Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

Damn, nice. I've gotten nothing but crap from the Nightfalls. Were you 300 when you got that 310 Suros? What is Hung Jury again and why do you like it so much?

If you are killing Oryx tonight I will definitely want in this time, no matter what else I'm doing. Let me know when you are running it. I usually play as the "floater" and help with the adds and ogres. But I can man a platform if needed. I just watched a video that makes it look oh so easy, but in our group the other night it seems we could barely get past the first round. A big difference was how quickly they took the ogres down in the video.

And yeah, I don't get what issue that guy in your group was having. There is a lot of time to watch Oryx slam his fist down and get into the right position for the run. Also the relic person has to DPS Oryx pretty hard while the 4 platform people run to detonate the orbs, so if his weapons/shooting were garbage that didn't help.
Yeah ajh is right it is the Dead Orbit vendor rolled Scout Rifle and it is a perfect weapon. It has great range, stability is spot on and the little recoil there is it has pretty much a straight up direction for easy adjustment. Pair that all with a fairly high impact for a scout and the firefly, triple tap and decent size clip to begin with... I haven't found any primary I like more even counting exotics. I used it on the bosses a couple times in the Raid as well and was doing comparable damage to everyone else. I HIGHLY recommend it to everyone really.

And in regards to the Relic wielder, yeah it really is not that hard at all to know where Oryx is. It got to the point where we all were yelling at him as to where it was and when anyone said to switch he was like.. well I don't know how to do anything else... WELL YOU CANT DO WHAT YOU ARE DOING ANYWAY! I so badly wanted to just boot him but it was getting so late I had no desire to try to LFG for more.

My goal is of course to get on tonight to finish at least Oryx but I am having more Comcast issues here and am not 100% I will even be able to get on and STAY on. : / If I get on Destiny at all tonight it will likely not be until around 11pm est.

My goal is of course to get on tonight to finish at least Oryx but I am having more Comcast issues here and am not 100% I will even be able to get on and STAY on. : / If I get on Destiny at all tonight it will likely not be until around 11pm est.
Works for me - I might be a bit later (like 11:30 EST). I'll just be farming for the sword quest so shoot me an invite if you need another to smack Oryx.

Well I accepted the 2nd exotic sword quest on my titan and it progressed me right through to the part where you have to farm the spinmetal and do arc kills so if this works out that will be a pretty nice find.  It only took me 5 or 6 games to get the crucible sword kills, but I didn't really want to do that all again if it wasn't necessary.  Also these arc kills are going 10x faster on my Titan.  Probably won't be able to farm the spinmetal in time though.

If you guys are doing any raid stuff and need someone I wouldn't mind jumping in.  I'm back home now and on more stable internet than I had the other day for he warpriest. 

yes if you transfer your sword you will skip the steps up to the resource gathering portion. you can do this for all three.

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I'm assuming if you want to complete the Touch of Malice questline on all 3 characters then you need them
I imagine it will continue to drop at 310 for each of your other two characters as well so there are two 310 weapons then you can use to infuse with others. That is what I plan on doing.

Speaking of Oryx then, I finally killed him last night. We had a group together with io and Linkin and a handful of others and we just could not do the damage to him for whatever reason to stagger. I had never experienced that before and neither had anyone else. We literally were at it for about 3 or 4 hours and to no avail; we never even got to the Shadow part of the fight.

Everyone pretty much got off then and I decided to stay on because I REALLY wanted a kill in before reset. I finally got in with an LFG group literally 30 minutes before reset. They clearly had their shit together and I just asked what role they needed me in and we went to town. We actually got him down to about 75% health our first attempt. We then failed I believe two more times and at this point it was 4:52 am est and so we knew we had one last attempt before reset. We went through and just destroyed his ass and finished literally RIGHT at 5 am. I checked the app and it didn't give it to me for this week so we literally got the kill in within literally seconds before the reset. I didn't switch gear afterwards and so I was only 300 instead of 303 when I got the loot but either way I ended with some Smoldering Shards, the Emblem, the Auto Rifle at 304 and the Scout Rifle at 308. I currently have my Hung Jury at 308 so I am glad I can swap between the two scout rifles then without losing any light level.

I went and played around a bit in the Dreadnaught after just to test out the weapons and find some more Hadium Flakes for Eris after killing Oryx. The Auto is a decent fun, nothing crazy special but decent. The Scout though is pretty darn nice. It of course does not have Triple Tap or Firefly like my Hung Jury but it seems to hit with more Impact even though I believe their stats looked the same. The sights looks really cool and it feels good and does work against the Taken so I am excited to have that for the Raid this week!

I imagine it will continue to drop at 310 for each of your other two characters as well so there are two 310 weapons then you can use to infuse with others. That is what I plan on doing.

Speaking of Oryx then, I finally killed him last night. We had a group together with io and Linkin and a handful of others and we just could not do the damage to him for whatever reason to stagger. I had never experienced that before and neither had anyone else. We literally were at it for about 3 or 4 hours and to no avail; we never even got to the Shadow part of the fight.

