Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

I read it will be Timur and Efrideet

I never cared to get Gheleon before. How does it hold up now that we have the ToO Scout Rifle?
I love it, but if you have the ToO scout, it has same impact & a burn (if Adept), so no reason for ghelon's demise.

Someone on Reddit posted a screenshot of it as void burn so the website is incorrect.
I,ve seen lots of fake screenshots from Reddit, so I guess I'll see for myself.


EDIT: I see vids, so WTF, Bungle? Always lying....
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So my buddy was asking if I could hop on tonight after work to go through with him and his buddy on a NF. I told him I am busy and already have had a few people expecting me to run it with them but I might be able to squeeze a game in. Trying to light a fire under me he jokingly said "Fine maybe I don't even want to play with you, your friends just carry you anyway you are no good." And naturally I just responded with a cold stare and silence pretty much. He then followed up with "Truth hurts man."


"Eh, not as much as Gjallarhorn.... oh wait you wouldn't know anything about that though!"

(he doesnt have g-horn and bitches about it at least once per time we talk about Destiny)

Hahaha I just wanted to share my nerdy Destiny burn. : P

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So you can no longer leave and come back to an area to farm the same chest for engrams?

Also I will be on tonight to run nightfall, weekly, and maybe some iron banner God help us all.
ajh2298 said:
So you can no longer leave and come back to an area to farm the same chest for engrams?
Apparently. But supposedly they greatly increased the drop rate from the Ether chests and the small chests in PoE as well as guaranteeing one key per week from the Queen's bounties. So that should more than make up for it. Really you don't need any more than that 1 guaranteed key per week. So I suspect I will be doing considerably less key farming and that is OK with me.

But yeah, if you were short on armor mats or weapon parts those engrams were great for boosting those plus ranking up the Cryptarch - way more efficient than running strike playlists for example. So it kind of sucks to remove the multiple openings for that reason.

The Weekly is Omnigul with no burn? Ugh - I may have to pass on it this week. There is too much other stuff to do and spending 1 1/2 - 2 hours on that (if I do all 3 characters) does not sound fun. I mean, I still have 400+ coins so what's the point? I usually just do it for the faction rep since the 500 you get from that is usually faster than 5+ bounties. But grinding for faction rep is something I did before HoW came out - there's other stuff to do now, thankfully!

Also I'm kind of disappointed that the weapon from Osiris this week is the hand cannon. I got that from my Gold tier package instead of armor last week. But since I like hand cannons I thought it was at least cool that I had something unique. Now it won't be unique any more and I would have much preferred to have gotten the helm from that package. Since he also has gauntlets I may pass on using my Warlock for the next Trials since I did get those from my rank 8 this week. I'll continue to run my Titan through it since he has nothing yet - and I do like rocking the double lightning grenades. I love throwing them at the dirty corner snipers.
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Yeah, 9 coins from a NO-burn Omnigul isn't very enticing.

That's like a 34 Qodron for me... rewards weren't good enough to make me want to do several runs.  The new changes might make it tolerable (though it still won't be fun :shame: ).

Anyone know what this means:

◾Fixed a bug in which the hotfix mistakenly did not contain the 1.1.1 Fusion Rifle balance changes. As a result, players were playing with its pre-1.1.1 weapon balance state. The original fix has been re-applied.

Does that mean that my Vex Mythoclast will be better or worse? ;) They are being a little obtuse here. I do seem to remember they inadvertently nerfed fusion rifles again when they did the auto/hand cannon adjustments. So maybe this is restoring some power? Would have been nice before the last Trials, but whatever. We'll see...

OK, so the notes for 1.1.1 say this:
•Widened blast pattern on a Fusion Rifle burst cone
•Reduced starting ammunition in PVP

So it looks like I get less ammo and I'm not sure if the first one even applies to Vex or just to regular fusion rifles. Yay.

But wait. At the end there was this:

•Bug was introduced in 1.1.1 patch that caused the Vex Mythoclast to spawn with less ammo in the magazine and reserves in PvP
◦This weapon was affected by overall Fusion Rifle changes because it is treated as a secondary weapon
◦We intend to correct this issue in a future release

So maybe we get more ammo for it now? Honestly I don't think I've run ran out of ammo for it during PvP.
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Also I'm kind of disappointed that the weapon from Osiris this week is the hand cannon. I got that from my Gold tier package instead of armor last week. But since I like hand cannons I thought it was at least cool that I had something unique. Now it won't be unique any more and I would have much preferred to have gotten the helm from that package. Since he also has gauntlets I may pass on using my Warlock for the next Trials since I did get those from my rank 8 this week. I'll continue to run my Titan through it since he has nothing yet - and I do like rocking the double lightning grenades. I love throwing them at the dirty corner snipers.
If you had the Adept version you would still be pretty unique ; P

I an through 2 Nightfalls as well as a 34 PoE. io you are right man this new PoE is pretty darn easy. We ran through it with very little difficulty. My Nightfalls got me exotic helms, one Skull of Dire A____ and Mask of the Third Man. I actually never had the Skull so I kept it but will likely never ever use it since it is useless; the Mask is I would say the 12th one at least that I have gotten haha so I dismantled it.

