Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

I was on last night... Until 11 central when Titanfall dropped.

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Ahh didn't see you on. A lot of people that I have added from this thread though just show up offline :/

My GT has changed from MaverickReality to sL Electro xD so If you see that person on, that's me 😅
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Ahh didn't see you on. A lot of people that I have added from this thread though just show up offline :/

My GT has changed from MaverickReality to sL Electro xD so If you see that person on, that's me 😅
I'll have to remember to check and see if my profile is set to appear offline again, but I don't think it is.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
That's meant to say void sword not good sword.

I'm supposed to pick up Titanfall 2 tonight but I have no desire to start a new game.

Also I am bogged down at Archons Forge I can't get any ghost or artifact drops over 395. I guess I need to higher some of my other gear to around that level to trigger better drops there. I'm fresh out of exotic engrams I guess I will have to farm CoE or The Iron Tomb or something. I guess till I run the heroic mode raid I'm stuck at 393 and a half.

Yeah, between Titanfall, Battlefield & Skyrim, it looks like I'll be taking a break from Destiny also.
So many good games this fall. I'm playing Gears 4 at the moment, along with Destiny, I'm sitting on World of Final Fantasy for PS4 and I'm picking up Titanfall 2 today.

all that aside, I was excited to finally finish the normal raid last night. I finally got in with a good fireteam and we knocked it out quickly. Onto the hard raid.

So many good games this fall. I'm playing Gears 4 at the moment, along with Destiny, I'm sitting on World of Final Fantasy for PS4 and I'm picking up Titanfall 2 today.

all that aside, I was excited to finally finish the normal raid last night. I finally got in with a good fireteam and we knocked it out quickly. Onto the hard raid.
Just got through an amazing part of the campaign in Titanfall 2. Don't want to spoil anything, but the SP is pretty fun. Haven't even touched the MP yet.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk
I was on last night and only saw Drunkz raiding.  I'll be up for it tonight.

I ran one of my characters through the Festival of the Lost stuff and was finally blessed with good RNG from one of those package drops.  I got both the Ghost mask and Ghost ghost!  That was pretty cool.  Hopefully I can get the sparrow or flame wolf mask from one of my other two.

I opened a skeleton key chest and did not get the Candlelight shader though.  I only have one more key.

I was on last night and only saw Drunkz raiding. I'll be up for it tonight.

I ran one of my characters through the Festival of the Lost stuff and was finally blessed with good RNG from one of those package drops. I got both the Ghost mask and Ghost ghost! That was pretty cool. Hopefully I can get the sparrow or flame wolf mask from one of my other two.

I opened a skeleton key chest and did not get the Candlelight shader though. I only have one more key.
My three drops:

Exotic Engram mask

Legendary Engram Mask

Aksis mask

I would trade all of that for the Ghost Ghost. Maybe after the weekly reset we'll get another shot.

I was on last night and only saw Drunkz raiding. I'll be up for it tonight.

I ran one of my characters through the Festival of the Lost stuff and was finally blessed with good RNG from one of those package drops. I got both the Ghost mask and Ghost ghost! That was pretty cool. Hopefully I can get the sparrow or flame wolf mask from one of my other two.

I opened a skeleton key chest and did not get the Candlelight shader though. I only have one more key.

I'll do my best to get on tonight would love to attempt the heroic mode raid.
What time you feller's planning on raiding tonight? I'd be up for that.

I feel like I'm never going to do the hard mode Raid at this point.  And now there's an emblem I want from 5 wins in Trials, but I feel like that is out of reach too.  I'm actually losing interest as I feel like I'll have to depend on LFG, but I'll be back at it tonight if for no other reason than to finish the Festival of the Lost stuff on my Hunter.  All I got on the Titan was the Revenant mask - but I guess that one is pretty cool (better than an engram or something).

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I feel like I'm never going to do the hard mode Raid at this point. And now there's an emblem I want from 5 wins in Trials, but I feel like that is out of reach too. I'm actually losing interest as I feel like I'll have to depend on LFG, but I'll be back at it tonight if for no other reason than to finish the Festival of the Lost stuff on my Hunter. All I got on the Titan was the Revenant mask - but I guess that one is pretty cool (better than an engram or something).
There's no rush to complete the Festival of the Lost activities, it lasts two weeks!

