NO MORE HEROES Discussion - FS/FT Pure White Giant Glastonbury LE Pink Cartridge

[quote name='ChibiJosh']Care to maybe mention said things, or...?[/QUOTE]

overworld should be a menu or something. I feel like it should be a more traditional action game with levels instead. but before I really say anything else, I wanna play more of it.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Stuck on the last boss on hard. Not fun. I might not even do it.

800 hits to take him down to ~40%
[/QUOTE]are u THROWING him??

like I said, every boss can be beaten in the exact same way (block, dark step, combo, throw, repeat)... if I had the skillz to record my TV and put it on the computer, I'd show u all... but I allocate my skillz elsewhere.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']Aren't games like Devil May Cry like that, with the wait until you have an opening, attack, then run away and repeat? I've only played the first one a good many years ago, but that's what I remember about it. I think many successful franchises were built on that idea.

Of course, if a sequel is made, that doesn't neccessarily mean that the gameplay will be exactly the same. Usually I think gameplay is tweaked and new elements are added in sequels.[/QUOTE]

Well the Devil May Cry games give you a sword, guns, and all manner of new weapons and moves. You can also jump around in them. No More Heroes' combat is rather more restrictive. I mean you can't jump, you can't shoot, and the move list isn't especially big (and really can't be made too much bigger with the Wii's limited buttons on the controller). Don't get me wrong; I liked No More Heroes a lot (I'm currently replaying on Bitter) and I liked God Hand even more, but I don't think either of them should have sequels; law of diminishing returns and all that.
[quote name='mickeyp']I am ranked 9 now. How do you guys go through the game so fast. Do you not even stop to eat ?[/quote]

I'm just like you. I beat #9 yesterday and I probably won't pick the game up until tomorrow. I'm like an hour or hour and a half in. No real rush, just playing the game.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']Well the Devil May Cry games give you a sword, guns, and all manner of new weapons and moves. You can also jump around in them. No More Heroes' combat is rather more restrictive. I mean you can't jump, you can't shoot, and the move list isn't especially big (and really can't be made too much bigger with the Wii's limited buttons on the controller). Don't get me wrong; I liked No More Heroes a lot (I'm currently replaying on Bitter) and I liked God Hand even more, but I don't think either of them should have sequels; law of diminishing returns and all that.[/quote]

I agree completely, and that really sums up my issue with the game's main strength... well, this one AND God Hand even better than I could have. Even Viewtiful Joe offers you more meat than those two.

Of course, as you said, I still really like God Hand and am having more fun than anti-fun with NMH.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']Don't forget the game was making a point
...Suda 51 very intentionally wanted to make this game as something quite different from his other games (all of which had mostly been deep story driven adventure games).

... all one of them?
[quote name='Ice2Dragon']Wow two stores didnt have it.

Call up ubisoft and bitch.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I hear ya. I was just pissed when I posted before. I really wanted to get it and waited in line for over 15 minutes to hear the guy say "no, would you like to preorder GTA IV?"

Shouldn't even have bothered with gamestop. They never have any new games unless you preorder or want something insanly popular. They aren't interested in selling new games.
Okay, not as bad as I first thought.

yes, it's shallow as hell and has all kinds of technical issues, but I think I'll play most of it (I play anything until I lose interest, not until I finish it...) well, if I don't finish it before DMC4 comes long NMH!

but this seems like it's going to be one of those games where it's insanely easy most of the time or difficult and frustrating due to things outside your I in the ballpark on that guess?

I just hope Suda tries something interesting again for his next game. This is basically Grand Theft Otaku Dynasty Warriors.
[quote name='RollingSkull']... all one of them?[/QUOTE]

The Sliver Cases, Michigan, Flower Sun and Rain, Killer 7. I think that qualifies more than one.

oh and apossum, this game is basically for people who want all the complicated crap taken outa DMC and just have straight forward fun. I love the DMC series, but man... it's getting tiring.
[quote name='RollingSkull']... all one of them?[/quote]

He has made more than one game. Just because you've only heard of one game he has been involved with doesn't mean it's the only one he has made.

In fact in Japan, in one of the Fire Pro games for the SNES, I believe the ending to the game involves having your character commit suicide. That's a Suda game.

Just Wiki him.
Just beat the first boss, this game is awesome!

I actually got my Bike stuck in a corner somewhere in town and had to walk all the way back to my apartment. XD

Luckily I find out that you can call it by pressing 1 later on, whew!
Got through the fourth ranked fight today, and I think I'll slow down and just gradually finish the game this week. I want to savor the delicious tastes to come!
You better recognize this reference!

The only bosses to kill me thus far have been 8 and 6.
Stupid one hit kills and learning dodging timing on the former, stupidity on my part on the latter.
5 disappointed me, though the cinematic was wicked.
"Sir Henry Motherfucker," lol.

