Official Amazon Quick Picks FAQ - READ 1st POST

I call bull... I have everything set pointing towards what I'd want. I figure it's because they've been taking such a hit for games like Halo ODST.
All have been reported to show up other than operation flashpoint it looks like, I've seen both odst and GT5 myself. Are you doing fake pre-orders? Are you trimming your recommendations list to a small size? Rating things close to your target(including all pre-orders)?
Then that might be your problem.

Example: So let's say you want to get GT5...

Look at it's page on Amazon.

Frequently Bought Together
Uncharted 2; Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time

Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought
Heavy Rain, The Last Guardian, Mag, Gran Turismo psp, so on and so on.

I'd focus on those, a strategy guide if a game has it. If you go for gran turismo on psp(you probably don't need to), make sure to get rid of all the psp stuff that shows up.

Rating and "I own it" will not get you very far, as spelled out in the first post, purchases are THE biggest thing amazon looks at for quick picks. If you haven't done a lot of buying games on amazon already pre-orders are the way to, here's a few fact points for you.

- Amazon pre-orders will not charge you until they ship. So pick your pre-orders correctly, and you'll cancel them long before they ship or charge you.

- Pre-orders will use any promo coupons(applicable) or credit you have. If you have either that you need to use on your real order, make sure to cancel the fake pre-orders BEFORE you place the order from your gold box.

- Until something off an order ships, you have free reign to cancel easily and quickly right from your browser. I'm not positive how it works after an item ships, it then depends on a few factors, so just make sure you don't order regular items you want with games that you're going to cancel together.
Ever since the other night when everyone's recommendations were screwed up all my quick picks have gone to hell. I had the MS racing wheel in them the day before my trades were accepted but now its lawnmowers and water pitchers everyday. Anyone else having this problem?
[quote name='genfuyung']Ever since the other night when everyone's recommendations were screwed up all my quick picks have gone to hell. I had the MS racing wheel in them the day before my trades were accepted but now its lawnmowers and water pitchers everyday. Anyone else having this problem?[/QUOTE]

Yes, having the exact same issue. Quickpicks were perfect until 2-3 nights ago. I have plenty of preorders going (all games), plenty of filled orders, and i've done everything "right" so to speak on trying to select my quickpicks (rating/owning related games, trimming reccomendations, etc).

Currently i'm not prepared to cancel my preorders and reorder if that will help, since every preorder I have pending has a goldbox discount.

I've spent about an hour of this lazy saturday refining my recommendations and rating related items positively. I'll report back if I have any success in changing the craptasticness.
If you're after fewer games, then have you looked to make sure most of the games you still want are showing up in quick picks?(spoiler buttons in first post)
[quote name='Vortextk']If you're after fewer games, then have you looked to make sure most of the games you still want are showing up in quick picks?(spoiler buttons in first post)[/QUOTE]

Yes, yes. it may be hard for you personally to believe, but this isn't a situation of user error or oversight. I have preorders of every genre and system currently (ps2/ps3/360/wii/psp/ds/pc), with the vast, vast majority of what's behind those spoiler tags untouched (many of which are being purposefully targeted)

I don't exactly buy every game that comes into quickpicks either. Up until about 3 days ago I would have about 4-6 video games per day. The following day quickpicks were screwed up for alot (most) people, and from that point forward I have not only had zero video games, but nothing at ALL related to things I view/buy from amazon. It was a complete 180 in the span of a day.
Never said it was user error, I'm asking questions. Since that smart ass attitude you gave me was the same I was getting from most people trying to help me when I was getting nothing in my quick picks for a long time.

