Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

Well that is one way to get people back playing (at least until they level up their 3 ghorns).

I ordered a Nepal shirt but no code for me yet. Has anyone actually received them on reddit or is it still coming 'soon'?
Hit 31 now and have enough badges to buy more gear still. Hrmmm... I also upgraded my icebreaker. Beyond that, I'm lost. If anyone feels like adding me for some playtime, I'm on Xbox One. "BeFlatLine" is my gamertag.
I looked at your character, first thing you want to do is max out and ascend an exotic armor piece. That will take 2 exotic shards, but if you don't have them you can buy them from Xur. That will get you to 32, which will let you run the Prison of Elders for an armor core as Vendetta suggested. Before you ascend the exotic, check out which armor piece Variks is selling (I think it is gloves this week, but not 100% sure) because that is what you will trade your armor core for so you don't want to ascend an exotic of the same type. If it is indeed gloves, ascend your Helm of Saint 14 to light 42. Run 32 PoE for armor core and buy the gloves from Variks and you will be Level 33.

At that point it is kind of up to you what you want to do to get to 34. The variks armor rotates each week so if you keep doing the 32 PoE and trading in the core for the armor piece you will be 34 in a few weeks. If you want to be 34 sooner then you need Etheric Light to ascend 2 more armor pieces to 42 light. Etheric Light only drops from Nightfall (you can get it in Trials of Osiris too if you are good at MP along with other light 42 armor). The quickest route is to do the 34 PoE which gives you a guaranteed Etheric Light. The one this week isn't that difficult and most 34s have probably run all of them multiple times at this point.

As soon as you hit 32, I'd recommend doing the 32 Prison of Elders for an Armor Core and buy a piece of armor from Variks. If you can manage to snag an Etheric Light or 2, that would help immensely.

Sadly it seems like most everyone that was active seems to be either taking a break or quitting the game all together. :/

On a side note:

So glad Laced Up Lauren is going to be on one of the Twitch reveals. She is a very good community ambassador and is a great choice of a community member.

I'm starting to get excited for Taken King. The search for the next VoC and Fatebringer is going to be fun. :)

EDIT: Did anyone else buy the Nepal shirt? I heard they were supposedly sending out codes for the shader this week but so far nothing for me. I was just curious.
I have just been taking a break from the game for the past few weeks. Very few people have been playing and since the updates in TTK make most of the Year 1 weapons obsolete there is no real reason to grind for gear. I have all the exotics so there is nothing left to collect. Finished my year 1 tasks as well. Only thing left was to help some people get their 35 skolas kill.

So Simo will finally have GH now? Unless he forgets to log in and buy one, or he happened to use all his strange coins in order to reroll some weapons that won't be relevant in a few weeks. :beer:

Stole this from the PS4 thread, but it is still great:

I have no idea who Laced Up Lauren or any other streamers are, unless he is the one married to Cliffy B. As long as they don't have Broman on them I will check out the streams.

I looked at your character, first thing you want to do is max out and ascend an exotic armor piece. That will take 2 exotic shards, but if you don't have them you can buy them from Xur. That will get you to 32, which will let you run the Prison of Elders for an armor core as Vendetta suggested. Before you ascend the exotic, check out which armor piece Variks is selling (I think it is gloves this week, but not 100% sure) because that is what you will trade your armor core for so you don't want to ascend an exotic of the same type. If it is indeed gloves, ascend your Helm of Saint 14 to light 42. Run 32 PoE for armor core and buy the gloves from Variks and you will be Level 33.

At that point it is kind of up to you what you want to do to get to 34. The variks armor rotates each week so if you keep doing the 32 PoE and trading in the core for the armor piece you will be 34 in a few weeks. If you want to be 34 sooner then you need Etheric Light to ascend 2 more armor pieces to 42 light. Etheric Light only drops from Nightfall (you can get it in Trials of Osiris too if you are good at MP along with other light 42 armor). The quickest route is to do the 34 PoE which gives you a guaranteed Etheric Light. The one this week isn't that difficult and most 34s have probably run all of them multiple times at this point.
Thanks for the advice! Just hit 32 and maxed out my Gjallahaorn / Vex Mythoclast with Exotic Shards also. Thanks God I was banking coins and not just buying everything every week! Now to get those gloves and some more weapons and I'll be sexy as fuck in no time! :D

What's the quickest way to max out a Gally?  I have a rocket telemetry...but never really know how to maximize its use.   Is it better to have a bunch of bounties ready to redeem, then use it?  Or just have it on during Crucible?

