Nintendo 3DS - General Discussion Thread

[quote name='Pck21']Does anyone regret buying their 3DS, excluding the price drop? I'm on the fence about my preorder from Amazon tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Well, it's hard to ignore the price drop. I wouldn't have regretted at $169, but it's difficult to say it was worth it at $250.
My main problem is the amount of shovelware that has been released for the thing. Publishers have also either cancelled or postponed a few titles.

If you look at the Release schedule for the upcoming months, it's somewhat scary to see that there's little to nothing coming from anybody but Nintendo...
So, is it still a good investment? I don't think so. Not right now.
[quote name='dragonjud']Well, it's hard to ignore the price drop. I wouldn't have regretted at $169, but it's difficult to say it was worth it at $250.
My main problem is the amount of shovelware that has been released for the thing. Publishers have also either cancelled or postponed a few titles.

If you look at the Release schedule for the upcoming months, it's somewhat scary to see that there's little to nothing coming from anybody but Nintendo...
So, is it still a good investment? I don't think so. Not right now.[/QUOTE]

Edit: After thinking about it for a while, I decided to cancel my preorder. It would be a waste of money on my part. I'll look into it again if there's a new hardware redesign, better game library, or an even better price.

Thanks for the honest reply. I'm not a huge portable gamer to begin with, but I love the concept of the console. I couldn't pull the trigger at $250 when it released, but I can do $170.

The game lineup is lackluster to the say the least. I am/was going to pick up Zelda when/if I get the 3DS. I'm excited for Star Fox, Mario, Mario Kart, etc that will hopefully release in the near future.

Thanks again!
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I don't regret getting this at a higher price. I enjoy it so far only 3ds games i got is zelda OOT3ds and nintendogs, but that's enough for me I got backlog of ds games to play.

the 20free games is nice.

I did get $25GC for buying the 3DS and a $20GC for buying zelda OOT3ds and another 3ds game which I used the $25GC on the game purchase..
[quote name='Pck21']Does anyone regret buying their 3DS, excluding the price drop? I'm on the fence about my preorder from Amazon tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

i dont regret buying mine at all (after the drop) im really enjoying zelda (also picked up ghost recon for $17c at target, but wont be playing that until after zelda) the 3-d effect is cool, but after a while it does hurt your eyes/give me a headache and then i dont want too use the 3-d effect again for a while (fine by me as i can play other things/ play without the 3d) i do wish there was more games, however the two i have should hold me for a bit, then there are a bunch of games coming out that i want. star fox, mario land, paper mario, resident evil, luigi's mansion, kid icarus, mario kart maybe another one im forgetting? so i will have some games too keep me occupied (plus the 20 free games) overall im satisfied with my purchase, and if given the chance too return the items, id keep them.
Part of me still thinks $170 is still somewhat steep. I'm not sure. Maybe I've just become too cheap :lol:

Then there's the holiday season. Price is $170 now, so that gives plenty of time for people to buy this, pre-order the black and red one....and then we should get a nice bundle around Christmas time :lol:
My ps3 is starting to have problems on me, I'm thinking of just trading it in (50$+100 since its a bc 80GB) so I can pick up a 3DS and pay the rest off. I'm thinking about it
$170 is not steep whatsoever.... considering it has 3D functionality which I am dumbfounded that many people don't think highly of it. But I LOVE 3D and think $170 is very justified.... not to mention 20 FREE classics games we get. Back to 3D, I feel it is amazing and easily worth $70-$100 alone to have 3D but I think Nintendo is holding out on tools like Facebook app to make it more useful.
[quote name='LoveDragonDon']$170 is not steep whatsoever.... considering it has 3D functionality which I am dumbfounded that many people don't think highly of it. But I LOVE 3D and think $170 is very justified.... not to mention 20 FREE classics games we get. Back to 3D, I feel it is amazing and easily worth $70-$100 alone to have 3D but I think Nintendo is holding out on tools like Facebook app to make it more useful.[/QUOTE]

Well I will agree that the 3D technology on it IS kinda cool, there just doesn't seem to be enough interesting games at the moment. Yes yes I am fully aware of games like OoT being out now..and StarFox 64 3D...and Mario Kart and Mario Land 3D.

