Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

Last night I played Mayhem Clash for the first time.  It is a great mode for sword kills.  I didn't know about the trick of leveling a second sword on a character that already got the exotic.  That allows you to skip the Crucible and Ecthar (or whatever he is called) parts and go right to the material farming.  I will do that for the arc sword but it was too late for my solar.   So I had to do the kills again on my Titan this time.

The good thing is that instead of using my new solar legendary sword, I was able to use my exotic void one from my Warlock to get the kills needed for the solar sword quest.   Having the RT attack, and playing Mayhem where the heavy comes frequently and the action is pretty chaotic, makes it easier and, well, actually, fun.  I got half my kills in just one game, but then it took a few more to finish it out.  Meanwhile I was working on my FWC kills and wins for the exotic rag for my Titan.

Farming for the sword parts on the Moon was a pain though.  I did the relic iron one for the Void sword and while it was bad, the helium one seems far worse.  I only got 2 of the 10 to drop in an hour or so.  I think the relic iron one only took me 2 hours total.  Ugh.

Depending on how the farming goes, I ought to have two swords to get next armsday so if any others here need to do the special Sunless Cell strike on Wednesday hit me up.

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Last night I played Mayhem Clash for the first time. It is a great mode for sword kills. I didn't know about the trick of leveling a second sword on a character that already got the exotic. That allows you to skip the Crucible and Ecthar (or whatever he is called) parts and go right to the material farming. I will do that for the arc sword but it was too late for my solar. So I had to do the kills again on my Titan this time.

I spend my time yesterday doing all the stuff on my Warlock for her exotic sword. Had I known I could have skipped it all I would have just thrown it onto my hunter. Oh well, now when I get the solar sword on my Titan I will most definitely give it to my Hunter so I can skip those first steps!

I finally got around to doing the Banshee exotic scout quest on my Warlock then since I was playing with her and it is alright. It really does not have anything that makes it feel like it is worth an Exotic slot though. The perks are decent and it looks cool but other than that I am fairly unimpressed.

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I finally got around to doing the Banshee exotic scout quest on my Warlock then since I was playing with her and it is alright. It really does not have anything that makes it feel like it is worth an Exotic slot though. The perks are decent and it looks cool but other than that I am fairly unimpressed.
When I first got Tlaloc I was also unimpressed. It's not good if you are playing with the arc or void subclasses where you are constantly casting your super. But if you're a sunsinger and holding your super for the self-res, it makes sense and the reload and stability buffs are quite nice.
I ended up going 3 for 4 on Three of Coins today. I got a Incentive via the boss on the Daily and than I missed on my next strike but than got a drop on both of the brothers on my next one. I ended up with the Supercell and the Hereafter. I also finally had a purple turn into a exotic when it was decoded it became the Stag helmet which I already have so I infused into my Light Beyond Nemesis. 

I bought 2 helmet engrams last night and ended up with 310 Obsidian Mind and 310 Light Beyond Nemesis so that was pretty good.  Unfortunately the LBN did not have the orb health regen perk like my 290 one did.  That is pretty nice at Oryx when you are in the "Dome of Death".

I need to run more 3 of Coins and try to get more guns at 310.  I'd love a Zhalo Supercell at 310.  Instead I've gotten a couple of Suros from the engrams I saved from farming.

I should add that Mayhem is also a good mode to rack up kills for the faction quests.  Though then you'll probably end up where I am now with having the kills part done but just needing wins - and like any other mode that all depends on who you get teamed with.

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I should add that Mayhem is also a good mode to rack up kills for the faction quests. Though then you'll probably end up where I am now with having the kills part done but just needing wins - and like any other mode that all depends on who you get teamed with.
Forgot to mention when you said something before but I personally am not a fan at all of Mayhem. I tried it, and won, but absolutely hated it. Getting sword kills seems a bit harder in that than other modes I felt since you are constantly getting "supered" by everyone else at range.


Started up my Titan today and she is already 297.. haha jeez. The 3rd character is a breeze since you already have high level guns and a ghost and then have been building up extra high level armor between the other two. All I needed was a couple legendary pieces of armor so I could infuse them and bam, no problem at all.