Pop a telemetry just prior to turning in ALL your bounties.

Aside from that, have it equipped when doing missions or whatever (like doing bounties, etc.).  Shouldn't take too long.

Well with Xur having the gally this week it kind of makes doing the raids pointless to me now. The only thing I am really missing is a Vex and the Hunger of Crota. I already have full sets of armor from both untouched in my vault which I guess will be useless when TTK comes out along with most of my weapons.

So Simo will finally have GH now? Unless he forgets to log in and buy one, or he happened to use all his strange coins in order to reroll some weapons that won't be relevant in a few weeks. :beer:
Ha. Here's the big joke RNG played on me: Gally dropped from a NF I ran Tuesday night. I was at the grown up table for all of three days before Xur had to go and burst my bubble.
I just had the most productive yet strangest run in the Vault of Glass yet.  I was running a hard mode and got Praedyth's Revenge to drop......but it gave me three of them!  Three of the same weapon in one drop.  That was strange.  Next drop I got Fatebringer and the Warlock cloak, which looks badass.  I don't care if it'll be useless in a month, I'm ascending that sumbitz with my next e-light. 

I've had the game for about a month now, so still a new player. I'm looking to try and find a group that would take me in for the 2 raids (never done them). I've peeked at the lfg sites and everyone seems to be looking for experienced players. Where does someone like me (Hunter 32) get a start?
I've had the game for about a month now, so still a new player. I'm looking to try and find a group that would take me in for the 2 raids (never done them). I've peeked at the lfg sites and everyone seems to be looking for experienced players. Where does someone like me (Hunter 32) get a start?
Hey man, if you ever see me online feel free to invite me in. I have a couple of friends that are still leveling up characters. I'd also suggest getting hooked up with a group called the Federation of Fathers. They are an excellent group of super nice guys who run stuff regularly and are always willing to welcome in newer players. It's very easy to sign up for raids, PoE's, crucible, whatever.

Here is the tool we use, but you should start by looking them up as a clan at

Hey man, if you ever see me online feel free to invite me in. I have a couple of friends that are still leveling up characters. I'd also suggest getting hooked up with a group called the Federation of Fathers. They are an excellent group of super nice guys who run stuff regularly and are always willing to welcome in newer players. It's very easy to sign up for raids, PoE's, crucible, whatever.

Here is the tool we use, but you should start by looking them up as a clan at
Hey thanks! I filled out the form and I'm waiting for invite to the group. Hopefully I can start getting into more of the endgame content now.

Hah. It's a damn good thing I already had one (well, 5, actually - though I think I only have 4 now). I totally forgot about Xur and haven't even been on Destiny all week.

I should hop on and at least get my free weekly packages from Variks. But when I fire up the Xbox One, I can't even find the motivation to do that much Destiny.

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Ha. Here's the big joke RNG played on me: Gally dropped from a NF I ran Tuesday night. I was at the grown up table for all of three days before Xur had to go and burst my bubble.
That is so epic, even when you finally get GH to drop they give it to everyone and their mother just a few days later. Did you squeal like the guys on that stern clip when it dropped? Funniest part about that is that Stern is ripping on people for playing video games and then yucco shoots right back and rips him for watching the bachelorette. Stern def felt a bit salty after that since all anyone does is kiss his ass now.

I didn't even log in over the weekend to witness the GH for sale. Destiny is almost dead to me at this point.

Pretty sure I will be in Las Vegas the week that TTK drops so might not even end up playing at launch. I guess we will see...

