Nintendo Switch Preorder Thread 2.0

Well, I pulled it off. I snagged a gray Switch at best buy last night without a pre-order. I drove by around 9 to see if there was a line. There were about 30 people already in line so I went ahead and just stayed there. By the time they let us in there were probably about 30 to 40 more people up. Most people in line, like at least 90% didn't pre-order but I am almost positive everyone got a console. 

I haven't played anything yet but I did get the system out and set it up. I think it's a really nice console. The Joy-Cons are small though and I think they will take a while to get used to. Snapped in to the Switch itself they aren't bad but using them individually is pretty rough right now. 

So far, the only thing I am worried about is sliding the Switch into the dock. It seems so clumsy and it feels really bad. I feel like I am going to scratch my screen every time I put it in the dock. I'm not a fan of screen protectors either so...I guess we will see what happens. 

Hope everyone enjoys their Switch!

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Yeah, that was my thought, if you have other devices that work in that area, why does the NS not? But I guess as explained above, the strength of the antenna can come in to play, but I've just personally never had a device that did that. Or if it did, I never saw a performance issue from it. I hope something like that can be fixed with a patch, as I see that causing major issues with online play. But getting a booster or better router may help as well.

Thanks for the thoughts guys/gals, keep em coming.
There's a ton of variables that come into play in this situation. Do you have a router that also does AC? How many other devices are on at the same time? Signal strength? Battery charge on the device? Theres just alot of things that come in place instead of just blaming the device right out of the gate. I have a higher end expensive router and it made a world of difference going to that then the walmart BB low end router you can commonly pickup with all of the same devices. Signal penetration is also so much better with a higher end router. Before my signal strength upstairs was unusable. When I get my upgraded router it became usable in all parts of my house. Not sure yet either but if the switch will let you connect on different wireless bands you might find one of those to penetrate the walls a bit better for your connection purposes. Each wireless band is a bit different on the signal being dispersed and what it can penetrate.

I didn't get to mess with it when I got home last night. Had to be up at 4. Got a break at work so I messed around with it a little bit. Played Shovel knight for the first time(damn hard game for me).

I played while riding the recumbent bike and had the two joy cons individually in each hand and it felt good. Can't wait till I am off at 11 today and can go get my games from bestbuy.
I didn't get to mess with it when I got home last night. Had to be up at 4. Got a break at work so I messed around with it a little bit. Played Shovel knight for the first time(damn hard game for me).

I played while riding the recumbent bike and had the two joy cons individually in each hand and it felt good. Can't wait till I am off at 11 today and can go get my games from bestbuy.
This is one of my favorite parts. I want to be able to play while sprawled out on the couch and not be bothered by poor form factor or cords tying them together like the Wii.
So far, the only thing I am worried about is sliding the Switch into the dock. It seems so clumsy and it feels really bad. I feel like I am going to scratch my screen every time I put it in the dock. I'm not a fan of screen protectors either so...I guess we will see what happens.
This was the one feature I wondered myself, as I really didn't watch to many preview/reviews of the NS, but I wondered if it would be possible to scratch the screen sliding it in and out of the dock. I've only really seen kickstand complaints, or joy-con issues, so I guess it may not be an issue thus far for anyone. Keep us posted if you have an issue.

Still have yet to get shipping information from Gamestop on my Switch. Not looking good for getting delivered today. Even had 1 day shipping on it...

This is one of my favorite parts. I want to be able to play while sprawled out on the couch and not be bothered by poor form factor or cords tying them together like the Wii.
One of the better things I like about this is with a vita or 3ds I have to be holding them sitting up awkwardly or hunched over uncomfortably. Much more relaxed like you said.
I'm not worried about a plastic dock scratching a glass screen. My left joycon took two tries to sync after powering on the system this morning.