When I step back though and realize I have a 303, 302 and a 297... I think I may be playing a bit too much.. haha : P

*double edit.. this thread is dead this week!*

I spent over 4 hours last night helping a group of buddies fight the Sisters and then Oryx and was rewarded with two freaking Moldering Shards for each encounter. That sure is better RNG Bungie.

I was so pissed. All of that time and I pretty much have nothing to show for it despite all of that. Not even a piece that I couldn't use or anything... just literally nothing. Bah.

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*double edit.. this thread is dead this week!*

I spent over 4 hours last night helping a group of buddies fight the Sisters and then Oryx and was rewarded with two freaking Moldering Shards for each encounter. That sure is better RNG Bungie.

I was so pissed. All of that time and I pretty much have nothing to show for it despite all of that. Not even a piece that I couldn't use or anything... just literally nothing. Bah.
Ha. Yeah, I was all excited to finally try KF last week. Made it to the daughters and at the time I thought all I got was stupid shards. I was pissed. The next day I realized I had actually gotten some boots and felt a bit better.
PS - I'm going to meet a few of the people I raid with IRL in a few minutes here! That should be interesting. (For those that know them through me: it is CHammer, Foxy Chicken, and AKDevilDog).
Wait, did you guys/girl have a LAN party and play via system link? :D/ But seriously that had to be cool. They always seem like nice guardians when I was in game with them for raids/strikes/etc.

I agree with Broly though, how is this thread dead just 2 weeks after the TTK drops? I guess everyone is just busy raiding, right? :beer:

I made some decent progress this week. Got 2 raid clears under my belt and my Hunter is at the Deathsingers. Hopefully can finish that up tonight before the reset, but my LFG luck has been hit or miss so far. Either find myself in an incredible team or one that cannot even progress to the DPS phase of the battles despite everyone apparently being on their "3rd character". RNG has been average I'd say. Cannot get a Secondary or Special weapon to drop for me. I did get Hand Cannon & Assault Rifle on my warlock clear. Then a higher light Hand Cannon and Legs on my titan clear. Best armor piece was a 305 chest for my warlock. 302 Titan Boots and 303 Titan mark. Oh yea, and I have 5 ghosts

Have to find some more fragments to get ToM as well. Getting these Tier 2 fragments from CoO might prove to be a pain. They really need to have a tracker for each character on those. Not sure which ones I have done on each character.

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Ha. Yeah, I was all excited to finally try KF last week. Made it to the daughters and at the time I thought all I got was stupid shards. I was pissed. The next day I realized I had actually gotten some boots and felt a bit better.
I was going to offer to run you and chubby through again this week but I got hit with the non-responsive mic issue last night. Can hear party chat just fine but it wont register my voice. Apparently according to support forums this hasn't been resolved in the last 6 months and even if I buy a new headset it's unlikely to fix it.

Wait, did you guys/girl have a LAN party and play via system link? :D/ But seriously that had to be cool. They always seem like nice guardians when I was in game with them for raids/strikes/etc.

I agree with Broly though, how is this thread dead just 2 weeks after the TTK drops? I guess everyone is just busy raiding, right? :beer:

I made some decent progress this week. Got 2 raid clears under my belt and my Hunter is at the Deathsingers. Hopefully can finish that up tonight before the reset, but my LFG luck has been hit or miss so far. Either find myself in an incredible team or one that cannot even progress to the DPS phase of the battles despite everyone apparently being on their "3rd character". RNG has been average I'd say. Cannot get a Secondary or Special weapon to drop for me. I did get Hand Cannon & Assault Rifle on my warlock clear. Then a higher light Hand Cannon and Legs on my titan clear. Best armor piece was a 305 chest for my warlock. 302 Titan Boots and 303 Titan mark. Oh yea, and I have 5 ghosts

Have to find some more fragments to get ToM as well. Getting these Tier 2 fragments from CoO might prove to be a pain. They really need to have a tracker for each character on those. Not sure which ones I have done on each character.
Hah - we met at Dave & Busters of course. It's too bad there isn't "Destiny - The Arcade Experience" there ;). Was interesting to see them, though they are all nearly half my age.

