Official (2015-2016) College Football Thread OSU#1

Looks like a 4 team playoff will happen. Even the Big 10 is on board and proposing a model now, and they were the league that was most opposed to it before.

Their model would take the top 4 in the final BCS out of the BCS bowl pool, and have the semi-final matches played on the home field of the higher seeds. And then bid out the championship game to a neutral site every year like they do with the Super Bowl.

Looks like WVU and the Big East have settled their lawsuits, clearing the way for WVU to join the Big 12 in July.

Settlement is said to be $20 million, with $11 million from WVU and $9 million from the Big 12. Unclear whether WVU's $11 million includes the regular $5 million buyout (of which they already paid $2.5 million) or is in addition to that. And some of WVU's $11 million will just be the conference withholding money owed to WVU from this years TV deal, the Orange Bowl win etc., so it won't be $11 million directly out of pocket cash.

Word is the Big East is trying to get Boise St. to join next year rather than in 2013 to fill the gaps in the schedule.
[quote name='dmaul1114']

Looks like WVU and the Big East have settled their lawsuits, clearing the way for WVU to join the Big 12 in July.

Settlement is said to be $20 million, with $11 million from WVU and $9 million from the Big 12. Unclear whether WVU's $11 million includes the regular $5 million buyout (of which they already paid $2.5 million) or is in addition to that. And some of WVU's $11 million will just be the conference withholding money owed to WVU from this years TV deal, the Orange Bowl win etc., so it won't be $11 million directly out of pocket cash.

Word is the Big East is trying to get Boise St. to join next year rather than in 2013 to fill the gaps in the schedule.[/QUOTE]

Congrats. I'm happy for you guys. WV has some of the best fans in the country. Now let's see what the Big East does with the money.

WVU-Big East settlement was finalized today, and a statement released by the Big East "terminating" WVU's membership in the conference. Buyout is $20 million. WVU is paying $10 million, which includes the already paid $5 million buyout. Big 12 is paying the other $10, but WVU will pay back $5 million of that over the next few years (apparently $1 million per year starting in the 2015-16 season, which is the first year WVU and TCU get 100% payout in the TV deal). So $15 million out of pocket for WVU to leave before 2014 (well, $10 million to leave early, would have paid the $5 million even if they waited. Lot of money, but they'll make it back quickly since the Big 12 TV payout per team is way higher than the Big East's.

Big 12 2012 football schedule is expected to finally be released later today.
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And here are the Big 12 football schedules.

WVU has:

James Madison (@ Fed Ex Field)
@Texas Tech
Kansas State
@Oklahoma State
@Iowa State

Great of have a schedule with a bunch of great matchups, after several years of being lucky to have 1 or 2 big games on the regular season schedule. Hate that they had to drop FSU to make room for 9 conference games. Hope it can be rescheduled for a later date.

Hate losing the Pitt rivalry though. Hope they can find a way to get that back on the schedule. There was some talk of trying to rotate Pitt and Maryland as those are our two main non-conference rivals in recent years since we quit playing Penn State and Virginia Tech.
Doubt we'll ever drop Maryland as we recruit the DC/MD area very well, but have never done well in Western PA. Pitt and Ohio State (and other Big 10 schools) dominate that area.

Hopefully they find a way to play them both. I'd rather just play Pitt and MD each year, and a lower division warm up game to round out the non-conference slate, and not bother rotating in other BCS conference teams. Don't need the schedule boost from playing teams like LSU etc. that we did in the Big East.
So according to ESPN there were 17 students arrested in a drug sting at TCU. I believe it said 5 of them were football players who sold marijuana to undercover officers and told the police that most of the team failed a surprise drug test a few weeks ago.
[quote name='dmaul1114']

Boise State decided there's no way they could join the Big East for next year, and will wait until 2013 as planned.

Big East is now talking to Temple in hopes they can join for the 2012 season.[/QUOTE]

I just don't see Temple joining. For starters Villanova and Rutgers will vote against them. Furthermore, most Big East teams have already scheduled other opponents.
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If it's true the Big East is already in talks with them, then I'd think the school votes are in place. Or maybe not needed--I seem to recall them giving the Commissioner power to deal with expansion a few months ago.