One thing I haven't seen anyone talk about is the heat management on this thing. In handheld mode it got warm then the fan started up. While in the dock it allows for a much higher operating temperature and the fan stays at a standard level. Switching to handheld mode on the fly while playing Zelda caused the fan to go at max speed and it felt hot to the touch. After the fan kicks in the system cools down to a normal temperature but it takes a few minutes.

I'm not liking the small size of the joycon grips but I'm also not liking the price of a pro controller.

BestBuy gave me a $25 gift card for buying the Switch this morning.  Anyone else?!?!?  Is this a promo or !?!??  Not sure why they gave that to me.  Was surprised. 

No problem getting a Switch at BB either.  Hopped into the store a few minutes after they opened and waited in line for 5 minutes or so and got one.  STore had 35 and were down to 20 when I checked out.  There were a few people still in line. 

Anyone else have their Switch not shipped from Amazon yet? Pretty annoyed that it's supposed to be delivered today and not even a tracking number.
My Switch package is currently in the hands of the United States Postal Service. There's an upside and a downside to that. The downside is that the USPS is not always as gentle with their shipping as I would prefer. Also, they are slightly less reliable when it comes to delivery times. And since this isn't going through Amazon's in-house delivery, it's going to be hit-or-miss on whether I get this today, or sometime over the weekend. If it does get held up in the post, then hands tied. I can go to the local post office and yell, but it won't get my package here any sooner. (and antagonizing postal workers is not a good idea)

The upside is that going through USPS means that my Switch package will end up in my communal mailbox. This is better for security, I won't have to worry about it getting snatched off of my doorstep. I also won't have to worry about the package being exposed to the elements.

What I'm really concerned about is the screen protector I ordered. The shipping on that is quite a bit more up in the air, and my OCD won't let me play the Switch without a screen protector applied.

I'm not worried about a plastic dock scratching a glass screen. My left joycon took two tries to sync after powering on the system this morning.

One thing I haven't seen anyone talk about is the heat management on this thing. In handheld mode it got warm then the fan started up. While in the dock it allows for a much higher operating temperature and the fan stays at a standard level. Switching to handheld mode on the fly while playing Zelda caused the fan to go at max speed and it felt hot to the touch. After the fan kicks in the system cools down to a normal temperature but it takes a few minutes.

I'm not liking the small size of the joycon grips but I'm also not liking the price of a pro controller.
I did see the heat mention in one video I saw, but the guy said it only ever got warm, and never hot to touch. Hopefully your temp sensor isn't having issues, as the fan should kick in before it is actually "hot".

Waited around for the neon switch from amazon now. They didn't wrap it in anything and just had the amazon stickers directly on the switch box. They came off easily, though...

I plugged it in, went on wi-fi, updated, put in eshop credits, put in sd card (which for some reason needed a seperate update), bought snipperclips and fast rmx, then left for work while it was all downloading. Going to pick up the rest of my switch stuff from the other places that I pre-rdered them when work slows down a bit.

Also, in a weird turn of events, Amazon IS shipping my pre-order and it's scheduled to arrive today despite customer service saying they were out of stock even though I'm sure I ordered in the first 10 minutes possible. Guess that one will be going back, but at least it comes with the case I wanted...

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I got home last night and just when I had it all about setup, my left hand flared up in pain, specifically my thumb. Thank you carpal tunnel for showing your ugly self 12 days ago and not going away.
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Pretty impressive out of the box.  Screen looks much sharper than screens on the 3ds/Wii U .  IT's amazing how small it is.  I have my Wii U sitting here and this system is so much more sleeker and the entire thing is smaller than just the Gamepad itself.  Power adapter is compact and much smaller than the pics on the accessory box would indicate. Dock is smaller than you'd think even after hearing others felt the same way.

The joycons are cool.  But they are small.  They are handheld controls definitely.  The sticks and buttons are just smaller.  Smaller than those on the Wii U Gamepad.  The grip setup feels good but it's small.  It gives you that handheld feeling.   And so I might grab a pro controller eventually whereas before I didn't see why I would ever get one.  NOte:  The sticks are regular analog sticks upon first impression.  Just smaller.   They aren't what you find on the 3ds.  