I'm totally up for Raids with you guys this week. I'll be doing 1 or 2 with those other guys, but I now have 3 characters to run through so we can definitely do a CAG run.

I may have to start travelling extensively for work for the first time in 4 years, so I may be 1 week on, 1 week off from now till next Spring. We'll see... That means I have to be more efficient about my Destiny play and try to maximize my Raids and such whenever I can.

Speaking of which I need to figure out what I need to do to unlock the "Road to King's Fall" questline on my Hunter so that I can get the 310 artifact this week.

Oh, and I also may have both the Arc and Solar swords ready to go on Wednesday so if anyone needs to do the Sunless Cell strike for either of those let me know.

I've already gotten Fabian Strategy and Tlaloc from the gunsmith. What does the Hunter get?

Speaking of which I need to figure out what I need to do to unlock the "Road to King's Fall" questline on my Hunter so that I can get the 310 artifact this week.
Pretty sure you just have to finish up the Taken War series of quests. There is one for I think Cosmodrome, Venus and Mars. Then after that I believe it opens up to Eris' Road to King's Fall.

(Edit: we posted at the same time Broly - could be that it is a combo of the Taken War quests and the mission below - I'm pretty sure I have that mission so I'll try that first and what happens).

I found some conflicting info out there on how to unlock Road to King's Fall:

- Bunch of forum posts saying do all the "Taken War" quests. I kind of remember doing that on my Titan and it just led to some weak weapon rewards and not the Raid quest.

But then I found this:

Complete the quest called Blighted Worlds from Eris. Once this is complete, grab The Road to King’s Fall Quest from her. The reward is a 310 artifact!
I think I just unlocked that a few days ago and I've done almost none of the Taken War stuff yet. So I'll run that this evening and see if it unlocks the Raid quest. It could very well be a combination of different quests need to be done though. I don't think anyone has really mapped out the exact prerequisites and fastest way to get there with a 2nd/3rd character...

The Touch of Malice, quest, by the way, does progress even if you haven't done anything else. I never actually had the quest to get the 3 items from the Raid on my Hunter, but when I returned from beating the Raid, Eris wanted the hadium flakes and such to make the weapon frame. So you can actually get Touch of Malice before completing the Raid quest and getting the 310 artifact. (But of course my Hunter has nowhere near 45 calcified fragments).

In other words, this step is unnecessary:

Start up the Raid and immediately return to the Tower. Eris should have a Quest called The Old Hunger. You’ll need this for Touch of Malice.
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Kind of surprised at this and at the same time not at all. Disappointed in general that they have introduced this but really so long as it doesn't impact gameplay I am fine with it. Fine with it meaning I will be pissed with myself for likely spending more money on this game for another silly dance move.
You know, I'm fine with this.

Especially since:

Returning NPC Tess Everis will offer 18 new emotes for players to buy using Silver from October 13. Bungie has assured that the emotes are optional and "won't impact the action game in any way." Pricing information and descriptions for each emote will be available on the day. All players will receive some free Silver to purchase "an emote or two" when they go on sale.
So we get a free one (or two). As long as this never goes beyond emotes I'm OK with that. I didn't spend the extra dough on the CE content so I'm fine spending a few bucks on an emote if there is one that is interesting enough. Or not... whatever. As long as they don't cross the line into game-impacting elements like exotic engrams.

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I've already gotten Fabian Strategy and Tlaloc from the gunsmith. What does the Hunter get?
Ace of Spades. Think exotic fatebringer with a perk called Maverick where you get a precision kill it auto reloads that bullet from your ammo into your clip. Fabulous for PvE

Ace of Spades. Think exotic fatebringer with a perk called Maverick where you get a precision kill it auto reloads that bullet from your ammo into your clip. Fabulous for PvE
I have been stuck right at the cusp of Rank 3 on my Hunter and have had no luck getting any more of those fusion rifles to turn in. This upcoming Armsday I will be able to snag my other two exotic swords and then my Ace of Spades! : D

I have been stuck right at the cusp of Rank 3 on my Hunter and have had no luck getting any more of those fusion rifles to turn in. This upcoming Armsday I will be able to snag my other two exotic swords and then my Ace of Spades! : D
You won't get anymore to drop if you have already gotten 4 I think? It is 4 or 5 from what I've seen on reddit.

