Nintendo Switch Preorder Thread 2.0

Got shipping delays for my neon joy cons and Guardian amiibo from BB

The good news is that I picked up my Switch from BB and it took only 20 minutes
I happened to be going somewhere around midnight and thought I would swing by bestbuy and pickup my SE before they "lost it" and maybe pick up a poster.  Nope, didn't even park the car.  At around 11:59 there were at least 100 people in line, it was wrapped around the front of the store almost like black friday.  I was surprised. Maybe it was because the weather was unusually mild for this time of year. That store is probably going to sell out tonight.

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Got to the front of the line only to find out the guy in front of me is the last one to get a system. I did manage to get a pro controller and Zelda Special Edition. I will try Target and another Walmart in the morning.

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sorry to hear you just missed getting a system. :(

i went to a walmart to get a pro controller, and ended up with a grey system(for my friend), a pro controller, red blue joy cons & a charging grip.

Popped over to my BB at like 10:45 just to see if they would have Pro controllers and any Bomberman's left over. Waited in line with everyone else, no separate lines but it was orderly enough. Let us in at around 11 on the dot, grabbed one of the around 30 Pros they had & the only Bomberman left. Rang up my preorder, paid for the rest, then ran over to get gas & a coffee til midnight. It was easy enough, ran in, grabbed my system, noticed the entire table of accessories and games was pretty much gone minus Zelda guides & stuff.

Shame I missed out on the SE Zelda. They had 3 on the tablet but this family of extremely obese folks grabbed all 3. They had about 8 systems preordered, every game, every accessory, and even had 3 of the Wii U Zelda's preordered. They dropped a ton of cash. Could probably find it all on eBay right about now.

All charged up now, played the first hour of Zelda. Pumped to see how it works on the plane.

If you guys are buying something from the eshop tonight remember that your zip code is 97001 (tax free cags)
Where's my credit?! O:) JK.

Guys remember you can also start using that Zip code for PSN since they are starting to charge Sales Tax Nationwide it seems. (For states that apply).

I live in NYC (always charged tax) so i been using that zip code on PSN, NN, Live for years. :D/ :whistle2:

Pays to be personable sometimes, there were quite a few people who had been waiting since like 6 o clock today who got nothing. Now to see if I can find a screen protector so I can actually play it.
I've had a few good relationships with managers and assistants over the years at GS. My most recent manager buddy got fed up with GS, so he moved on, but his GF still manages a store, but lately I haven't really needed anything from GS, but I agree, it's good to have friends in low places. LOL

I live in Los Angeles, and most of my orders are delivered by Amazon's own people now. I'll wait till I wake up in morning before contacting them. They do same day delivery here, so it's possible a shipping notice will go out in the morning.
Yeah, I get deliveries direct from them on the regular. They actually show up sooner than USPS, FedEx and USP and haven't misdelivered a package yet, so their tops in my book.

Much better experience this morning. Found a walmart that was not open 24 hours and went about 15 minutes before open. No one else in line. Walked in and picked up a console, Zelda Special edition and Pro Controller with no issues.

Now to disappear for the weekend ..
So, any "thoughts" on the system so far?

Like, dislike, bigger than expected, smaller, well built, not as good as you thought, etc?

So, any "thoughts" on the system so far?

Like, dislike, bigger than expected, smaller, well built, not as good as you thought, etc?
It's a really nice size screen but the joy cons feels small while attached. I'm 6' and have fairly large hands and the right joystick placement is weird. Zelda looks damn beautiful. Setting are a little weird. System wouldn't connect to wifi because I was putting in the wrong password and the system didn't have an error or anything. It just wouldn't connect. Simple shit Nintendo misses.

Other than that small thing it's pretty nice.

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Whoof. Trying to find one in NYC has been rough. Best Buy apparently gave out tickets this morning for all of their Switches and Gamestop doesn't think they'll be getting any. Hope everyone else has better luck!
Thanks for the heads up. My coworker was wondering if he could get one without reserving, even though we're near multiple Best Buy's and gamestops (soho).
It's a really nice size screen but the joy cons feels small while attached. I'm 6' and have fairly large hands and the right joystick placement is weird. Zelda looks damn beautiful. Setting are a little weird. System wouldn't connect to wifi because I was putting in the wrong password and the system didn't have an error or anything. It just wouldn't connect. Simple shit Nintendo misses.

Other than that small thing it's pretty nice.

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Oh and it's a finger print magnet. My OCD is going to be on overtime with this thing. Carry a clean cloth with you.

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So, any "thoughts" on the system so far?

Like, dislike, bigger than expected, smaller, well built, not as good as you thought, etc?
Seems well built, very light, and much thinner than I actually imagined. Love the UI feel and look. Can't wait to add more themes. Very happy so far.