There's no rush to complete the Festival of the Lost activities, it lasts two weeks!
I'm in no hurry - it's just the only thing I feel like I can get done at this point.

Besides, didn't you just say you hope there might be another shot after reset? I doubt it, but if there's even a slight chance, I should actually finish up before reset. I hadn't really thought of that but that's even more reason. Besides, I'm nearly done - just have to do the CoO and strike part.

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I hear you I might never run the heroic mode. I really don't want to a group especially on the last night before the reset. I did hit 395 after getting lucky with a couple of blues turning into exotics and than a 399 ghost dropping at the Archons Forge.
I hear you I might never run the heroic mode. I really don't want to a group especially on the last night before the reset. I did hit 395 after getting lucky with a couple of blues turning into exotics and than a 399 ghost dropping at the Archons Forge.
I saw that and was wondering how the hell you got so high without the Raid (or presumably Trials). I am stuck at 391-392 on my chars. I'm getting hosed with exotic drops. I've gotten like 3 since the increase and 2 have been gauntlets, which is the last thing I need given I stocked up on those from Xur last week.

Of course I got like 3 legendary drops from Crucible but since I was wearing the engram they dropped at 350-something. Then I remembered to switch the engram off near the end of later matches - but only got blues to drop then. Of course. But overall I think Crucible is probably the best way to level up outside of the Raid.

I've also opened 2 Skeleton Key chests and not gotten the Candelight shader yet. Do you have to be wearing a mask when you do that? I didn't want to waste keys to get 350 stuff. And yet the things I got sucked anyway - like only 392 and 393 and one was a special weapon which I already have plenty of.

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I'm in no hurry - it's just the only thing I feel like I can get done at this point.

Besides, didn't you just say you hope there might be another shot after reset? I doubt it, but if there's even a slight chance, I should actually finish up before reset. I hadn't really thought of that but that's even more reason. Besides, I'm nearly done - just have to do the CoO and strike part.
I'm trying to be casual about it, making the RNGesus try to surprise me with more stuff to do in the second week. ;)

I never see the majority of you guys on except aj, :/
I'm typically on after 9-10 PM Pacific but I was on at various times this weekend and it was pretty sparse except for people playing Trials.

Edit: Meh, my final Festival of the Lost package was crap: an exotic engram mask and 2 consumables which I'll never use. But still, did get that Ghost ghost.

And now I've used all 3 of my Skeleton Keys and not gotten the Candlelight shader, and my rewards were crap - not even an artifact. I love that they supposedly increased the chances of an artifact from Eris for Crota rep and yet I had gotten one every time from her before (and now I see they are capped at 390 now - grrrrr). How about making the skeleton keys give something useful!

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You should go to the Forge for Artifacts, class items and ghosts. They can drop up to 400 from there.

The only tricky part is that you don't always know that you got one until you check the postmaster.

I've gone around grabbing everything on the ground only to find it in my postmaster, lol.

And save skeleton keys for specific strike loot and then infuse.

For example, let's say you need a better helmet, use the key on the Malok strike.  Need gauntlets or primary, then use it on the Bond Brothers strike.

BTW, anyone else notice they nerfed skeleton key drop rates.  They used to drop 1/5 strikes, roughly.  Lately, I've been seeing it more like 1/10 strikes.

They also seemed to have nerfed getting exotic engram drops on The Iron Tomb mission. I think I just went 1 for 16 on them.
If you're doing this back-to-back, I think there is a 15-minute timeout between potential drops for a specific boss. I'd recommend having a rotation of bosses that takes you at least that long to go through, or do something else entirely that takes up that time and then going back to them.

Personally I've never seen anything drop from them, I didn't even know they could drop exotics. :)

If you're doing this back-to-back, I think there is a 15-minute timeout between potential drops for a specific boss. I'd recommend having a rotation of bosses that takes you at least that long to go through, or do something else entirely that takes up that time and then going back to them.