Also I've been kinda quiet lately, been on the grind too much and planning to start all over on the PS4 still but so much to do still.... I did get a full raid set on my hunter after 2 clears (I got my Bone Marrow shader!) and only missing boots (story of my life) on my Warlock. Going for my first run with my Titan tonight after work.

Weapon wise still missing: Auto Rifle, Sniper, Rocket. Got fusion on my Warlock thank god. I didn't want a 4th shotgun :bomb: Also have gotten 2 bonds on warlock as well. Smoldering Shards seem to be total hit and miss. :/

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Which chest is it that drops the Ghost in the raid?
Is it the first one right after you get through the relic puzzle, or after the Tomb ships?
I'd really like to get that Ghost, since that is the only item that I still have in the 280's.
(Plus I love the look of it)

I'm sure I can find a couple more people like me who might not be ready for a full raid, but would like to upgrade their Ghost.
There's 3 chests, I think, that can drop the ghost  The first one after the initial portal, the one at the ships, and the one after the rune door (before the War Priest).

So I was all set to call it an early night but then I got invited to a Raid.  I got yet another ghost shell (like my 6th) but it is 300 so that is just going into my Brave Shell (the year 1 bonus) probably.  I did finally get a drop from the War Priest: the rocket launcher.  It has tracking so that's nice.

I got nothing from Golgoroth and another shotgun (my 3rd) from the Deathsingers.  Oh yeah, I did get the bond there as well so I have class marks for all 3 characters now.

But then at Oryx the damn game screwed me over.  I used 20 moldering shards and got ONE drop and it was a second chest piece for my Warlock.  My luckiest roll to date was a 310 chest for my Warlock (the last time I did the Raid) so that was the last thing I needed - and it is 309 to boot.  So I guess that will go into armor for one of my other characters.  I still need boots and helm as I am sub-300 on those (well, I'm using an exotic at 310 for the helm but would like to switch to me 310 Alchemist's Raiment).

So, yeah, an Oryx kill and 20 shards used up and ONE freaking drop.  This Raid is definitely going to take me longer than Atheon did to get all the stuff, and then you still feel compelled to beat it so you can get 310 stuff.  Clever Bungie...

I also got an exotic primary to drop from a 3 of Coins: a 290 Hawkmoon.  Blah...

But at least if I equip all my best stuff my Warlock is now 306. 

Oh yeah, and the Tier 3 Court of Oryx is a repeat of week 1.

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I was going to offer to run you and chubby through again this week but I got hit with the non-responsive mic issue last night. Can hear party chat just fine but it wont register my voice. Apparently according to support forums this hasn't been resolved in the last 6 months and even if I buy a new headset it's unlikely to fix it.
This happened to me earlier this year and I fixed it with a hard reset of the console. Try that if you haven't already.
So, yeah, an Oryx kill and 20 shards used up and ONE freaking drop. This Raid is definitely going to take me longer than Atheon did to get all the stuff, and then you still feel compelled to beat it so you can get 310 stuff. Clever Bungie...

Did a full run last night before reset and it went pretty smoothly the whole time. The amount of times we wiped could be counted on one hand and we got Oryx first try. I played with my Hunter up until the Sisters and then I swapped out to my Warlock to do those two fights since I already had with my Hunter. Overall not completely terrible loot but pretty bad considering my light level.