Everyone pretty much got off then and I decided to stay on because I REALLY wanted a kill in before reset. I finally got in with an LFG group literally 30 minutes before reset. They clearly had their shit together and I just asked what role they needed me in and we went to town. We actually got him down to about 75% health our first attempt. We then failed I believe two more times and at this point it was 4:52 am est and so we knew we had one last attempt before reset. We went through and just destroyed his ass and finished literally RIGHT at 5 am. I checked the app and it didn't give it to me for this week so we literally got the kill in within literally seconds before the reset. I didn't switch gear afterwards and so I was only 300 instead of 303 when I got the loot but either way I ended with some Smoldering Shards, the Emblem, the Auto Rifle at 304 and the Scout Rifle at 308. I currently have my Hung Jury at 308 so I am glad I can swap between the two scout rifles then without losing any light level.

I went and played around a bit in the Dreadnaught after just to test out the weapons and find some more Hadium Flakes for Eris after killing Oryx. The Auto is a decent fun, nothing crazy special but decent. The Scout though is pretty darn nice. It of course does not have Triple Tap or Firefly like my Hung Jury but it seems to hit with more Impact even though I believe their stats looked the same. The sights looks really cool and it feels good and does work against the Taken so I am excited to have that for the Raid this week!
You only got 2 drops? You didn't grab 20 smoldering shards for the extra roll?

Nice work on finishing before the reset!   With all the new things to do in the game and being out of town I have not spent much time at all on the raid  (other than that run through the warpriest last week).  Have all my characters in the mid/high 290s and should be able to add the exotic sword tomorrow when armsday arrives.  Probably time to go for a full raid clear at this point.  :beer:

I only have like 18 smoldering shards. You need Black Wax Idol to buy more don't you? I blew all of mine a while back on Heavy Synths
Pretty sure it's just 15 Hadium Flakes and 2000ish glimmer dude! You're set for the next raid at least...having that extra roll for Oryx is so good.

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Pretty sure it's just 15 Hadium Flakes and 2000ish glimmer dude! You're set for the next raid at least...having that extra roll for Oryx is so good.
I am saving my Hadium Flakes right now for the Touch of Malice line. I need 50 and only have like 35 or so.

I farmed them a bunch before they patched the chest exploit but having multiple characters I just used those as a pool to pull from for each one's early Eris quest.

Congrats, Broly. I managed to beat him last night too. While I got screwed by reset on the Black Spindle mission, there is one advantage to playing around then. I went to the Dreadnaught to get in on this week's Tier 3 boss as last week right after reset a lot of people were doing it. There were 3 guys there and they invited me to a Party and had me invite their 2 friends. We did the Tier 3 like 4 times. It is pretty crazy this week - I won't spoil it for anyone. Unfortunately I didn't have an Antiquated rune so I couldn't get the fragment myself so I still have to do that if anyone wants to run it this evening. I have an Antiquated rune now.

So that was all I was planning to do for the night as it was 3am. But they invited me to a fresh Raid run and since they seemed pretty good I went along. It took a while to get started as one guy wanted to get his Touch of Malice first and they had a few people drop. They were taking so long to get started that I almost bailed - so glad I didn't! Most of them were Australian by the way so they were doing stuff like eating dinner, etc ;).

So we got started at around 4am and we pretty much DESTROYED the Raid. It was great for me because while these guys were really good, a couple of them were horrible platformers. We spent the most time on the ship jumping part as one guy took at least 10 tries to get across and another quit and came back in when we were at the rune door. That made me feel better - I got across with just one wipe. So we spent by far the most time (45 minutes or so) there.

After that it was smooth sailing. We wiped once on the Rune door. We didn't wipe at all at the War Priest and Golgoroth. They have a 1 up, 5 down strategy that destroys him. Then we wiped once on the Deathsingers but then did it easily in 3 rounds. Luckily I was never the runner. We then beat Oryx first try and wrapped it up around 6am just as my family was getting up - it was perfect timing.

Once again I got nothing from the stupid War Priest. Apparently he hates me (though I did get an exotic engram from my 3 of Coins). For the first time I got no ghost shell either. So it was looking really bad for my drops up to Golgoroth. But boy did he come through: a 310 chest piece! Then I got a shotgun from the sisters. And with my 38 smoldering shards all I got was the hand cannon from Oryx. Then I went back to the tower and had gloves there. So I'm not sure where the gloves came from but I can only assume Oryx since that would be my second drop.

You only got 2 drops? You didn't grab 20 smoldering shards for the extra roll?
I thought you got two things max if you had the 20 shards - otherwise it would be one (or none). I think all the guys I was with got 2 things with shards.

I am saving my Hadium Flakes right now for the Touch of Malice line. I need 50 and only have like 35 or so.

I farmed them a bunch before they patched the chest exploit but having multiple characters I just used those as a pool to pull from for each one's early Eris quest.
I don't quite get the questlines on this. I turned something in and got a 310 artifact from Eris (sweet!). Then I turned in the 50 flakes and other stuff to get a white weapon which didn't show up in my inventory. The quest line also went away. Like I'm down to only 6 total quests now and I swear I had 9 before the Raid. So I'm not sure where I'm at with Touch of Malice. I hadn't yet done the level 40 Undying Mind strike but it almost seems like it skipped ahead after I did the Raid. Well, it was late and I didn't have time to sort it all out but I will do so tonight.