I finished up my Queenbreakers Bow bounty and almost immediately had it maxed out with my saved up bounties and telemetries across characters. THAT. THING. IS. AWESOME. It is so hard to really get the hang of but even just in the little bit I used it in PvP I can totally see its insane potential in the right hands.

On top of that I rerolled my Fulcrum a few more times and got the perfect roll I wanted with Braced Frame, Final Round and Luck in the Chamber. Pretty solid day of Destiny for just a couple hours after work!

Now to drudge back to this final that realistically should have been done 10 times over by now I just keep dragging my feet like crazy. Stupid Destiny coming out with DLC at this time haha

Here is how my night started out:

NF #1 - GH #6 drops
NF #2 - Beetle Gloves drop

After that It all was gravy.
I saw a Gjallarhorn drop for someone else too. I got a Dragon's Breath on my second one (after a legendary engram the first time). I still have one more to do.

I ran my Hunter through 32 and 34 PoE. We even carried a 33 through the 34 and it wasn't too bad, though we wiped a little more than I would have liked. I got the elder cipher first chest yet again, so that seems to be a pretty common thing. Now I have to play the waiting game on my second one (as I said earlier the first one took 72 hours).

Then just now me and another guy ran our initial bounty characters through the 32 to get 350 more rep and complete our bounties (we got 350 from 32 earlier and then 350 also from the 34). So, yeah, you can repeat the 32 in the same week to get the cipher rep. I got the sidearm and he got the shotgun. It is like 5:30 AM so I'll have to play with it tomorrow evening ;).

I also got 2 treasure keys out of 3 PoE runs (from the small chests). I had gotten none in 15+ runs before that so they definitely increased the drop rate of those.

In between all that I did a ton of Iron Banner. I have a bounty from last time that isn't available now but I seem to be able to complete it anyway. It is the headshot spree one and I moved it from 3/5 to 4/5 at least. I'm at about rank 2 1/2 already which is nice given the low boon amount right now.
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My first day of IB didn't go well. Five matches and we were on the losing end each time. I was consistently #2 on my teams' leaderboards, but given how inexperienced I am in PvP, that's probably a bad sign right there.

At least I knocked out a couple bounties. We'll see how day #2 goes.
Got my NF's done - Voidfang, Statue Titan helm (didn't have), engram. First time not getting strange coins & vanguard weapons in a month.

Got PoE's done. All 3 32's, 34's, 35's. I got a stupid pulse rifle from a Skolas win (one Variks is selling w arc burn. Sucks). WAY easier using my Spear this week, even without final round. around 9.5k damage a headshot. From Judgement's Chances got a Wolves leash, no burn (the Dead Orbit one is better, as I have firefly explosive rounds & rodeo on it. This one can't be reforged & it's just average, even if I had no others, but it's 365). Also, got a 2nd pair of boots for warlock (with Vex perks versus Hive before. I'll keep both for each circumstance). I wish I could've gotten legs for myother 2 classes. Got the fusion rifle Variks sold last week, lastly. This one does damage to vandals as compared to shanks on the other, so I'll keep the new one.

The ElderCipher bounties are dropping like CRAZY. Got one on each of my Characters that didn't have it before, and every team I played with, all got TWO bounties each (at once). Beat Skolas before they fix that to get your mediocre new exotics. I also got a ship on my Titan run, so you can get more than one ship now. I had shader equipped, so they say that's why I didn't get, but 2 others opened chest & didn't (separate occasions), and still only got a 2nd or 3rd ship. No emblem or shader a 2nd time :(. I want that shader on all characters.

Has anybody seen or received any light as a after match reward in the Iron Banner yet?

Not getting a light as a reward for my Nightfall runn really screwed my plans up. I ended up getting the "Don't Touch Me" arms, too bad I dont have a hunter.
Does your first elder cipher bounty only drop from 35 or can you get it from 34 too?  Hopefully I can get one this week, but maybe my luck has run out already.  I feel left out of the new exotic weapon bounty fun :(

After pulling that GH last night I really wish they would implement some type of trading system.  I'm not talking about full out trading, but at least let you divvy up your loot at the end of a Nightfall/Raid/PoE run.  I'd love to have passed off that GH to one of the other fireteam members in exchange for their etheric light drop.  Could bring an old school D&D feel to things when you divide up your loot at the end of the raid.

