Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

aFrostyONE said:
Yeah Judgement's Chance has been garbage for me, until last night.
Got 42boots for my warlock with 148 Intellect. Perks were increased Heavy ammo & Increased agility and Grenade recharge when fighting Cabal in the PoE..

Cool to have gotten them but who knows how many more tries it would take me to get another good armor drop like that.
Oh man, those would be perfect for my Warlock. I need boots with high Int and I don't even have that from VoG or Crota. When we ran Crota last night I pulled boots but get this: they had a pure strength roll. D'oh!

The ones I ascended were pure discipline. But since I got new gauntlets from my last Judgment's Chance that are also pure discipline, I need to swap those boots out.

I may LFG a final Skolas kill for the week (hopefully just at the Skolas checkpoint) and then get yet another Judgement's Chance. We'll see what Variks offers going forward but if they continue to be pure strength that just won't cut it. It is good starter armor (to get you to 34) but after that you need to get better pieces or go back to other armor sets with etheric light.

But more importantly I just want to get an elemental primary. Like I said earlier, I have yet to see anyone in my 2 Skolas kills this week pull one. 2 out of the 6 resulted in exotic bounties though.
OK, so I ran a level 28 PoE for kicks last night. This is the first one I've done since the first day or two of House of Wolves.

So apparently this is a thing: people leaving the game right after we spawn in and are about to start. I went into match #1 and both guys left. Then I went into a second one and one of them left. Me and the other guy finished Round 1 and then it put another person in there and we completed it.

But can anyone explain why someone would leave the PoE right at the beginning? I understand why people do that during the Strike playlists. Some of the strikes are longer/harder and sometimes people have bounties for certain Strike bosses that they want to complete - so people will drop out of it right at the start if it isn't a good strike. Hell, I've done it myself when Omnigul comes up.

With Prison of Elders, though, you don't know what you are getting right up front. Plus it is really easy at 28 anyway. I just can't figure out why people would bother spawning in and then leaving unless it was just pure trolling. But like I said, it put another person in the second time anyway. The first time when I was left by myself I wasn't sure that would happen and didn't want to be stuck soloing the whole thing ;).

By the way, you get 79 House of Judgment rep from completing the Level 28. I've heard of a few people already being at rank 2 (since they had a ship you can only get from rank 2). On my Warlock, who has completed every PoE each week, I am only at 1907/3000 for Rank 2. That means I've have to run the Level 28 PoE 14 more times to get to Rank 2. I guess that isn't all that much, but it would get kind of boring I think ;). Though that is another way to key farm (not that I have ever seen one drop from the small chests).
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I pretty much had someone hand over a Skolas CP to me last night so I'm sure you can find one, especially if you are looking late at night.  It was the first time I ran it and while I haven't beaten him yet I have read a decent amount about the encounter and watched some videos of how its done.  I could tell pretty quickly that the guys who invited me didn't really  have a chance to get it done.  They had low impact 331 snipers and couldn't even break the servitor bonds at the start.  I ran it a few times just to get a feel for how it runs.  I'm sure if I can find a good group with the right snipers I can get a clear this week esp with my 365 Nefretiti Spear.  I am wiped out though so not sure if I'm going to give it a go tonight or not.

I thought PoE had no CPs? Id be interested, but I'm only 33.5 still. Maxed Suros, Thorn, ice Breaker, Invective, and Truth though if that helps.

By the way, you get 79 House of Judgment rep from completing the Level 28. I've heard of a few people already being at rank 2 (since they had a ship you can only get from rank 2). On my Warlock, who has completed every PoE each week, I am only at 1907/3000 for Rank 2. That means I've have to run the Level 28 PoE 14 more times to get to Rank 2. I guess that isn't all that much, but it would get kind of boring I think ;). Though that is another way to key farm (not that I have ever seen one drop from the small chests).
Yeah, I tried this for a bit since I wanted to increase my rank. But considering how long it takes to finish PoE and the fact you can spam the pub event chest, I decided to just do that instead of continuous 28 runs. I'd rather get the ranking thru the higher level PoE's. At least there you get more xp and better endgame rewards

I thought PoE had no CPs? Id be interested, but I'm only 33.5 still. Maxed Suros, Thorn, ice Breaker, Invective, and Truth though if that helps.
Same here... If there are CPs that is news to me.