I followed the advice given to me earlier and now am at lvl 33. Anyone wanna do 34 POE after I get another treasure key? Or perhaps CE?
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Ghost town around here :cry:   My friend's list is slowly becoming that as well.  I have a few people that I can PvE with for the time being.  My buddies I always PvP with played a bit last night and per our usual we destroyed the other team.  :D

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I know it's a Destiny thread but, any ody else just becoming bored with it? I hit 35. I have everything from Varick. Just nothing to keep me playing. Only gun I dot have is Fate bringer. But what my fried were telling me, it's pointless to play once Taken King cones out as the Green Guns will be better than my exotics.
That may be incorrect about the legendaries being useless. I read an article saying you could "sacrifice" weapons to use to build up others, including your current legendaries. So, yes, we will find greens and blues more powerful than our current legendaries, but we may be able to do something similar to ascension. I hope this is true.

I'm slowing down with destiny for now,l but I'm excited for TTK!
First TTK stream in 30 minutes!

I feel that even with all the info coming out of the Game Informer cover story from this month there will still be some changes made.  I can't see them making old Legendaries completely worthless unless they update the loot tables for all the year 1 activities.  TTK won't offer as much new content as all the Year 1 content combined so I doubt they want to make running any of the old raids, PoE or ToO worthless. 

But we should know more after today's stream and in the coming weeks.  I'm still excited for TTK as of now, and I think that taking time off from the game will make the new content feel fresh when September 15h rolls around.

I hit 34 last night thanks to the advice given here and a kind redditor who stayed up late to help me out. Now all I need is a POE 35 run and I'll have everything knocked out. Woo woo!
Double the vault space for TTK and you no longer have to store shaders, emblems, sparrows, and ships in there.

Also no more separate crucible and vanguard marks they now are called legendary marks and they spend everywhere. Also seems like all the year one legendaries can be broken down for these marks to buy the new items. Also there is no weekly cap limit on earning these but you can only hold 200 at a time.

You get a automatic boost to one character to level 25 right at the gate.

You can now hold hold 16 bounties and there are more newer ones to do.

Glimmer cap still seems to be 25000.
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:rofl: Like I thought, things already changing from a couple weeks ago.  The "vault space is limited due to the 360/PS3" was one of my favorite tall tales from year 1.

Guess I have to watch the full stream to see what else is up.

Everything was a progression in that presentation.  Dat SUROS Regime 2.0 :drool:

Love that Jellyhorn isn't coming along for the ride.  Makes the hunt for the next "Jellyhorn" that much more fun.  I'm hyped beyond belief for this!

Just read on Planet Destiny that all exotics are coming along for the ride.  Only certain ones are getting new perks and that they might institute changes for all exotics through time.  So Jellyhorn and everything else is coming along with us.

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Oh, Kotaku, you crack me up.  They began their breakdown of the live stream with this:

"Destiny, a yearlong beta for a video game that will be released this September, is getting some major overhauls that we should probably talk about."

That's just priceless...and so spot on.  

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Best part about the stream is every time they asked the guy taking question from the net it was about vault space, even after they told him they were going to get to that last. 

Oh, Kotaku, you crack me up. They began their breakdown of the live stream with this:

"Destiny, a yearlong beta for a video game that will be released this September, is getting some major overhauls that we should probably talk about."

That's just priceless...and so spot on.
Read their other articles on Destiny. They all have some sorta zinger for an opening line

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I know I cheated and Xur'ed my Gally but its so much fun to use I am glad they gave everyone a chance to grab it before they nerf it.

Ghost Shell




Those are the VIP rewards.  Not bad.  Shader is all black kinda like Revenant.  Ghost shell is yellow & orange, Emblem is Black, and the sparrow is black as well.

They confirmed Jellyhorn is being left behind.  Which is essentially the nerf.  I bet they regret making a Rocket that powerful.  Doubt we see anything on the same level again.  I just hope they don't regret FateBringer as much.  Really fun having firefly on a Hand Cannon! 

I'm fine with everything so far.  Like I said before:  it is a progression.  The grind isn't lessened like people seem to think.  There is so much more shit to do.  32 quests held at a time, daily bounties, weekly bounties, other weekly activities, the dreadnaught sounds huge and plus I bet we don't see the new raid for a bit. 