I also played a lot of Iron Banner last night.  Got most of my bounties done on all 3 characters.  Hit rank 2 on all characters.  I'm sure my time will be limited over the weekend so wanted to make some progress early in the week.

Does your first elder cipher bounty only drop from 35 or can you get it from 34 too? Hopefully I can get one this week, but maybe my luck has run out already. I feel left out of the new exotic weapon bounty fun :(

After pulling that GH last night I really wish they would implement some type of trading system. I'm not talking about full out trading, but at least let you divvy up your loot at the end of a Nightfall/Raid/PoE run. I'd love to have passed off that GH to one of the other fireteam members in exchange for their etheric light drop. Could bring an old school D&D feel to things when you divide up your loot at the end of the raid.

I also played a lot of Iron Banner last night. Got most of my bounties done on all 3 characters. Hit rank 2 on all characters. I'm sure my time will be limited over the weekend so wanted to make some progress early in the week.
I like that idea quite a bit. A straight up trading system would break the game completely but in the case of the Nightfalls at least where everyone is GUARANTEED a reward I really like that idea of being able to swap between the fireteam.

Anybody going to be on tonight that needs to run the Level 32 PoE? I had no luck with the groups from destinylfg,com this morning.

I like that idea quite a bit. A straight up trading system would break the game completely but in the case of the Nightfalls at least where everyone is GUARANTEED a reward I really like that idea of being able to swap between the fireteam.
Trading would not break the game. People usually say that when thinking of an anything goes system that would give newer players gear they didn't earn (which I still think wouldn't matter because you have to be good to be skolas, etc, no matter what gear you have). Trading could be from exotic to exotic, or even helmet to helmet, and even sould bound after one trade (or only after so many in game hours played). It could be done in many ways that wouldn't break the game, including only in the session that the exotics are earned. That way would be pointless unless the drop rate for multiple players at the same time was more common, though..

Also, you could kill me with an Atheon's epilogue in PvP (which I do not enjoy whatsoever in this game. Only play cuz I'm forced to for cool gear since PvE options are limited, and once you have everything...), and that doesn't mean it's not mediocre. I don't understand your point. Of course my statement was subjective. I don't understand how you could think I meant that factually. Everyone has preferences. Some would rather use Nechrochasm over a Gjallarhorn. I prefer the latter, and think the former is less than mediocre, though.

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Anybody going to be on tonight that needs to run the Level 32 PoE? I had no luck with the groups from destinylfg,com this morning.
I'll help you with it. I need to get my elder cipher back from variks, but he may not have it so fast. Let me do some bounties so I can get a few keys, then we will knock it out. It was challenging when I did it with 2 32's, but we did it. Bring a shotty to get out of the detainment shields, in case we don't have a jailbreaker ability from killing a Qodron's Eye (forgot name).

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Trading would not break the game. People usually say that when thinking of an anything goes system that would give newer players gear they didn't earn (which I still think wouldn't matter because you have to be good to be skolas, etc, no matter what gear you have). Trading could be from exotic to exotic, or even helmet to helmet, and even sould bound after one trade (or only after so many in game hours played). It could be done in many ways that wouldn't break the game, including only in the session that the exotics are earned. That way would be pointless unless the drop rate for multiple players at the same time was more common, though..

Also, you could kill me with an Atheon's epilogue in PvP (which I do not enjoy whatsoever in this game. Only play cuz I'm forced to for cool gear since PvE options are limited, and once you have everything...), and that doesn't mean it's not mediocre. I don't understand your point. Of course my statement was subjective. I don't understand how you could think I meant that factually. Everyone has preferences. Some would rather use Nechrochasm over a Gjallarhorn. I prefer the latter, and think the former is less than mediocre, though.
The thing with trading straight up with minor clauses like you said would devalue EVERYTHING in the game then because it would be so much easier to obtain the best stuff. Hell I have haf like 5+ G-horns and I would have gladly traded them for whatever to my friends so they could have them and I know I am in the majority when it comes to people who have played the game far too much as I have. That means essentially Xur selling an exotic could essentially always turn into a g-horn or icebreaker or whatever and to me I feel is weak in that then everyone would have the same weapons and it wouldnt have any special value to them. If in one event however where everyone should get something and you can divvy up the loot then it is just very simple and fair. I stand by the fact that it could break the games economy by giving essentially free trades like you said and there are plenty of people who have that same mindset. I am looking at it as the Nightfall loot divvying is a good balance between full out trading and what they have now and that I feel many if not all Destiny players would welcome.