I was able to replicate the desync issue resting a joycon on a raised leg from my couch. Otherwise fun. Plan on using handheld mode for the first hour. My joycons started throwing messages about needing to charge when I was prompted to remove them during initial setup.Yep it looks
Yep it looks like the rumors of a patch were indeed false

So a few questions, how stable is the wifi? I'm wondering if I can live off of wifi for now until I feel like getting a new networking switch for more lan ports.

Has anybody tried any chargers yet? I am curious as to see what worked. I have a few on the way to test (the Motorola Power 15/30 which I read support USB PD which the Switch uses)

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FYI, a mod at the nintendoswitch subreddit confirmed that the ENTIRE Nintendo Switch physical JP copy of the game turns into English in I Am Setsuna if your system language is set to english, I purchased through Amazon.JP

So a few questions, how stable is the wifi? I'm wondering if I can live off of wifi for now until I feel like getting a new networking switch for more lan ports.

Has anybody tried any chargers yet? I am curious as to see what worked. I have a few on the way to test (the Motorola Power 15/30 which I read support USB PD which the Switch uses)
I'm only using officially licensed chargers. Not taking any chances. I just want a car charger now.

So a few questions, how stable is the wifi? I'm wondering if I can live off of wifi for now until I feel like getting a new networking switch for more lan ports.

Has anybody tried any chargers yet? I am curious as to see what worked. I have a few on the way to test (the Motorola Power 15/30 which I read support USB PD which the Switch uses)
The range is super short in my case. All my other devices can be used from back of my house. With the Switch I can't get more than a room away. Probably the biggest disappointment since my bedroom is all the way in the back of the house. Will have to buy an extender

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So a few questions, how stable is the wifi? I'm wondering if I can live off of wifi for now until I feel like getting a new networking switch for more lan ports.

Has anybody tried any chargers yet? I am curious as to see what worked. I have a few on the way to test (the Motorola Power 15/30 which I read support USB PD which the Switch uses)
I have a Google Pixel that uses USB C charger. I'll try that on my switch in a bit and report back.

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Tried my Google Pixel USB C charger that outputs 9V 3.0A and the switch charged just fine. Went up from 76% to 77% in like 30 secs. Also used 3rd party USB C cable that I got from Amazon attached to Google Pixel wall plug and it also charged the Switch fine.

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Battery is pretty disappointing. Played Zelda for like 20 mins along with Snipper clips for another 10 mins and battery went from 99% to 76% in that short of time.

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I'm only using officially licensed chargers. Not taking any chances. I just want a car charger now.
Yeah I don't blame you. I wanted something for mobile charging online. I'll try the one I ordered to see how it works. Worse case I'll return them and pay the extra $20 and get the official.

The range is super short in my case. All my other devices can be used from back of my house. With the Switch I can't get more than a room away. Probably the biggest disappointment since my bedroom is all the way in the back of the house. Will have to buy an extender

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
I have a Google Pixel that uses USB C charger. I'll try that on my switch in a bit and report back.

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
Tried my Google Pixel USB C charger that outputs 9V 3.0A and the switch charged just fine. Went up from 76% to 77% in like 30 secs. Also used 3rd party USB C cable that I got from Amazon attached to Google Pixel wall plug and it also charged the Switch fine.

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Battery is pretty disappointing. Played Zelda for like 20 mins along with Snipper clips for another 10 mins and battery went from 99% to 76% in that short of time.

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk
I had a feeling that the wifi range would be short as heck. Is it like this when docked? I wonder if the downclock may impact it's range.

Awesome! Thanks for giving it a test. The Motorola Power30 is rated for 30 watts and PD at 5v/3.4 amps I believe which is similiar to the official charger. In regards to the battery... I expected it to hit right around the 3 quoted. If it is like anything else...having stuff running in the background, game sound, screen brightness, and downloads will probably kill it shorter than expected.

Preordered from amazon since Jan. 13th.. all week it showed preparing for shipping.. along with 2 other items and one if the other items is a water bottle. Called Anazon and they don't know anything, suggestions anyone...
I canceled my target preorder and rolled the dice on in store.  I rolled up at 7:55 and got the second to last grey console (neon long gone), zelda special edition, and a pro controller.

Preordered from amazon since Jan. 13th.. all week it showed preparing for shipping.. along with 2 other items and one if the other items is a water bottle. Called Anazon and they don't know anything, suggestions anyone...
Maybe you got in at the tail end and was bumped to post launch delivery. But I have also received items listed as delayed or "preparing" early or day of.

