Offensive smiley tag on CAG?

I wonder if there are any gay gamers on here. There has to be right!?

My friend is, but he doesn't post that often, probably only lurks for deals actually.
[quote name='dallow']I wonder if there are any gay gamers on here. There has to be right!?

My friend is, but he doesn't post that often, probably only lurks for deals actually.[/QUOTE]

It doesn't come up that often, but two I can think of are KirinLemon and HumanSnatcher. They're open about it, so I don't think I'm exposing them.

David85 is also, but he is, first and foremost, an annoying-ass troll.
Amazing how someone like Mykevermin needs me to explain something to him like he's a 5 year old, and I'm the kindergarten teacher.

This is an internet message board, where people from all over the world come together to post their opinions on all sorts of matters. Now, it's safe to say that when you have people from all walks of life coming together, there is going to be the occassional racist jerkwad, who feels he can say whatever he wants, because this is the internet, and he can get away with it. Of course, this is not true for probably 99.8% of the CAG population, but just like with ANY large grouping of people, you're going to have a scattered number of intolerant people.

To say that the internet isn't heavily populated with racists is incredibly naive, which is why I used the comparison of going into a bar and finding drunk people. Does that mean you should just sit back and accept it? Of course not. If you don't like it, you can leave anytime you want, or not even have to go in there to begin with. Don't like that fact, that bad people have made places uninhabitable for the people who don't share their same views, beliefs, or behaviors? Well, too bad, because that's the world we live in. It's no different than people who avoid "the bad neighborhoods", or kids in school who don't go into certain bathrooms because "that's where the tough chicks who smoke go." Has CAG got to this point, where you should stay away because it's filled with racist hatred? Of course not. But after viewing a bunch of threads and posts, don't be surprised if you see the occassional racist reply.

I never implied CAG was full of racists, I was just saying that it IS an internet message board, and in this day and age, your more prone to find racial intolerance on a forum, no matter the subject the forum was intended to cover. I'm not saying that racist speak should be tolerated, I'm just saying not to be too surprised when you see it.
[quote name='mykevermin']It doesn't come up that often, but two I can think of are KirinLemon and HumanSnatcher. They're open about it, so I don't think I'm exposing them.

David85 is also, but he is, first and foremost, an annoying-ass troll.[/quote]

I knew about HumanSnatcher and David85, but Kirin Lemon is news to me.

I never implied CAG was full of racists, I was just saying that it IS an internet message board, and in this day and age, your more prone to find racial intolerance on a forum, no matter the subject the forum was intended to cover. I'm not saying that racist speak should be tolerated, I'm just saying not to be too surprised when you see it.

That makes more sense.

Seeing it doesn't surprise me, it's just the fact that it is almost encouraged the way things are now. I have visited other boards (not just game related) that have much better policies in regards to racially insensitve words (one thing Gamefaqs, for all its failure, has done right). I mean, you can only turn the cheek so many times to a situation.

Of course, it could simply be the fact that maturity and gaming message boards just don't mix.
I think the reason I didn't quite understand what VG was saying has to do with the premise. Who in this thread has expressed surprise or shock at racism? It's like we're having a conversation about one thing, and you feel the need to blurt out your opinion, which is only tangentially related to the discussion we're having (use of the n-bomb and whether or not the CAG filter for it inhibits or encourages its use). That's all well and good if you want to come in here and start your own conversation; I've surely done it before. However, why would you come in here to act as if you're arguing with someone and, at the same time, talk about something nobody's talking about or expressed thus far, is fuckin' beyond me.
[quote name='mykevermin']Who in this thread has expressed surprise or shock at racism? [/quote]Well, in the first post, there was this:

"What the f*** is up with there being a smiley tag that is the n-word?"

I qualify that as being shocked or surprised.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Well, in the first post, there was this:

"What the f*** is up with there being a smiley tag that is the n-word?"

I qualify that as being shocked or surprised.[/QUOTE]

Shock about how flippantly the OP feels such a word is treated by the website, sure. NOT, however, shock about the actual use of the word.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Well, in the first post, there was this:

"What the f*** is up with there being a smiley tag that is the n-word?"