In regards to the Queenbreakers Bow I am looking at it, as I do all the guns in the game, from a purely statistical standpoint. By talking of preference between Nechro and G-horn that is a moot point because statistically the kill time and damage potential for the Nechro is so far weaker than that of G-horn that it is silly to compare that. I was just goofily defending a very solid new gun that they have introduced didn't mean for you to take it so seriously.

I switched up my Iron Banner setup from Suros to a 365 VoC, Invective and Jolder's Hammer.  Was wrecking fools on my warlock with that setup until the noobs went to bed and the pros came out to play, lol.

Which Void Snipers will work on Skolas this week?  Is a 365 Praedyth's Revenge good enough?  LDR 5001?

I switched up my Iron Banner setup from Suros to a 365 VoC, Invective and Jolder's Hammer. Was wrecking fools on my warlock with that setup until the noobs went to bed and the pros came out to play, lol.

Which Void Snipers will work on Skolas this week? Is a 365 Praedyth's Revenge good enough? LDR 5001?
LDR, no praedyth's unless you get others that have Spear's & LDR's, Longbow Synthesis, or queen sniper.

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I switched up my Iron Banner setup from Suros to a 365 VoC, Invective and Jolder's Hammer. Was wrecking fools on my warlock with that setup until the noobs went to bed and the pros came out to play, lol.
I was going to say - if you were able to get most of the bounties done on all 3 characters you were doing pretty damn well.

I didn't start until night time and was in a fireteam of 3 or 4. When you do that you tend to get matched up with other multiple player fireteams. And plus I think it also does matchmaking based on medals and such. Since I was playing with a couple of guys who are really good we got put in some tough matches. I mean, we got Pantheon several times and the people on the other team were using a lot of the same tactics we saw last weekend in Trials.

We won most of our matches but I was not doing too well myself. I couldn't get 3 or 4 of the bounties done over 4+ hours just on one character. Since we played over reset, though, I did manage to get a couple of them twice (the 10k XP and the 15 control points). So I'm about 2 1/3 now.

But I remember last time when I went and played on my own I did much, much better. So I may try that later.

I need to get my 35 PoE's done though - I really want an elemental primary. And I still haven't done anything (inlcuding Nightfall) on my Warlock.
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Grrrrr stupid work getting in the way of my Destiny playing.  :bomb:

Was too tired last night and had to clean and shit so I said if I am going to miss an IB day, might as well be the first one.  I will definitely hop on tonight.  Though I would much rather run PoE to be honest and get some shithead crota kills in.

So I guess you can only buy one piece of light at Iron Banner rank 3 and another at rank 5 correct?

Also in the two hours I played last night I got the same legendary weapon post game reward all three times I got one. It was some crappy auto rifle with a high ROF and low damage.

LDR, no praedyth's unless you get others that have Spear's & LDR's, Longbow Synthesis, or queen sniper.
Cool, I have a void LDR with Field Scout that I never upgraded so I'll have to finish maxing it (I have all the nodes leveled up, just never bough the upgrades). I have the Queen Sniper as well but I'd have to reroll that to void and I'm not sure I have the patience for it.

I was going to say - if you were able to get most of the bounties done on all 3 characters you were doing pretty damn well.

I didn't start until night time and was in a fireteam of 3 or 4. When you do that you tend to get matched up with other multiple player fireteams. And plus I think it also does matchmaking based on medals and such. Since I was playing with a couple of guys who are really good we got put in some tough matches. I mean, we got Pantheon several times and the people on the other team were using a lot of the same tactics we saw last weekend in Trials.

We won most of our matches but I was not doing too well myself. I couldn't get 3 or 4 of the bounties done over 4+ hours just on one character. Since we played over reset, though, I did manage to get a couple of them twice (the 10k XP and the 15 control points). So I'm about 2 1/3 now.

But I remember last time when I went and played on my own I did much, much better. So I may try that later.

I need to get my 35 PoE's done though - I really want an elemental primary. And I still haven't done anything (inlcuding Nightfall) on my Warlock.
Yea, we have discussed it here before but I do exponentially better going in solo in Iron Banner. You are mostly matched against singles or at most teams of 2 and 3 so if you know what you are doing you have an advantage going in. Even more so if you are lvl 34 with 365 weapons. I like to focus on getting the bounties done first since they reap a nice reward and are much easier to do when playing against randoms. Also the "Kill 10 without dying" bounty has been bumped up to 200 base rep so getting that done is a nice bump up. Wins are important, but as long as you are winning 50-75% of the time you don't miss out on that much rep and the bounties make up for what you lose.