But let's be honest:
It's Ocarina of Time again
StarFox 64, where is a great game, is still another game we've all played before.
Mario Kart is always fun. ALWAYS fun, but it's still just another Mario Kart again.

I don't know enough about the Mario Land 3D.. is it an updated 3D version of Super Mario Land? That would be kind of cool, but I rather have new games than just remakes. :(

Maybe there will be a good deal around Christmas time /shrug
[quote name='lilboo']Mario Kart is always fun. ALWAYS fun, but it's still just another Mario Kart again.[/QUOTE]
What's wrong with sequels? The biggest games this year (and for the foreseeable future) are almost all sequels to established franchises.

By your logic:
it's still just another Zelda again (Skyward Sword)
it's still just another Elder's Scrolls again (Skyrim)
it's still just another Dues Ex again (Human Revolution)
(rinse/repeat with Mass Effect 3, Uncharted 3, Bioshock Infinite, ...)
[quote name='lilboo']Part of me still thinks $170 is still somewhat steep. I'm not sure. Maybe I've just become too cheap :lol:

Then there's the holiday season. Price is $170 now, so that gives plenty of time for people to buy this, pre-order the black and red one....and then we should get a nice bundle around Christmas time :lol:[/QUOTE]

I'm right there with you. $170 ii really still too much. Mind you, come christmas we will be getting one regardless as we want to get one for our kids now that the price has come down. I'm hoping to see a good bundle for the same price. Perhaps boxed with LoZ or Mario 3D or Mario Kart 7. Otherwise they're going to get the 3DS and one game and that's it.
[quote name='lilman']What's wrong with sequels? The biggest games this year (and for the foreseeable future) are almost all sequels to established franchises.

By your logic:
it's still just another Zelda again (Skyward Sword)
it's still just another Elder's Scrolls again (Skyrim)
it's still just another Dues Ex again (Human Revolution)
(rinse/repeat with Mass Effect 3, Uncharted 3, Bioshock Infinite, ...)[/QUOTE]

Granted, I would not put Bioshock Infinite in there, since it is significantly different.
[quote name='lilboo']
I don't know enough about the Mario Land 3D.. is it an updated 3D version of Super Mario Land? That would be kind of cool, but I rather have new games than just remakes. :([/QUOTE]

It's a brand new game. It seems to me that if you spent more time looking into the things that are disappointing or upsetting you, you might be less disappointed or upset. Or you would at least have less time to spend on getting disappointed/upset. It's difficult to take your criticisms and concerns seriously when they're sprinkled with false assumptions.
[quote name='lilboo']Well I will agree that the 3D technology on it IS kinda cool, there just doesn't seem to be enough interesting games at the moment. Yes yes I am fully aware of games like OoT being out now..and StarFox 64 3D...and Mario Kart and Mario Land 3D.

But let's be honest:
It's Ocarina of Time again
StarFox 64, where is a great game, is still another game we've all played before.
Mario Kart is always fun. ALWAYS fun, but it's still just another Mario Kart again.

I don't know enough about the Mario Land 3D.. is it an updated 3D version of Super Mario Land? That would be kind of cool, but I rather have new games than just remakes. :(

Maybe there will be a good deal around Christmas time /shrug[/QUOTE]

I agree with you but I have no problem playing "another" one of any of Nintendo's games. Weather they are remakes, sequels or new games they are always some of the most fun games in the business.

The new Mario game is Super Mario 3D Land. I read an article that said Nintendo was emphasizing the fact that it's called Super Mario 3D Land and not Super Mario Land 3D, meaning it's a brand new game.
A little while back they had 3D promo trailers of upcoming games in the eShop for download. I think they took them all down now, but I HIGHLY recommend watching them if you get a chance to.

I don't know how anyone could see these games in action and not get excited about them. Some of the best ones are SM3DL, Mario Kart, Paper Mario, Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing and Kid Icarus.

