Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

I didn't buy the PSP till it's $200 for the bundle... No way will I pay $250~$300 for a bare handheld system.

At $200, I'd think about it.
Didn't it take the Wii two years to drop from $250 to $150? If these 3DS' sell like hotcakes just like the Wii, I don't know if I'll be able to wait 2 years...

Might have to be a Day 1 purchase for me.
[quote name='Wolfpup']I'm guess it probably is a bit better than the PSP, but from what we know so far it's a bit worse. Dual core MIPS R4000s clocked 25% faster than dual core ARM 11s. Ditto for the GPU. Fill rate in line with being the same as the PSP except for clock speed (so 25% less and having to fill a larger area because it's having to render two frames). Basically the same amount of RAM (although PSP games probably can't take full advantage of half of it since the original model had half). Lower resolution and smaller screen too.

I'm always up for better hardware, so it's just kind disappointing for me that six years later we got something that so far looks not quite as good as a PSP...only six years late.

And yeah...if the PSP2 went the same route as the original, it might be as or more powerful than the current gen systems, which would obviously rock.

I kind of doubt it will though, if there is one. The PSP in order to be as crazy powerful as it was for 2004/2005 had to use almost entirely custom hardware. I doubt Sony's going to do that again. Although on paper at least a Tegra 2 based system would be possible, and absolutely be more powerful (although not as powerful as what the PSP was), so that's a possibility...except probably not because people seem obsessed with battery life and size.

To me, the DS XL and original DS and PSP-1000 are all perfectly portable, yet there's people acting like they're HUUUUUUUUUUUGE or whatever, so...[/QUOTE]

The extra RAM could be a factor (if it uses it all as opposed to not which may be the case in the PSP) but I do see what you are saying. At first glance though Resident Evil on the 3DS looks better than anything the PSP is putting out thus far at least to me. I guess I'm also wondering if the 3D will actually add to the experience or if it will just be a gimmick that we will want to turn off after the initial "wow" factor has passed.

I agree with your assessment of the PSP2...they are kind of in a tight spot. The PSP in the U.S. has a bad stigma around it so the follow-up is a tougher sell, the price needs to be right, it has to look new against the old PSP and the 3DS, and custom hardware might not be the way to go. I might be in the minority but I don't see size as being a factor although the PSP Go is smaller than it's previous iterations. I'm starting to think that Sony is going to go for a hybrid device and rumors seem to be popping up again about the phone thing. That would be cool but at the moment wouldn't be an option for me. According to that one Dev though the PSP2 is pretty powerful.

It's going to get interesting all over again. I always tend to think I'm not getting such and such and then I see a few games I want and then I get both anyway. I love my DS and PSP as it stands now.
You guys, $300 isn't the biggest problem. Everybody is freakin about price but there is bigger problem. Every single sale for the game will be online just like PSP go.
PSP GO ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No more used game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus you all have to pay full price for the game explicitly from the DSIWARE website.
READ the whole story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Korn,

Read it, learn it, use it:

Punctuation issues aside, the most detailed spec details I could find the first of many spec sheets I looked at,, indicates the following:

STORAGE MEDIUM Cartridge slot for both 3DS and DS cards (3DS cards have a 2GB capacity "at launch", suggesting larger sizes to come) / SD memory card slot
So, I believe the worry is misplaced.
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Well, look on the bright side

It will probably be incredibly easy to get one with 20-30% of the children out of the equation (ie, post-Christmas, and most parents won't buy a new system for them on the spot unless a birthday is involved)

Not to mention, it's been stated that about 5 million systems will be in stores (worldwide) by May-June next year.
[quote name='korn4004']You guys, $300 isn't the biggest problem. Everybody is freakin about price but there is bigger problem. Every single sale for the game will be online just like PSP go.
PSP GO ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No more used game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus you all have to pay full price for the game explicitly from the DSIWARE website.
READ the whole story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Son, your keyboard is broken, try some rubbing alcohol on the keys, it may unstick them.
[quote name='BattleChicken']

Punctuation issues aside, the most detailed spec details I could find the first of many spec sheets I looked at,, indicates the following:

So, I believe the worry is misplaced.[/QUOTE]

Indeed, pic from E3 showed a 3DS cart as a DS sized card with an extra tab on it to prevent insertion into the DS, just like the jump pack/rumble packs made for the DS Lite.

Oddly enough given the 3DS move, they probably looked at the original Game Boy and thought, "Whoops! Should have copied the notch from the original GB!"
[quote name='korn4004']You guys, $300 isn't the biggest problem. Everybody is freakin about price but there is bigger problem. Every single sale for the game will be online just like PSP go.
PSP GO ppl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No more used game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plus you all have to pay full price for the game explicitly from the DSIWARE website.
READ the whole story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QUOTE]

Thankfully as far as I know the 3DS will still be using cartriges. I agree, this would COMPLETELY suck if it was download/activation only. Even worse since Nintendo's DRM is worse than Steam/Apple/Xbox/Playstation's (which is already pretty much unacceptable to me).
[quote name='Wolfpup']Thankfully as far as I know the 3DS will still be using cartriges. I agree, this would COMPLETELY suck if it was download/activation only. Even worse since Nintendo's DRM is worse than Steam/Apple/Xbox/Playstation's (which is already pretty much unacceptable to me).[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they've always said they were using cartridges. We'll still have DSiWare or 3DSware or whatever, but that's different.

