Official (2015-2016) College Football Thread OSU#1

[quote name='pimpster4183']even if they gave that interception to LSU, they wouldn't have done shit. They were wore out by then. They looked terrible in the 4th quarter.

edit - and besides that interception call, Bama has not received any shady calls in their favor like Florida has.[/QUOTE]

That is not the point. I probably agree with you that LSU wouldn't have scored. However, they weren't giving the opportunity. This was a horrible call that came in a critical point in the game. And it's funny that you say 'if they gave' them the interception. The dude from LSU did intercept. The refs took it away. There is no denying this: the ball was intercepted. Do you deny that it was? Do you not think that could have been a huge momentum changer?

And if you don't think SPUAT has received calls all season, then you're not paying attention.
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WVU held their own at Cincy better than I expected. And could have been a different game without the BS replay rolling on the goal line fumble. :bomb:

I'd be surprised if we win either of our last two--Pitt, @Rutgers. Though we have always had Rutgers number.
I was pretty surprised to see that Ole Miss beat Tennessee 42-17. I was expecting it to be pretty close, but i'm glad we got a big win over the Vols
Glad the bucks are back in the Rose Bowl for the first time since 1997. Vandenburg really impressed me! Not bad for starting your first game away from home in one of the most hostile places in the country! Both teams really played their hearts out great game! However, in the end "the vest" prevailed.

Cincy is really playing with fire with these close calls lately. The Pitt game should be very interesting.

Happy to see USC lost to another un-ranked team, no bcs bowl for them this year.

Weis loses again one step closer to termination.
I agree that had LSU walked away with that INT..that might have fired em up enough to score..who knows.

I wish UT would just gtfo way they should be top 5.
[quote name='pimpster4183']even if they gave that interception to LSU, they wouldn't have done shit. They were wore out by then. They looked terrible in the 4th quarter.

edit - and besides that interception call, Bama has not received any shady calls in their favor like Florida has.[/QUOTE]

I agree totally. Florida beyond the cheap calls have also had great no-calls called. For instance, Riley Cooper pulling down the LSU cornerback (i.e. offensive pass interference that wasn't called) left him wide open for a TD. And we wont forget Brandon Spikes cheap shot to blind a player that should have him benched for a couple games to a season... his punishment was laughable.

If Bama's passing game doesn't get going, Bama might not win their bowl game. Defense can only take you so far.

With all the cheating going on and the weak non-conference schedules of the SEC teams, it makes it hard to really judge how good the teams are. Remember there will not be SEC refs for the National Championship game if UF or Bama make it in so it will be harder for bad/no-calls.

As for excitement for Ohio St making the Rose Bowl, I would be afraid since they will lose big time to the winner from the PAC-10 (most likely Oregon with Jeremiah Masoli/LaMichael James).

I fill bad for Boise State who at this moment looks to not make a BCS bowl as an undefeated team who actually beat a team who will most likely be in one.

To the heisman, CJ Spiller should be higher than Ingram. Spiller has done everything but kick a FG this season. He has 1 more score than Ingram is.

Anyways... on another note, I was glad the freshie EJ Manual was able to step up to plate to help FSU secure a win (that we so needed). He looked really good out there; hopefully Fisher/Bowden don't put a leash on him like they did in the second half of last weeks game.
Our boys played their hearts out. We got beat, and I don't believe in moral victories. But Auburn should be proud for taking it to SPUAT. They don't have an offense. UF should win that one easily.
I can't many more games like that. I hope that Ingram becomes healthy. They probably can't beat Florida without him.
At the beginning of the game I wondered how can you call unsportsmanlike conduct on a play that didn't happen. Oh well at least they won.
I'm wondering how an Auburn guy gets called for unsportsmanlike when two guys shove each other. Then there's the phantom holding call by Ben Tate.
God was I ever praying for an Auburn win. At this point I just want whatever will screw up the BCS system the most to happen. Anything to lower ratings/ad revenue and force a change in the "post-season" for college football.
Auburn should be proud they took Bama to the wire. Auburn burned themselves by their bad play calling during the 4th quarter plus them wasting the last 1:30 they had.

As for UF killing Bama... personally UF hasn't shown any better. Like my rant before, they have escaped the past couple of weeks by cheating. Based on how both teams have played, Texas should win the championship.
[quote name='munch']Our boys played their hearts out. We got beat, and I don't believe in moral victories. But Auburn should be proud for taking it to SPUAT. They don't have an offense. UF should win that one easily.[/QUOTE]

While the loss was still painful, I'm just glad we got a chance to shut down Ingram. All week I've been hearing about "Ingram this, and Ingram that..." but when it came down to the line, Ben Tate out performed Ingram in the game.

Not sure what the holding call on Ben Tate was, but the unsportsman like conduct call against Auburn was understandable. He should've just walked away and let the refs sort it out. The calls didn't really affect the game anyway.