I qualify that as being shocked or surprised.[/quote]

Yeah, the OP is a CAG newbie that joined this month. If I was a newbie seeing that I might have some shock as well.

That was the great thing about CAG when it first started. There was no extraneous bullshit like there is now that would be a concern to a newbie. It was about "Wow! CAG saved me a lot of cash!" and that was all that mattered.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Amazing how someone like Mykevermin needs me to explain something to him like he's a 5 year old, and I'm the kindergarten teacher.

This is an internet message board, where people from all over the world come together to post their opinions on all sorts of matters. Now, it's safe to say that when you have people from all walks of life coming together, there is going to be the occassional racist jerkwad, who feels he can say whatever he wants, because this is the internet, and he can get away with it. Of course, this is not true for probably 99.8% of the CAG population, but just like with ANY large grouping of people, you're going to have a scattered number of intolerant people.

To say that the internet isn't heavily populated with racists is incredibly naive, which is why I used the comparison of going into a bar and finding drunk people. Does that mean you should just sit back and accept it? Of course not. If you don't like it, you can leave anytime you want, or not even have to go in there to begin with. Don't like that fact, that bad people have made places uninhabitable for the people who don't share their same views, beliefs, or behaviors? Well, too bad, because that's the world we live in. It's no different than people who avoid "the bad neighborhoods", or kids in school who don't go into certain bathrooms because "that's where the tough chicks who smoke go." Has CAG got to this point, where you should stay away because it's filled with racist hatred? Of course not. But after viewing a bunch of threads and posts, don't be surprised if you see the occassional racist reply.

I never implied CAG was full of racists, I was just saying that it IS an internet message board, and in this day and age, your more prone to find racial intolerance on a forum, no matter the subject the forum was intended to cover. I'm not saying that racist speak should be tolerated, I'm just saying not to be too surprised when you see it.[/quote]
I agree that with any large population you will find the same characteristics as you would find in another population. Of course there are going to be racist people.

There is one thing I would say about your bar/bad neighborhood example, though. It's one thing to stay away from a bar because there are assholes. Should that be the case? In my opinion, no. I understand that this is the world we live in, and people are assholes, but that does not mean we or someone with more power can't do anything about it. You own a bar and an asshole comes in to fight, you ban that asshole from the bar. You live in a bad neighborhood, maybe you band together to clean it up and make it better.

It's one thing to sit idly by and let a situation get worse while you avoid it. It's another when you are allowing that situation to happen and can do something about it. People can take a stand and maybe they won't change people's minds, but they can at least modify their behavior to that which is considered more socially acceptable.

Then of course we would have to decide what's socially acceptable, etc., but that's a different argument.

I don't think CAG is a place we need to avoid because of the rampant racism, but there are steps (and pretty easy steps too) that can be taken to send a message to the general population here that certain behavior will not be tolerated here. And Cheapy has that power at his fingertips.

[quote name='mykevermin']I also see where Cheapy's hands are tied - either he allows the word or he covers it up. Personally, I thought that words filtered out as "$$$$$" or somesuch worked perfect, because it *completely* ruined the conversation, and nobody knew what the hell "$$$$$" in most uses. It lost the power, it lost the offensiveness, and it sure isn't cute or funny to use. I can deal with shaq-fu, but "ninja" ought to revert back to "$$$$$$" IMO, and anyone attempting to circumvent it using numbers instead of letters, or the ill-placed period, for example, should be immediately banned. I don't want that shit around me.[/quote]
I am typically a very, "Freedom of speech," kind of guy, but I agree with you here.

I know and understand that some people use the n-word in their everyday language and others don't find it offensive. So we have to come together and decide whether or not it is ok to use the word for everyone, or if it should not be used by anyone. Not just because of fairness or whatnot, but because if some people use it casually, others may use that as their excuse to use it also.