And yeah, I don't think anyone will try a download only game system for a while, not after the PSP Go's monumental failure.
$300 is ridiculous.. but I wouldn't be surprised if it's a marketing gimmick, so that if they drop the price to $230-250 range people will think Nintendo's being generous.
$300?? I dont think I can even swing the $250 :(
Guess I better get on eRewards and do more surveys, thats where all my 3DS funds are coming from.
Naw dudes, I would expect a $250 price tag at most. Already got some credit on me and working towards a gift certificate from e-Rewards. The March 2011 release gives me enough time I need to collect more cash not out of my own wallet :).
It's going to launch at $250, if gaming trends are to be followed. If you look up release pricing for consoles and handhelds, the prices vary by region, but usually the US ends up cheaper with Japan and Europe (the UK the worst) get hit with worse pricing.

I am not sure how to explain it, but it's like this: A system releases in the US at Price X USD. That X is turned into Euros for the Europe price, and X is multiplied by 100 (the Yen-USD exchange rate that's simple to use) for the Japan price. I'm sure that's a terrible explanation, but it's like this: Console A launches at $250 USD in the US, 250 Euros in Europe, and 25000 Yen in Japan.

Based off that, which has proven to be accurate within a small margin many times, the US launch price will be $250.

I posted this somewhere else on CAG (in one of the 3DS threads, I believe... maybe this one?), which someone backed up with multiple examples. Basically it boils down to Japan and Europe getting bent over backwards by Nintendo while the US has lower prices.
[quote name='Altanis']It's going to launch at $250, if gaming trends are to be followed. If you look up release pricing for consoles and handhelds, the prices vary by region, but usually the US ends up cheaper with Japan and Europe (the UK the worst) get hit with worse pricing.[/QUOTE]

Yep, I'm thinking so too. Plus, portables are more popular in Japan and can justify a higher price.

Here's a related article:
Yea...$250 is pricey. I still ♥ my dslite. I don't know if I will personally buy it till it drops in price....but I might get lucky since my birthday is around that time. I'll be crossing my fingers for that. I'd really like to finally upgrade.
[quote name='elessar123']I didn't buy the PSP till it's $200 for the bundle... No way will I pay $250~$300 for a bare handheld system.

At $200, I'd think about it.[/QUOTE]

I'm still crossing my fingers for a pack-in game. Nintendo was reminded how effective it can be for moving units with Wii Sports - a business model they never should have abandoned for the N64 and GC, every other system came with a game!

As far as waiting for a price drop... Kendro already said it. Nintendo's stuff takes forever to go down in price, in fact the DS Lite is still $130, isn't it? It almost seems like the DSi and DSi XL were released just to increase the price we're used to paying, otherwise a $250 price point is almost double the price of the DSL. "See? The 3DS is only ~$50 more than your DSi! was!"
Not entirely,

Nintendo does tend to make the most of underpowered (and thus cheap and reliable) hardware, but Apple isnt really using robust hardware either.

But, arguing specs is a fools errand, fun is fun, and the question will be is Nintendo offering $250 worth of fun with the 3DS.
Supposedly a poster at Gaf said that the Epic Citadel engine could indeed be run on the system. I dunno how they determined that and I could dredge up a link (maybe), but this is second hand from another site, so take it as you will.

Further, Epic's engaging in deliberately misleading comments because 1) they don't have a dev kit and 2) that engine is a nice demo on the iPhone, but it lacks all the trappings of a proper game (enemies, AI, menus/HUDs, etc), so dallow's non-news is right on the money. Claiming it to be proof of a game is right up there with doubletalk.

Rein has never been a fan of Nintendo, but that's moving a bit far from the original discussion. Still, at this point, writing off the 3DS before it's even released just seems juvenile.
[quote name='Strell']Supposedly a poster at Gaf said that the Epic Citadel engine could indeed be run on the system. I dunno how they determined that and I could dredge up a link (maybe), but this is second hand from another site, so take it as you will.

Further, Epic's engaging in deliberately misleading comments because 1) they don't have a dev kit and 2) that engine is a nice demo on the iPhone, but it lacks all the trappings of a proper game (enemies, AI, menus/HUDs, etc), so dallow's non-news is right on the money. Claiming it to be proof of a game is right up there with doubletalk.

Rein has never been a fan of Nintendo, but that's moving a bit far from the original discussion. Still, at this point, writing off the 3DS before it's even released just seems juvenile.[/QUOTE]

Agreed on most points, and note Im not looking to write off the 3DS just because someone at EPIC said something. I am surprised that the specs seem to point to hardware less robust, than a cheaper competitor, but of course hardware is only part of any equation.
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What's the cheaper competitor? The iPhone? 'Cuz that's not really a totally fair comparison since the cost of the hardware gets offset by two year contracts.