Overall I got:

-2x 300 Ghost Shells

-302 Hunter Boots

-306 Machine Gun

-310 Celestial Nighthawk (from exotic chest)

-302 Handcannon

-300 Warlock Helmet

The fact that I got two Ghost shells and both sucked was a bummer because each time I got excited it was better than my current 304 one. The Hunter boots are usable, though the roll on the perks are nothing to write home about. The Machine Gun is a fairly lackluster gun, though at 306 that is my highest Legendary Heavy so I guess that counts for something. 310 Celestial Nighthawk is pretty cool, never use Gunslinger really on my Hunter but I am glad to at least have it if the need arises for it. The Handcannon sucks. The gun itself is pretty lame and the fact that it is 302 are both unfortunate. My roll has Firefly but I just do not like the gun and will be sticking with one of my 308 Scouts. Finally, the helmet. I could have benefit from any other piece dropping but the helmet. Of course. Add on that it is only 300 flat compared to my 310 exotic and that just really makes it poopy. I suppose it is ironic since both the Atheon and Crota Warlock Helmets were all but impossible for me to get for what seemed like forever.

I am just happy I now have enough Calcified Fragments to finish up the quest for my Touch of Malice!

Oh and I got my Solar Sword the other day too on my Titan and threw that onto my Hunter and maxed it out and already am at a handful of legendary material so hopefully I can squeeze that in before tomorrow!

* Secret Mission Alert *

You can trigger it in today's daily.  Say hi to praedyth for me ;) 

Overall I got:

-2x 300 Ghost Shells

-302 Hunter Boots

-306 Machine Gun

-310 Celestial Nighthawk (from exotic chest)

-302 Handcannon

-300 Warlock Helmet
I'd have been thrilled with that haul compared to what I got last night. I love the handcannon with Firefly - it is almost like having my Fatebringer back again. I used a 310 Monte Carlo I pulled from the Nightfall to bump mine from 305 to 310. I'd take a helmet (even at 300) over the duplicate chest piece I got. And my exotic (from a 3 of coins and not the chest) turned into a useless 290. I suppose the rocket launcher is better than the machine gun, though mine is at 304. I need more heavies to drop so I can infuse my Truth and Thunderlord up over 300. Would have loved to have gotten boots.

I have a 306 scout rifle but I find myself using the handcannon more often. I like scout rifles in theory and when stuff is far away they are great. But too often I find myself too close to things and the zoom on them is too much. I'll definitely make mine a 310 with the next extra 310 primary exotic that I get.

This Raid has been really stingy with armor: the chest (310)/gloves (304) for Warlock, chest (300) for Titan, and gloves (305) for Hunter. Pretty meh except for the 310 chest piece followed by another at 309 last night - will probably go into my Titan one). That's with 3.5 clears on my Warlock, 2.5 on my Titan, and 1 on my Hunter - almost all of them with 20 shards at the end.

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[quote name="aFrostyONE" post="12955616" timestamp="1444154697"]* Secret Mission Alert *

You can trigger it in today's daily. Say hi to praedyth for me ;) [/quote]
I'm going to try around 7 central if anyone wants to join me.
Ran Two Raids and the Daily Story this morning.  Made really good time and cleared both raids in a little under 3 hours.  We DPS'ed Warpriest so bad one time we killed him in two turns.  Also had a really quick Golgoroth Kill in there as well.

I didn't get much.... Well I got 2 Rockets (didn't have any to start) and another HC w/Firefly.

I've just been buying the cheapest piece of gear Xur has and dismantling it.

Got my bounties from the Queen today, did them quick and leveled up to 3 to get the Boolean Gemini. Its very good.....not good enough to make me forget about the Zhalo, but really good. I like to have options.
Going to do the Nightfall tomorrow in order to get the 300 shotgun. I've seen video on it and it looks like it has some pretty decent range as well as some nice punch to it. I was waiting for the reset, because I didn't really want The Undying Mind.
I'm going to try around 7 central if anyone wants to join me.
I'll try it when I get on tonight.

I haven't noticed Xur selling exotic shards anymore so what's the best way to find them now.
I dismantled the majority of my Y1 exotics. I have 80 exotic shards left though.