I know Pitino has been lobbying hard for Temple (and Memphis who they added already) as he wants them to beef up the basketball side of things to make up some for losing WVU, Pitt and Syracuse.
[quote name='dmaul1114']If it's true the Big East is already in talks with them, then I'd think the school votes are in place. Or maybe not needed--I seem to recall them giving the Commissioner power to deal with expansion a few months ago.

I know Pitino has been lobbying hard for Temple (and Memphis who they added already) as he wants them to beef up the basketball side of things to make up some for losing WVU, Pitt and Syracuse.[/QUOTE]

The big east kicked them out about a decade ago but I guess when you're desperate anything is possible.
Yep. But to be fair their football program has improved a ton on the field since then. Fan support is still terrible though.

It would be more an add just to get someone in for next year, and to add another good basketball program since they're losing 3 strong programs.

Seems like temple would have issues coming for next year though, as the MAC has a 2.5 million buyout (not problem) but also a 2 year waiting period that would have to be bought out.

ESPN is running the story now as well:
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Looks like Temple to the Big East for 2012 will be announced soon.

Word is it will probably only be for football as they can get out of the MAC apparently, but the A10 doesn't want to let them leave for basketball and other sports with such short notice. And Big East doesn't really need them for other sports next year since they have so many basketball and olympic sport only schools.
[quote name='dmaul1114']

Arkansas fired Bobby Petrino over the motorcycle/banging a 25 year old assistant scandal.

Not much they could do, hard to keep him on after he lied about a young subordinate he was banging being on the bike when he crashed.[/QUOTE]

was it worth it??? millions of dollars a year....a state thinking your dam near a god....i guess it was
[quote name='perdition(troy']If I was an AD and wanted to win, I'd pick him up. I'm not hiring a coach for his morals, I'm hiring him for his win %.[/QUOTE]

What morals are you referring to? I mean, I get that an AD wouldn't hire him because he slept around on his wife. But the fact that he lied to his boss is what is going to make it difficult for him.
Yeah, it's the fact that he:

1) Hired the chick he was banging for a position that had nearly 200 applicants.

2) Lied about the situation repeatedly to the AD and other administrators in the days after the accident.

Apparently Arkansas still gave him a chance to stay on with some penalties (pay cuts, suspension etc. I guess) but he refused.

I wouldn't want him anywhere near my school after all that. If it was just an affair, then that would be unfortunate, but not a deal breaker. But with the improper hiring and lies, that's just too much.
[quote name='munch']What morals are you referring to?[/QUOTE]
IIRC, troy was white knighting for Paterno during the Sandusky thing. He's due for a NCAA ethics tune-up.

That being said, I'm sure there are programs out there who might take Petrino on as an OC after he's had a season or two to "find god."
[quote name='dmaul1114']

Apparently Arkansas still gave him a chance to stay on with some penalties (pay cuts, suspension etc. I guess) but he refused.


Not true. Jeff Long was asked that question specifically during his announcement and he denied offering Petrino the chance to stay.
Some more realignment rumblings--have been message board rumblings of some ACC teams considering jumping to the Big 12 the past couple of weeks. FSU and Clemson going has been the most common rumor.

Now one of FSU board of trustee members has mentioned the possiblity, as did Jimbo Fisher the other day.

I don't know that I see it happening, but the new ACC TV deal is lower than the Big 12 in terms of per team payout--and the Big 12 TV deal would jump up more with those two on board probably. So I guess it could happen since college sports is all about the $$$ these days.

Personally I'd rather the Big 12 add some teams like Louisville and Cincy to give WVU some closer travel partners. In the current Big 12 Iowa State is the closet team....
[quote name='dmaul1114']Some more realignment rumblings--have been message board rumblings of some ACC teams considering jumping to the Big 12 the past couple of weeks. FSU and Clemson going has been the most common rumor.

Now one of FSU board of trustee members has mentioned the possiblity, as did Jimbo Fisher the other day.

I don't know that I see it happening, but the new ACC TV deal is lower than the Big 12 in terms of per team payout--and the Big 12 TV deal would jump up more with those two on board probably. So I guess it could happen since college sports is all about the $$$ these days.

