Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

The CM4 guys e-mailed me back and said that the cradle is form fitting on the system, so they don't recommend trying to use them in conjunction. This is disappointing. I wonder if I can modify the cradle to get around that.

Vote Quimby.
In regards to a CCG, I think it'd be fantastic. Have the monsters pop up off the cards, like in the YuGiOh anime. Either Magic, YuGiOh, or hell, even Pokemon would be great CCG's on the 3DS.

In regards to "pirating" the cards, who cares? You could easily print the cards for Eye of Judgement too. I actually prefer it, because that means I don't have to spend 20 bucks on 1 card I want in my deck. I'm not going to play competitive, just against friends. It'd be nice if they did like Rare's Viva Pinata 2 cards (free giveaways and online databases).
[quote name='Zmonkay']In regards to a CCG, I think it'd be fantastic. Have the monsters pop up off the cards, like in the YuGiOh anime. Either Magic, YuGiOh, or hell, even Pokemon would be great CCG's on the 3DS.

In regards to "pirating" the cards, who cares? You could easily print the cards for Eye of Judgement too. I actually prefer it, because that means I don't have to spend 20 bucks on 1 card I want in my deck. I'm not going to play competitive, just against friends. It'd be nice if they did like Rare's Viva Pinata 2 cards (free giveaways and online databases).[/QUOTE]

Yeah exactly. I would be playing with my friends and we wouldn't pull that cheating on eachother. It would be nice to play magic without having to drive over an hour just to play in real life.

Heck it doesn't have to be flashy for me, just with a workable interface and online play.
Depending on exactly how you're proposing a card game work on the 3DS, you're looking at one of two issues.

If you're proposing they do something similar to Eye of Judgement, where the cards get laid on a table, the camera reads the cards and causes monsters to appear on the cards, you run into an issue of usability. If the 3DS is on the table, that puts the camera all of 3" off the surface. Depending on the amount of cards that need to be in play, it could very easily run into problems reading cards at the angle it'd be reading them from. On the other hand, if you require the 3DS to be held by the user, it'd be able to read the cards, but then the problem arises of actually using the're either asking the user to hold the device one-handed and try to handle their deck/pick cards/whatever they need to do one handed, or the user has to constantly put down the 3ds/perform their action/pick up the 3ds.

Nothing against the idea itself, it should just be used on hardware that can easily accommodate it. PS3 with the Eye or a PC with a webcam....although I doubt Nintendo would let the Pokemon CCG come out on either.

If you're proposing they do something similar to Viva Pinata 2, where the user simply scans in a card once to "unlock" something in the game (after which the card is no longer needed), I start to question why have the mechanic at all...As said before, it's very easy to create duplicate cards, such that the only difference between a person with an empty deck and a person with a full deck is 10 minutes with google and a that point, getting a new card by scanning isn't that much different from entering in a cheat code to unlock the card...just seems like the development time would be better spent elsewhere.
Tried out a 3DS at Best Buy after work. It was running Pilot Wings.

The 3D looks ok, and the sweet spot for 3D is a lot bigger than anticipated.

I didn't want to stand there looking at it till I got dizzy, so I moved my head side to side while looking at it so see how it'd be, and I got dizzy really fast. My initial guess is that staring at it isn't what causes people to get dizzy, but because you can't stay so still.

With nothing moving on screen, moving the slider to 2D displayed a wider view. As you increased the 3D, the screen got more narrow, and the image gets cropped. I was doing this when there were two pillars on each side of me in Pilotwings, so it was a great reference point.

