Nintendo Switch Preorder Thread 2.0

"reporter" & "large electronics blog" that's awfully optimistic...
Not really they've broken multiple very large electronics stories. Guarantee it's a top ten electronics news websites via traffic. They were part of a 135 million dollar buyout, but hey fuck actual money bloggers can't possibly be journalists right omg lolz.
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I have some chores that need taken care of around the house. Come on by and get to work!

ONE lucky person will have a chance to win a chance to pre-order the hawt Nintendo Switch.

Disclaimer: I do not have any available pre-orders, but I do have info that may prove useful when trying to obtain one. :D/
a local dentist, in vegas, if offering a free switch or ps4 once you complete a procedure. rip out your wisdom teeth and wait months before they can actually get a switch...

proof (warning, evil facebook link)

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Same here. I like it raw.
I've never used screen protectors & my 3ds and wii u screens are perfect. So many drawings too that I've done on that wii u gamepad. Screen protectors take away that natural feel. I always figured screen protectors are for little brats who might put a nail up against the screen or something. Touch screens have a very durable surface otherwise they would not make them touchable (is that a word?)

I recommend screen protectors to any and everyone, as they are a rather small investment, that can prevent HUGE issues. If you ever wipe your screen for any reason, as long as there is dust present, it is making fine lines(scratches). They may not be visible to some, but they are there.

Anytime I buy a device, I have the SP ready to go, and the only thing I'll do before hand is check the functionality of the device, and once I know everything works, the SP goes on ASAP! Every cell phone I've ever had, has had one, as my phone takes a decent beating going in and out of pockets, and once I buy a new phone, I remove the protector, the phone is like new, and I sale it for top dollar.

If a person doesn't really care about imperfections, or just average wear and tear, you probably don't need one, but for anyone who wants to keep their investment in the best condition possible, buy a screen protector. And for those of you who want the ultimate protection, I recommend the full body wet install protectors from places like Skinomi, as those are the best, but require a decent amount of skill to apply, but work the best overall. I haven't used those "glass" ones yet, but I hear good things.

I recommend screen protectors to any and everyone, as they are a rather small investment, that can prevent HUGE issues. If you ever wipe your screen for any reason, as long as there is dust present, it is making fine lines(scratches). They may not be visible to some, but they are there.

Anytime I buy a device, I have the SP ready to go, and the only thing I'll do before hand is check the functionality of the device, and once I know everything works, the SP goes on ASAP! Every cell phone I've ever had, has had one, as my phone takes a decent beating going in and out of pockets, and once I buy a new phone, I remove the protector, the phone is like new, and I sale it for top dollar.

If a person doesn't really care about imperfections, or just average wear and tear, you probably don't need one, but for anyone who wants to keep their investment in the best condition possible, buy a screen protector. And for those of you who want the ultimate protection, I recommend the full body wet install protectors from places like Skinomi, as those are the best, but require a decent amount of skill to apply, but work the best overall. I haven't used those "glass" ones yet, but I hear good things.
Probably how the OP walks around. Sounds like he has pretty severe OCD issues.

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What's an anime game?
Basically anything that has the generic "anime" aesthetic. Virtual novels, dungeon crawler RPGs, monster hunter clones, anything based on actual anime. Sure, a lot of these games can be really different, but they all look the same and have similar traits. Some things like Gravity Rush might fit, but they actually developed a style that is unique and not your status quo stuff. Plus it has unique game play, and it is a Sony game so they actually put effort into it.

I know it is a blanket term, but it is not supposed to be a bad thing. It just is what it is. Here is one I would consider a prime example.

I will be surprised if someone doesn't put out a battery case to stick the Switch in a few month after launch.

Someone posted this BB midnight launch info on NEOGAF

So after going to 3 different Best Buy's in my area and talking to each of the stores managers here is what I've gathered regarding the Midnight release for the Nintendo Switch;

- If your store is on the drop down list for the Best Buy Nintendo Switch Midnight launch then it is participating. If it is not then sadly tough luck.

- Best Buy stores will not be closing on Thursday March 2nd. All 3 stores I went too told me that stores will be staying open all night leading to the midnight launch. Meaning yes you can be inside the store at 11pm and wait there.