Have you pre-ordered anything since then? I put in a bunch of faux pre-orders right afterwards to get a last few games. Maybe it reset some/all people's histories, or atleast severely screwed them up. It's obviously not completely broken because I just ordered Last Rebellion/Crack down 2 from my quick picks in the same day after targeting those games. If you've just been sitting ontop of your pre-orders and have not put any in since it screwed up then maybe it's a possibility you got reset to a bunch of junk items and amazon isn't looking at your purchase history.
[quote name='Vortextk']Never said it was user error, I'm asking questions. Since that smart ass attitude you gave me was the same I was getting from most people trying to help me when I was getting nothing in my quick picks for a long time.[/QUOTE]

My posts hardly have a "smart ass attitude", but you go ahead and percieve whatever feelings you want in my posts.

[quote name='Vortextk']
Have you pre-ordered anything since then? [/QUOTE]

Yes, 2 games. ModNation Racers for the PS3, and Deadrising 2 for the 360. Both essentially to attempt to get quickpicks jump-started again.

[quote name='Vortextk']
I put in a bunch of faux pre-orders right afterwards to get a last few games. Maybe it reset some/all people's histories, or atleast severely screwed them up. It's obviously not completely broken because I just ordered Last Rebellion/Crack down 2 from my quick picks in the same day after targeting those games. If you've just been sitting ontop of your pre-orders and have not put any in since it screwed up then maybe it's a possibility you got reset to a bunch of junk items and amazon isn't looking at your purchase history.[/QUOTE]

It's a possibility, and I hope it IS correctable, i'm just not sure yet. If all my little work today doesn't pay off I suppose i'll preorder some completely off the wall games tomorrow to see if it has any effect at all. I'd do it now, but to be honest i'd like to try one change per day until I get a positive result, that way I know what worked and what didn't.
People sure do get bent out of shape over a 5% discount. Everyone should also realize that even if you do everything right, the quick picks are pretty much 50% following the "rules", and 50% pure dumb luck. You will get crap in them sometimes, no matter what. It happens.
One thing that I've noticed... is that after several days of getting mostly games... I'll start getting a lot of crap... just random junk that I've never looked at or even thought of looking at... basically my last 3 days were like that...

This morning before my quick picks update (usually around 2pm est for me) I went in and clicked everything as don't use for recommendations... and then checked my recommended for me... and it was all just random books/etc... Then I went back in and changed a few that were related to things I wanted to use for recommendations... Five minutes later when my quick picks updated... all games...

I've done this prolly around 3 times... so if you are getting all random items give this a try... hopefully it'll work for you
[quote name='argyle']People sure do get bent out of shape over a 5% discount. [/QUOTE]

Well to be honest I just got laid off my job due to the economy. I like games but due to my reduced income I want to find every deal I can to make my hobby less straining on the wallet. A couple bucks here and there adds up.
[quote name='Oceaniax']Well to be honest I just got laid off my job due to the economy. I like games but due to my reduced income I want to find every deal I can to make my hobby less straining on the wallet. A couple bucks here and there adds up.[/QUOTE]
True man, and I hope you are signed up for ECA as well
Well I've gotten a few random games in the past (Scribblenauts), today was the first day I actually got more than one game in my gold box! Here's what I had:

Crackdown 2 $56.99
Metal Gear Solid Rising $56.99
God of War 1+2 $35.14

I went ahead and pre-ordered the God of War set. I wasn't planning on buying it, but I figure it can't hurt to have it on pre-order while I think it over (plus ECA discount helped).
I think I've discovered a problem with not being able to get items back into this page. The past two days I've been trying to get Heavy Rain, GoW III, and TLG into my picks to no avail. What's odd about this is the link above is blank, but when I go into my main recommendations page all three are there. If I put anything else in my main recs page, they immediately show up in the link above.