In my first games last night I went 19, 20, 23, 15, 15, 20 & 25 in kills. K/D over 2 and first place 2 or 3 times. No way I do that against organized teams but very doable against randoms.

ajh2298 said:
So I guess you can only buy one piece of light at Iron Banner rank 3 and another at rank 5 correct?

Also in the two hours I played last night I got the same legendary weapon post game reward all three times I got one. It was some crappy auto rifle with a high ROF and low damage.
Yes, 2 etheric light per character. So it is just enough to ascend the two Iron Banner armor pieces you can also buy (if you are so inclined). I actually ascended my IB chest and helm for my Titan already (the chest to get to 34 the first week and the helm later so I could use Armamentarium in PvP). I didn't look at this week's gear, but the older IB stuff had much better stats than the crap Variks has.

Having said that, I did grab two of the helmets from Variks this week. I got the Titan and Hunter one and will probably get the Warlock one as well once I do the 32 with that character. Yeah, they are all strength but since my RNG luck with Judgment's Chances is beyond horrible I figured I better just start grabbing the armor again after missing out on last week's chest pieces (since I did Judgment's Chances instead). If I beat the 35 I'll use those cores for Judgment's Chances for sure. I really wish with the last patch they had added some use for the Weapon cores. I am going to end up with a fair number of extras. If you could exchange them for Armor cores that would be great. But I'm simply not going to use them for Variks weapons ever again since I end up with duplicate weapons from the Chances's anyway.
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I like to focus on getting the bounties done first since they reap a nice reward and are much easier to do when playing against randoms. Also the "Kill 10 without dying" bounty has been bumped up to 200 base rep so getting that done is a nice bump up. Wins are important, but as long as you are winning 50-75% of the time you don't miss out on that much rep and the bounties make up for what you lose.

In my first games last night I went 19, 20, 23, 15, 15, 20 & 25 in kills. K/D over 2 and first place 2 or 3 times. No way I do that against organized teams but very doable against randoms.
I was more like 5-10 kills with a 0.5-1.0 K/D when playing in that group late last night/early this morning. Earlier in the day when I went in to do the daily (regular Crucible Control), even with losing the level/gear advantage, I was getting numbers more like yours.

Yeah, unfortunately I wasn't able to get the 10 kills bounty done until after reset. It really sucks that you can't pick it up again for the next day when that happens. So now I can't get it until after the next reset. I may even go to another character this evening so I can try it with that one. It will be interesting to see what the "catch up" bonus for multiple characters amounts to.

I'm also really disappointed in the amount of Passage Coins that have been dropping. A friend of mine said he got 8 earlier in the day. In my roughly 4 hours of playtime (which was probably about 20 matches, maybe?) I got a total of 2 I think. So then I still have to do the daily crucible (which is Skirmish today, yuck). But I blew through so many coins last weekend I need to stock up again. It would be nice for IB to give them out a little more since we are putting so much time into multiplayer with it. They also really need to let you buy those with Strange Coins or something. I got so many of those and nothing to use them on any more.
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I need to get my 35 PoE's done though - I really want an elemental primary. And I still haven't done anything (inlcuding Nightfall) on my Warlock.
What all does everyone have to run still? Have you been playing with Devildog and CHammer still? I know the other guys have been planning lots of IB this week. I should be able to get on tonight. I was just beat last night.

I have Gorgon this week. Thanks for letting me snag it before reset. I ended up staying on until reset and we just transferred it over. Also if you need Crota runs, illzor still lacks a Hunger of Crota. And I would like to run it just for the chance at a 3rd Jellyhorn.

Vendetta_x360 said:
What all does everyone have to run still? Have you been playing with Devildog and CHammer still? I know the other guys have been planning lots of IB this week. I should be able to get on tonight. I was just beat last night.
I haven't done any Heroic Weeklies, Crota, Atheon (even Gorgon checkpoint) on any characters. As for the rest, I still need:

Warlock: Nightfall, all PoEs, all Queen's bounties, IB...
Titan: 35 PoE, 4 of the 6 Queen's bounties, IB
Hunter: 35 PoE, all Queen's bounties, IB (and then once my Cipher is ready in probably 48-72 hours I could run the 32 PoE 3 times to complete the bounty)

Chammer and DevilDog are my Trials crew and we've been doing the PoE for the most part (and will probably do 35 tonight). But I know DevilDog did his NF already and me and Chammer have one more so maybe we could do that and some PoE with you if you need it. I don't know how it will shake out - there's too much to keep track of now!

The nice thing about Iron Banner is that you can have more than 3 in a fireteam for that. So last night it was me, Chammer, Foxy, and your friend Irish.