While my chest piece is 310, my hand cannon is 305, the shotgun is 304, and the gloves are 304. My max shell (from before) of the 3 is 307. Wearing all that stuff I'm a 302 now. I decrypted one of my exotic emblems and it turned into a 310 Suros! I still have several more to do but wanted to wait till I was more awake to deal with inventory management ;).

So, yeah, DPS... I knew it would go well with these guys when we killed the War Priest in 3 turns. If you can do that, the rest will probably be quick. This Raid is ALL about DPS, DPS, DPS... I was 297 going in and everyone else was 298-303. I think that makes a huge difference vs. me being the high at 297 and others being 291-296. Plus these guys may have had some better weapons. The guy with Touch of Malice said it was destroying the bosses.

I would have liked to have gotten the scout rifle and sniper from the Raid, but there's always next time. Those seem like the best weapons, though, since much of the shooting is mid-to-long range. A shotgun is utterly useless. My hand cannon does have firefly, though, and my Raid chest has increased ammo for hand cannons, so those will be a good combo for much of the game if not the Raid itself.

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So, OK, here's the Touch of Malice quest line:

1. Shattered Past
Your journey will start with the Shattered Past Quest from Eris in which she tasks you to obtain 5 Calcified Fragments.

After collecting 15 Calcified Fragments, she’ll offer you the “Hunger Pangs” Quest, which requires you to go on a mission to kill Bracus, a special Taken Centurion at the bottom of the Salt Mines in Bunker WAR-4.

(I don't remember doing the Bracus thing but I am past it anyway)

2. The Old Hunger
The next step in obtaining this Exotic scout rifle is “The Old Hunger” Quest. Once you zone into the raid for the first time, The Old Hunger will be active.

The first step requires you to go into the raid and obtain 3 different Exotic items:

  • Blade of Famine can drop from the Warpriest
  • Shroud of Ir Anûk can drop from the Deathsingers
  • The Ravenous Heart can drop from Oryx
(Did this last night)

After acquiring each item from King’s Fall, Eris asks you to collect 25 Wormspore, 50 Hadium Flakes and 50 Weapon Parts.

Of the three, Hadium Flakes will require the most effort. Keep farming chests in the Dreadnaught until you get your 50; along the way, you’ll get plenty of Wormspore, and you probably already have enough weapon parts. After giving her these items, she will offer you an Antiquated Rune – but it doesn’t stop there! You’ll need to collect 30 Calcified Fragments to continue.

(Turned in the stuff, but the quest seems to be entirely gone now - I guess it comes back after the 30 fragments though I was sure I had at least that many).

3. Hunger Pangs
After forming the frame, and collecting a total of 30 Calcified Fragments, the Hunger Pangs chain will become active once more.

After talking to Eris, you’ll now need to enter The Undying Mind Strike and kill Morgath, Lore-Keeper who’s located at the very end. Once you kill this special Taken Knight, return to Eris, and she rewards you with a Stolen Rune.

(OK, this is weird because I've had this quest pending for a LONG time - just need to get it done as I tried matchmaking and it didn't put me with anyone.   Could use some CAG help with this ;)).

After obtaining 45 Calcified Fragments, you will return to the Fear’s Embrace mission on Phobos to kill Mar-Zik, the Blightcaller, a Taken Wizard that spawns when Echo of Oryx has almost been defeated. Once again, after killing this target, return to Eris.

Finally, after killing the special Taken Wizard, Eris will have the Touch of Malice for you. Head back to the Tower to claim it from her!

(And clearly I'm not here yet...)

So it is a bit odd in that it really isn't one questline, it is 2 or more that sort of interweave.  I know I had both the special Undying Mind strike quest and "The Old Hunger" (getting the things from the Raid) active as different quests at the same time.

Yeah that is the guide I have been going off for the Touch of Malice, I was going to post it but I read your previous post right as I was heading out the door!

Everyone got a 310 artifact from Eris after we killed Oryx except me... I just realized it is because I didn't finish the entire Taken War quest line on my Hunter, the last step is to collect the same pieces basically as the Touch of Malice in terms of killing the bosses. Lame. Now I have to get that quest done and then do the Raid all over to get that artifact. Once I have it though I should be 305 then! : D

Ha ha ha, is that It?

Maybe I will have that by the time Destiny 2 rolls around.

I just played a round of Prison of Elders, and one guy had the Boolean Gemini and the other the Hung Jury. Both seemed very good,
I will probably go for the Boolean, just because I am no where near Rank 3 with DO, even with all of the materials I turned in.
I do have the Zhalo, so it isn't a priority, but I would like a good scout rifle.

Just need to do the Nightfall at some point and I'll have that 300 Shotgun.
Ha ha ha, is that It?

Maybe I will have that by the time Destiny 2 rolls around.
Well, sure, it sounds like a lot. But basically it is just beat the raid and use a guide to find as many fragments as you can. I think there are 50 total so you can skip a few of them. I'm not sure where I'm at but I know I'm missing two of the Antiquated rune summons (week 1 and this week's which hopefully I can get tonight), and a few from missions. There might be more from the named chests, though I'm not certain of that. I need to log on and see how many I have.

So I will be on around 8pm Pacific and want to run that Undying Mind strike (at level 40 so it is harder than the Heroic but probably not quite Nightfall hard). Then I want to run my Antiquated Rune. Hopefuly we can get a team of 3 and meet another team already doing Court of Oryx. I have a few Stolen runes too so anyone who wants to tag along and help can probably get a lot of loot (and a grimoire card for the boss). It isn't hard, it just has another new mechanic to the fight.