-2 out of 3 Best Buy's told me that they are allowed to sell customers the Switch starting at 11:30pm BUT you would not be able to leave the store until Midnight. Essentially you can pay for it at 11:30 but you can't get it till 12am. The 3rd Best Buy simply didn't clarify.

- All 3 stores were still unsure of how lines would be handled in terms of preorders vs no preorders but all 3 told me people with preorders would have priority.

- All 3 stores verified they will have enough to fulfill preorders but after that they were unsure if they would have any extra allotment for people looking to walk-in. Essentially YMMV if you're trying to walk-in.

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If Switch is a success, I hope they consider releasing remastered version of Wii U games. There were quite a few really awesome Wii U games that just kinda flew under the radar or didn't get the reception they deserved cuz of the poor system sales. When PS4 and XBL came out, there were tons of PS3/360 games ported over. :eek: Nintendo should try again to earn more profit that they missed out on.
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If Switch is a success, I hope they consider releasing remastered version of Wii U games. There were quite a few really awesome Wii U games that just kinda flew under the radar or didn't get the reception they deserved cuz of the poor system sales.
I think they're already doing more than considering it. Have you not heard of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe?

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If Switch is a success, I hope they consider releasing remastered version of Wii U games. There were quite a few really awesome Wii U games that just kinda flew under the radar or didn't get the reception they deserved cuz of the poor system sales.
I'd buy Tokyo Mirage Sessions again if they did that, but apparently that game didn't sell well anywhere.

Xenoblade Chronicles X would be cool too.

Just got back from Gamestop's "Pro Day" event, I went to trade a few things in.

I asked the manager about the "Win a chance to Pre-Order a Switch" promotion.

According to him, it's only for members who renew or start a PUR subscription in store...

I've asked the employees/regulars on the Gamestop deals board if they can firm or deny this, since it is not listed on their site.

If it's true, that makes the entire thing even more hilarious.

:eek: True dat, but I want moar.
I'm puzzled why SSB for Wii U wasn't ported for the launch window, or at least a summer release. They could have called it SSB U Deluxe, and added all the DLC. It would have sold. Who knows, maybe it's in the works.

I'd also like to see Mario Maker ported over.

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I'm puzzled why SSB for Wii U wasn't ported for the launch window, or at least a summer release. They could have called it SSB U Deluxe, added all the DLC.

I'd also like to see Mario Maker ported over.
Wasn't it in the original Switch trailer?
I see it being a Holiday 2017 release.

As for Mario Maker, it may not be as easy since the touch screen only works in portable mode.

"A private match by local wireless communications Nintendo Switch up to 8 devices at [splatoon 2] is, as already mentioned. There are hidden features Nintendo Switch TV mode connect the wired LAN in addition to this, a private match."

"Internet connection is required for wired LAN equipment to align major is. Wired LAN connection, 9 second and 10 second Nintendo Switch connected the the private match watch features also available. You can make splatoon baseball park just like battle environment!"

Original source:

For this image we can see wireless mode not requiring any internet connection in handheld mode for local play

The second image we can see the Switch using Lan features while dock. 
I didn't think the switch has lan built in so an another adapter?
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"A private match by local wireless communications Nintendo Switch up to 8 devices at [splatoon 2] is, as already mentioned. There are hidden features Nintendo Switch TV mode connect the wired LAN in addition to this, a private match."

"Internet connection is required for wired LAN equipment to align major is. Wired LAN connection, 9 second and 10 second Nintendo Switch connected the the private match watch features also available. You can make splatoon baseball park just like battle environment!"

Original source:

For this image we can see wireless mode not requiring any internet connection in handheld mode for local play

The second image we can see the Switch using Lan features while dock.
I didn't think the switch has lan built in so an another adapter?

poor translations hurt my brain.... but looking at the original twitter images, local wireless doesn't require additional hardware at all, where if on a lan (with USB lan adapter), you would need a router, but not internet access.... so I guess if you use static IP addresses as well, you wouldn't need a router for 8 way local wired lan gameplay... but that is just an assumption based on years of IT support

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Smash Bros U would be terrible on that small portable screen. They'd have to do more than a simple port.
I didn't find Smash Bros U to be that different from Smash Bros 3DS and that's on an even smaller screen. Plus you could obviously play it on your TV if you didn't want to play it on a small screen.

poor translations hurt my brain.... but looking at the original twitter images, local wireless doesn't require additional hardware at all, where if on a lan (with USB lan adapter), you would need a router, but not internet access.... so I guess if you use static IP addresses as well, you wouldn't need a router for 8 way local wired lan gameplay... but that is just an assumption based on years of IT support
The translation provided by Twitter, but what you said seems to be correct if we were to base it on the original images.
There isn't any real reason to use the lan features outside of tournaments play because of the the setup.