My number 1 priority is to get a 35 PoE done since it seems to be the easiest week for it yet and I want to get it done on all 3 characters this week. They could always patch the mechanics to make this thing much harder.
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I would love to be involved in any VoG or Crota stuff if possible. I only have a couple of more nights of gaming till my work schedule changes would love to get as much in as possible.
Wow, I just got TWO keys from Petra. I did my first bounty (the new mini-mission one with the turret) for the week on my Hunter and got a key after I turned that in. Then I got a Queen's Blessing package from Petra right afterwards and that had another key. Nice.

I did a single mission on my Titan yesterday and also got a key - so it does seem to be for the first bounty for each character and not just one per account as I saw posted elsewhere.
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Wow, I just got TWO keys from Petra. I did my first bounty (the new mini-mission one with the turret) for the week on my Hunter and got a key after I turned that in. Then I got a Queen's Blessing package from Petra right afterwards and that had another key. Nice.

I did a single mission on my Titan yesterday and also got a key - so it does seem to be for the first bounty for each character and not just one per account as I saw posted elsewhere.
Did you want in on Crota run(s)? I'll get the Deathsinger CP on both difficulties. Epic still needs mats and shit so he will help me get those I bet if he can be torn away from Witcher. I know Irish wants a Crux, so I can count him in for any HM runs. So much easier being a 34 hunter cuz no more damn Ogres! :D

I just "started" level 29 with both expasnions.  If anyone needs someone else or ever wants to team up Unearth4164

Apparently the buff for your lower ranked Iron Banner characters is that you get 2x the rep so you probably want to focus on front running one character up a couple ranks higher than your other two to make the grind easier.

Also when Trials starts tomorrow I can't wait to see what Iron Banner turns into.  Should result in a lot of laughs when all the good players move on.

Apparently the buff for your lower ranked Iron Banner characters is that you get 2x the rep so you probably want to focus on front running one character up a couple ranks higher than your other two to make the grind easier.

Also when Trials starts tomorrow I can't wait to see what Iron Banner turns into. Should result in a lot of laughs when all the good players move on.
I may try then. The new gear looks like trash to me, so I have no desire to play IB. I like my old gear better. Sucks cuz I really wanted the arms for my warlock to complete her set. I dislike all of the new warlock gear (except the Kell Helm). I may get the Titan gear if it's 42. Does anyone know? I thought it wasm but io mentioned ascending the new IB gear.

I may try then. The new gear looks like trash to me, so I have no desire to play IB. I like my old gear better. Sucks cuz I really wanted the arms for my warlock to complete her set. I dislike all of the new warlock gear (except the Kell Helm). I may get the Titan gear if it's 42. Does anyone know? I thought it wasm but io mentioned ascending the new IB gear.
It is 36 light only unfortunately. But you can buy etheric light at rank 3 and 5 on each character if you want to level it up.

I am enjoying myself so far with it. Legendary weapons drop much more frequently and the bounties are easier as well. Have received a Radegast Fury which I didn't have yet, and a Silimar's Wrath which I already have a couple of. Also Received the Party Crasher +1 so will be leveling that up to try it out. Got a bunch of other Legedary Crucible weapons as well. Does anyone know which of the Scout Rifles that drop is the more desirable one?

I still haven't gotten to touch IB and I literally only got a delicious taste of my Queenbreakers Bow in PvP. Yesterday was all working on that one project after work and then now I have class tonight. I literally have been sitting here at work watching youtube videos of Queenbreakers Bow PvP repeatedly wishing that it was me playing right now hahah I have a problem : P

I still haven't gotten to touch IB and I literally only got a delicious taste of my Queenbreakers Bow in PvP. Yesterday was all working on that one project after work and then now I have class tonight. I literally have been sitting here at work watching youtube videos of Queenbreakers Bow PvP repeatedly wishing that it was me playing right now hahah I have a problem : P
I still can't decide if I want to go Bow or Dreg's Promise for my first bounty. I'm hoping I get the exotic bounties on my other 2 guys so I don't really have to worry.

io and I ran 32 PoE last night with a buddy of mine. We didn't think this through with not having a bubble titan (2 hunters and 1 warlock). We wiped a couple of times due to not having the damage buff on but io figured that he and I could shoot our ways out of the containment bubbles and then take Qodron out. It wasn't bad at all actually. Granted I had to empty my ascended Efrideets and pretty much shoot out the whole clip of my Fang. I got some MK Stand-asides with an insane 162 stat roll on them. Going to keep those for sure and crush my other ones.