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Right, so by going here you can see which ones you are missing:

Then go here to find where they are:

Apparently I am missing 12, so I need 7 more.

3 of those are in the Regicide mission so those should be easy.  One is on the Shield Bros. strike.  That leaves 3.  One is the Hive chest sprint (smell like Hive by standing in some room, then run to the chest up by the invincible Hive).  One is from the Agonarch rune, which I am one daily kill from completing.  One is from the Skyburners Command Pass which I think I have in my inventory but never used.  I thought it would trigger a boss fight but it looks like it just accesses a chest.  One is the Tier 3 for this week (which I can do).  One is Tier 3 "Kagoor" which is not available now (was that week 1 or will it be new next week?).  Then three of mine (XLIII, XLIV, XLV) they don't have any info for.

But it looks like I can get it done this evening and have my Touch of Malice before reset tonight - or if not right afterwards (if I have to wait another day on my Agonarch rune).  Sweet.

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Right, so by going here you can see which ones you are missing:

Then go here to find where they are:

Apparently I am missing 12, so I need 7 more.

3 of those are in the Regicide mission so those should be easy. One is on the Shield Bros. strike. That leaves 3. One is the Hive chest sprint (smell like Hive by standing in some room, then run to the chest up by the invincible Hive). One is from the Agonarch rune, which I am one daily kill from completing. One is from the Skyburners Command Pass which I think I have in my inventory but never used. I thought it would trigger a boss fight but it looks like it just accesses a chest. One is the Tier 3 for this week (which I can do). One is Tier 3 "Kagoor" which is not available now (was that week 1 or will it be new next week?). Then three of mine (XLIII, XLIV, XLV) they don't have any info for.

But it looks like I can get it done this evening and have my Touch of Malice before reset tonight - or if not right afterwards (if I have to wait another day on my Agonarch rune). Sweet.
Looks like you got a couple done ;). If you haven't gotten the smell one yet, you can bypass the platforms by skimming the left side.

Lost to Light is the Daily again, anyone going to try for the Black Spindle?

I'll give it another try, with a different approach this time. ( Bubble Titan/Weapons of Light & swords).
But I'm not spending all night on it.
I just got my exotic sword order fulfilled (I'm on the final step) and am titan. I'll be going for it.
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Lost to Light is the Daily again, anyone going to try for the Black Spindle?

I'll give it another try, with a different approach this time. ( Bubble Titan/Weapons of Light & swords).
But I'm not spending all night on it.
I'll be down for that. I also need to do the Sunless Cell strike to get my 2 exotic swords so if anyone else needs that I'll be doing that too.

How many black spindle's can you get? is it just one per character?

[quote name="Sinfulfate" post="12945496" timestamp="1443619329"]I'll be down for that. I also need to do the Sunless Cell strike to get my 2 exotic swords so if anyone else needs that I'll be doing that too.

How many black spindle's can you get? is it just one per character?[/quote]
I'll help. I picked up my order today and am on the same part I think. Then we can exotic sword his ass down! Boom!

I should be able to do it in probably 3 hours or so.
Lucked out and found a nice raid group last night on LFG and was able to finish the entire raid in just under 3 hours!  Probably not any type of speed record for people here who have finished it, but since I had never been past Golgoroth I was pretty happy to get it done in a reasonable time frame.  Got the Warlock Chest from Golgoroth and then the Assault Rifle and Hand Cannon from Oryx.  All 305s which gets me just a few points short of 300.  Once I complete the exotic sword quest tonight I can finally decode these exotics I have been holding.

Speaking of that, if you are all going for the same sword can you all complete the quest on the same run?  I am trying to finish the void sword if that is the case.  I know io was trying to finish that one too.  If we could kill 2 (or 3) birds with one stone that would be nice.

I'm down for some Black Spindle hunting once I finish that.  Did they confirm that they changed the light level that it drops at to 290 from the 310 it was dropping at last week? 

I checked last night before I went to bed and you can still get a Black Spindle from your blueprints at 300. I imagine you cannot get it twice on the same character though right? If so I will be doing this on my Warlock to hopefully get another 310 to infuse into stuff. I really wish I could infuse stuff into my Black Spindle right now but I am holding off until everything is patched, I don't want to waste anything.


Looks like I am trying again with my Warlock then! Not really excited to do it all over again though haha but I hope since everyone is a higher level and now I have my the extra damage to Taken primary it should be a bit more manageable. Now to figure out what to use it on... I actually scored a 310 Invective last night from an exotic engram but I am saving that for once Black Spindle is fixed so I can level it up. I have either Tolesto, Jabberhakke Sidearm or I was looking at getting the Vanguard Sniper.. All of them then I could get to 308 with the Spindle... I want to do it with a legendary I think so either the sidearm or sniper and with all the boss killing probably sniper would be best?

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I'm down to get the black spindle if we get a fire team of similar light levels together, will also raid I'm currently light level 296.  Check my bio for gamertag if you haven't added me already!

Lost to Light is the Daily again, anyone going to try for the Black Spindle?