Personally I've never seen anything drop from them, I didn't even know they could drop exotics. :)
I was getting exotics sometimes to drop from them back to back. I would go in pop a coin kill the first iron lord than hide pop another one kill the second one than die. I do this on Saturday morning and ended up going like 7 out of 30 boss kills.
Vosik challenge mode is now active. Looks like you have to use all four clean rooms and use the siva bombs that drop during the damage phase to close the rooms.

You should go to the Forge for Artifacts, class items and ghosts. They can drop up to 400 from there.

The only tricky part is that you don't always know that you got one until you check the postmaster.

I've gone around grabbing everything on the ground only to find it in my postmaster, lol.

And save skeleton keys for specific strike loot and then infuse.

For example, let's say you need a better helmet, use the key on the Malok strike. Need gauntlets or primary, then use it on the Bond Brothers strike.

BTW, anyone else notice they nerfed skeleton key drop rates. They used to drop 1/5 strikes, roughly. Lately, I've been seeing it more like 1/10 strikes.
I'm not trying to get specific drops - I'm trying to get the limited time Candlelight shader. And I don't know how you got skeleton keys on 1 of 5 strikes before. For me it has always been like 1 in 20.

I would have liked to save my keys for specific items when I needed to bump up a level later. But I needed to use them for that stupid shader. And I've now used 3 and not gotten it. At least my final one last night was on Omnigul so I was hoping for a better Grasp of Malok. But of course I got the Omnigul bond, of which I already have a really good one. I did get an artifact to drop, too, though, and that helped. Between that and a heavy weapon engram I was able to get my Titan to 394.

Geez - challenge mode is already out? And here I am still not having done the hard mode raid at all. I feel like the game is passing me by and I played probably 15 hours of it this weekend!

I did one Nightfall right after reset. It isn't too bad but you have to get rid of the boomers right away at the end and the sword vandal guys in the room unlocking part. They will wreck you with arc burn. I got 20 strange coins for my trouble of playing with a foul-mouthed squeaker from LFG. And I had to carry the bastard too because he kept dying :bomb:.

He invited me from LFG and then spent the next 20 minutes while we 2-manned the strike trying to convince his friends (all of whom were in the party) to join. Meanwhile they talked a lot about female anatomy and other wonderful things I have no interest in hearing teenagers (and possibly younger) talk about. Finally he got a 3rd guy in for the boss when we couldn't clear it a few times. He spent most of that fight dead while me and the other guy finished it.

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I'm not trying to get specific drops - I'm trying to get the limited time Candlelight shader. And I don't know how you got skeleton keys on 1 of 5 strikes before. For me it has always been like 1 in 20.

I would have liked to save my keys for specific items when I needed to bump up a level later. But I needed to use them for that stupid shader. And I've now used 3 and not gotten it. At least my final one last night was on Omnigul so I was hoping for a better Grasp of Malok. But of course I got the Omnigul bond, of which I already have a really good one. I did get an artifact to drop, too, though, and that helped. Between that and a heavy weapon engram I was able to get my Titan to 394.

Geez - challenge mode is already out? And here I am still not having done the hard mode raid at all. I feel like the game is passing me by and I played probably 15 hours of it this weekend!

I did one Nightfall right after reset. It isn't to bad but you have to get rid of the boomers right away at the end and the sword vandal guys in the room unlocking part. They will wreck you with arc burn. I got 20 strange coins for my trouble of playing with a foul-mouthed squeaker from LFG. And I had to carry the bastard too because he kept dying :bomb:.
You should have invited me Io, I'm usually always on even if I'm sitting on the dashboard
You should have invited me Io, I'm usually always on even if I'm sitting on the dashboard
Sorry - I just looked at the game and there were only 4 people on my FL playing Destiny and to be honest, I had no idea who any of them were or why I have them on there. If I saw anyone I recognized I would have. One of these guys on my list was already 400 though!