Unless you have two monitors + your friend bring over his dock for online.

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The translation provided by Twitter, but what you said seems to be correct if we were to base it on the original images.
There isn't any real reason to use the lan features outside of tournaments play because of the the setup.

Unless you have two monitors + your friend bring over his dock for online.
again, an opinion based solely on my It background, shouldn't a mixed lan game work too? someone on wireless, connected on the same network as a wired switch. Granted, I plan to test various USB-C adapters when my Switch arrives, including my phone's USB-C dock (HDMI, DisplayPort and 3 USB ports), USB-C to USB adapters, and USB-C to HDMI... so a secondary Switch dock hopefully won't be mandatory to get a switch working on 2 TVs

It was on 3DS quite well...

Yea, I thought it was in the original trailer for some reason.
3DS version was different, and had to make certain changes to help make it work on the smaller screen. Such as the black outline on each character. They'd have to do something similar with Switch handheld. Maybe it just switches depending on the mode? That'd work.

Isn't the NS screen larger than the Wii U tablet? My son plays smash all the time on his tablet with no issues.
Should have specified, I meant if you wanted to use the Switch to play with someone else, where the camera pans out more. The Wii U had some huge stages and it would be incredibly difficult to play on many of them with more than one person.

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3DS version was different, and had to make certain changes to help make it work on the smaller screen. Such as the black outline on each character. They'd have to do something similar with Switch handheld. Maybe it just switches depending on the mode? That'd work.

Should have specified, I meant if you wanted to use the Switch to play with someone else, where the camera pans out more. The Wii U had some huge stages and it would be incredibly difficult to play on many of them with more than one person.
I don't understand. Why would it have to be different? It would be just resolution change like it already does, possibly just lock certain stages to 'dock mode' only.

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Basically anything that has the generic "anime" aesthetic. Virtual novels, dungeon crawler RPGs, monster hunter clones, anything based on actual anime. Sure, a lot of these games can be really different, but they all look the same and have similar traits. Some things like Gravity Rush might fit, but they actually developed a style that is unique and not your status quo stuff. Plus it has unique game play, and it is a Sony game so they actually put effort into it.

I know it is a blanket term, but it is not supposed to be a bad thing. It just is what it is. Here is one I would consider a prime example.
Dude, he's trolling at this point. You're wasting your time on a troll.

3DS version was different, and had to make certain changes to help make it work on the smaller screen. Such as the black outline on each character. They'd have to do something similar with Switch handheld. Maybe it just switches depending on the mode? That'd work.

Should have specified, I meant if you wanted to use the Switch to play with someone else, where the camera pans out more. The Wii U had some huge stages and it would be incredibly difficult to play on many of them with more than one person.
The switch is technically more powerful, so we'll see how it's handled.

Splatoon 2 BETA ANNOUNCED March 24-26

Splatoon 2 Spectator Mode:

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That will be the day Nintendo finally dies in my eyes, and heart.
That's ironic (or fitting) when you have two Trophy comments as your profile signature. :p

I don't know how this is bad, though. If people don't want it they can just turn off notifications and don't bother with them. It doesn't affect them that way, then. But those of us who do like a trophy system can enjoy our games even more. Having it won't affect you, so being against it is just being selfish.

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Splatoon 2 BETA ANNOUNCED March 24-26

Splatoon 2 Spectator Mode:
Glad it's 3 weeks after BotW. Enough time to beat it.

See ya suckers then. Ya gonna get splatted.

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Ya know i saw this on a reddit somewhere and iy got me thinking. From what has been shown so far for BotW would it be so hyped and anticipated if it wasnt for slapping Zelda on the box. After thinking about it a bit id have to say no. So far nothing that have shown for BotW shows any kind of innovation or anything new or cool really from whats been done in previous games like Witcher and Skyrim and I know all you Nintendo Fanboys will scream foul but I think its a legit question and honestly if BotW didnt have Zelda in front of it i dont think it would be even half as highly anticipated as it is.
bread's done