I'll give it another try, with a different approach this time. ( Bubble Titan/Weapons of Light & swords).
But I'm not spending all night on it.
Bah - I spent 2 hours on this with a group from LFG trying to do this when I was supposed to be asleep.- from 4 to 6am. Pro tip - if your group isn't taking the initial ogre out without the adds spawning, you aren't going to clear it. Though one time we had TWO minutes left to clear the adds at the end and still didn't get it done. These guys didn't believe in revive, even though I had my fast revive helm. So I'd sit there for 20+ seconds at the end (after I used my super to clear half the room and revive one of them) watching them slowly killing things (and dying) instead of getting me up so I could Zhalo Supercell the adds. And they'd forget about the orbs. I just really want to knock tis out with a competent group.

Apparently if you know how to Titan hammer spam this is very easy. Both guys I was with tried that and failed miserably - didn't knock the boss down more than 1/10 OR clear any adds with dual hammer spams.

I just got my exotic sword order fulfilled (I'm on the final step) and am titan. I'll be going for it.

I'll be down for that. I also need to do the Sunless Cell strike to get my 2 exotic swords so if anyone else needs that I'll be doing that too.

How many black spindle's can you get? is it just one per character?
Like Glock I have the Void one. If 3 of us have that I think we can do it together. I've done the strike helping someone else get their sword last week so I know how to do it. It is MUCH easier than the Daily story thing that's for sure. You kill the other two knights, whittle the void guy down to 1/5 or so, then do the same to Alak-Hul. Then take them both out with supers (or whatever).

I think it is just one Spindle, but you have a chance for the ship multiple times I think.

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Apparently if you know how to Titan hammer spam this is very easy. Both guys I was with tried that and failed miserably - didn't knock the boss down more than 1/10 OR clear any adds with dual hammer spams.
Hammer spam got patched with today's Hot Fix.

Never tried it myself but saw it used against me... couldn't help but laugh.

Hammer spam got patched with today's Hot Fix.

Never tried it myself but saw it used against me... couldn't help but laugh.
Damn, that's too bad. I mean I get why they fixed it quick for PvP but it would have been nice to use in this mission. People were using it to beat the Story right after reset.

If anyone wants to try the story or do the sword quest strike post here or send me a message on Xbox Live. I have to work for a bit, but can jump on for a run or two if needed. It may be best to do the exotic sword before for the story mission - when I beat it last week 1 minute after reset 2 guys had the exotic and destroyed the boss.

Gah - finally... Got the Black Spindle and was surprised it still drops at 310 after the hot fix.  I thought they were going to nerf it?  If I knew for sure that they were I'd infuse it into my 304 Raid shotgun.  But if not, I'd rather keep it at 310.  I did buy a few 300's to infuse into other gear - too bad it is only for the secondary slot though.  I also got my Void exotic sword!

So I've had a pretty productive 3 days of Destiny after the fiascos of last week: on Monday beat the Raid; on Tuesday got 45 fragments and acquired Touch of Malice; on Wednesday got the Black Spindle and Dark Drinker.

Next up is to finish the endgame with my Titan (complete the Raid, get my solar sword, etc).  And I just barely started the story with my Hunter so lots to do there.

Spindle nerf was mentioned by Deej here:

That was a week ago - I'm surprised it didn't come with today's patch then.  I may be raiding tonight so I'll probably keep it for that and then infuse it into my shotgun if I don't the Raid sniper.  Please, game, give me the Raid sniper!

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Gah, I thought I clicked post on this last one but I apparently didn't.


My buddy who just picked up TTK last week wanted me to help him with the Black Spindle since he obviously wasn't here for it last time. I wanted another 310 drop so I could do more infusing so I agree and used my Warlock this time around to get the drop again. Linkin graciously stayed awake past what he planned to help us out and it was honestly an absolute breeze. Linkin and I had our strategy down pat from last time and we blazed through the whole thing like it was nothing. We beat the whole thing and got our Spindles with 2 whole minutes to spare! I was so stoked to go through it so easily this time around! : )

I bought the Vanguard 1000-Yard Stare since I have not gotten a better roll on a high impact sniper and then buffed it up all the way to 300 and then used my new Spindle to bring it to 308. Now I can stay at my max light level and have either a legendary shotgun OR a sniper equipped at 308 in my special slot and then still obviously have a 310 exotic primary or heavy equipped. I am glad to have that since I felt gimped for range sometimes having only my scout for distance encounters and then both a shotgun and sword for the others. Now I can comfortably swap without dropping a single light level! : D

Nice, so you can get a 310 spindle on each character every time the mission is the daily (at least until they nerf/patch it)?

I was able to finish up my Exotic Sword quest and then Sinful, FlatLine and myself were able to get the Black Spindle!  Only took 2 tries this time around.  First time we beat the boss with 4 minutes left but couldn't get the adds in time.  Next time we followed the strategy that I think Broly posted last time: cleared adds/blight first, then rushed the boss, dropped bubbles on him and layed into him with 3 exotic swords.  We lucked out a bit because he got stuck under the stairs. We only had a couple minutes to clear adds but we had sword ammo left and got it done with 30 seconds left.  I'm going to keep my 310 spindle for now.  I had been using a 300 Hereafter as my go to sniper but might switch it up for the Spindle.  EDIT - just read that Deej post about the Spindle nerf.  Maybe I should just infuse my Hereafter.  If they would adjust the LL of the existing 310 spindle in my inventory that would stink big time.