I finished up my Hunter Oryx run last night. We actually had more trouble at Deathsingers than Oryx if that makes sense, probably because one guy that couldn't do the jumping part kept getting stuck as the shadow at Deathsingers. Got the Scout from Oryx, but didn't have enough shards to get any double disappointment this time. My haul for the week

2x Handcannons 307 & 305

Autorifle 305

Scout 304

Fusion 300

Warlock Chest 305

Titan Boots 303

Titan Class item 302

Hunter Class item 305

5x Ghosts 308 highest (actually I think I got 2 of these last week but I was in Vegas so it kind of all runs together.

Not too bad, but no really high rolls there, and no usable Special or Heavy.

Instead of this being forever 29 I can see being forever 305 as you will have to keep grinding the raid for 310 armor items that are all based on RNG.

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Instead of this being forever 29 I can see being forever 305 as you will have to keep grinding the raid for 310 armor items that are all based on RNG.
Yup. I did hit 306 with my Warlock though! Once I get boots above 296 and maybe better gloves, I'll probably be at 307. After that, it will be a slow crawl to 310.

As for exotic shards, yeah, well, like Glock I already had a ton before the expansion even hit. Then I got a lot more when I engram farmed and got duplicates. And now I'm getting even more when I get an engram drop and it decodes to 290 instead of 310. If you don't have any then I suppose that is the best way to get them going forward. Just use 3 of coins at every ultra and you will get engrams. They'll either be great 310's or an exotic shard.

At least with having so many exotic shards I'm not hesitant to bump up an exotic by just a few points if I have the infusion material for it. I bought year 2 Truth and Thunderlord at the base 280 and have been slowly getting both of those up towards 300. The lack of heavy weapon engrams makes that a slow process though. I just finally got my first Raid heavy so it will be a while before I have extras for infusion. In all the engram farming I did I never once got a heavy drop, so they don't come from engrams for sure. I know people have gotten 310 Truth/Thunderlord directly from the Nightfall though.

Had a good raid run tonight.  Only got past the Warpriest, but I'm okay with that.  Too bad we didn't get in with Gotdott and Duco, that would've been fun (and they made more progress in their raid, from the looks of it, ha ha!).  But, I had a really good time with Drunkz, Sim, Moose and a couple of DoD guys, Predicate and Dude4him. 

My immediate mission was successful = get something, anything, at or over 300.  Secondary mission also fulfilled = get a raid ghost shell.  I got the shell at 308 and the Yasmin sniper rifle at 300.  I was stuck at 293 for over a week and was feeling "forever 29-ish" so this was very welcome. 

Looking forward to finishing this raid up on Thursday! 

Oh, then I got a couple of really good rare decryptions afterwards, too.  Good night fighting the darkness.

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[quote name="chubbyninja1319" post="12956714" timestamp="1444193245"]Had a good raid run tonight. Only got past the Warpriest, but I'm okay with that. Too bad we didn't get in with Gotdott and Duco, that would've been fun (and they made more progress in their raid, from the looks of it, ha ha!). But, I had a really good time with Drunkz, Sim, Moose and a couple of DoD guys, Predicate and Dude4him.

My immediate mission was successful = get something, anything, at or over 300. Secondary mission also fulfilled = get a raid ghost shell. I got the shell at 308 and the Yasmin sniper rifle at 300. I was stuck at 293 for over a week and was feeling "forever 29-ish" so this was very welcome.

Looking forward to finishing this raid up on Thursday!

Oh, then I got a couple of really good rare decryptions afterwards, too. Good night fighting the darkness.[/quote]
Thanks for the invite. Even though all I got are shards (Vault of Glass flashbacks) I still thought it was fun. It almost seems easier than the last raids to me, just requiring more teamwork. Hopefully I can get armor or a weapon when we finish it off.
Yea, that was pretty smooth run through the first parts of the raid.  There is a bit of a learning curve for people that have not run it before but I think everyone made it through that alright.  You will find in the 2nd half of the raid most of the boss fights are very similar in that you have to always: accomplish some task and then stack up for boss DPS phase.  Most of the raid basics are still in play here: don't die, communicate and (hopefully) prosper! 