Personally I'd rather the Big 12 add some teams like Louisville and Cincy to give WVU some closer travel partners. In the current Big 12 Iowa State is the closet team....[/QUOTE]

FSU reaffirmed to the ACC shortly after the trustee talked. Supposely they are now open to talks. They are debating the cost of the nonfootball and nonbasketball sports i.e . travel since now in the ACC they can do a bunch of bus trips where in the Big 12on it wouldnt be happening. As for Clemson, they wont leave since they get tv rights in all their major markets so no reason to leave plus they are an original member. Miami was the rumored team i heard would be in the mix if we left.
This seems just as stupid as Boise State to the Big East. I understand air travel isn't that big of a deal for once a week football games, but if they join the conference in all other sports that would be terrible for the other teams. I don't know, but I wouldn't think the ACC would allow them to remain in certain sports.

If Clemson and FSU were to go to the Big 12, I imagine the ACC would likely just snatch up some more Big East schools and the Big East would die off or be basketball only.
Well there are some rumors of up to 4 ACC teams going to the Big 12. That would allow for an east division and cut down on travel. And, yeah, the ACC would just grab Big East teams.

The Big East is in some turmoil again as Boise hasn't withdrawn from the MWC yet and is rumored to be reconsidering. With BCS autobids likely going away with the move to a 4 team playoff they have less incentive to join. Also Louisville apparently told the Big East that they want to leave if they get a Big 12 or ACC invite, and UCONN and Rutgers haven't been very committal either. So there's word that the Big East basketball schools want to just break away and grab Xavier and some other teams for a basketball and Olympic sports conference.

It would be for the best if it happened. Get the BE football schools all in the Big 12, ACC or Big 10 and the 4 team playoff is a little easier to manage as it's one less big conference champion to have to deal with.

I still think we eventually end up with 5 14-16 team major conferences. Just a matter of when and what they end up looking like.

Big 12 and SEC just signed an agreement for their champs (or another "deserving" team if either or both champs are in the forthcoming 4 team playoff) to meet up in a bowl game starting in 2014. So similar to the Pac 10-Big 10 deal with the Rose Bowl. Sugar Bowl is rumored to be the preferred bowl for the matchup.

That leaves the Big East and ACC without any set match up, and has a lot of buzz on twitter that it's more fuel on the fire that the ACC is going to get poached big time by the Big 12, Big 10 and SEC to leave for major football conferences heading into the 4 team playoff model. ACC remnants would merge with Big East remnants as a mid-major football conference, but strong basketball league.

Again, not sure I buy that all that will happen, just what's abuzz from some sports media people on twitter as well as the usual message board rumblings.

In other news, WVU and Alabama will meet in the Chick-fil-a kickoff game to start the 2014 season. Amazingly, given how long both schools have played football, it will be their first meeting.
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They do, they just don't have a set opponent.

And with the top 4 teams going to the playoff, the Rose Bowl getting the Big 10/Pac 12 teams (champs or next best) and whatever bowl getting the Big 12/SEC champs (or next best) they aren't going to have a quality opponent. They'll probably be stuck with the Big East champ most years, which will be even worse than before with WVU, Pitt and Syracuse out of that league.

Point being, the Orange Bowl isn't going to draw ratings (already has been the lowest rated BCS game most years) and not really be a major bowl any more. So really the only major post season games anymore will be the semifinals and championship game and the Rose bowl and whatever bowl the Big 12/SEC match up ends up in.

So I'd say the announcement upped the likelihood of the FSU/Clemson to Big 12 move happening. And there are some rumblings about VT and NC State to the SEC starting as well. If all that happens, the Big 10 would probably expand and would probably go after some ACC schools like UVA and Maryland perhaps.

Time will tell, but the move shows the ACC is kind of on the outside looking in as they're the weakest of the 5 major conferences by far with a 4 team playoff looming and an unattractive non-playoff bowl match up for their champ/runner up in the Orange.

Teams that want to remain relevant in college football are going to want to be in one of the 4 major conferences (as those champs will be the 4 teams in the playoff most years), so I think more realignment is inevitable at this point. A major power like FSU isn't going to want to be on the outside looking in. Once they jump ship, the ACC is no stronger than the Big East was really, so I'd look for more teams to bolt if that does happen.
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I would be ecstatic if VT got an SEC invite.

Mainly because the tougher competition and sub-10 win seasons that would come of it would force Beamer's hand at getting rid of Brian Stinespring and his terrible fucking ideas for how to run an offense. Bud Foster helps the team win with defense so much that Stinespring slides by, but the offense is definitely the reason the team always has a ceiling on the amount of success it can achieve.

