[quote name='SaraAB']Sorry to ask this but I don't shop at best buy much. How do you identify what items are on clearance there? There doesn't seem to be any bins, and the stores around me are horribly organized in a Circuit City like fashion making it difficult to find anything. Everything just seems to have yellow price stickers on them, and nothing seems to be marked down at all. I haven't seen a dedicated clearance section yet either. Do all best buy's have clearance items or could there be stores out there with no clearance items at all?[/QUOTE]
Much like sgaldis said, it varies. Some areas don't even have clearance. I used to live in an area that had two Best Buys within 10 miles of me. No clearance but the Best Buy in an area of town I went to about 25 miles away had a clearance section where each clearance game had an additional yellow square tag with either "25%", "50%" or even a few that had "75%" written on them. They had some in an area that said manager special and some were still integrated with the normal games section.
I moved across town about a year ago. There are two Best Buys fairly close that had clearance and one much further away had nothing. One store had a clearance endcap that had stuff marked to either $4.99 or $9.99 with occasionally good finds. Months later, the other store started marking a bunch of games down to 50% off. The first store stopped having new games added to clearance around the fall and within the past month there has been no more clearance at the other store, with some of the games I saw clearance marked back to full price.
Essentially, it is a huge YMMV and even when you find a store that has them, based on them basically being discretionary sales, there is no guarantee that they will continue.