I'm still proud of my team (except Zimba) and hope our boys get to go to a decent bowl game at this point.
Happy as hell to see WVU beat Pitt after the last two years. Hopefully they lose to Cincy next weekend and we beat Rutgers. That would likely put WVU in the Gator Bowl.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']While the loss was still painful, I'm just glad we got a chance to shut down Ingram. All week I've been hearing about "Ingram this, and Ingram that..." but when it came down to the line, Ben Tate out performed Ingram in the game.

Not sure what the holding call on Ben Tate was, but the unsportsman like conduct call against Auburn was understandable. He should've just walked away and let the refs sort it out. The calls didn't really affect the game anyway.

I'm still proud of my team (except Zimba) and hope our boys get to go to a decent bowl game at this point.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm not debating that it should have been called: McFadden pushed him. He was getting pushed too, though.

Get ready for the SPUAT to tell you that Ingram didn't want the Heisman because he's a "team player" and teams don't want individual awards.
[quote name='munch']Yeah, I'm not debating that it should have been called: McFadden pushed him. He was getting pushed too, though.

Get ready for the SPUAT to tell you that Ingram didn't want the Heisman because he's a "team player" and teams don't want individual awards.[/QUOTE]

I'm an Alabama fan and I would never say BS like that Auburn completely shut him down. I may be a different fan than what you're accustomed to though. I would say Ingram needs to work on his passing more:lol:
and my rebels disappoint me once again. Snead threw 3 INTs, and i believe 2 of them turned into TDs for MSU. Supposing he didn't throw those INTs and we end up scoring TD's on those drives, that ended up being a 28 point swing in their favor. They played great, but we shot ourselves in the foot.

I do think it is pretty funny though how MSU had a horrible season but since they beat us Dan Mullen is now the greatest coach ever
I watched a couple of great offensive games today. Unfortunately only one had the outcome I was hoping for. Mizzou beat KU in the Border War and Notre Dame lost to Stanford.

If Claussen declares for the draft I have a feeling he's taking most of the offense with him. If (or I guess at this point I should say "when") Wies is fired it's just going to be like hitting the reset button once again. That means unless the new coach is just some sort of mastermind it will be at least 3 years down the road before we'll see any sort of success. If not it's going to be fire, rinse, repeat....

EDIT: Congrats to coach Harbaugh for a great season. Also #7, Gerhart, is a frickin' BEAST!
[quote name='Chitown021']EDIT: Congrats to coach Harbaugh for a great season. Also #7, Gerhart, is a frickin' BEAST![/QUOTE]

And unlike Ingram, receivers don't drop his passes.
[quote name='Cracka']and my rebels disappoint me once again. Snead threw 3 INTs, and i believe 2 of them turned into TDs for MSU. Supposing he didn't throw those INTs and we end up scoring TD's on those drives, that ended up being a 28 point swing in their favor. They played great, but we shot ourselves in the foot.

I do think it is pretty funny though how MSU had a horrible season but since they beat us Dan Mullen is now the greatest coach ever[/QUOTE]

Dan Mullen is a great coach because he took the crappy players at Miss St and did fairly well in the SEC this year. If you factor in the almost victories to ranked LSU and Houston and the cheating that went on in the UF game, they could have had 7 wins now. Imagine what he will do once he gets his own recruits. They are defintely a team to watch in the upcoming years.
I agree i do think they will do good in the coming years as they have some pretty good players and i do believe he'll be a much better coach than Croom was. I just don't believe that he necessarily deserves to be given so much credit for "turning this program around" this year when the team that was horrible last year when it finished 4-8 finished this season 5-7.

Its cool that they competed with big teams and would've could've should've won 7 or 8 games, but looking at last years schedule (4-8) 4 of their 8 losses were by 10 points or less. This includes a 1 point loss to a #9 Auburn and a 10 point loss to #5 LSU.

I do think he will turn the program around, but i think its a stretch for them to claim he has turned it around when they won 1 more game than last season, still had a losing season, didn't make it to a bowl. They've always had to uncanny ability to lose to ranked opponents by very few points, Dan Mullen didn't start the trend this year.
Auburn had to pull out trick plays and onside kicks in the FIRST quarter to compete with Bama. Who is this Houston Nutt? They couldn't just play straight up. Also not to mention that Auburn had 2 weeks to prep for this game where as Bama only had *3* days because you can't practice on Sundays.
[quote name='pimpster4183']Auburn had to pull out trick plays and onside kicks in the FIRST quarter to compete with Bama. Who is this Houston Nutt? They couldn't just play straight up. Also not to mention that Auburn had 2 weeks to prep for this game where as Bama only had *3* days because you can't practice on Sundays.[/QUOTE]

You do know that Houston Nutt is the head coach for Ole Miss right? Gene Chizik is the coach for Auburn.
I think he meant it more like Who was coaching this game, Houston Nutt? Because Houston Nutt tends to use a good bit of trick pays.

I don't really see what's wrong with trickery. The majority of "straight up" football is trickery. Nobody goes on the field and says ok we're going to pass now, and then passes.

Play action passing is technically trickery. You trick the other team into thinking your running then you pass. What's the difference in that and tricking the team into thinking your kicking then pass?