IT's a bit tricky to slide out the joycons.  Device slid into the dock easy enough.  

Pretty cool so far.  It feels more  on the expensive side than  the cheap side compared to previous Nintendo hardware.

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Anyone else have their Switch not shipped from Amazon yet? Pretty annoyed that it's supposed to be delivered today and not even a tracking number.
The one I ordered has been preparing for shipping since yesterday morning. Pretty miffed since it's going to another CAG and not me, even more so since my card's been charged and they can't bother updating me. Usually I don't get charged until the order is ready to ship.

The delivery address is within 45 minutes of a regional UPS facility and an Amazon warehouse, so it's not impossible for it to arrive today, I guess, but I'm still not happy.

Interesting video from the Game Theory channel about Nintendo's future plans with the Switch.

I did see the heat mention in one video I saw, but the guy said it only ever got warm, and never hot to touch. Hopefully your temp sensor isn't having issues, as the fan should kick in before it is actually "hot".
It's comparable to other electronics at full load. Kind of like a laptop running at full power. Not scalding hot but I wouldn't say "warm" to describe the temperature.

I got home last night and just when I had it all about setup, my left hand flared up in pain, specifically my thumb. Thank you carpal tunnel for showing your ugly self 12 days ago and not going away.
Damn, that's the kiss of death to a gamer, and at a system launch no less. Have you looked in to surgery yet? Or is it not that bad?

Hope you get better soon and can enjoy your NS.

hey everybody do any retail stores have a tempered glass screen protector for the switch? i ordered one on amazon but it still hasn't been delivered. 

Damn, that's the kiss of death to a gamer, and at a system launch no less. Have you looked in to surgery yet? Or is it not that bad?

Hope you get better soon and can enjoy your NS.
I already saw a doctor and he told me it isn't that bad yet. It is in my left hand (thumb and first two fingers). The pain comes and goes but the constant feeling of my thumb being poked (not breaking the skin, just poking it) by 20+ needles had me seriously debate on canceling my pre-order. It is the weirdest thing that I would not wish upon anyone.
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Anyone else have their Switch not shipped from Amazon yet? Pretty annoyed that it's supposed to be delivered today and not even a tracking number.
I've posted several times in the thread already about same issue, and still waiting for shipping confirmation.

Is this typical for Amazon when new consoles come out? If so, next time I'm sticking with b&m retailers.

I've posted several times in the thread already about same issue, and still waiting for shipping confirmation.

Is this typical for Amazon when new consoles come out? If so, next time I'm sticking with b&m retailers.
Thought it's looking grim, I can confirm I've had an item ship the same date it arrived (X-Box One S 2TB pre-order). If you know you have local couriers in your city for Amazon, you still have a good chance of receiving it today.

I've posted several times in the thread already about same issue, and still waiting for shipping confirmation.

Is this typical for Amazon when new consoles come out? If so, next time I'm sticking with b&m retailers.
It's not. I ordered a ps4 day one with no issues.
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Switch is cool. Smaller than I expected but still too big to go in a pocket.

Joycons are okay. I'm not a fan of the shoulder buttons. Definitely want a different controller when playing on a TV. They're fine for handheld mode.

I might go back for Bomberman. Disappointed the story doesn't have online co-op. 

This made me realize I don't really care about midnight launches anymore. At least true ones, the ones based of EST are fine since I don't have to wait until midnight, but otherwise getting home after 1am, I'm not really going to play much if at all. 

I slept in this morning and went into Target at 10:50am and picked up a Switch today.  A couple of the ~20 stores within 20min driving distance still had stock.  Minnesota is great. 

Glad to see Nintendo having plenty around for release. Saw a guy who just couldn't wait to make his profit and listed his Switch and Zelda for $600, by this morning had dropped it to $450. Realized he's not gonna make a lot of cash and now desperately trying to get his money back.
Minnesota is great.
I have to strongly disagree with that statement.... but it probably has 100% to do with my ex-wife....