I sat out 2 days of IB and am already at 1.5. I am debating if I just want to hit level 4 and screw the extra Etheric Light at level 5. I have to have that Hunter cloak for IB though :drool:

I also have a HM Deathsingers CP if anyone has any desire to smash Crota. Probably will make a normal CP tonight too.

BrolyB593 said:
I still haven't gotten to touch IB and I literally only got a delicious taste of my Queenbreakers Bow in PvP. Yesterday was all working on that one project after work and then now I have class tonight. I literally have been sitting here at work watching youtube videos of Queenbreakers Bow PvP repeatedly wishing that it was me playing right now hahah I have a problem : P
I got sniped by that damn thing last night...

So it was pretty brutal in Iron Banner last night. I was playing with a group and we had some tough matches. Then we kept having disconnections and party issues so before bed I decided to run it by myself. It got a little easier, but I still lost 2 more matches (by just a few hundred points both times). I actually maxed out my medallions (at 5) so that was a bit frustrating. I barely gained any rep in 2+ hours of playing last night. I went from 2 1/2 to 2 3/4 - and that was mostly from turning in just 2 bounties. But once I get those 5 medallions redeemed I should be at or above rank 3 finally.

Good to know about the 2x boost for other characters. That is nice. Last Iron Banner I got one to rank 5 and the other 2 to rank 4 and it was pretty easy to get those other two done just by waiting until the weekend for the higher boon boost. The 2x is just icing.

I'm a little down on PvP now though. I simply don't know how to counter blink striking shotgunners and it is just not fun to play against them.

I really want to knock out 3 level 35 PoE kills tonight (by killing Skolas, wiping to the mines, then swapping characters) so I get a chance at an elemental primary. I know now that I'll never get Flawless on Trials so I at least want one from Skolas. But everyone is doing PvP now. Destiny has become a worse game for it IMO.
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BrolyB593 said:
I still haven't gotten to touch IB and I literally only got a delicious taste of my Queenbreakers Bow in PvP. Yesterday was all working on that one project after work and then now I have class tonight. I literally have been sitting here at work watching youtube videos of Queenbreakers Bow PvP repeatedly wishing that it was me playing right now hahah I have a problem : P
I got sniped by that damn thing last night...

So it was pretty brutal in Iron Banner last night. I was playing with a group and we had some tough matches. Then we kept having disconnect and part issues so before bed I decided to run it by myself. It got a little easier, but I still lost 2 more matches. I actually maxed out my medallions (at 5) so that was a bit frustrating. I barely gained any rep in 2+ hours of playing last night. I went from 2 1/2 to 2 3/4. But once I get those 5 medallions redeemed I should be at or above rank 3 finally.

Good to know about the 2x boost for other characters. That is nice. Last Iron Banner I got one to rank 5 and the other 2 to rank 4 and it was pretty easy to get those other two done just by waiting until the weekend for the higher boon boost. The 2x is just icing.

I'm a little down on PvP now though. I simply don't know how to counter blink striking shotgunners and it is just not fun to play against them.
I still can't decide if I want to go Bow or Dreg's Promise for my first bounty. I'm hoping I get the exotic bounties on my other 2 guys so I don't really have to worry.

I sat out 2 days of IB and am already at 1.5. I am debating if I just want to hit level 4 and screw the extra Etheric Light at level 5. I have to have that Hunter cloak for IB though :drool:
If you rock PvP a bunch and prefer going for pure precision I cannot recommend the Bow enough. The sidearm to me isnt enough of an upgrade from the Vestian Dynasty to warrant a whole exotic slot.

And in terms of IB I just want to keep playing a whole bunch so I can get Fellwinter and Efrideet because I never bothered with IB or Destiny for that matter really once they were introduced.

Destiny has become a worse game for it IMO.
I see it as the complete opposite. I absolutely love PvP but rarely played it because there was little incentive. Time invested in PvE would result in far greater rewards but now I feel they are finally giving PvP its dues and I love it.

*sorry for the double post I went to quote Vendetta a while ago and never finished and so I just saw your response*

I see it as the complete opposite. I absolutely love PvP but rarely played it because there was little incentive. Time invested in PvE would result in far greater rewards but now I feel they are finally giving PvP its dues and I love it.

*sorry for the double post I went to quote Vendetta a while ago and never finished and so I just saw your response*
I have a love/hate relationship with PvP but my gripes are pretty minor.

-I actually find the PvP very fun with friends. I hate playing Control with randoms. HATE HATE HATE it!

-The nerf on Suros really soured me. It was too huge of a nerf.

-Thorn needs a nerf to range. It is ridiculous how long of a distance it hits from.

-I feel a slight buff to Auto Rifles will make the guns perfectly balanced.