The 3D effect is neat, but still flat looking. It looked more like cardboard cutouts, because the objects weren't rounded. Not sure if that's because of the game, or 3DS.
3D is a gimmick. I only care about the graphics and they delivered. It looks beautiful.
For 250$ today is not worth it, but once all the good games come out it'll be worth the price point I'm sure. Besides, the only reason why I'm buying this on day one is to play all these unopened DS games I bought and I don't wanna take the risk that they take out BC like they did with the DS and PS3
[quote name='KirbyLovesTacos']3D is a gimmick. I only care about the graphics and they delivered. It looks beautiful.
For 250$ today is not worth it, but once all the good games come out it'll be worth the price point I'm sure. Besides, the only reason why I'm buying this on day one is to play all these unopened DS games I bought and I don't wanna take the risk that they take out BC like they did with the DS and PS3[/QUOTE]

They did a test showing DS games load about 35% slower on a 3DS compared to the original. If you're only going for DS games, buy a DSi.
[quote name='elessar123']They did a test showing DS games load about 35% slower on a 3DS compared to the original. If you're only going for DS games, buy a DSi.[/QUOTE]

That's the opposite of what I was expecting. :whistle2:s

I guess I'll hold off on the 3DS until there's a couple of games on it that I really want. (Zelda, Kid Icarus, Mega Man Legends 3 and Super Mario 3DS)
[quote name='KillerRamen']That's the opposite of what I was expecting. :whistle2:s

I guess I'll hold off on the 3DS until there's a couple of games on it that I really want. (Zelda, Kid Icarus, Mega Man Legends 3 and Super Mario 3DS)[/QUOTE]

It appears to be booting different firmware or perhaps an emulator of sorts to get into DS mode.
I like how I'm waiting to preorder any games, hoping maybe there will be some sweet sale on launch day somewhere. I doubt it, but I'll at least know a little early, thanks to CAG. I'd love to get Nintendogs+Cats for less than $40.
[quote name='elessar123']They did a test showing DS games load about 35% slower on a 3DS compared to the original. If you're only going for DS games, buy a DSi.[/QUOTE]

probably important to note that 'load time' here merely refers to the initial bootup, and not load time between scenes. GS mentions that loadtime in-game is no different between the DS/3DS.
[quote name='elessar123']The 3D effect is neat, but still flat looking. It looked more like cardboard cutouts, because the objects weren't rounded. Not sure if that's because of the game, or 3DS.[/QUOTE]

Which just further indicates that the killer game for the 3DS is, curiously enough, Paper Mario! Paper Mario in 3D. Honestly, I don't care if it gives me a massive headache, I will play Paper Mario in 3D mode in entirety. It's too perfect. Well, if and when I ever get a 3DS. Hmm. Maybe I can rent one. :)
I feel sorry for the display 3DS units being sent out to retailers for public abuse. I remember seeing a DS at a Walmart before launch that somebody managed to scratch the top screen bad enough that you couldn't see anything and it wasn't much better on the bottom screen. I've also seen Donkey Kong bongos at Best Buy that had been abused so badly that the rubberish covering on the one drum had been loosened.
Lame. Dallow aint gonna aint even be mad anymore, dawg. I herd he likes mad so I put some mad in his aint mad so he can be mad while he aint even mad, dawg.
[quote name='Strell']Lame. Dallow aint gonna aint even be mad anymore, dawg. I herd he likes mad so I put some mad in his aint mad so he can be mad while he aint even mad, dawg.[/QUOTE]

Sad that the American box isn't as cool.
[quote name='Strell']Lame. Dallow aint gonna aint even be mad anymore, dawg. I herd he likes mad so I put some mad in his aint mad so he can be mad while he aint even mad, dawg.[/QUOTE]

Aw hale naw!

I saw the 'not for retail' boxes at the event with all the right inserts and noticed the missing doggies, but I figured it was just for demo purposes. :(

Hope someone can scan the Japanese one and make a printable version.


That would be a great idea for a website, if people could contribute their own 3DS box wallpapers for printing for all types of games.
Impressions from the Gamestop event a couple days ago.

One lady there was a Nintendo rep, she had two tables set up with 5 systems and various AR cards available. One guy dressed as Mario, funny guy.
All the units had Nintendogs + Cats in them but everyone was trying out the AR games.
Mostly kids and their parents. I was probably the oldest person there. Oh well.