I also agree that using the, "Ninja," icon, was probably not the right move. It was probably innocent and jokingly put up, and a bit amusing. However, that is also the problem. As it has been stated here before, it begins to make the word cute and ok to use. This will draw more and more people to use it, whether or not the meaning behind the word is intended.

If we revert back to the $$$$$$ as has been proposed, it will lose it's power, it's meaning, it's cuteness, and any attraction people may have to use that word/graphic in the first place. It will also send the message that use of that word has been deemed inappropriate for use by the administraters of the site. And it will be much more discouraging than seeing a little, "Ninja," graphic.

Ok, sorry for the long post. I just felt like echoing a few good points.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Twat? I cunt hear you. Tits alright, I'll finger it out later.[/quote]

Why don't you evulva a bit and stop snatching the spotlight with sex jokes?
[quote name='GuilewasNK']It speaks volumes about certain elements on this site as far as I am concerned. I'd like to know why that is filtered like that, but the n-word isn't. I also notice that g ook (an offensive term for people of asian descent) is censored as $$$$ . Once again, that speaks volumes.

Anyone care to theorize about this?[/quote]The N word was originally the $$$$$$ filter, if I remember correctly. I'm guessing someone running the show here thought it was funny to censor it to Ninja.

Guile, it's the boiling frog syndrome. Put a frog into a pot of boiling water, and it jumps out. But, put a frog into a pot and slowly, incrementally raise the temperature of the water, and the frog will remain until the water boils and the frog dies.

We've laughed off derogatory hyperbole and any sort of values. Look at the attitude toward the porn industry... the Playboy of ages past is todays' Maxim left on shelves within eye range and reach of even an 8 year old at Target for cryin' out loud. We ingore the studies showing the direct corrolation between the legalizing of pornography with the skyrocketing divorce rate this and other countries around the world has seen. No one wants to feel that they're doing anything wrong or are involved in something harmful, so today everything is a joke.

What would have shocked the standards of folks 40+ years ago is now acceptable, we're down a very dark road. One with less and less dignity, pride in who we are as a person, as a people, as a society.
[quote name='mykevermin']It doesn't come up that often, but two I can think of are KirinLemon and HumanSnatcher. They're open about it, so I don't think I'm exposing them.

David85 is also, but he is, first and foremost, an annoying-ass troll.[/quote]

Also, lilboo has mentioned that he's gay. I didn't know about the three you mentioned though.
[quote name='prmononoke']Also, lilboo has mentioned that he's gay. I didn't know about the three you mentioned though.[/QUOTE]

I always thought lilboo was a female, for whatever reason. Funny, that.
[quote name='mykevermin']I always thought lilboo was a female, for whatever reason. Funny, that.[/quote]

I did too. I think the Princess Peach avatar and the name lilboo made me think that.

I always though Kirin Lemon was female also.
Well, lilboo could be female, but whatever it is, it's definitely said that its gay multiple times. I am pretty sure it's male though.

(S)he had an avatar that looked like a male with glasses, so I am guessing male.
[quote name='prmononoke']Well, lilboo could be female, but whatever it is, it's definitely said that its gay multiple times. I am pretty sure it's male though.

(S)he had an avatar that looked like a male with glasses, so I am guessing male.[/quote]

[quote name='Metal Boss']the stigma surrounding the word NIGGER ... It boggles the mind sometimes. I suppose we can still use phrases like cracker, honkey, white trash...etc though[/quote]

Dont forget himey .. especially when in reference to residents of New York City
[quote name='guinaevere']We ingore the studies showing the direct corrolation between the legalizing of pornography with the skyrocketing divorce rate this and other countries around the world has seen.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='guinaevere']What would have shocked the standards of folks 40+ years ago is now acceptable, we're down a very dark road. One with less and less dignity, pride in who we are as a person, as a people, as a society.[/QUOTE]

And what those folks were doing forty years ago would have shocked people forty years before that, back to the dawn of man. So what? How far back was this Golden Age of Morals, exactly? And why do we assume the folks forty years ago were happier, better off, or more "moral" than we are right now?
bread's done