This leads me to believe that my troubles are stemming from something behind the scenes and isn't allowing them to show up in my picks. I'm going to keep trying new game pre-order combinations, but I'm doubtful. I've also tried marking them not interested, owning/rating them, and even adding them to my cart. Nothing wants to knock them loose so they show up on that one page.
I canceled my Agent preorder the other day, which had been in my quick picks, to get the old ECA coupon off of it. I remembered & unrated it yesterday, and today it popped back in my QP. I think I read a little ways back where someone was saying it might not be showing up in QP anymore, so just wanted to assure everyone that it is. Guess I'll re-order it now. :p
Had some ninja additions, got god of war collection and bowser's inside story in my quick picks, neither of which are even in my recommendations(even after the additions overnight). Updated by 10 am a few more days it'll be back to where it was around 1 am, and I'll have gained like 1 day over a 8-10 day period in quick pick updating.
Gotta be a reprint. $30 is about the best price you're gonna find. Heck, it sells for that much USED at GameStop.

Not specifically a GAME, but I thought it was interesting that, after a few months of having them in my recommendations, the guides for Cross Edge and Little King's Story appeared in my Quick Picks. Both of those are Print-On-Demand guides from DoubleJump so they cost a substantial bit more than a regular guide ($44 and $25 respectively, though Cross Edge is $34.71 on Amazon) so I was somewhat tempted, as you apparently get $10 off the purchase if you've already bought the e-guides. Interesting that they'd put these guides on there, but very popular games (FF13 for instance) aren't eligible.
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ok... I'm up for some suggestions... I canceled a few items that I had ordered just to see if I could get them in my goldbox... but can't even get them on my recommended even tho I know that are eligible for goldbox...

any ideas on this from some of ya'll that have done it?

oh and I still have preorders for some of the items that are related to them... so no idea why they not showing up at all..
[quote name='Afflicted']ok... I'm up for some suggestions... I canceled a few items that I had ordered just to see if I could get them in my goldbox... but can't even get them on my recommended even tho I know that are eligible for goldbox...

any ideas on this from some of ya'll that have done it?

oh and I still have preorders for some of the items that are related to them... so no idea why they not showing up at all..[/QUOTE]
Make sure there's no residual ratings on them, as that will do the trick. Other than that, just keep trying different games to own/rate.
[quote name='Jodou']Make sure there's no residual ratings on them, as that will do the trick. Other than that, just keep trying different games to own/rate.[/QUOTE]

ok your post got me thinking.. I knew I didn't have them rated... but I had had them marked to not use for recommendations... when I went a rated them and then removed that tag and then deleted the rating... BAM!!! recommended
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Man, I have a feeling something royally screwed up with GOW III, TLG, and Heavy Rain so that they can't show up in my picks. No matter what I try, the games won't show on this page, despite being in my recommendations. Anything else I add to my recommendations will instantly show up on said page. I've never had this much trouble getting those three before, so my only guess is Amazon's code is fucked up somewhere.

My one and only guess is it's because they were part of a large order that was all canceled except for Uncharted 2. It had one of those wonky $30 promo codes applied to it and I wanted to use it all up right away since it otherwise spreads the value equally over every game. I'm hopeful that once the order ships, they will be eligible again. There's still plenty of time to get them again, but I was hoping to have ordered with my prime trial. Ah well, if they don't show up by the 15th, I'll just forego the gold box discount for free 2-day shipping.
From the OP:

What disqualifies an item for Quick Picks?
Items in your wish list, cart, or existing purchases/pre-orders will not appear.

I would have thought that was true, but I had Wii Sports Resort in my gold box the other day after having purchased it a few weeks prior.
[quote name='FadeToOne']From the OP:

What disqualifies an item for Quick Picks?
Items in your wish list, cart, or existing purchases/pre-orders will not appear.

I would have thought that was true, but I had Wii Sports Resort in my gold box the other day after having purchased it a few weeks prior.[/QUOTE]
Yes, yes. It's not entirely true, but for the most part is. More often than not, it will not show up due to the listed factors (with the rare exception here and there).
Refer to Cheapy's stickied thread in the Deals forum. It is odd that they would choose Uncharted to only have a $5 promotion as the only other game I saw with a $5 one was the GTA DLC disk.

@FadeToOne: Some titles are known to bend that rule. Uncharted 2 is a rather notorious felon for showing up after having ordered and rated it. As a general rule, it holds true.

