Nintendo Switch Preorder Thread 2.0

Although I am no longer getting the switch at launch, I am very pleased to hear that digital purchases are tied to accounts instead of the consoles themselves. If game sharing is possible I would be far more tempted to pick up one or two of these things.
I'm just annoyed I can't have the save file saved in the cloud. That'll be annoying. I want two Switches...but without that, it's pointless.

Although I am no longer getting the switch at launch, I am very pleased to hear that digital purchases are tied to accounts instead of the consoles themselves. If game sharing is possible I would be far more tempted to pick up one or two of these things.
This is the information I'm looking for. Gamesharing would really push me to go digital this generation.

Eh, ferking furries. Furries always have to ruin everything. Even something as cute as the Switch pup.

Hey Ferrari, if you do the poll, there should be a clear distinction in options between actually liking the dog meme and finding it cute, and liking it a bit too much because you're a furry. :p
possibly NSFW?

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It'd be nice, but it's Nintendo so I doubt it

They'll sell as many copies of a game as possible, and if they think a policy might threaten that objective just maybe, it gets shut down. 

I mean, it was said NS doesn't have a browser and there are no plans to include one. Pretty crippling for portable online play unless you can hotspot. But they think a browser will lead to exploits which may hurt game sales, so NO BROWSER!!1!!

I mean, it was said NS doesn't have a browser and there are no plans to include one. Pretty crippling for portable online play unless you can hotspot. But they think a browser will lead to exploits which may hurt game sales, so NO BROWSER!!1!!
maybe they wanted to create a gaming console and not a media device... no netflix, no browser, no nothing just games.

going back to the roots.

I was seriously hoping someone would have made a .gif of Reggie saying "What games?" from the Nintendo direct Switch reveal back in January.  The thought of that made me laugh the hardest and I can't believe it hasn't popped up anywhere.  

maybe they wanted to create a gaming console and not a media device... no netflix, no browser, no nothing just games.

going back to the roots.
But when you are somewhere, like a hotel where you want to connect to wifi and it requires a webpage login?
I logged on to Best Buy and was able to change my pro controllers from delivery to store pickup. I was not able to select store pickup when I ordered them. I checked a week or so ago to see if I could change them to store pickup and was not able to change it then.
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Cancelled my Switch and BotW ME pre-orders.

It was hard to pull that trigger, waiting for some news that would justify getting a Switch now, but I couldn't find any. I'll wait for Switch to have Switch-only awesome games before investing in the hardware. Getting BotW for Wii U and already have MK8 on Wii U. Hopefully Mario actually comes out this year and we get announcements like new Metroid, Animal Crossing, Smash, etc.
Exactly my idea too. Almost $500 once you get an extra set of JoyCon's, BotW, and Pro controller. I'm going to keep my preorder alive in case someone I know decides they want it, but I'll stick with Wii U until Mario comes out.
Huh? Purchases have been tied to an account for years. Do people genuinely not know this? In this article they even say:

"On current Nintendo systems, if you buy a digital game for a console, it stays there and it can't be recovered if you want to download it on another system."

Which is 100% false. So much misinformation. :wall:

I won't get to excited until we know 100% how this works, but based on this, so you can buy a NS and some digital games, and then if you ever loose your system, you can just re-assign your account to the new one, and re-download everything without going through "N", or that transfer process like the 3DS correct?

They switched purchases to accounts already. This is true on WiiU and 3DS. Once you setup a NNID the purchases are then linked to it.

The catch is that while the purchases are tied to the account, you can only have 1 registered device capable of accessing your purchases. You have to call customer service to un link the device from your account to move to a new system if you can't do a system transfer.

It'll be interesting to see what, if any, benefits Nintendo gives for digital licenses. I think if they do anything it'll be like the ps4 where you still only get one main systems registered, but you can play your stuff elsewhere but others on secondary devices can't play your stuff from their accounts. Still, it's a wait and see.

I'm just annoyed I can't have the save file saved in the cloud. That'll be annoying. I want two Switches...but without that, it's pointless.
Uh I don't think thats the case. In fact the dev kit docs mentioned that saves aren't automatically updated at this moment. So you have to manually upload them. I am pretty sure they have a cloud solution you just have to manually force the process.

It sure would be nice for Nintendo to actually come out and say this though
Huh? Purchases have been tied to an account for years. Do people genuinely not know this? In this article they even say:

"On current Nintendo systems, if you buy a digital game for a console, it stays there and it can't be recovered if you want to download it on another system."