I've loved just about everything about the system since it was announced so was extremely excited to test it out finally.
At first glance, I loved how small it was, looked much bulkier in pictures even though I knew it's actual dimensions.
I instantly disliked the "blue" metallic paint and so black is now confirmed for me.

Finally got my chance to hold and play a unit and was fully prepared to be blown away.... but

Well, gotta say, the 3D wasn't as amazing as I thought it would be, and this was the number one reason I wanted to try it out.
I had no problems seeing it but the picture quality didn't seem as clear as it could have been.
Switching to 2D and it looked very nice.
All I really did was explore the home menu, and the various AR games which honestly bored me, but I gave them a chance.

Didn't want to play Nintendogs so I handed the system to someone that was waiting as I had gotten my fill. (funny moment, I handed it to the little girl who was near me, but she shook her head and pointed at her dad, he smiled and started to play, she was bored by the whole event)

Of course just as I did that she pulled out the Pilotwings Resort carts from her pocket. D'oh! I wanted to play that one.

I held one of the carts, had the Pilotwings sticker on it but was marked "Demo version" in the middle.
The retail boxes are thinner too, didn't know that. Too bad the NA box doesn't have the cute puppies on the inside.

-Small system
-Slider feels really smooth and usable
-Screens are nice in 2D

-3D wasn't as impressive as I had hoped (it works though)
-AR games were a bit boring and framerate was choppy, though I did like picking up the cards to rotate them in space. My lady-friend especially like that.

So the number one thing I was excited about turned out to be somewhat of a dud.
I just need more time with the system, and be able to sit comfortably at home to appreciate it more I suppose.

I have two pre-orders but am wavering now on whether to keep one at least for launch.
[quote name='Cao Cao']A Rocket Slime sequel has been announced in Jump. Set on the high seas, with ship battles.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Cao Cao']A Rocket Slime sequel has been announced in Jump. Set on the high seas, with ship battles.[/QUOTE]
fuck me sideways with a two ton tanker

there is no fucking way I can get a US 3DS and wait for Rocket Slime. just no fucking way.

That game is/was one of my absolute favorites of last gen, so much so that I struggled through Rocket Slime GBA and loved that also.
[quote name='utopianmachine']Everyone seems to think the blue 3DS is ugly. I'm concerned, especially since it's the one I preordered.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='cochesecochese']Really? I've heard quite the opposite. It seems that it's 'sparkly' so it might be offputting to some. I went with black from the beginning.[/QUOTE]

Hmm...maybe I should do black then. Still undecided *sigh*

I heard the awesome Mario Galaxy team is doing a 3DS exclusive too? If so, dang, we all know I'll have to buy one, stupid 3D or not :cry:
so is it possible the shipment will be delayed or in short supply after initial shipments due to the quake?

or all these manufactured here?
I read at Kotaku that cheaper (non-3G) NGP model could be $250. How can Nintendo compete with that without dropping the price. Expecting price cuts on 3DS when NGP launches.
[quote name='laaj']I read at Kotaku that cheaper (non-3G) NGP model could be $250. How can Nintendo compete with that without dropping the price. Expecting price cuts on 3DS when NGP launches.[/QUOTE]

My mind will legitly be blown if this is possible.
[quote name='laaj']I read at Kotaku that cheaper (non-3G) NGP model could be $250. How can Nintendo compete with that without dropping the price. Expecting price cuts on 3DS when NGP launches.[/QUOTE]

I'm being cynical here, but I think Nintendo could charge more for last gen hardware and somehow get away with it. Well...actually they're already doing that to an extent with the PSP versus 3DS, charging almost the same price for slightly inferior hardware. So I'm guessing they won't blink even if Sony somehow sells that thing at $250.
[quote name='Strell']1/10, you get a point for mentioning Kotaku.[/QUOTE]

You hate on anyone who mentions anything that's negative about Nintendo.
[quote name='laaj']I read at Kotaku that cheaper (non-3G) NGP model could be $250. How can Nintendo compete with that without dropping the price. Expecting price cuts on 3DS when NGP launches.[/QUOTE]

Probably should've mentioned their source...a survey put out by a research firm that was sponsored by Ubisoft. That's not exactly the most reliable source of news. If true though, the real winners will be the consumers, as this fight will be delicious.
[quote name='laaj']You hate on anyone who mentions anything that's negative about Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

And you do nothing but troll.