I still watch them every now and then and it really ups the anticipation a lot.
Yeah I really wish they were still up. I keep watching the Star Fox one in the eShop just because I can't wait for it. I hate when the trailers aren't in 3D (ie, most of them)
I stopped by Best Buy on the way home to price match my 3DS and got nearly $85 back, which I spent half of it on Ocarina of Time since I've never really played seriously. The clerk that did the price match was surprised at the huge drop and said she might get one now, so it's just a matter of Nintendo actually telling the masses about the drop to get more people on board. I didn't see a display unit at BB, so I didn't get a StreetPass hit. Do GameStops usually have a display unit?

I know the NES games are coming in a few weeks, but I hope the GBA games aren't far behind since the only date mentioned is a vague "by the end of the year" in the ambassador news post in the eShop.

I'm kind of disappointed at how limited the 3D is in terms of the range of movement allowed, as it feels like I have to sit up, sit straight, and play it in less of a relaxing posture/position than I usually would for PSP or DS games.

I found it weird that after touting it as a new Super Mario Bros. game, Nintendo gave it the Super Mario Land name that I can't imagine has nearly as much pull as the original name would've had. Same for giving the new Mario Kart a number in the title when no other game in the series has been numbered like that.
They're probably keeping something in the tank for WiiU. I think Super Mario 3D land is single player only and the Super Mario Bros. games have all been two player if I'm not mistaken.
For me the 3D is still a hit and miss thing...when I'm in the sweet spot and the 3D effect is working well, it is pretty neat. But all to often I get out of that sweet spot and then it feels like my eyes are going out of focus or cross eyed and it gets very annoying. Sometimes I turn down the 3D effect using the slider, but all too often I just turn it off completely...and when I do I often find I don't miss it all and forget to turn it back on.

All of which are the reasons I think it is a gimmick rather than a feature. It just doesn't work well enough under real world conditions to be used on a regular basis (at least for me). If I'm really going to focus on playing a game, I find it much more enjoyable to play games comfortably in 2D (in whatever position or angle makes sense at the time) than to be distracted by constantly trying to get back into the 3D sweet spot.

But that doesn't mean I don't like my 3DS, only that I like it for reasons other than the 3D.
[quote name='DarkonJohn']For me the 3D is still a hit and miss thing...when I'm in the sweet spot and the 3D effect is working well, it is pretty neat. But all to often I get out of that sweet spot and then it feels like my eyes are going out of focus or cross eyed and it gets very annoying. Sometimes I turn down the 3D effect using the slider, but all too often I just turn it off completely...and when I do I often find I don't miss it all and forget to turn it back on.

All of which are the reasons I think it is a gimmick rather than a feature. It just doesn't work well enough under real world conditions to be used on a regular basis (at least for me). If I'm really going to focus on playing a game, I find it much more enjoyable to play games comfortably in 2D (in whatever position or angle makes sense at the time) than to be distracted by constantly trying to get back into the 3D sweet spot.

But that doesn't mean I don't like my 3DS, only that I like it for reasons other than the 3D.[/QUOTE]

This is exactly how I felt when I tried out four games for the 3DS . . . the sweet spot is too small, and on a handheld this is a fatal flaw, since you know you'll be moving it around as you play. And since the 3D feature is the main selling point of the system, it doesn't seem to be worth it.
[quote name='chimpmeister']And since the 3D feature is the main selling point of the system, it doesn't seem to be worth it.[/QUOTE]

