it to phone games). I live in the middle of Luddite central, though. Mostly it's kids who barely have anything set up that I Streetpass with (outside of my own units).

So do Iwata or anyother Special Miis show up as just 1 tag or several. So far no Speciial Mii for June 14.
Sorry, but I have no idea. I've never paid attention to the tags, so I don't know what my count was before attempting that last night.
What's the info when you check them in the plaza now?
Oh, wait, I think I misunderstood you the first time. I thought you were talking about my total number of tags, but you're actually talking about the tags for the individual Mii, right? Honestly, until looking just now, I didn't even realize that it shows this info. Unfortunately, I still can't give you an answer because the last time I deleted Tanabe, I wasn't able to get him back, so I can't check that stat (and he's the only one I've tried this with). But I would imagine it probably just counts as a single tag; I'm guessing that once a Mii is deleted, any history of them is deleted as well. KingBroly could probably give a more definite answer...assuming he still has the special Miis.
3DS update is out.

Everyone:  You can now backup saves for your digital games.  Keep in mind there is a maximum amount of saves you can backup.  This doesn't work for ACNL for some reason.  You'll see an "
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There is an Update available now in NA.

I'll update one of mine and see what's new in Streetpass, if anything.

So not buying the new Streetpass stuff on more than one machine, if at all.

Just as a note about the save tool.  It's good for backing up your saves and deleting the game so you can save space.  Though I doubt many will have that problem.

Downloaded the update. DLC for Mii's really? I still haven't got all of the hats from Find Mii II yet, but at least they are free.

To your SD card.
Aren't saves from DL games on there already?
They act like saves on carts, they're with the game you download. Before, if you deleted the game, you also deleted the save. Now, you can backup the save and delete the game to keep the save.
Damn, I wasn't even aware of that. Microsoft does this on Windows Phone, which is pretty much the only thing I really hate about my phone.
To your SD card.
Aren't saves from DL games on there already?
They act like saves on carts, they're with the game you download. Before, if you deleted the game, you also deleted the save. Now, you can backup the save and delete the game to keep the save.
If you delete any games you've downloaded, can you download them again(on the same device)? Sorry if this is answered elsewhere, it just seemed like a good time to ask as its mostly relevant to the discussion.
If you delete any games you've downloaded, can you download them again(on the same device)? Sorry if this is answered elsewhere, it just seemed like a good time to ask as its mostly relevant to the discussion.
Yep. Go into the eShop, then into Settings, and there is a "Your Downloads" button with everything downloaded on that system.
I'm planning to trade in my DSi and put that toward a 3DS XL. You can transfer your DSiWare to a 3DS, right? If so, how would you do this if trading in toward the 3DS? How do you do the transfer in the first place?

I'd be trading to/buying at GameStop. I have a 50% bonus coupon. Also going to trade in some games.
You'll get maybe 20 bucks for the DSi, and that's probably generous.

You need to have both the DSi and the 3DS (or XL) connected to the internet to do the transfer. Some Gamestops will let you buy the 3DS, then trade in the DSi for a price credit. Some don't.

It's $20 + 60% (with the 50% coupon plus normal 10%). So $32. Maybe I can get more on ebay, but this is convenient and ebay has fees (as does paypal).

I'll see if my gamestop will let me do that. Thanks!

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I'm planning to trade in my DSi and put that toward a 3DS XL. You can transfer your DSiWare to a 3DS, right? If so, how would you do this if trading in toward the 3DS? How do you do the transfer in the first place?

I'd be trading to/buying at GameStop. I have a 50% bonus coupon. Also going to trade in some games.
Most DSiWare will transfer, but not all. It's a fairly small list of exceptions, however.
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Another new update? Maybe NA will get the new Streetpass stuff EU and JP did.

So not buying it on all my systems. Bloody Nintendo "tie it to the console" philosophy.

I wouldn't bother with the new StreetPass games if you are in NA, it would just be way too difficult to finish them all, even with relay stations. It will take me long enough to finish Find Mii & Find Mii 2 & puzzle swap.
bread's done