Which is 100% false. So much misinformation. :wall:
I believe people are excited that if they bought the original Zelda on NES on the 3DS, Wii and Wii U that they might be able to re download on the switch. People are generally frustrated they have to rebuy the same game on multiple systems, whereas a unified Nintendo account would change that.
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I believe people are excited that if they bought the original Zelda on NES on the 3DS, Wii and Wii U that they might be able to re download on the switch. People are generally frustrated they have to rebuy the same game on multiple systems, whereas a unified Nintendo account would change that.
I'd love that. Unfortunately none of the info we've seen would indicate that is the case (yet). If anything IGN putting out a report like this will get people's hopes and confuse them more if/when the account system on the Switch is nearly identical to what they already have on Wii U/3DS.

Well the point is the current account system sucks balls.
I know I'm 100% the odd man out here but I do not mind it. My digital purchases on Nintendo systems feel way more secure than they do anywhere else. I only have one other person in my family who games, and the games are shared across our accounts through the same system, which works perfect for me. I realize this isn't ideal for some people, so I hope Nintendo finds a way to incorporate family sharing for those people but without sacrificing security for the sake of convenience.

Exactly my idea too. Almost $500 once you get an extra set of JoyCon's, BotW, and Pro controller. I'm going to keep my preorder alive in case someone I know decides they want it, but I'll stick with Wii U until Mario comes out.
Good things come to those who wait. Being the diehard nintendo fan I am it's going to be tough to resist buying a switch early on but I'm thinking waiting til odyssey comes out will be much wiser & possibly easier on the wallet if a bundle comes along. The Wii U is definitely the better of the 2 unless portability is a big deal to you. For me it's not. Myself I'd be happy to see a console only version at $200 but that won't happen for a while. Holidays they are all going to be competing for consumers hard earned $$$ & Xbox One's and PS4's is only going to get cheaper & the switch will have to be competitive. A white Odyssey holiday bundle is really what I'm hoping for & by then any possible bugs will be worked out.

I know I'm 100% the odd man out here but I do not mind it. My digital purchases on Nintendo systems feel way more secure than they do anywhere else. I only have one other person in my family who games, and the games are shared across our accounts through the same system, which works perfect for me. I realize this isn't ideal for some people, so I hope Nintendo finds a way to incorporate family sharing for those people but without sacrificing security for the sake of convenience.
Or they could just implement double authentication like MSFT, Valve, MMOs, etc. and join the 21st Century. The "security" you're describing is like securing your money under your mattress. It may be effective for some, but there's a better way.

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Or they could just implement double authentication like MSFT, Valve, MMOs, etc. and join the 21st Century. The "security" you're describing is like securing your money under your mattress. It may be effective for some, but there's a better way.
I don't understand your mattress analogy. I suppose that's true in that nobody can hack a mattress, and mattresses don't have system/account breaches? I'd liken it more to a vault, but I guess that's just a difference in our sleeping preferences.

We'll just have to wait and see what they do. Hopefully it works best for everyone!

Once again, your reading comprehension is very low, and you should just stop reading here if you can't understand my opinions & thoughts. I have never once said I didn't like the switch. I have said it is over priced, and lacks quality games for it's current asking price, and I also said if it would have been $200, or $250 with Zelda, I would have bought 2 at launch. This is CAG, so why would anyone stating something is "overpriced" raise anyone's alarm bells? Cheap Ass Gamer is the site afterall right?

I've owned just about every "N" system and handheld ever made, including a shit ton of rare imports. I play my 3DS daily, and I was one of the nut jobs pissed off it took NoA so long to bring the standard N3DS model to the states, as I no longer liked the size and extra weight of the XL(which I've also owned several of). I've loved "N" since the early 80's since first playing DK, and the G&W handhelds. I currently own 2 cocktail coin-ops, I doubt many fans here can say they own arcade machines from this company. But while I love the company, I absolutely hate what they have become.

Now my son has picked up my torch, and I still buy him "N" games, and systems, the most recent being the Mini that I bought him for Christmas. So while I don't care much for most business things they do currently(or the lesser quality of most games), I still look for deals and good games to buy for my son, or for my N3DS. And as I have also stated, I've been buying cheap Wii U games for awhile now, as I knew I would get one some day. And the same will probably go for the NS.

So while your thinking I'm posting just to start shit(which you apparently wanted), my first post about Lego Undercover was in regards to the preorder bonus GS is offering for the game. So while I'm starting shit, and hoping the NS fails, I'm also posting deals for the community, does that make sense? Like I said, learn to read before calling someone out for things they have never said.
blah blah blah.

The funny thing was you're the same guy that posted the Switch (in a nutshell) was the worst product in the world and then a few days later, said he was (sincerely) debating whether to get the Switch version of LCU or not. :wall:

Manic depressive? Or just one of those gamers that have to hate the things they enjoy - The "passionate" fans. I don't know. Just noticed and thought it was hilarious.