Well, 3D is what they chose to lead with as the main selling point, but in my opinion there are other selling points that make it a decent upgrade from the DSi...but only at the new price. The original price was not even remotely justified (and I say that as a day-1 buyer that knew this but still wanted to get the latest stuff anyway).
I think the sweet spot for games will vary. I have only tried the included games and apps and it seems that the sweet spot varies in those as well. Some of them have wiggle room and others don't. I still think Nintendo will polish the hell out of their main tittles to make that sweet spot as big as possible (that's what she said). I can't wait to start buying the "big" games and to use street pass. It seems street pass is going to be everything and more of what Nintendo promised back when the DS launched.
[quote name='Xellos2099']I don't see why people are dissing the system saying it is underpower... I tried Zelda on it and think the 3d effect is pretty damn cool.[/QUOTE]
I don't quite get this either. What is even more remarkable, Ocarina of Time on the 3ds looks 100% better than what Skyward Sword is looking like on any of the preview footage I have seen so far.
[quote name='Spyder187']I don't quite get this either. What is even more remarkable, Ocarina of Time on the 3ds looks 100% better than what Skyward Sword is looking like on any of the preview footage I have seen so far.[/QUOTE]

Might be just you.
[quote name='dallow']Might be just you.[/QUOTE]

No, it isn't just me. A few other people who saw the preview footage at the same time I did remarked about the same thing as well.
[quote name='eliter1']I think the sweet spot for games will vary. I have only tried the included games and apps and it seems that the sweet spot varies in those as well. Some of them have wiggle room and others don't. I still think Nintendo will polish the hell out of their main tittles to make that sweet spot as big as possible (that's what she said). I can't wait to start buying the "big" games and to use street pass. It seems street pass is going to be everything and more of what Nintendo promised back when the DS launched.[/QUOTE]

I agree the sweet spot varies, but for me it varies while I'm playing the game which can be very frustrating. Also, given how some 3DS games work with the gyroscope where you need to move the entire device around to look around in the game world (Ocarina...I'm talking about you), this is impossible to do while maintaining the 3D effect. It's just plain stupid to have a feature that conflicts with other features like this, preventing them from being used together effectively.

Maybe the next gen of the hardware will have better 3D displays, but I'm not expecting much improvement from the current gen.
Held onto my $25 GS gift card from e-Rewards, just dumped it all a couple days ago on a Super Mario 3D Land pre-order. I used to always just do the $5 minimum but nowadays if I have the money for it I put however much I can.
Picked up Ghost Recon from the Target sale and I love it so far. I have only played a couple of levels but it's similar game play to Fire Emblem, which I love. I read the campaign is about 15 hours so it should keep me entertained until Nintendo begins pumping out their first party titles.
I think I'm fucked with the free games. From the Kotaku articles, it sounded like as long as you went on the eShop once between the deadline and purchase date, you were ok. But I haven't gotten a notification that most people seem to.
Knowing Nintendos success with handhelds, the greatness that is gba, ds and now 3ds...i am stoked for the library to come with the system over the years. Its definitly going to be a good time, looking forward to grabbing mine in about 2 weeks.
I apparently already got all of the DOA costumes to my surprise. I guess the Throwdown Challenges repeating will also be good.

One of the most satisfying things about the 3DS is having those Notifications pop-up telling you 'hey, you got some new stuff.'
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[quote name='LoveDragonDon']anyone know where to buy any cool looking 3DS cases? Prefer cheap![/QUOTE]

I can't vouch for all cases, but at least in my case my old DSLite case fit perfectly, so you might be able to save a bit by getting a DSL case instead of one branded for the 3DS
Just bought a 3ds today with gamestops trade-in deal. Any good, cheap games for me to enjoy some 3dness? I don't really feel like playing ds games on it since I have both a DSiXL and a DSL still, even after trading in a DSL.

How is Ocarina of Time? Think it'll hold me over until we get some more releases?
I was not expecting Ocarina of Time to really be that good. I was wrong. The game just feels right on a handheld but YMMV with the 3D. Not sure if I am sold on the 3D. The game is awesome though.

Also, if you like Strategy games like Advance Wars/Fire Emblem, Ghost Recon is supposed to be really really good.
[quote name='TedwardRoberts']

How is Ocarina of Time? Think it'll hold me over until we get some more releases?[/QUOTE]

It is, the greatest game got even better.