Glad to see Nintendo having plenty around for release. Saw a guy who just couldn't wait to make his profit and listed his Switch and Zelda for $600, by this morning had dropped it to $450. Realized he's not gonna make a lot of cash and now desperately trying to get his money back.
I saw a few sold yesterday around $400; $550 if it came with Zelda...

And they seem to be dropping. I wonder if Nintendo managed to ship more than the initial 2 million units since everywhere seems to have gotten more than enough to cover preorders and walkins.

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Which store did you go to? and did they have any more than the one you picked up?
It's pretty much gone from all the Targets now. When I checked this morning six stores were showing In-stock. So I drove to the Brooklyn Park store. That was a mistake because the inventory counter was off and they had none. So in hindsight I should have called. But I had him scan the sticker and Maple Grove was showing 13 in stock. Called there, they had five. Took 9 min. to get over there and when I got there they had 3 left. The last one sold 2 minutes later. Stores appear to be sold out now.

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I couldn't bring myself to grab one today seeing as Zelda is the only game I'm interested in but if I really wanted to I can just get the Wii U version. I'm gonna wait for Mario odyssey and get one then.
However good to hear these seem to be plentiful, my coworker wanted one so I was helping her check brickseek this morning and it wasn't that helpful. We have a frys around the corner from us so she went in there about 10 minutes after they opened and was out within 5 minutes. She said there was only one other person there for the switch and they had plenty of red/blue consoles left but only a few greys. So if you have a frys in your area that may be the place to check.
Picked up my Switch at Gamestop this morning and Zelda game at Best Buy. Walked around the store in the game section and at 11:30 this morning they still had two grey consoles out for sale. Quick question I bought an eShop Card the other day and the code isn't working on the store. The front of the card says it's only for Wii U and 3DS is that definitely the case? I figured the eShop was one in the same. I'm still debating on 1-2 Switch or Bomberman. Any thoughts from those that have played?
Using brickseek for Walmart inventory tracking, ALL of the fifteen closest stores to me have 3-19 grey consoles in stock still, if it's updated correctly like it is with Target.  

Now there's a study on demographics for you. 

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Went into BestBuy around 11:30 to pickup my games and low and behold on the table was a Zelda SE, so I snapped it up and I dont know why. I bought Vanilla Zelda during visa checkout and thats about the only reason. What to do?

It's pretty much gone from all the Targets now. When I checked this morning six stores were showing In-stock. So I drove to the Brooklyn Park store. That was a mistake because the inventory counter was off and they had none. So in hindsight I should have called. But I had him scan the sticker and Maple Grove was showing 13 in stock. Called there, they had five. Took 9 min. to get over there and when I got there they had 3 left. The last one sold 2 minutes later. Stores appear to be sold out now.
Dang too bad. Gamestop still hasnt shipped mine and was hoping to pick one up to play today. Guess I just have to wait more than likely until Monday to play Zelda on the switch. Ill just pick up a Wii U copy for this weekend.

Glass arrived this morning; suspect because of the low price & for 2x. Playasia has more costly options.

I'll install one tonight![attachment=25714:CameraZOOM-20170303130204141.jpg]
Went into BestBuy around 11:30 to pickup my games and low and behold on the table was a Zelda SE, so I snapped it up and I dont know why. I bought Vanilla Zelda during visa checkout and thats about the only reason. What to do?
Keep what extras you want then sell the rest of the Zelda SE. You could get some good offers on eBay.
Buddy told me that Gamestops in the area were told not to hold any preorders past 48hrs, they want them all gone by Monday. Don't know if this is nationwide.

Any ideas when GameStop might get any restock? Still have buy my son's switch and want to use GameStop credit. Yes I'm buying 3. Daughter and I already have ours. Son is waiting for a GameStop restock.

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