I've never once told a single person in here to not buy the NS, or how "bad" it is. I've never once "trashed" anything. I've never said the system sucked, I've never said the controls are bad, or anything else like that. When the NS has been discussed in regards to games, price, motion controls, color, 3rd party support, etc, I have given my opinion on the subject at hand. Sometimes that may appear negative to some, and maybe not so much to others. It lacks games, the price is to high, there is no 3rd party support, how is that trashing anything? Please explain? It's my opinion, why does it have to match others opinions on the same subject?I have to disagree with you buddy. I can see how you could feel that way if you haven't followed this thread since it's inception, but from his first post in this thread up until now he has been thrashing the Switch continuously. Now on a regular forum that would be fine but this is an obvious hype thread. There are few to no Switch deals so it's obvious this thread is similar to the Collector's Edition thread, "let's talk about how excited we are for ______." It gets really old when people come in there with the sole purpose of telling you how bad the product you're excited for is. Regardless of how polite they do it or don't.
Why are so many people bothered by my "opinions"? I see many people here every day saying the same things I do, and how they have canceled their preorders, and are deciding to wait based on many of the reason I have mentioned. If I'm being so negative, or bringing down the thread, why not block me, and ignore me? I've never been rude or nasty to anyone, unless they start shit first.
Why is one person praise about something more valid than someone else's opinions who point out the flaws, or downside to something? This is a forum for people to make informed purchases is it not? For someone who is a teacher, I would think freedom of speech, and individual expression would be what you strive to teach all kids every day. But when it conflicts with your ideals, or morals it's wrong, bad, or otherwise wrong?
When a kid turns in a picture or writes a paper the majority of the class don't like or do not understand, do you then ask that child, why did you draw this, the rest of the class doesn't like this, please stop drawing or writing, as no one likes it? Is he not allowed to express him/herself even if it's not the majority consensus? Or it conflicts with what others "like", who are they to say what's right, or what's wrong?
If someone here want's to spend $1000 at launch on the NS, that's great, I'm not telling them they suck, or it's a bad buy, or how they shouldn't do it. I've never once told anyone that. If someone ask for opinions on if they should buy an NS or any product in general, I'll tell them the truth as I understand it to be. If they like what I say, go with it, if not, don't, where is the problem? If anyone here is happy to buy the NS, I'm happy for them.