And to address a potential cog in my Gold Box works, it seems fairly difficult for me to finagle BioShock 2, Dead Rising 2, or Dragon Age into my Quick Picks.

I decided to add quite a few items as owned/rated to see if I can get Dragon Age in there tomorrow. Since Resonance of Fate worked its magic at getting the God of War Collection in my Quick Picks, I'm fairly convinced that there are at least one or two magical titles that have the power to give that little extra push that says "Put me in his Quick Picks!"

And to Jodou's problem: For clarification, are you saying that those three titles are showing up on the Recommended For You page where you can mark 'I own it' or 'Not Interested' but are not showing up on that general page? I know I was having a problem getting some games in my Quick Picks a while back, but I figured out that when I had checked them as owned, I had apparently also checked 'Do Not Use for Recommendations' on the Improve Your Recommendations area, which apparently hid them from my Recommended For You section when I deleted them from my owned games.
So I think I figured out why my Quick Picks have been junk. I just turned my Browsing History off again. I had turned it off a few days ago and haven't gotten anything worthwhile for a few days. So hopefully that fixes my issue. Or I may just have games that aren't showing up for anyone.
You can always check the first post here to see if the games you're looking for have been reported to show up. What are you looking for?
[quote name='Vortextk']You can always check the first post here to see if the games you're looking for have been reported to show up. What are you looking for?[/QUOTE]

That's what I anticipate doing soon.

Fallout 3 GOTY
Dragon Age CE
Assassins Creed 2
Halo Reach - no luck on my end for a while
Final Fantasy XIII
Left 4 Dead 2

Those are all in my recommendations and have been for a while. I'm guessing they're all not attainable yet.
[quote name='Nirron']And to Jodou's problem: For clarification, are you saying that those three titles are showing up on the Recommended For You page where you can mark 'I own it' or 'Not Interested' but are not showing up on that general page? I know I was having a problem getting some games in my Quick Picks a while back, but I figured out that when I had checked them as owned, I had apparently also checked 'Do Not Use for Recommendations' on the Improve Your Recommendations area, which apparently hid them from my Recommended For You section when I deleted them from my owned games.[/QUOTE]
Yes, that's correct. I can still own/rate/not interested each of them and I've tried doing just that to each, so that they would show up on the general page. It's been three days now of trying to get them in my picks and not even one will budge.

There's honestly no reason they shouldn't show up, since I've not changed my tactics or even the faux pre-orders I used to get all of them the first two times. My only clue is that they're not being displayed on the general page and anything else I put on the 'recommended for you' page will. It's entirely possible that a bug is preventing them from showing up in my picks. I know many have complained that their picks were all screwed up after Amazon made an update, so it may be related.

All I can do for now is see if it resolves itself I guess.
[quote name='craven_fiend']That's what I anticipate doing soon.

Fallout 3 GOTY
Dragon Age CE
Assassins Creed 2
Halo Reach - no luck on my end for a while
Final Fantasy XIII
Left 4 Dead 2

Those are all in my recommendations and have been for a while. I'm guessing they're all not attainable yet.[/QUOTE]

had Halo Reach today... others are not currently appearing.
I have had Halo Reach as well. Since it isn't coming out for another year I figured there may be better deals in the future and held off.
[quote name='Porksta']I have had Halo Reach as well. Since it isn't coming out for another year I figured there may be better deals in the future and held off.[/QUOTE]

That's why I initially passed on it, when I got it a few months ago. Now I am willing to wait and see with it. I figure I can't do too bad with it at $50ish.

I figured I lucked out on those specific games, added some from the OP to recommendations, so we'll see tomorrow.
[quote name='Jodou']Yes, that's correct. I can still own/rate/not interested each of them and I've tried doing just that to each, so that they would show up on the general page. It's been three days now of trying to get them in my picks and not even one will budge.