Yep it looks like the rumors of a patch were indeed false
Yeah, I watched the GameExplain followup video yesterday, and figured those reports where BS. As I found it hard to believe the one place that first showed the issue in depth, couldn't correct the issue with the patch. He neither had the one unit that was non patch able, or it was BS to begin with. I never believed that information anyways, as there was no reputable person given it, just internet "noise".

The range is super short in my case. All my other devices can be used from back of my house. With the Switch I can't get more than a room away. Probably the biggest disappointment since my bedroom is all the way in the back of the house. Will have to buy an extender

I had a feeling that the wifi range would be short as heck. Is it like this when docked? I wonder if the downclock may impact it's range.
How the hell is that even possible? I figured if the Wi-Fi signal reaches an area, that any device should pick it up and be usable. I've never once had an issue with the device itself, just maybe the signal not reaching a certain part of the home, and that hasn't been an issue in forever.

My sons Wii U is pretty close to my router, so that has never had issues, and I've used my 3DS all over and never had an issue there either. I hope that isn't a big issue for people, as that would suck.

So, any "thoughts" on the system so far?

Like, dislike, bigger than expected, smaller, well built, not as good as you thought, etc?
It's surprisingly thin and lightweight when in handheld mode. First iterations of Nintendo handhelds tend to be chunky, so I'm really impressed by this.

Taking off the joycons feels good but isn't as easy as the first trailer made it seem. It's still easy to take off, but I haven't been able to take off both at the same time when it's docked/tabletop mode. Probably just need some practice though.

The joycons themselves aren't as small as I thought. Then again, my hands aren't big. I was worried about the position of the right analog stick, but it doesn't in my way of pressing the B button and it doesn't feel too weird when using the right joycon by itself. Using the grip isn't too bad either, just feels light.

Taking the wrist bands off is tricky. It feels like I'm about to break something each time I slide them off.

Pro controller is fantastic. If it had analog triggers, I think it would definitely be the best controller out there.

I haven't really played enough to test out the battery though. Oh and the kickstand really is garbage.
Yeah I don't blame you. I wanted something for mobile charging online. I'll try the one I ordered to see how it works. Worse case I'll return them and pay the extra $20 and get the official.

I had a feeling that the wifi range would be short as heck. Is it like this when docked? I wonder if the downclock may impact it's range.

Awesome! Thanks for giving it a test. The Motorola Power30 is rated for 30 watts and PD at 5v/3.4 amps I believe which is similiar to the official charger. In regards to the battery... I expected it to hit right around the 3 quoted. If it is like anything else...having stuff running in the background, game sound, screen brightness, and downloads will probably kill it shorter than expected.
I've only played it as a handheld as of now. They are remodeling my house so I have no access to my TVs so I haven't been able to connect it to the TV yet. Can't wait to see what Zelda looks like on the big screen. All of the negative stuff goes away when I launch Zelda. It's so damn nice and plays really well.

On another note. The joy cons attached are just too small for my hands. I keep having to take breaks from Zelda cause my left hand keeps cramping. Can't wait for Hori to release that game pad. I just couldn't pay $70 for that pro controller.

Any questions let me know. I took the day off so my daughter and I could play with our Switch consoles. She is loving Snipper Clips.

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Yeah, I watched the GameExplain followup video yesterday, and figured those reports where BS. As I found it hard to believe the one place that first showed the issue in depth, couldn't correct the issue with the patch. He neither had the one unit that was non patch able, or it was BS to begin with. I never believed that information anyways, as there was no reputable person given it, just internet "noise".

How the hell is that even possible? I figured if the Wi-Fi signal reaches an area, that any device should pick it up and be usable. I've never once had an issue with the device itself, just maybe the signal not reaching a certain part of the home, and that hasn't been an issue in forever.

My sons Wii U is pretty close to my router, so that has never had issues, and I've used my 3DS all over and never had an issue there either. I hope that isn't a big issue for people, as that would suck.
Well if the system is indeed downclocking when off the dock, the lower power can restrict performance of antennas such as wifi. This is very similar to a laptop. Another cause is that something could be interfering with it or a lower performance unit was installed in it. (drivers could also resolve things)

I'll be testing it tonight when I get mine hooked up since the router is on the other side of the house. I'll let you know what my experience is as well.

Yeah, I watched the GameExplain followup video yesterday, and figured those reports where BS. As I found it hard to believe the one place that first showed the issue in depth, couldn't correct the issue with the patch. He neither had the one unit that was non patch able, or it was BS to begin with. I never believed that information anyways, as there was no reputable person given it, just internet "noise".

How the hell is that even possible? I figured if the Wi-Fi signal reaches an area, that any device should pick it up and be usable. I've never once had an issue with the device itself, just maybe the signal not reaching a certain part of the home, and that hasn't been an issue in forever.