After the CAG run was done for the night I got invited to an LFG group that I had raided with over the weekend.  We had an extremely easy run, I think we might not have wiped from Golgoroth forward.  Ended up with the Machine Gun from Oryx and got Gloves at some point earlier.  Of course my double drop was shards, while at least 2 others got the helmet from Oryx.  Got another ghost as well...

Got my Touch of Malice and maxed it out last night as well as finished up my Solar Exotic Sword Quest. I have loved my Void Sword for a couple weeks now but I am really excited to try out the Arc and Solar ones now too!

Also I really enjoyed that secret mission in the Daily the other day. I am absolutely loving that they are including hidden stuff like that. 

[quote name="BrolyB593" post="12957193" timestamp="1444234454"]Got my Touch of Malice and maxed it out last night as well as finished up my Solar Exotic Sword Quest. I have loved my Void Sword for a couple weeks now but I am really excited to try out the Arc and Solar ones now too!

Also I really enjoyed that secret mission in the Daily the other day. I am absolutely loving that they are including hidden stuff like that. [/quote]
I enjoyed it, but I wish the payoff at the end was a little better.
I enjoyed it, but I wish the payoff at the end was a little better.
With how they are handling stuff I am hoping it just leads to more later. Linkin, Flatline and I were discussing how it would be interesting if it was a prerequisite then for a later secret mission. It would be smart on Bungie's part then because it would force people even more to focus on the Daily missions since they are 'required' in unlocking even more secret stuff after that specific mission even.

But yes I agree reward-wise it was pretty lackluster at the moment.

The hidden mission was a fairly nifty lore dump on praedyth, the vex, and the future between the new dialogue and grimoire. someone on reddit did a write-up trying to connect the dots and it's a cool read.

It puts more perspective and weight on the "Guardians make their own fate" line from VoG.

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Some are theorizing that the cult ghost from yesterday's daily will be the first element in a quest for another exotic, kind of the Sleeper simulant is playing out. Time will tell.
My immediate mission was successful = get something, anything, at or over 300. Secondary mission also fulfilled = get a raid ghost shell. I got the shell at 308 and the Yasmin sniper rifle at 300. I was stuck at 293 for over a week and was feeling "forever 29-ish" so this was very welcome.
Damn, I've cleared that War Priest so many freaking times and I have yet to get that sniper. I finally got a rocket launcher on my first clear of the week after reset. But then yesterday I got jack squat from him once again. It is so cruel that you see that legendary pop from him but then it is only shards...

My raid crew picked up 2 from LFG last night but both were 280's. Somehow we still managed to make it to Oryx though we just couldn't do the DPS and it was 12:30 and I wanted to finish my sword farming before armsday. I went from 50% arc ability kills to 100% on my Warlock just by running the old loot stairs on the cosmodrome. I'd get the whole group with a grenade, then with my super. I got to 100% in about 25 minutes so that was nice. I have a friend who did all 3 swords on his Hunter the last few days and he said it took him 11 hours to do all the farming.

We did the Sunless Cell strike after reset and I got my arc exotic. We tried several times to kill ALL three knights at the end with Alak-Hul since that other guy had all 3 sword quests at the same time but it was just total chaos. In the end we decided just to knock the one out first and do the other two today. I also have the solar one to do on my Titan.

So I still have an Oryx kill to get in and a full run on my Hunter. This week has been the worst for drops from the Raid, but hopefully it improves. I do keep getting ghost shells which is now kind of a running joke like my old Thunderlord drops used to be - because the same guy who could never get that is also not getting ghost shells. I think I got my 7th or 8th last night - though it was just at 300.

I was too busy yesterday to do the story mission - hopefully that repeats soon so I can get that grimoire...

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I have the solar exotic sword quest too, io, so if we happen to be on at the same time this week I'd team up with you or anyone else who is looking to run the Sunless Cell step.

I thought our crew did well last night. Got the heavy MG which was nice, bit nothing else of note. Looking forward to finally finishing Oryx off Thursday night (hopefully).
I have the solar exotic sword quest too, io, so if we happen to be on at the same time this week I'd team up with you or anyone else who is looking to run the Sunless Cell step.