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Sorry - I just looked at the game and there were only 4 people on my FL playing Destiny and to be honest, I had no idea who any of them were or why I have them on there. If I saw anyone I recognized I would have. One of these guys on my list was already 400 though!
I just recently changed my gamertag from MaverickReality to sL Electro xD so if you see me on, feel free to invite
Well, I finally got a hard mode Raid clear and challenge clear at the same time last night.  It felt odd getting the challenge done before having ever done the hard Raid itself.

It all went very smoothly except for a little trouble at the Siege Engine that seemed to be lag related.  But I was with a pretty beastly group.  Just from the Raid, I was able to get my Warlock from 393 to 396, and my Titan from 394 to 396.

I didn't realize there were two different hoard chests (one for Normal and one for Heroic) so I opened the normal one by accident first.  I ended up with three 385 fusion rifles as a result of that and my drops at Vosik.

Overall, though, I did get some good stuff: a 397 MG (infused into my Gjallarhorn), a 397 sniper (kept for now), a 398 pulse rifle, a 399 hand cannon, two pairs of hard raid gauntlets (one at 397, one at 398), hard raid boots (guaranteed drop from Vosik challenge) at 398, a perfected Siva cluster (or whatever it is called - the hard mode artifact) at 398, and a normal mode helm (385).  At least that helm gave me the full normal mode set for my Warlock and I could finally get the shader.

I need to re-roll both my hard mode gauntlets and boots but I want to save my keys for my other characters, especially since I wasted one on that stupid normal loot at Vosik.

Did a bunch of forge afterwards and got several artifacts at 397, but not a single ghost, which is now my lowest item at 392.  Vendetta, who was running it with me, got at least 3 or 4 ghosts and he didn't need them :bomb:.  I also did a second Nightfall and got a whopping 10 3 of coins as my reward, to go along with the 20 strange coins I got yesterday.  Wow.

I'm still stuck with a 386 chest piece for my Hunter.  I've opened countless Vanguard, Crucible, and faction packages since the light level increased and they have nearly always been gauntlets, which sucks since I stocked up on exotic gauntlet engrams from Xur before the change.

Besides doing a last Nightfall and perhaps another Raid clear or two, I'm going to be grinding strikes for the chance at a Skeleton Key so I can try once again to get that Candlelight shader.  I've opened 3 so far and not gotten it, which I hear is pretty unlucky.  Most people get it on their first try.

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And I don't know how you got skeleton keys on 1 of 5 strikes before. For me it has always been like 1 in 20.
The 320 level strikes used to give you a much higher drop rate on the skeleton keys. So grind 320 for keys, then hop into 350 strikes for loot.

But like I said, it seems that bungo messed with the drop rate on keys.

And, yup, no shader here either. You're either blessed with it on the first few chests or you're outta luck. Others are reporting the same.

OK I suppose I might as well just do the 320's since they ought to go a bit faster and that is a quicker path to a potential exotic drop if nothing else.

I'm now 399 without any of the heroic raid being done. Had a blue engram turn into a 400 chest piece today which was 9 LL higher than my highest chest piece at the time.
After raiding tonight with my Titan, I pushed him to 399.  So he was 394 2 days ago and 399 today.  I had some good armor drops: got 2 400 chest pieces, a 400 helm, and 400 boots.   I gave the extra 400 chest piece to my Hunter to level up her 386 one, so that was a big score.

I also got a 400 ghost, hand cannon, and shotgun.  The only disappointing thing was that I didn't get a single heavy weapon, so that is now my lowest slot and I have lots of things I want to upgrade to at least match my 397 Gjallarhorn (in particular Dark Drinker and some legendary ones for Crucible).  The raid went super-smooth.  It was by far the fastest I've done this raid normal or hard mode, and it was with the challenge to boot.  We did that part first try along with the final boss.  We just had some stupid wipes on the easy parts (Siege Engine and Aksis phase 1 when someone couldn't find a panel with the very last bomb).  Considering I had to run center (as I was the lone Titan) and didn't have revive this time, I was happy not to cause any wipes by dying.

Then I ran forge and got some 400 artifacts, a 400 class item, and a couple more 400 ghosts, so now I don't have to swap those around any more at least. 