Going for the onside kick after the first possession of the game was pretty risky, but it paid off. Alabama is clearly the better team, so if they're expecting everything you do then you're not going to accomplish anything. You have to do the unexpected. Not to mention the fact that once a team gets down by a couple of TDs there tends to be more pressure on them and they make more mistakes.

I personally liked Auburn's use of trickery. Unfortunately for them they used just about every trick play they had in the first quarter. The trick plays kept Bama on their toes and they didn't know what to expect, and so they were able to move the ball. Once Bama knew what to expect, it became harder to move the ball.
[quote name='st0neface']Carlos Dunlap is an idiot.[/QUOTE]

Florida gives harsh punishment for things like that. He may be suspended for the 1st quarter or first defensive drive something like that.
Football isn't always about physicality, and sometimes mind games can play a very important role in winning games. Even saying that, Auburn played both a physical and mental game with a shortage of defensive players and was able to even up the playing field. Alabama was eventually able to come out on top, but to discredit Auburn for their "trick" plays is stupid.

With Alabama's defense, it's not as simple as running north-south the whole game and expecting to win.
Yeah, discrediting trick plays is fucking stupid.

Football would be damn boring if all teams just ran the same pro style offense. The variety is one reason I prefer the college game over the NFL. And the parity it provides by leveling the playing field by making teams with less talent (Boise, WVU etc.) be able to beat teams like Oklahoma that have 5 star recruits at every position.
[quote name='scuba t']I'm an Alabama fan and I would never say BS like that Auburn completely shut him down. I may be a different fan than what you're accustomed to though. I would say Ingram needs to work on his passing more:lol:[/QUOTE]
Meet the fan I'm accustomed to:

[quote name='pimpster4183']Auburn had to pull out trick plays and onside kicks in the FIRST quarter to compete with Bama. Who is this Houston Nutt? They couldn't just play straight up. Also not to mention that Auburn had 2 weeks to prep for this game where as Bama only had *3* days because you can't practice on Sundays.[/QUOTE]

Seriously? Those are your excuses? Was it the trick play of completely shutting down your running game? The 'trick' hitch and go that burned your secondary in the third quarter?

I also like how you make up and the "you can't practice on Sunday rule." Seriously dude, just admit that Auburn had a great gameplan and went toe-to-toe with Alabama and was ahead for 58 minutes of the game. Or, you can keep on making excuses for your team.
It's official Bobby Bowden is retiring after our bowl game this year. :cry:

Here's to a promising off season on getting a great offensive and defensive coordinator.
[quote name='scuba t']Florida gives harsh punishment for things like that. He may be suspended for the 1st quarter or first defensive drive something like that.[/QUOTE]

I seem to remember D. J. Hall getting suspended for a game against Louisiana Monroe. When the game was tied in the third quarter guess whose suspension was lifted?
Congrats to Cincy on winning the Big East . That was a crazy game, came back from 14 down twice to win 45-44 after pit had scored to go a head with 1:38 or so to play but missed the extra point.

And WVU beat Rutgers 24-21 (15th straight win over them) and accepted a Gator Bowl bid after the game. Unfortunately it looks like they'll get 6-6 FSU in a sentimental pick for Bowden's last game (against his former team) rather than playing a more deserving ACC team like VT or Miami or the loser of the GT/Clemson game tonight.
I watch a lot of tv sports, but I rarely get animated when watching - especially if I'm at home by myself doing other work while watching.

But I was literally punching my couch and jumping up and down in my living room watching that game - when UC tied, when they kept getting personal fouls, when Pitt went ahead, and, of course, when Binns caught that touchdown. Go Cats!
Yeah, even I jumped off the couch when he caught the TD.

Out of hatred for Pitt as a WVU fan more than cheering for Cincy though. :D
Never. :D Great seeing them blow a 21 point lead in a game that would send them to a BCS bowl. In two weeks they've went from the top 10 to playing in some crappy December bowl game. :D
Alabama dominated Florida and won 32-13.

Nebraska up 6-0 early on Texas. Would love to see them pull the upset and put Cincy or TCU in the title game. Doubt it will happen though.
Bad pick by Nebraska there. I get going for the big play after the blocked punt. But they really need to play pretty conservative on offense and win a low scoring game (where they eat up a lot of time of possession) to have a chance IMO.
If everybody on the Texas and Nebraska teams except the QBs switched jerseys with the other team, this would be a high scoring shoot out.
I was surprised to find out that Tebow's tears actually do not turn to into wine. ESPN has led me to believe that they possibly would.
7-6 Texas at the half. Nebraska has done absolutely nothing on offense--32 yards of total offense.

They've obviously got to find a way to move the ball in the 2nd halfl to have any chance.
Yeah, they've got to have the worst offense of a team ranked this late in the season in recent memory.

But of course with throwing there they risk the INT and may be playing it safe and wanting to at least get the 3 and banking on the defense or special teams getting them in place for another FG to win it late.
[quote name='mykevermin']Why does Nebraska bother running the ball on first and goal, let alone second? How fucking stupid can they possibly BE?[/QUOTE]

Their QB has barely over 20 yards passing on 18 attempts, would you give him the ball?

The refs are fairly content with handing Texas the game at any rate.
bread's done