I thought our crew did well last night. Got the heavy MG which was nice, bit nothing else of note. Looking forward to finally finishing Oryx off Thursday night (hopefully).
It would be hard to coordinate but if I can get the other guy who needs it (who I was running with last night) the three of us can do it.

Also, we're looking to Raid tonight around 9pm Pacific and may need a person or two if anyone is up for it. I'm not 100% sure we have an opening or not (as I'm not really coordinating it) but last night we needed 2 and LFG was kind of a let down there - would much rather grab a couple of you guys! I didn't see anyone on then though.

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It would be hard to coordinate but if I can get the other guy who needs it (who I was running with last night) the three of us can do it.

Also, we're looking to Raid tonight around 9pm Pacific and may need a person or two if anyone is up for it. I'm not 100% sure we have an opening or not (as I'm not really coordinating it) but last night we needed 2 and LFG was kind of a let down there - would much rather grab a couple of you guys! I didn't see anyone on then though.
I should be on around then, I am planning on getting on about an hour before that to hopefully do either my exotic Arc or Solar Sunless Cell step. Shoot me a message if you guys need people.

Didn't touch the Firewall stuff last night but I did end up getting in a Nightfall (which was surprisingly easy given our first reaction to the modifiers). Also got my Gunsmith to Rank 3 on my Hunter and nabbed the Ace of Spades. Seems like a decent Fatebringer equivalent, just hate having it take up an exotic spot now though!

Any good Armsday orders? I got a Suros Scout that has like all stability perks and thought it would be good in PvP. It works decent but I am just not as a big of a fan of it as I was on paper.

Got another Raid in last night super quickly, just a hair over an hour an a half I would say; I think we had to wipe maybe 5 times total, three of those being my buddy Hooptie making stupid decisions haha. I got multiple ghost shells, one of which was 309 so that was at least a slight upgrade. I also go the shotgun at 305 and it is surprisingly good, I like it so far just wish it were a higher level. And then I also got the Hunter Cloak though only at 302.  Pretty weak that I only got the three things, again I saw no armor drops on my character (cloak doesnt count to me). Oh well.

Having multiple Touch of Malices on your team makes the Sister and Oryx relatively a breeze. I think we had at least three, maybe four on our team and we just wrecked with them. We had time to kill each sister with almost 10 seconds left each time and then the Oryx fight we staggered him almost instantly it felt like most times. I am more than capable of running the relic on the Oryx fight and I am quite good at it... I just do not like it haha. Literally all the pressure is on those damn jumps because it is just assumed you get them all. If someone effs up an Ogre they have support if you mess up a jump you all wipe. With my Hunter with increased agility and my boots with increased agility when torn between dimensions I make really good time though. I say I hate it but at the same time I love it haha I do not have to worry about someone effing up the jumps because that someone would be me! : P

I thought I was gonna get my touch of malice this week but it looks like I must have gotten some fragments on my hunter that I missed on my titan and now I'm having a hard time trying to figure out which I'm missing. Destiny tracker says I have 47/50.  I think I might have missed killing the Crota T3 court of Oryx on my titan so I'm gonna have to wait till that's up before I can see.  I don't understand why bungie added hidden quest requirements and then gave us no way to check the progress on them.

I thought I was gonna get my touch of malice this week but it looks like I must have gotten some fragments on my hunter that I missed on my titan and now I'm having a hard time trying to figure out which I'm missing. Destiny tracker says I have 47/50. I think I might have missed killing the Crota T3 court of Oryx on my titan so I'm gonna have to wait till that's up before I can see. I don't understand why bungie added hidden quest requirements and then gave us no way to check the progress on them.
Yeah it was clearly an oversight on their part. I had originally grabbed a few on my Warlock and then decided to do the quest on my Hunter instead and so one night I just went down the entire list double checking each spot. As of right now there are 3 that are unknown and 3 for Tier 3 CoO (one available now obviously) which means if you were determined enough you could still get the Touch of Malice right now since there are 45 available at any given moment.

bread's done