I always get Hori when I can, as they make really good protectors. I have gotten some generic brands from Amazon when Hori wasn't an option, and some of those are pretty good as well. A lot of the time, it comes down to how well they are applied, and Hori makes the best system for that, so their's often time have the best results.
I'm glad to hear about the accounts being easy to set up and use. I'm still surprised by that, as I did not think it would happen, and if it did, it would be limited like the Vita's is, but for now, it's probably the best selling point for me in regards to the NS so far. Now I just need some games and a cheaper price, but neither are probably happening soon, so I can wait.
Are there any NS demo's out in the wild where they can actually be tried at a store? I have very, very small hands, and I think the jc will be OK for me, and since I plan to play mostly in portable mode, I really don't see needing the pro controller, but I would still like to try out the system at some point. Sadly, no one I know is getting one, so a retail store is my only option.