After that collected some hadium flakes to push my Touch of Malice quest ahead and started working on the fragments I still need.  Kind of sucks you cannot tell which fragments you have on each character, but I can probably back into the number with the lists posted.

I am all over the board on those Taken War quests.  Did most with my Titan, but now got my raid clear on my Warlock so have to catch up with her.  Which specific quests do you have to complete to get the 310 class item?  Just the Taken war quests with the Oryx emblem on them or do you have to do the Petra one as well?

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Nice, so you can get a 310 spindle on each character every time the mission is the daily (at least until they nerf/patch it)?

I was able to finish up my Exotic Sword quest and then Sinful, FlatLine and myself were able to get the Black Spindle! Only took 2 tries this time around. First time we beat the boss with 4 minutes left but couldn't get the adds in time. Next time we followed the strategy that I think Broly posted last time: cleared adds/blight first, then rushed the boss, dropped bubbles on him and layed into him with 3 exotic swords. We lucked out a bit because he got stuck under the stairs. We only had a couple minutes to clear adds but we had sword ammo left and got it done with 30 seconds left. I'm going to keep my 310 spindle for now. I had been using a 300 Hereafter as my go to sniper but might switch it up for the Spindle.

After that collected some hadium flakes to push my Touch of Malice quest ahead and started working on the fragments I still need. Kind of sucks you cannot tell which fragments you have on each character, but I can probably back into the number with the lists posted.

I am all over the board on those Taken War quests. Did most with my Titan, but now got my raid clear on my Warlock so have to catch up with her. Which specific quests do you have to complete to get the 3`0 class item? Just the Taken war quests with the Oryx emblem on them or do you have to do the Petra one as well?
Yeah you can get a 310 Spindle once per character.

I just keep infusing the 310 spindle into stuff and refuse to infuse the 300 blueprint one until everything is situated myself.

In terms of the Hadium Flakes it sucks doesn't it?! I love how we complain about the material farming, they acknowledge it is terrible and fix it and then introduce the same shit as before here. Plus you need Hadium Flakes to level up the Touch of Malice so be sure you still keep farming those.

I am the same way with my Taken War stuff due to multiple characters. I haven't gotten the 310 piece yet for it but I am just going to do the Taken War quests until I reach one that requires the three pieces just like the Hunger Pangs Quest Line. It is after you finish that that you get the 310 piece. When that is I am not sure but from what I have read it is once you finish all the quest lines with the "Taken War" title.

I havent had issues farming hadium flakes - I thought the patch just addressed those abusing leaving the area? I average 25 flakes in about 10-15 minutes which is slightly better than my luck with helium filaments at least.

Finally got a raid ghost drop yesterday and it was a 300. Then I got a shotgun drop and it was 300 :nottalking:.  

Been on vacation and been off and on and kind of lurking around here lately.

Got my raids in last week.  RNG was good.  Hunter with bonus drop got:  Hand Cannon, Scout, Shotty, Helmet.  Warlock wasn't as lucky but got the helm there as well.  Been working to get my Titan raid ready, pretty much there :)

Last night ran the raid and got arms and boots so I could get the Bone Marrow shader.  Looks pretty cool on my hunter.  Was happy to get the class item finally as well.  Only 1 gun and of course it had to be my 3rd Shotgun.... :bomb:

Finished off my Touch of Malice & Ace of Spades exotic quests as well.  Now working on my sword.  Been kinda slacking there ;)

EDIT: Ace of Spades... :drool: 

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I havent had issues farming hadium flakes - I thought the patch just addressed those abusing leaving the area? I average 25 flakes in about 10-15 minutes which is slightly better than my luck with helium filaments at least.

Finally got a raid ghost drop yesterday and it was a 300. Then I got a shotgun drop and it was 300 :nottalking:.
What run do you do for that many flakes?

I haven't had any real issue with the flake farming other than the fact that like Broly said, they acknowledged that farming sucked, fixed it then brought it back for some reason. The planetary material farming for the sword is far more tedious because the drop rate is so low. At least on the dreadnaught if you find a chest you are at least guaranteed 1 flake. I guess the place to farm the spinmetal is the rocketyard so I'll have to do that soon and I still haven't unlocked the solar sword yet because I have been slacking on my Hunter big time.

I must have the opposite RNG luck that you have, all I get are Ghosts, but have only pulled 1 Secondary/Heavy and it was a 300 fusion rifle that I used to get my Hereafter to 300 to help my dps for warpriest, golgo, deathsinger and oryx.

What run do you do for that many flakes?

I haven't had any real issue with the flake farming other than the fact that like Broly said, they acknowledged that farming sucked, fixed it then brought it back for some reason. The planetary material farming for the sword is far more tedious because the drop rate is so low. At least on the dreadnaught if you find a chest you are at least guaranteed 1 flake. I guess the place to farm the spinmetal is the rocketyard so I'll have to do that soon and I still haven't unlocked the solar sword yet because I have been slacking on my Hunter big time.