Add to all that, Iron Banner of course and Trials! :D



Kids be getting spanked in the Crucible.  I went nuts that game.  2 seperate 10 Kill Streaks.  Starting to get better and better but still lots of room for improvement.  The 38 kill game, my buddy I was playing with had 24.  So 62 kills between the two of us :D

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Man, those VIP rewards are bad-ass!  Love 'em. 

It's going to be weird leaving behind these weapons and the *only* thing that irks me about this year 2 progression is the threat of leaving behind raid gear.  I don't care if they simply drop the old stuff and create brand new, year 2, drops....essentially making us run them all over again.  The raids are so great, so to make the rewards garbage seems like such a shame. 

That's me being butthurt because I just got Fatebringer two weeks ago and I love that hand cannon now. 

I guess it will make sense to dump your Vanguard and Crucible marks a few days before TTK comes out on Legendary stuff since the marks wont carry over. And than at least you can use those items to break down for the newer Legendary marks.

Think Luke Smith tweeted out that current gear breaks down into the same mats that they currently do.  Only new stuff from TTK becomes marks

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I guess it will make sense to dump your Vanguard and Crucible marks a few days before TTK comes out on Legendary stuff since the marks wont carry over. And than at least you can use those items to break down for the newer Legendary marks.
Every 50 pts = a package you can redeem for faction rep :p

Exotic guns coming along for year 2:



The Last Word :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/ :D/

Red Death

Bad JuJu

Monte Carlo*


*New for us Xbox users



4th Horseman*




Yes! fuck Thorn.  fuck that stupid OP gun in the face.  So glad I won't have to deal with that shit for Iron Banner and Trials after Taken King goes live.

Glad Truth is coming and same with Thunderlord.  Those two are awesome guns but always overshadowed by Gjally.

Skolas   fuck that guy.  

I attempted this with Chubby and another guy last night because I really wanted that MoT wrapped up.  Linkin even jumped in and helped the guys when my internet went out for 30 minutes during round 5 (thanks L).

I will echo what others have said: What was Bungie thinking with no checkpoints?  We made it to Skolas and made a good effort, but by that time it had been 4 hours and we were just dog tired.  I think it would have been totally doable if we had reached him a bit earlier when everyone was more alert.  The real problem was round 4 because it was just a grind against so many yellow bar enemies that refused to take damage.

And to anyone who is about to reply, "Four hours?  I've been running it three times a week and it never takes more than 90 minutes."  I say to you:  Send me an invite.  I need you.   :pray:

It was taking much longer than it should have.  I thought we had a decent crew, but we had too many deaths where it was taking too long to circle the map and whittle down the adds.  I'm up for doing again, but we need a strong third if we don't want it to take hours.  At this point I feel like I'm a pretty darn good Destiny player, but I'm not at that uber level where I can carry a third through a 35 PoE.

Big thanks to Linkin for jumping in when he did. 

Skolas fuck that guy.

I attempted this with Chubby and another guy last night because I really wanted that MoT wrapped up. Linkin even jumped in and helped the guys when my internet went out for 30 minutes during round 5 (thanks L).

I will echo what others have said: What was Bungie thinking with no checkpoints? We made it to Skolas and made a good effort, but by that time it had been 4 hours and we were just dog tired. I think it would have been totally doable if we had reached him a bit earlier when everyone was more alert. The real problem was round 4 because it was just a grind against so many yellow bar enemies that refused to take damage.

And to anyone who is about to reply, "Four hours? I've been running it three times a week and it never takes more than 90 minutes." I say to you: Send me an invite. I need you. :pray:
I'll get you in on a kill after reset! Problem is I'm usually on late due to work lately and usually don't see you on. :/ My group and I have been killing his annoying ass every week. If my other 2 buddies still want to kill him, you can have my spot. I don't care about getting anything any more until TTK comes out. I just hope Angry isn't on next week.... That is the worst since you can't stagger all those annoying ass captains... I'd take Lightswitch any day over Angry for PoE 35.

So I'm opening up a can of worms I really shouldn't.... I decided a couple days ago that I want to go for max Grimoire. The only hurdles for that is going to be Rumble and crucible kills with the shitty ass Titan. In any shooter a free for all has never been my strong suit. I only have about 60 Hydra kills left to be done with PvE things. Just need Skirmish, Clash, and good ole Salvage... The titan kills are going to be goddamn painful. I hate the class with every bone in my body for PvP.