There's honestly no reason they shouldn't show up, since I've not changed my tactics or even the faux pre-orders I used to get all of them the first two times. My only clue is that they're not being displayed on the general page and anything else I put on the 'recommended for you' page will. It's entirely possible that a bug is preventing them from showing up in my picks. I know many have complained that their picks were all screwed up after Amazon made an update, so it may be related.

All I can do for now is see if it resolves itself I guess.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I can't really think of anything that you could do. It does sound like some bug that happened that's preventing Amazon from realizing you don't "own" those items. If I had to guess, since you said you had them pre-ordered then canceled, it probably has something to do with Amazon still thinking you pre-ordered it.

@craven_fiend: Two of those games (Assassin's Creed 2 and Final Fantasy 13) have been pretty well accepted as ineligible for Quick Picks 'round these parts. Many of us, including me, tried for those games in our Quick Picks for weeks, but couldn't get them. Unsure of the rest.
so i feel bittersweet about my goldbox today. i got 5 games from my recommendations which would have been great news...BUT i also got glen becks book as well. now i can't even look at amazon i'm so enraged.
[quote name='y2jasper']so i feel bittersweet about my goldbox today. i got 5 games from my recommendations which would have been great news...BUT i also got glen becks book as well. now i can't even look at amazon i'm so enraged.[/QUOTE]

The only thing that wasn't crap in my Quick Picks was Mad Men S1 and Xmen Origins (hey i enjoyed it). These are some of the gems I got today (got Glen Beck the other day I believe):

Oh an Wizard of Oz, but I think that's due to being a bit interested in the Wizard of Oz game that is out tomorrow.
[quote name='y2jasper']so i feel bittersweet about my goldbox today. i got 5 games from my recommendations which would have been great news...BUT i also got glen becks book as well. now i can't even look at amazon i'm so enraged.[/QUOTE]
I've had those books five times, so you've got a ways to go before you can nerd rage lol.
I think Wii Fit Plus has been flagged cause I've never seen it since it appeared a couple days after it was available to order.

I've had 2000 Wii Point Card only once but Amazon keeps changing the price on those things. The day it was in my quick picks it was priced at $24. It should never be above $19.99

I don't get that.
Am I the only one who has been getting weird stuff in their quick picks recently? A couple of days ago I got a bunch of new release CDs that I've never looked at or bought any sort of related products. Today I have stuff like an Ice and Water filter cartridge, a book on French cooking, a faucet filter, labeling tape, and Glen Beck Common Sense book.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Am I the only one who has been getting weird stuff in their quick picks recently? A couple of days ago I got a bunch of new release CDs that I've never looked at or bought any sort of related products. Today I have stuff like an Ice and Water filter cartridge, a book on French cooking, a faucet filter, labeling tape, and Glen Beck Common Sense book.[/QUOTE]

Nope, definitely not the only one, alot of us here (not all though) have been experiencing that issue for the last several days. No clue as to the cause unfortunately, but one thing I can say so far is that even with the 3 preorders i've done in the last couple days for games, I haven't seen any change with my quickpicks (aka: It's still bug nets, political books on tape, leaf blower parts, etc, etc). :cry:
Have you been reading the thread? Weird crap that has nothing to do with your purchases/ratings/recommendations is what quick picks are all about. And if you get nothing but items from your recommendations normally, then you have a lot of things in there and as that whittles down amazon starts shoving crap in your quick picks.
Whew, it's been pre-order city over here. I'm getting a bunch of future PS3 titles showing up in my quick picks, and I'm getting pre-orders down with ECA on a few.

Here's what I got yesterday:

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Strategy Guide
Metal Gear Solid 4
God of War III (Ordered)
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Heavy Rain (Pre-Ordered for the heck of it)
Gran Turismo 5
The Last Guardian

Here's what I got today:

Final Fantasy Versus XIII
Resonance of Fate
Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time

I think I'll preorder FFV13 before I get some new quick picks
bread's done