I must have the opposite RNG luck that you have, all I get are Ghosts, but have only pulled 1 Secondary/Heavy and it was a 300 fusion rifle that I used to get my Hereafter to 300 to help my dps for warpriest, golgo, deathsinger and oryx.
Just Breach to Mausoleum and back. There's usually around 5-6 chests in an instance so two clears nets you 20-24 and it really doesn't take very long with Keen Scout once you know where all the possible spawns are.

Farming for my solar sword was the worst since I had scrapped my helium finding ghost and the speaker wasn't selling one (he is this week though)

I am the same way with my Taken War stuff due to multiple characters. I haven't gotten the 310 piece yet for it but I am just going to do the Taken War quests until I reach one that requires the three pieces just like the Hunger Pangs Quest Line. It is after you finish that that you get the 310 piece. When that is I am not sure but from what I have read it is once you finish all the quest lines with the "Taken War" title.
I cleared the Raid on my Titan and when everyone went to get their 310 artifact I was like, crap, I don't have that quest. So apparently I'm in the same boat. I think I have to kill the centurion at the bottom of the Warsat next? I also have some Taken War stuff to do (but definitely also have Hunger Pangs open). Hopefully the 3 things you get from the Raid carry over and I can just finish that quest immediately once I do the precursor steps.

RNG has been OK, but not great on this Raid. I've gotten 4 ghost shells (300. 303., 307, 307) while I know some other people that are still looking for one after 3-4 Raids. On the other hand, I have yet to get a single drop from 4 or 5 War Priest kills. I really wanted to get the Raid sniper so I could infuse my Black Spindle into it. I may have to do a 1000 Yard stare instead, or just make my raid shotty 310.

I've only gotten 1 drop from 3 Gorgoroth kills, though it was a good one: 310 chest for my Warlock. I've gotten the shotgun (304, 305) twice from the Sisters.

Then Oryx... Beat him twice, both times with 20 moldering shards getting consumed. The first time I got the hand cannon and maybe an arm piece (not sure since it was in the post and I didn't see it on the ground after the fight so it could have come from an earlier part). I had a bit better luck last night: got the Titan chest (though at a crappy 300), the scout rifle (306) and the auto rifle (302). Two of the guys we got from LFG were convinced you are supposed to get FOUR drops when using the shards. BS, as I can attest. I was thrilled with the 3 since I only got 2 that first time.

I switched up my play style and used the Raid hand cannon/black spindle combo for the first parts. I was trying to do the same for Oryx but only getting 3 shots off and then spending so long to reload was a pain. We weren't staggering Oryx the first few times. So I switched up to using Touch of Malice and 100-Yard Stare and we staggered him easily the first time I did that. We had one guy with a crappy, laggy connection that kept getting booted over and over. Finally he quit and we got another 6th and beat it pretty easily at that point.

I may be doing the Raid again tonight with my Hunter and if so I'd like to keep my Black Spindle at 310 for that. I really wish I knew if/when they were really going to nerf it. But after that I'll probably just infuse it into my 1000-Yard Stare. It is tempting to do the Raid shotty but I never actually use that during the Raid since snipers are so crucial. Once they do nerf it, I have a 310 Invective that I can infuse into a post-nerf Black Spindle to get one back at 308. Thing is, you don't want to do that before as they may auto-nerf all Black Spindles down 20 light levels even if they've been infused. Like I said, I really wish they'd clarify what they are going to do.

I need to clean up all those final quests on my Titan and I have a LOT of work to do on my Hunter. I just cleared the base story with her last night and haven't done any of the extra stuff yet nor made much of any progress on the new subclass.

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Anyone want to set something up for tomorrow night around 10:30 PM est? I still need to finish the Nightfall quest and I am always willing to do anything else. I havent been able to play all week so i am itching to play. Currently sitting at 292 warlock with my best gear on.

I'm just glad neither is starting for a few more weeks. Whew...
I am going to be out of town next weekend too and so I was extra worried it was going to be earlier!

I have a decent PvP loadout right now on my Hunter though so I am pretty set. The Raid Scout actually does really nice damage in PvP too I found out the other day when messing around.

Just did random odds and ends last night. Managed to get 41 of my Fragments now.

I did not realize that the Tier 3 Court of Oryx changes weekly and so I am locked out of those 2 fragments from the previous weeks until they are available again and there are 3 that have not been discovered yet/ made available. So that means I need to go into the Raid and get the missing 4 Fragments that I do not have and so I will have JUST enough to get the Touch of Malice.

Linkin and I popped into CoO to at least grab the new Tier 3 this week then and we only had one other guy randomly there and we managed to beat it three times, once for each of us. I thought the mechanics seemed pretty straight forward but then we noticed our random kept hunting down the one named acolyte so perhaps there is a step we were missing that he just did for us.

Kind of bummed Xur has more helmet engrams, not sure if I will buy many. I have already gotten a 310 Graviton Forfeit two times. I suppose I can hope for a good roll on a new Light Beyond Nemesis. Also I thought it seemed as though I was only getting exotics for the class in which I was decrypting them. It worked for my first 8 armor engrams but the other night I used a helmet one on my Warlock and got a Hunter one. Has there been any official word on this or is it truly random even by class and I just was super lucky at first? If that is the case I will get more Helmet Engrams and open them on my Warlock or Hunter and hope they turn into a 310 Titan Helmet. 