Unless we're talking about THE JUNGLE, brought to you by the people behind one of the least successful consoles ever.
[quote name='Strell']Fair enough - I don't really keep up with Apple gadgets and I figured everyone just got iPhones these days.[/QUOTE]

I was indeed referencing the iPod Touch. Have to keep the comparisons fair. Oddly enough those Touches sell at a 3 or 4 to 5 ratio with the iPhone.

Still, the lack of buttons means things like Doodle Jump work, but things like Mega Man become a chore.
You mean the iPod outsells the iPhone 4 or 5 to 1? That wouldn't surprise me. It's a crap game player though, and not even that great of a PDA, though obviously more flexible than a regular iPod.

Wouldn't surprise me if that engine can't run on a 3DS either since doesn't it require a programmable GPU? I think the newest version of Unreal running on the PSP is pretty old, and really doesn't push the hardware well at all, so I'd guess the situation would be pretty similar on 3DS.
[quote name='Wolfpup']You mean the iPod outsells the iPhone 4 or 5 to 1? That wouldn't surprise me. It's a crap game player though, and not even that great of a PDA, though obviously more flexible than a regular iPod.

Wouldn't surprise me if that engine can't run on a 3DS either since doesn't it require a programmable GPU? I think the newest version of Unreal running on the PSP is pretty old, and really doesn't push the hardware well at all, so I'd guess the situation would be pretty similar on 3DS.[/QUOTE]

No I mean for every 5 iPhones they are selling call it 3.5 iPod Touches.
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To add to that, I'm not so sure about Epic Citadel either...hard to say since as mentioned it's just an empty level. Does it look better than good PSP stuff? I kind of think no, though the PSP (and 3DS) couldn't run the engine as-is because their GPUs aren't programmable.

I don't know...I think from a gameplay standpoint getting Unreal on iOS (or Android) is a complete waste of time. I wish they were instead putting that effort behind the real portables. From a business standpoint, assuming anyone's even wiling to pay money for a real engine on those platforms, it probably makes sense, but...

I do wonder why Epic's last gen engine is so TERRIBLE. I mean The PSP/PS2/Wii are all higher end than my PC was that ran the still appealing looking Unreal 1...
[quote name='foltzie']No I mean for every 5 iPhones they are selling call it 3.9 iPod Touches.[/QUOTE]

Oh, okay, thanks.
I really don't understand all the hoopla about the cradle (or why there even is one). It's a portable device, so of course it will come with a charger (just as the DS iterations before it). Why does it need a "cradle" instead of the usual plug? What am I missing here?
To encourage people to have it charge at home rather than sit around, I guess part of a grander strategy regarding the always on wireless tag stuff.

All of which means nothing to me but hey, I'll take the cradle.
[quote name='Zmonkay']I really don't understand all the hoopla about the cradle (or why there even is one). It's a portable device, so of course it will come with a charger (just as the DS iterations before it). Why does it need a "cradle" instead of the usual plug? What am I missing here?[/QUOTE]

Oh come now, a handful of posts and a single Kotaku story dont make for Hoplah, just some harmless fun. It is interesting, only because this is the first time someone has included such a device with a video game system. Previously, Sony came close by having their controllers charge via Mini-USB.
[quote name='foltzie']Oh come now, a handful of posts and a single Kotaku story dont make for Hoplah, just some harmless fun. It is interesting, only because this is the first time someone has included such a device with a video game system. Previously, Sony came close by having their controllers charge via Mini-USB.[/QUOTE]

Saw some discussion/story on joystiq too. So, instead of just a cord you plug into the back, it's just a brick you set it on.... Cuz yeah, that's a huge change from the norm :roll: (or am I missing something here)
Could've swore when I read the translated specs, it came with both a charging dock and a charge cable. Guess that just means it is the cable that goes to the charging dock or something?
I also thought it came with both cable and docking station, from what I read, and assumed that the docking station was needed for some sort of update or standby mode that connected it to the web.
I'm rather excited about the 3DS just based on all the fun I've squeezed out of both my DS Lite and DSi XL.

I'm just hoping that there will be something along the lines of the XL some day. My eyes remain quite good, but I swear my thumbs and fingers get larger and more unwieldy every year.
Make it seem like you're getting more for $250. It comes with a cradle too! I can see why they'd do it for auto updates, but there's other ways of doing that without a cradle. Like hit power and it says it will apply an update before shutting down.
If they wanna combat piracy, they should do all updates in secret, and announce on the main menu if there were any new features.

Fight fire with fire, right?
[quote name='Edoraz']If they wanna combat piracy, they should do all updates in secret, and announce on the main menu if there were any new features.

Fight fire with fire, right?[/QUOTE]

Maybe, but what if you don't want the update? Like if they took away a feature like Sony did to stop piracy.
bread's done