Yeah, I watched the GameExplain followup video yesterday, and figured those reports where BS. As I found it hard to believe the one place that first showed the issue in depth, couldn't correct the issue with the patch. He neither had the one unit that was non patch able, or it was BS to begin with. I never believed that information anyways, as there was no reputable person given it, just internet "noise".
How the hell is that even possible? I figured if the Wi-Fi signal reaches an area, that any device should pick it up and be usable. I've never once had an issue with the device itself, just maybe the signal not reaching a certain part of the home, and that hasn't been an issue in forever.
My sons Wii U is pretty close to my router, so that has never had issues, and I've used my 3DS all over and never had an issue there either. I hope that isn't a big issue for people, as that would suck.