After that I thought I'd give strike grinding for the candlelight shader a shot.  And much to my surprise it went very quickly after costing me 3 skeleton keys earlier in the week (and the useless gear I got from those when I was just 392-393).  I ran one regular SIVA strike and got a key to drop.   Then I ran one Heroic (Phogoth) and had an awesome drop from using the key: 400 gauntlets, a 400 artifact, and the shader!   So that was easier than I thought it was going to be.  I was so glad I didn't get the sniper as I am once again having a surplus of max secondaries just like I did at 385.  But gauntlets were the one thing my Titan didn't get from the raid, so with those he is 400 across the board on armor.

If I don't get a third hard mode raid in with my Hunter I wouldn't mind running a normal one (just to collect the SIVA fragments if nothing else) if there's enough people here to run it maybe this weekend.  Almost no one was on tonight.  I guess it was because of that baseball game I heard about ;).  Seriously, I got on to Destiny right at the end of the game and there were 3 people playing from my FL - at that time of night it would usually be 15 or so.

I'm good to go for raiding any night except tonight. I would much prefer to do the heroic with the challenge mode also but if not I would run normal just for the key fragments.
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Almost no one was on tonight. I guess it was because of that baseball game I heard about ;). Seriously, I got on to Destiny right at the end of the game and there were 3 people playing from my FL - at that time of night it would usually be 15 or so.
OH!!!! That's why my friends list was so empty, too...and why LFG was so quiet. Didn't even think about baseball. The one upside from so few people playing was that the LFGs that did post had really qualified players. Completed two Aksis phase 2s with two separate LFGs on first try each.

I tried all morning yesterday to get into a heroic raid group via LFG at LL 396 and did not get one invite. I did put on my description that I would be a heroic mode first timer so maybe that scared everybody off.
After raiding tonight with my Titan, I pushed him to 399. So he was 394 2 days ago and 399 today. I had some good armor drops: got 2 400 chest pieces, a 400 helm, and 400 boots. I gave the extra 400 chest piece to my Hunter to level up her 386 one, so that was a big score.

I also got a 400 ghost, hand cannon, and shotgun. The only disappointing thing was that I didn't get a single heavy weapon, so that is now my lowest slot and I have lots of things I want to upgrade to at least match my 397 Gjallarhorn (in particular Dark Drinker and some legendary ones for Crucible). The raid went super-smooth. It was by far the fastest I've done this raid normal or hard mode, and it was with the challenge to boot. We did that part first try along with the final boss. We just had some stupid wipes on the easy parts (Siege Engine and Aksis phase 1 when someone couldn't find a panel with the very last bomb). Considering I had to run center (as I was the lone Titan) and didn't have revive this time, I was happy not to cause any wipes by dying.

Then I ran forge and got some 400 artifacts, a 400 class item, and a couple more 400 ghosts, so now I don't have to swap those around any more at least.

After that I thought I'd give strike grinding for the candlelight shader a shot. And much to my surprise it went very quickly after costing me 3 skeleton keys earlier in the week (and the useless gear I got from those when I was just 392-393). I ran one regular SIVA strike and got a key to drop. Then I ran one Heroic (Phogoth) and had an awesome drop from using the key: 400 gauntlets, a 400 artifact, and the shader! So that was easier than I thought it was going to be. I was so glad I didn't get the sniper as I am once again having a surplus of max secondaries just like I did at 385. But gauntlets were the one thing my Titan didn't get from the raid, so with those he is 400 across the board on armor.
Yeah that run was so smooth! With an LFG'er too :shock:

We pretty much have an A team anyways since everyone is pretty good :mrgreen:

I'm bach'ing it until Sunday, so I'm up for a raid or a nightfall pretty much any time until then. I can also do some more general stuff with a diverse fireteam because I'm still on the first step of the Outbreak Prime quest on my hunter and titan. I also need to get that quest on my warlock...
I'm bach'ing it until Sunday, so I'm up for a raid or a nightfall pretty much any time until then. I can also do some more general stuff with a diverse fireteam because I'm still on the first step of the Outbreak Prime quest on my hunter and titan. I also need to get that quest on my warlock...
So you're saying, you'll appear online until then 😉
bread's done