My sons Wii U is pretty close to my router, so that has never had issues, and I've used my 3DS all over and never had an issue there either. I hope that isn't a big issue for people, as that would suck.
It's really weird cause I play my 3ds in that room with no problem. The range on the Switch is not really good. Mind you I live in Puerto Rico where all the walls are solid brick or concrete. Should have probably written that in my previous post. Sorry guys.

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It's surprisingly thin and lightweight when in handheld mode. First iterations of Nintendo handhelds tend to be chunky, so I'm really impressed by this.

Taking off the joycons feels good but isn't as easy as the first trailer made it seem. It's still easy to take off, but I haven't been able to take off both at the same time when it's docked/tabletop mode. Probably just need some practice though.

The joycons themselves aren't as small as I thought. Then again, my hands aren't big. I was worried about the position of the right analog stick, but it doesn't in my way of pressing the B button and it doesn't feel too weird when using the right joycon by itself. Using the grip isn't too bad either, just feels light.

Taking the wrist bands off is tricky. It feels like I'm about to break something each time I slide them off.

Pro controller is fantastic. If it had analog triggers, I think it would definitely be the best controller out there.

I haven't really played enough to test out the battery though. Oh and the kickstand really is garbage.
Damn I should have spent the money on the pro controller. The joy cons are killing my hands.

I hope Walmart has some when I go later. Not really going to be able to do long play sessions with cramping hands.

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Switch, Bomberman and Zelda ME landed in town.... they are literally 45 minutes away from me and I get to wait between 1:15 and 5:15pm. may go into work early, and then fake sick around lunch to get out early to enjoy my switch.

Mine also, do you think we will be still getting them?
I just got off the phone with Amazon and the CSR was totally useless. My orders for the console and Zelda BotW SE actually went from "preparing for shipment" to "not shipped" and back to "preparing" since last night. Pretty f'ing annoying. And what really pisses me off is that Prime Now got allocated some stock of the console.

I'm giving it a 50/50 chance the orders will ship today. :p

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It's really weird cause I play my 3ds in that room with no problem. The range on the Switch is not really good. Mind you I live in Puerto Rico where all the walls are solid brick or concrete. Should have probably written that in my previous post. Sorry guys.
Yeah, that was my thought, if you have other devices that work in that area, why does the NS not? But I guess as explained above, the strength of the antenna can come in to play, but I've just personally never had a device that did that. Or if it did, I never saw a performance issue from it. I hope something like that can be fixed with a patch, as I see that causing major issues with online play. But getting a booster or better router may help as well.

Thanks for the thoughts guys/gals, keep em coming.

So I saw the bit about fingerprint magnet earlier.

How do the Joy-Con/Switch tablet feel in the hands? Is the surface more slick like they'll slide out rather easily or is there a little bit of stick there.

I prefer the surface feel of TPU protectors (in between slick and stick) in the hands for my devices to aluminum (maximum slick) or silicon (maximum stick) protectors.

NYC amazon purchasers: mine still hasn't shipped and is sitting in a warehouse in central Pennsylvania. I'm chewing out the reassuring amazon customer service rep.

Sucks because I have it ship to my office (I don't have a doorman and don't have a lobby, living in an offshoot if a building, so packages get left on the sidewalk), but as is often the case with preorders, they always get here late and deliveries don't happen in the weekend.
So I saw the bit about fingerprint magnet earlier.

How do the Joy-Con/Switch tablet feel in the hands? Is the surface more slick like they'll slide out rather easily or is there a little bit of stick there.
I prefer the surface feel of TPU protectors (in between slick and stick) in the hands for my devices to aluminum (maximum slick) or silicon (maximum stick) protectors.
It feels right in between for me. I don't feel like the system will slide out of my hands at all when in handheld mode, but doesn't feel too sticky either.
Maybe you got in at the tail end and was bumped to post launch delivery. But I have also received items listed as delayed or "preparing" early or day of.

I would be fine with not arriving today if the specifically marked that, but they charged me and had on my account literally since January, arriving today. Still listed as shipping now. It's more so the fact that I know Amazon hires literally anyone at their facilities so just want to make sure it's all good.
So, any "thoughts" on the system so far?

Like, dislike, bigger than expected, smaller, well built, not as good as you thought, etc?
Most immediate slight annoyance is there's no plastic adhesive on the screen upon unpacking. The screen also didn't register my taps a few times which my smart phone/tab does better- this is probably fine because of the Joycons + Pro controller. I need more time to fiddle around but does it have a GPS? A "Find my NS" feature would be nice in case.

Overall it's a positive experience.
bread's done