There, now we know something about each other. Speed dating is pretty awesome.
[quote name='Strell']And you do nothing but troll.

There, now we know something about each other. Speed dating is pretty awesome.[/QUOTE]

Since you can't come up with a reasonable a response you resort to calling someone a troll.
[quote name='cochesecochese']They're manufactured in China.[/QUOTE]
And most of them were probably made before the quake, so the quake won't have much of an effect on the NA launch.
Has there been any definitive word on the quality of backwards compatibility? And since I'm really going to be playing DS Rpgs/SRPGS on the 3DS should I care?
I'm surprised Amazon is still taking preorders. I hope I don't regret canceling my order of the aqua blue unit to place a new order for a black one.
[quote name='laaj']I read at Kotaku that cheaper (non-3G) NGP model could be $250. How can Nintendo compete with that without dropping the price. Expecting price cuts on 3DS when NGP launches.[/QUOTE]

The same way they always have: first party software.

Let's all try our hardest and keep this thread from turning into a tug of war and keep the system talk to the respective subforums. Neither system has launched in North America yet so we'd basically be arguing based on pure speculation. Not particularly productive IMO.
[quote name='Matt Young']I'm surprised Amazon is still taking preorders. I hope I don't regret canceling my order of the aqua blue unit to place a new order for a black one.[/QUOTE]
To be honest, I'm surprised as well. I wish Amazon was a bit more transparent about their pre-order process so I could decide NOW whether to take time off from work and wait in line at Nintendo World Store.
[quote name='eldergamer']Has there been any definitive word on the quality of backwards compatibility? And since I'm really going to be playing DS Rpgs/SRPGS on the 3DS should I care?[/QUOTE]
DS compatibility is less than ideal. For starters, games load in the 20-30% slower range. They also 'smudge' if you play the games in full screen mode and they look a little strange if you play them at native resolution. If you are interested in playing a lot of DS games in the future I would say consider an XL especially if you game at home. I have a DSi and an XL and am only holding onto the DSi to transfer my DSiware over. I've built up a pretty extensive import library (50+ games) over the years and have no intention experiencing it in any but the best way possible so I'll be holding onto the XL for a lifetime. Hopefully they will clearance out by the end of next year and I will be able to pick up another one as backup. Note that I did not do this with the GBA.
[quote name='eldergamer']Has there been any definitive word on the quality of backwards compatibility? And since I'm really going to be playing DS Rpgs/SRPGS on the 3DS should I care?[/QUOTE]

There's a blur/smoothing filter for BC. It's not that bad, but the quality is worse. It's similar to the PS1/PS2 smoothing filter on PS3. There's also an option to scale it down so that it shrinks the screen size (which turns off the blur filter), but that makes it somewhat unplayable for games in which you'd need the screen area to use the stylus extensively.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']!5782646/the-3ds-killer-apps-may-be-the-free-ones

11 damn more days. I am blown away by this.

I am really fucking excited for a new Rocket Slime sequel. Rocket Slime was one of my top 3 games on the DS easily.[/QUOTE]

Glad to know there will be so much to mess around with when I get my system. It'll be a happy day. :D

[quote name='Matt Young']I'm surprised Amazon is still taking preorders. I hope I don't regret canceling my order of the aqua blue unit to place a new order for a black one.[/QUOTE]

I need to go to a Best Buy and see the demo station of the 3DS. All these comments about how ugly the blue one is has me concerned. If I don't like it, I want a black DSi, but can Amazon really still have some available?
bread's done