I'm postponing any final judgment until I finish, but I am highly impressed thus far. Except for the overworld which, while not as horrible as many reviews noted, definitely needed some more work.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']No More Heroes' combat is rather more restrictive. I mean you can't jump, you can't shoot, and the move list isn't especially big (and really can't be made too much bigger with the Wii's limited buttons on the controller).[/QUOTE]
Someone will probably correct me if I'm wrong, but aside from the shooting, I believe NMH lets you do all of that. You just need to find the right stuff to upgrade/expand your move set...

Thats ridiculous. Soul Calibur uses exactly 4 buttons outside of the directions and everyone has 50 moves. It couldve been more complicated if he wanted.

He doesnt use the up button on the D-Pad, and the other D-Pad directions double for what couldve been handled with the analog stick, which wouldve left it with FOUR unused face buttons, and two different waggles, which arent really used much outside of wrestling moves.
[quote name='rjung']Someone will probably correct me if I'm wrong, but aside from the shooting, I believe NMH lets you do all of that. You just need to find the right stuff to upgrade/expand your move set...


I'm going to have to correct you pretty handily here. DMC's different moves offer a GREAT deal more variety than the NMH psuedo-moves. The simple variety you get with the uppercut/air-combo move trumps NMH pretty handily. It is tough to describe precisely how fluid and deep DMC's combat options, but they are much more like NG than they are NMH. Dante is all about flitting about, recognizing attack patterns and getting around and/or away from them, and then dancing in for massive, varied combos.

Granted, variety means that you're punching in just a larger sequence of button combos to get your combo meter up, but there's enough there for you to have choice at any given time.
[quote name='RollingSkull']I'm going to have to correct you pretty handily here. DMC's different moves offer a GREAT deal more variety than the NMH psuedo-moves. The simple variety you get with the uppercut/air-combo move trumps NMH pretty handily. It is tough to describe precisely how fluid and deep DMC's combat options, but they are much more like NG than they are NMH. Dante is all about flitting about, recognizing attack patterns and getting around and/or away from them, and then dancing in for massive, varied combos.

Granted, variety means that you're punching in just a larger sequence of button combos to get your combo meter up, but there's enough there for you to have choice at any given time.[/QUOTE]

I'd rather have more fun than more stuff.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I'd rather have more fun than more stuff.[/quote]
Exactly. While I love DMC, the difference between its combat and the combat of NMH is that NMH is way, way more fun.
Generally I just jam on both directions right after a block.

Oh, and 5th rank.
What the hell?! Was that supposed to piss me off? Because it worked.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']Generally I just jam on both directions right after a block.

Oh, and 5th rank.
What the hell?! Was that supposed to piss me off? Because it worked.
I call that a "lol so RANDOOOOM *holds up SPORK OF DOOOOOOOM*" moment.

I also call that a
you already have the game set up so that you're rewarding a lot of tedious grinding with boss battles. Stealing away the boss battle with a crappy level does not endear yourself, Suda.

[quote name='tankexmortis']Exactly. While I love DMC, the difference between its combat and the combat of NMH is that NMH is way, way more fun.[/quote]

Ha ha... oh wow.

I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one.
Thanks for the dark side step help guys.

I think if I could improve this game in one way, it would be to eliminate the world map completely. There would be a picture of the map, and you pick where you want to go, and you go there instantly.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']

Yes, there are upgrades for the MkIII, but the energy saver for it is $1 million (minus 1), but its description is "With this you'll never have to charge your beam katana again" I'm not sure if that's literal or not. Edit: It is indeed literal, I fought through over 100 enemies, and the energy bar didn't go down at all. Also, apparently if you swing a second time with the deathblow (it has to ahave a certain timing that I have a hard time figuring out, so just swing like made if you really want to see it) you'll get a special powered up deathblow. Triangles appear and everybody blows up. I've only done this with the Mk III though, so it may not work with the others.

Requirements for the "real" ending is all the katanas (or possibly just the Mk III)[/quote]

I find that shaking the wii mote during the deathmode strikes causes the "triangles" to appear.

and I don't think there's a requirement for real ending.

when I played the japanese one I didn't even get the MK-III until the second playthrough.
[quote name='youruglyclone']and I don't think there's a requirement for real ending.[/quote]
You have to have all the weapons upgrades, IIRC.

Finally found this one in stock at Worst Buy. Sold out at Target, Wal*Mart, GameStop, and Fred Meyer. I'll start playing today, then come back and read some of the spoilers.
[quote name='seanr1221']So how do you pull off a dark side-step? I always seem to do it by accident.[/QUOTE]there are a couple situations u can pull it off:

- press left or right (DPAD) while blocking right b4 an attack hits you.

- press left or right (analog/nunchuck) either at the moment or right after the moment you block an attack

- block a string and press left or right (analog/nunchuck) during any small window in the string
I just beat #8 this afternoon and I had one hell of a time doing it. I started trying last night and I must have died 5 times. Died about 3 times this afternoon until I finally took her down.