Also, I would hope some more of the Hampton Roads players would be more inclined to stay at home but still have the opportunity to play in the premier football league.
Solid column on what the new bowl means for the college football landscape.

One important detail I missed earlier is this new bowl is totally controlled by the SEC/Big 12 rather than by a bowl site. They control it and bid it out to the highest paying site.

Big difference from the current systems where the bowls run everything and teams often lost money going to big bowls if they couldn't sell their full ticket allotment. Happened to WVU in the Orange Bowl last year.
Yeah, but note that the 2nd best SEC team would go then. Same with the Big 12.

So it's just like the Rose Bowl where they take another Big 10/Pac 12 team most years if there team was in the title game (or future playoff). Some years they had to take another conference team due to BCS rules. Doesn't seem like that will affect this new bowl as the BCS is done with and the bowl is ran by the conferences so it will get the 2nd best SEC/Big 12 team if the champ is in the playoffs regardless of rankings etc.

Another column on what this means for the ACC.
Some growing rumblings on Twitter that ND will be joining the Big 12--just olympic sports for now, with plan to phase in football. In such a case the FSU and Clemson to the Big 12 is apparently a done deal.!/GSwaim

I'd take that dude with a grain of salt. He's a sports radio guy had some good info on A&M/Mizzou leaving, WVU/TCU joining, but was also long a good bit during that realignment period as well.

Though there are some other's tweeting the same thing like this guy (no idea on his cred).!/IngramSmith

Fuel behind the rumblings is that the 4 team playoff may only be open to conference champs so ND has to join up eventually. And the Big 12 is attractive as it lets teams control their tier 3 rights (like Texas with the Longhorn Network) which is a big appeal to a team with a national brand name like ND.

I'm not holding my breath on any of this, but most of the time where there's been smoke there's been fire in realignment the past couple of years. So I have no doubt more moves are coming--just skeptical about ND as the Big 10 is the logical fit. But maybe controlling their tier 3 games is enough to factor in since in the Big 10 those would go on the Big 10 Network and get revenue shared.
Twitter makes me sick. Any idiot can say some shit like "sources tell me ________ is a done deal", and the shit spreads like wildfire. I know the "where there's smoke" bit, but still, there have been plenty of instances where that was all a bunch of crap (saw "WVU to SEC, DONE DEAL" plenty of times on Twitter last year, that didn't exactly turn out).

Honestly, I just wish the dominoes would just finish falling so we could all just have an accurate view of WTF college football is going to look like in the next few years. I thought the majority of this realignment stuff was finally settling down and now all of this.
Agreed, and that's what I was getting at. There's a lot of smoke, so there's pretty much definitely going to be more moves made. But I wouldn't put a lot of stock in the specific moves people are mentioning on twitter as there was a lot of bad info the last go around before the actual moves happened.

FSU/Clemson to the Big 12 I'd say is fairly likely given the buzz there, comments by FSU coaches and their Board of Trustees etc. The ACC would then probably grab UCONN and Rutgers from the Big East to replace them and pretty much be the new Big East--strong in basketball, mediocre at best in football. In otherwords, not much change from recent years since FSU has been down and Clemson hasn't been great either.

The ND info I'd take with a huge grain of salt as I said. It could happen with the coming playoff as that's changed the equation for them potentially. But I haven't seen that mentioned outside of tweets. With one exception, the interim Big 12 commish did say the other day that ND wouldn't have to join for all sports--so that could indicate that they have been talking about taking the olympic sports and basketball with some partial football agreement at least temporarily. Time will tell.

I do agree that I wish they'd just get it all over with instead of just having a few moves every offseason. With a 4 team playoff they just need to have 4 super conferences with provisions for teams for other leagues to get in if their champ happens to be in the top 4. Just make the moves to get the strong ACC football programs into the SEC, BIG 12 and Big 10and get some other strong programs like Boise, BYU and Louisville etc. into power leagues and be done with it.
I would love to see the Big 12 get Notre Dame & FSU, get back to 12, and tell all of the deserters to fuck off (I'm looking right at you Mizzou and Nebraska!). Plus I'd have the chance to go to an Irish game when they play locally at either KSU or KU.
bread's done