Well, if there is a particular weapon that hasn't dropped for you yet, you might want to try playing again.  RNG for Generous is in full effect!  Tonight I ran the following:

VoG HM, got: another Vision of Confluence, Vex Mythoclast, warlock gloves, the sparrow

Crota HM, got: Hard Light (didn't have this one), Fang of Yir Ut (and I love scouts!!), Oversoul Edict

I love VoC, so having a 2nd is fantastic, and the only piece of gear that I wanted left in the game was the Mythoclast.  It's fun to play with, too.  I've been playing this game from day one, and I don't get in as much play time as most folks along with a 100 hour diversion called Dragon Age, but finally getting these weapons feels great! 

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Woot! Only ran about 10 Dragon Strikes and got a Hopscotch Pilgrim :D
Happy for you to have gotten a HP :beer: .

Hate you because it only took 10 strikes (I needed about 100 :bomb: )

Enjoy, I rolled mine with Outlaw, Braced Frame and Hidden Hand. Red Dot sights.

I saw the guys in the PS4 thread running a ton of strikes to get that gun.  Seems crazy to grind for anything at this point, but I guess all the year 1 guns will still be top notch for year 1 activities and crucible as well?  I think with the new vault space upgrade you technically could 'collect them all' now right?  Or at least a large marjority of the weapons and armor.  I've lost my desire to collect everything anyways with everything being obsolete in a few weeks.

Actually did my nightfalls this week, not even sure why.  Guess I needed a small destiny fix after watching the twitch stream last week. 

That stinks about your Skolas run Simo.  If you are running it again and need someone let me know.  I'm still down to help out. 

I considered going for max Grimoire a while ago until i realized I had to get to the lighthouse and win 100 rumble games.  i'm just not willing to play that much.  I couldn't even max out the ogre kills it was so boring.

That stinks about your Skolas run Simo. If you are running it again and need someone let me know. I'm still down to help out.
Thanks, Glock, I may take you up on that offer. I need help because I want to get this done but I'm not up for another 4 hours ending in exhaustion and failure.

[quote name="simosaurus" post="12882570" timestamp="1440451822"]Thanks, Glock, I may take you up on that offer. I need help because I want to get this done but I'm not up for another 4 hours ending in exhaustion and failure. [/quote]
If you end up needing one more and I'm on, I'll help. GT: BeFlatLine
As the release gets closer I am getting more and more tempted to jump back in. Must resist...
LOL.. I'll be interested to see who all comes back to play once TTK is released. Seems like most people came back for TDB but many had moved even before the hard Crota raid was released. TDB is when I really started to spend the most time on Destiny. I was running all the raids and exotic drop points every week. Even did the daily story most days.

Didn't seem like that many people came back for HoW, which seems odd because I'm assuming most people who played TDB bought the expansion pass. But it goes to show how much people had been turned off by the grind at that point.

Speaking of that is io still lurking this thread or is he completely out on TTK?

I cam back for House of Wolves. You're right I was sick of the grind. Having bad luck with LFG for the Prison of Elders made it easy to not stick around and grind more. My character is still 32.5.
I cam back for House of Wolves. You're right I was sick of the grind. Having bad luck with LFG for the Prison of Elders made it easy to not stick around and grind more. My character is still 32.5.
Hey, there are still a few of us who are hopelessly addicted. You could hit 34 in no time if you want us to run you though some PoEs.

LOL.. I'll be interested to see who all comes back to play once TTK is released. Seems like most people came back for TDB but many had moved even before the hard Crota raid was released. TDB is when I really started to spend the most time on Destiny. I was running all the raids and exotic drop points every week. Even did the daily story most days.

Didn't seem like that many people came back for HoW, which seems odd because I'm assuming most people who played TDB bought the expansion pass. But it goes to show how much people had been turned off by the grind at that point.

Speaking of that is io still lurking this thread or is he completely out on TTK?
He can't have left us...he can't! io, are you out there?

bread's done