Her insta-death-million-slash charged attack kept nailing me right at the end of the fight. I kept getting pinned against a pillar or something else right when she was charging it and would miss dodging it every time.

After hearing about the dark sidestep thing (which I have triggered a few times on bosses but never knew what the hell it was), I've realized that there is a lot more to the combat in this game than it seems. There are secret moves (the triangles thing people are talking about) and charged attacks, etc., that rely on timing that I didn't even realize were in the game.

As far as the triangles thing, apparently the way to trigger it is to perform a finishing move and then immediately slash the Wii remote in the exact opposite direction of the finishing move arrow after Travis is done taunting. It may only work with one of the later beam katanas though.
[quote name='yukine']Triangles thing? Am I missing out on something?[/quote]

Also, apparently if you swing a second time with the deathblow (it has to ahave a certain timing that I have a hard time figuring out, so just swing like made if you really want to see it) you'll get a special powered up deathblow. Triangles appear and everybody blows up. I've only done this with the Mk III though, so it may not work with the others.

This was the original quote in the thread. I looked it up and apparently you just motion in the opposite direction of the death blow after Travis taunts and it pretty much kills everyone else. It might only be the Mk III though. I haven't tried it with my Mk I.
Not sure about blood berry, but it works with MK-I and up. Just slash the opposite direction during the brief slo-mo part of the death blow.

I also hear there is an area attack if you press A right after a block or something. I think I saw it once when travis swung the katana around in a circle taking out an entire group.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']Not sure about blood berry, but it works with MK-I and up. Just slash the opposite direction during the brief slo-mo part of the death blow.

I also hear there is an area attack if you press A right after a block or something. I think I saw it once when travis swung the katana around in a circle taking out an entire group.[/quote]

Yep, it is a basic counter and I have been actually using that one. Block with Z and then immediately hit A. It should do exactly what you said above.
[quote name='Lan_Zer0']Not sure about blood berry, but it works with MK-I and up. Just slash the opposite direction during the brief slo-mo part of the death blow.

I also hear there is an area attack if you press A right after a block or something. I think I saw it once when travis swung the katana around in a circle taking out an entire group.[/quote]I've always flicked in the same direction as the arrow, and it works. So either it's a very flexible input or it works both ways.
The timing for the triangles move is pretty simple, just do it during the slow-motion part of the attack and it will work every time. Didn't know about the counter though, thanks for that.

I wonder why they didn't mention these moves in the manual?
[quote name='botticus']I've always flicked in the same direction as the arrow, and it works. So either it's a very flexible input or it works both ways.[/quote]

What we are talking about is an attack directly after the initial "arrow" attack. You swipe the wiimote back the other way while Travis is still in his slow-mo mode and it will kill basically everyone else standing around.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']What we are talking about is an attack directly after the initial "arrow" attack. You swipe the wiimote back the other way while Travis is still in his slow-mo mode and it will kill basically everyone else standing around.[/quote]Yeah, we're talking about the same thing, I just repeat the first motion.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']The Sliver Cases, Michigan, Flower Sun and Rain, Killer 7. I think that qualifies more than one.

oh and apossum, this game is basically for people who want all the complicated crap taken outa DMC and just have straight forward fun. I love the DMC series, but man... it's getting tiring.[/QUOTE]

I'd have to disagree that there's any relation between this game and DMC whatsoever. I only mentioned it because it's coming out soon and I'm starved for a new DMC/NG game, not in comparison.

well, I bought this, so I feel like I did my part in keeping Suda alive. which is good because he needs to keep making games! :lol:
Just knocked down #4, payed the bill for #3, time for anime club. Anywho I started this game on sweet because I am a fucking dumbass. The game is way too easy on sweet, I can't wait to beat it and then try it on mild then spicy :D
About 17 hours for me; I spent a lot of time messing around getting t-shirts and stuff, though.

Question: what was you guys' favorite outfit? I wore the blue sunglasses, tight denim jeans, blue navy jacket, red belt, and "bolt" t-shirt for most of the game. Loved that shirt, made me feel like Madman.
[quote name='Zen Davis']He has made more than one game. Just because you've only heard of one game he has been involved with doesn't mean it's the only one he has made.

In fact in Japan, in one of the Fire Pro games for the SNES, I believe the ending to the game involves having your character commit suicide. That's a Suda game.

Just Wiki him.[/QUOTE]

That makes my pending Travis Touchdown CAW for FPWR so much sweeter.

I just took out
Destroyman, which is awesome, because I was actually wearing his T-shirt at the time
and I'm about nine hours in, but I have all but one of the balls and buried treasure.

Also, is there some kind of baseball-slide/slice with the second beam katana? I've one-shotted some mooks on my first hit while running towards them, but I can't seem to do it often enough to verify it...
bread's done