-Titan smashing.... aka Titan Panic as I call it.... Don't even get me started. Talk about the most no skill super in the game. :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Other than those gripes, I would really love to see a no super playlist and make it about the guns. That or have a playlist where no exotics are allowed. That would make for a different type of game. :)

I have a love/hate relationship with PvP but my gripes are pretty minor.


-The nerf on Suros really soured me. It was too huge of a nerf.

-Thorn needs a nerf to range. It is ridiculous how long of a distance it hits from.

-I feel a slight buff to Auto Rifles will make the guns perfectly balanced.

-Titan smashing.... aka Titan Panic as I call it.... Don't even get me started. Talk about the most no skill super in the game. :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Other than those gripes, I would really love to see a no super playlist and make it about the guns. That or have a playlist where no exotics are allowed. That would make for a different type of game. :)
I feel in those four statments you just made above that would totally fix the PvP aspect of the game. Like today I put a full shotgun blast in a guy while he was starting his fist of havoc and it didnt even phase him.

I have a love/hate relationship with PvP but my gripes are pretty minor.

-I actually find the PvP very fun with friends. I hate playing Control with randoms. HATE HATE HATE it!

-The nerf on Suros really soured me. It was too huge of a nerf.

-Thorn needs a nerf to range. It is ridiculous how long of a distance it hits from.

-I feel a slight buff to Auto Rifles will make the guns perfectly balanced.

-Titan smashing.... aka Titan Panic as I call it.... Don't even get me started. Talk about the most no skill super in the game. :bomb: :bomb: :bomb:

Other than those gripes, I would really love to see a no super playlist and make it about the guns. That or have a playlist where no exotics are allowed. That would make for a different type of game. :)
I honestly do not mind where Auto Rifles sit in terms of usability. I have swapped to my Summoner multiple times and have a fine time. The difference is that ARs arent supposed to be as damaging in high skill hands I feel like. They have to me always filled the middle ground of play where they are easy to use and do moderate damage.

In regards to Thorn though yeah, I mean I use it quite often because it is so OP and I dont think they need to fix the damage but I agree on the range. I have essentially sniped with the gun even since the handcannon nerf. My biggest thing is that it shouldnt have such an impact on your UI. We need to be alerted that we are poisoned but the fact that it has such an impact on the UI while playing throws you off for that split second and continues to be a minor distraction until it goes away. Were the gun not so powerful I would say this effect is fine, however mixing it all together it is a bit much. I feel like if they lower the effect on the UI and nerf its range a bit it will still be a really usable weapon but it wont be 90% of what you see being used.

In regards to Titan smashes I enjoy them. Knowing the difference in the classes and the combat possibilities adds that extra level of depth I enjoy. I played a ton of the highly underrated Shadowrun FPS that came out years ago. Each character was distinctly different and by knowing who you were running into it changed your playstyle accordingly. The same is said here. If I see a Titan I try to keep distance because either they could smash me or try a quick shoulder charge. Hunters on the other hand I will be more likely try to rush head on because their melee is about closing distance (or being a projectile) and being more maneuverable I like to deal with them more quickly if possible. I could go on about the details but you get the idea and while yes that Titan smash can feel like a cheap move many times, I like that it further pushes how you interact based on classes and not to mention its effect in the mix of the rock paper scissors aspect of many of the supers.

I got sniped by that damn thing last night...

So it was pretty brutal in Iron Banner last night. I was playing with a group and we had some tough matches. Then we kept having disconnections and party issues so before bed I decided to run it by myself. It got a little easier, but I still lost 2 more matches (by just a few hundred points both times). I actually maxed out my medallions (at 5) so that was a bit frustrating. I barely gained any rep in 2+ hours of playing last night. I went from 2 1/2 to 2 3/4 - and that was mostly from turning in just 2 bounties. But once I get those 5 medallions redeemed I should be at or above rank 3 finally.

Good to know about the 2x boost for other characters. That is nice. Last Iron Banner I got one to rank 5 and the other 2 to rank 4 and it was pretty easy to get those other two done just by waiting until the weekend for the higher boon boost. The 2x is just icing.

I'm a little down on PvP now though. I simply don't know how to counter blink striking shotgunners and it is just not fun to play against them.

I really want to knock out 3 level 35 PoE kills tonight (by killing Skolas, wiping to the mines, then swapping characters) so I get a chance at an elemental primary. I know now that I'll never get Flawless on Trials so I at least want one from Skolas. But everyone is doing PvP now. Destiny has become a worse game for it IMO.
If you already have the rewards for Skolas, can you still keep killing him & try to get weapons? Or, is it like the raid bosses where once they drop that week, that's it?

bread's done