I also heard if you're a racing fan Ridge Racer 3D is actually good. If you can find Rayman 3D for cheap that's a good platformer. I'm contemplating Let's Golf 3D but seems a bit pricey (Nintendo's downloads are all out of wack in terms of economy).
Rayman 3D is damned good, but hella short. I got it for 20 bucks, but even that seems like too much for a 10 year old game I own 2 versions of already that's only ~ 5-6 hrs long. I really like it though, and I think the 3D is great in it (although it occasionally goes nuts in tight corridors).
Question for the 3DS pros here...

I got my 3DS a few months back, Saturday morning I dropped it and it basically broke. Can I kiss my ambassador status goodbye or is there a way I can keep it?

Thanks in advance
[quote name='dennisb407']Question for the 3DS pros here...

I got my 3DS a few months back, Saturday morning I dropped it and it basically broke. Can I kiss my ambassador status goodbye or is there a way I can keep it?

Thanks in advance[/QUOTE]

IF you connected it to the eShop, yeah...also, they said a future update will allow you to transfer them. Might want to contact Nintendo Customer Service though, just to be sure.
[quote name='dennisb407']Question for the 3DS pros here...

I got my 3DS a few months back, Saturday morning I dropped it and it basically broke. Can I kiss my ambassador status goodbye or is there a way I can keep it?

Thanks in advance[/QUOTE]

It should be covered by nintendo's warranty still, so contact them.
[quote name='utopianmachine']I feel like I'm not a gamer or something for saying that I'm not enjoying Ocarina of Time too much.

*waits for Strell to say, "You're not a gamer."*[/QUOTE]

Everyone enjoys different things - I personally couldn't get into Twilight Princess. Damn Faerie noise just killed my immersion.. it was SO annoying to have to hear that jingle every time you moved the cursor on the screen.

I'm curious what you didn't care for OOT, though; What aren't you liking about it?
[quote name='KingBroly']IF you connected it to the eShop, yeah...also, they said a future update will allow you to transfer them. Might want to contact Nintendo Customer Service though, just to be sure.[/QUOTE]

Well I did connect to eshop, thats how I became I didnt know if status is on my sd card or what
[quote name='utopianmachine']I feel like I'm not a gamer or something for saying that I'm not enjoying Ocarina of Time too much.

*waits for Strell to say, "You're not a gamer."*[/QUOTE]

That's too bad to hear. Link to the Past was my first but man Ocarina of Time was my favorite Zelda game. Is it the not really telling you where you need to go to progress the issue or is it the story? Curious
[quote name='BattleChicken']I'm curious what you didn't care for OOT, though; What aren't you liking about it?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Spybreak8']That's too bad to hear. Link to the Past was my first but man Ocarina of Time was my favorite Zelda game. Is it the not really telling you where you need to go to progress the issue or is it the story? Curious[/QUOTE]

The game has a certain vagueness. There's like a billion puzzles and things to collect, and it isn't terribly helpful in figuring them out. For example, in Kokiro Village (however it's spelled), at the base of Death Mountain, there's all these chickens around town. A lady asks you to collect them. Collecting them is a fairly complicated business, as you have to use their flight to get to each other, and then you also have to use the flying power of the chicken to get to this higher platform to get inside the house with the piece of heart inside the cow cage.

Wandering around inside the Dodongo Caves lighting torches, trying to figure out if I can get inside the spinning pot, trying to figure out how to get things to happen and if I can get things to happen.

I like a bit clearly direction and not so much extraneous content.

I'm definitely enjoying the characters and storyline, however. I finally understand, though, what everyone has been saying all these years about how freaking annoying Navi is.
"Hey! Listen!"

I can totally see where you are coming from. While I still consider it the greatest game ever made, there is a lot that I can see as obscure/unclear in today's gaming "scene". I personally enjoy it, as it encourages exploration and experimentation, as opposed to the game just holding your hand. Even though I've played it nearly every year since it released and can clearly remember most everything, there are even points for me that get me scratching my head.

That said, they have clearly learned a lot and improved on the formula in the past couple Zelda's, striking a finer balance between exploration and having direction as to what to do next.

Ironically, I found Majora's Mask to be even more lacking in direction for the sidequests (bomber's notebook). But again, that was the fun of it, once you finally did discover the next part of the quests.
bread's done