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I know I'm 100% the odd man out here but I do not mind it. My digital purchases on Nintendo systems feel way more secure than they do anywhere else. I only have one other person in my family who games, and the games are shared across our accounts through the same system, which works perfect for me. I realize this isn't ideal for some people, so I hope Nintendo finds a way to incorporate family sharing for those people but without sacrificing security for the sake of convenience.
I don't mind the current system either. I just haven't run up against its limitations so it's no different than an account system to me.

I guess I sold my 3ds's that had a digital purchase on or two. But I unlinked my account before I sold them. I think I could relink my account with a new 3ds if I wanted to and play the 2 games I had. I might have to call Nintendo.

But realistically if I'm selling my 3ds and didn't transfer to a new one then I'm done with the 3ds and am not going back.

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I'll think I'll wait for Horizon reviews Monday to determine if I keep my preorder or cancel it for a neon switch later this year.
I believe people are excited that if they bought the original Zelda on NES on the 3DS, Wii and Wii U that they might be able to re download on the switch. People are generally frustrated they have to rebuy the same game on multiple systems, whereas a unified Nintendo account would change that.
Yeah but to me that is mostly a mirage. It's just people wanting to cover every possible scenario without any regard as to the odds that they will ever play Zelda NES again on their latest system.

Nevermind that ZEdla NES won't work natively on the Switch. It would have to be ported. And NIntendo charges a small fee for ports. I think I paid $1 to transfer a NES game to the Wii U from the Wii.

so to me it's like oh cool, but realistically...nothing changes for me. I don't know if I would port old VC games over or not if I had to pay to port them. I don't play most of the VC games I have. I haven't even touched some. VAst majority of others I messed with for 10 minutes and that's it.

so practically speaking nothing would really change for me.

I think it's more about control. IT puts the control into the consumer's hands. And then they can sleep at night even though in practice, there is little to no change in how it effects what they do. There are exceptions. Some people just want this. And play VC games all day and night. And don't want to keep multiple systems around. And want their VC games on the Switch cause it does both tv and on the go play etc. I get that there are exceptions.

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I'll think I'll wait for Horizon reviews Monday to determine if I keep my preorder or cancel it for a neon switch later this year.
Um, do you mind expanding upon that a bit? I can't see where your logic is going. Unless you think horizon will last you for months before you feel the need to buy anything else?

In other thoughts, hoping the switch NDAs are not super bad so we get some gameplay videos soon.
Anyone else on media blackout? I don't want to read or know about all the stuff I already pre-ordered and is coming in 2 weeks.
No, but I wish I was. Zelda plot speculation enhances the experience for me, so I'm fine with that, but seeing the Switch box opening was kind of a bummer. Takes away some of the magic of first getting and opening it myself.

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I mean as long as I've been following the thread, that seems to have been his story.... not sure why you're trying to crucify the guy because he has asked a question. Whether you agree with him or not, hes been mostly respectful and contributed to the conversation in a meaningful way, which is clearly more than we can say for you in this instance.
I have to disagree with you buddy. I can see how you could feel that way if you haven't followed this thread since it's inception, but from his first post in this thread up until now he has been thrashing the Switch continuously. Now on a regular forum that would be fine but this is an obvious hype thread. There are few to no Switch deals so it's obvious this thread is similar to the Collector's Edition thread, "let's talk about how excited we are for ______." It gets really old when people come in there with the sole purpose of telling you how bad the product you're excited for is. Regardless of how polite they do it or don't.
I can't help but find the people saying 300 is too much for the Switch. 300 in 2017 is really nothing in the world of consumer electronics. People buy their kids iPads as toys and I see it all the time. And for those saying that children aren't excited for the Switch are grossly wrong in my opinion, but what do I know! I'm just an elementary school teacher that spends 50+ hours a week with Nintendo's target age group.
No, but I wish I was. Zelda plot speculation enhances the experience for me, so I'm fine with that, but seeing the Switch box opening was kind of a bummer. Takes away some of the magic of first getting and opening it myself.
I felt the same way yesterday. Was a bit disappointed in myself for watching the video. It does take the element of surprise away. Even if it's just a system.

Um, do you mind expanding upon that a bit? I can't see where your logic is going. Unless you think horizon will last you for months before you feel the need to buy anything else?

In other thoughts, hoping the switch NDAs are not super bad so we get some gameplay videos soon.
I've seen a couple of comments saying the same thing. I guess because Horizon comes out 3 days before, has a lot of similarities to BotW, and seems like it'll be an epic and amazing game, some people are deciding to just give the time to that game and get BotW later.

I'm doing the opposite. I'm getting BotW first, and not playing Horizon until I 100% BotW.

Eh, ferking furries. Furries always have to ruin everything. Even something as cute as the Switch pup.

Hey Ferrari, if you do the poll, there should be a clear distinction in options between actually liking the dog meme and finding it cute, and liking it a bit too much because you're a furry. :p
new poll...just for you

bread's done