Oh! And I got your message Chubby about the Raid tonight but totally spaced on replying sorry. I was already looking at getting the Raid done tonight hopefully and already have a handful of people so I am not sure if I will be able to help out or not. Best of luck though either way!!

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Ran through Golgoroth through the Deathsingers last night on my Titan with some LFG people.  Only drop I got was a 303 class item so pretty meh there.  Did a few runs at Oryx but it was late and at least half the people were still learning the fight.  One of the guys leading us kept getting frustrated with the wipes and the other just wasn't that great at explaining what to do and neither were very vocal when giving direction during the last 2 battles.  On my clear the other night the leader was very vocal and called out everything that was happening and who was supposed to be doing what so that was very helpful.  I will say that while this raid is about dps, the battles are all very scripted.  Once you know what to do its just about executing and getting to the right spot to dps in time. 

I'd definitely advise anyone who is running it for the first time to do your homework on the Deathsinger and Oryx battles.  I think the Totems, Warpriest and Golgoroth can be taught on the fly, but the last 2 battles might not be that easy to grasp especially if you have others with you who have already completed it and/or frustrate easily (basically the majority of the people you meet on LFG, lol).  At least at Oryx you can use the same runner each time but the Deathsingers is random so you need to know what to do there.  Good thing it only takes 3 platforming parts at that part.

I got as far as the sisters in the raid the other night. Anyone around tonight who could help me wrap this up?
Yeah like Glock said those last two parts aren't bad once everyone knows what is going on.

I also can't emphasize enough how much Touch of Malice helps here. I cleared the Raid on my Warlock on Monday, then got ToM for my Titan clear (Weds) and Hunter clear (Thurs). I wasn't even using it properly until we wiped several times last night. I have always gotten in the habit of firing it until the clip was almost done and then reloading since you start losing health on the last bullet.

What I didn't full understand was that you can keep shooting on that last bullet without reloading (and it is auto-fire to boot). Your health keeps going down the whole time, however. But when you are in the relic bubble you do not take damage so you can continuously fire the entire time doing bonus damage and without reloading. So freaking OP.

I was the floater on Oryx so I didn't have to run to the ogre bubbles. As soon as I got into the relic bubble I would empty my clip so I was down to the bonus damage, mow down adds, help stagger Oryx, then mow down more adds while the others went to their ogre bubbles. Then I would just lay into Oryx. Even as my squishy Hunter last night (light level 294 or so - just barely cleared the story with her so far) I was doing nearly 1500 per shot with pretty rapid auto-fire. Black Spindle, meanwhile, only got me 4000 or so and was just 3 shots followed by reload since there is no crit spot on Oryx (or it is very hard to hit if it is there). Mowing down adds with Touch of Malice cut down on the bubble runners dying, which often screwed us up on the earlier runs.

We had a lot of glitches in the Raid last night (thanks Bungie!) but once I mastered the DPS with ToM we mitigated those a bit by making sure we did it in 4 rounds. Any extra rounds just invite glitches. One glitch that happened 3 or 4 times was that the ogre bubbles disappeared on us. 1 or 2 you might attribute to someone accidentally running into it on the way - but no, all 4 were gone when the guys went to get them. That is akin to the sword disappearing at Crota. The glitches cost us at least 3 perfect runs we were on and added 1 1/2-2 hours to our attempt last night - kind of pissed about that.

Now you have to be really careful using Touch of Malice when you are transported into Oryx's Dome of Death since you can't regen health there. I haven't maxed mine out yet, so I don't have the perk for restoring health when getting 3 rapid kills. You could probably use that to kill the adds in the dome. But you need hadium flakes for ToM upgrades and I was all out! (Also a helm that regens health on orb pickup would be nice for there - I was woefully unprepared on my Hunter...)

I got meh gear once again, though I did finally get the pulse rifle. I also got the Hunter cloak which is kind of cool I guess. The only armor I got from it was arms and my Hunter already had 310 Don't Touch Me's. So just like on my Warlock the game gave me raid gear for the one slot that I already have a 310 for. D'oh! Also, the War Priest continues to shut me out. I think I have 5 kills at that point in the Raid (different chars, different weeks so all loot drops) and have not gotten a single thing from him. That's where the Raid heavy weapons drop. I also have yet to get the Raid sniper so I guess my Black Spindle will get infused into a 1000-Yard Stare. But I have gotten two shotguns - so much for smart RNG...

On the flip side, I have gotten FIVE ghost shells with my latest coming at 308. I know others that haven't gotten any which is bizarre since it can come from like 3 different places (mine last night came from Oryx - with 20 moldering shards I got the shell, the pulse, and a second hand cannon). What is nice is that I now have a 308 and two 307's so I don't have to swap those around every time I switch characters.

Also kind of sucks that if you haven't gotten the King's Fall quest you have to do the Raid all over again. I finally got to that point with my Titan after I cleared it, and now I have to go kill War Priest, Golgoroth, and Oryx again before I can get my 310 artifact.

One last thing: I was able to be the runner as a Hunter. It is SO much easier than the other two classes, especially the Titan. I dread going back through there with my Titan but we actually cleared Deathsingers when I had to run on my Hunter so that was nice.

PS - I'm going to meet a few of the people I raid with IRL in a few minutes here! That should be interesting. (For those that know them through me: it is CHammer, Foxy Chicken, and AKDevilDog).

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bread's done