I still have like a million PoEs to do tomorrow, ended up playing Crucible when I was on tonight with buddies.

Ended up buying the chest piece with my armor core to get my guy to level 33 1/2. Hopefully he has boots next week and I can get some light to drop running the Nightfall after the reset.

Also are either the Crucible or Vanguard vendors pulse rifle any good right out the gate with no reforge? I have Bad Juju but I would like to keep a legendary on my guy just in case. I do have a fully leveled up "Three Little Words" in my Vault. Would that be the better options to use?

Also should be on tonight after 10:30 est and again tomorrow morning for a little bit after 8:30 est.

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Hey, would anyone here be kind enough to help me though the Level 32 PoE? Level 32 hunter halfway to 33...I'd use the Planet Destiny LFGs but the last time I tried VoG was such a shitty experience that I gave up during the Labyrinth. I'd rather run it with some trustworthy Cags.

Live: Skipper Sonne  

I never ended up doing the Nightfall with my Hunter this week and I saw my two buddies trying it and so naturally I swapped over and hopped in and ran through it real quick. While fighting Sepiks we were talking about our luck and I was saying how mine has been such garbage with Nightfalls and all my Xur Exotic Engrams. I said all I wanted was those damn Hunter Gauntlets and then bam at the rewards screen there they were!! I was so stoked! They are a decent roll of 112. I was jealous of my one friend and his is only 98 so I will take it.

I completely reworked my Hunter now to have an ideal setup of perks and stats and now I just need two more Etheric Light to get her to 34. Wish I didn't go so hogwild with leveling up all my weapons hahah. That being said then I really need to do some PoEs tonight or tomorrow night so I can get some extra Etheric Light. I can always run them with my Warlock and Titan who are 34 and then just give the light to my Hunter.

Also, I am getting really sick of waiting for this damn exotic bounty! I have so many maxed out bounties on my characters just waiting so I can do the PoE stuff, get the Bow and then just power level it with Telemetries and all my bounties across my characters. Tonight at 2am it will be 3 full days and so I better at least have it by then!

BrolyB593 said:
Same here... If there are CPs that is news to me.

I still have like a million PoEs to do tomorrow, ended up playing Crucible when I was on tonight with buddies.
You don't keep the checkpoint if you leave. But you can join at the end and I think people just refer to being on the final boas as the checkpoint. If you are "given" the checkpoint it is only yours if the other two leave. Then you can invite whoever you want to join.

Glock - if you get another let me know and I'll help. Yeah, not being able to break the bonds is a good sign it won't go well.

I did LFG my 3rd Skolas kill last night. At first I thought I wouldn't get in because so many people were looking to do that. But I had said I did it twice already and the guy saw that and invited me. He had been doing Skolas for 2 hours with a friend of his who wasn't geared properly. We did it in about 15 minutes after just one wipe. I still havem't even bothered to ascend my Efrideet's Spear.

The Judgement Chance went back to giving me crap. So now I've done 7 and on this last one I got a duplicate hand cannon. One has dreg burn and one has shank burn - just like my duplicate rocket launchers.

So I've only gotten one armor piece but it was a key one for Trials today. The one armor I got was duplicate gauntlets - but with a pure Disc roll. In Trials I was rocking the double fusion grenades so it was nice for that. More on Trials below...

Sonne said:
Hey, would anyone here be kind enough to help me though the Level 32 PoE? Level 32 hunter halfway to 33...I'd use the Planet Destiny LFGs but the last time I tried VoG was such a shitty experience that I gave up during the Labyrinth. I'd rather run it with some trustworthy Cags.

Live: Skipper Sonne
Of course I did not get a weapon from Skolas with elemental damage - so I'm 0-for-3 on that as well. However, I did get my second new exotic bounty for the week. Earlier I had run a 32 with Simo and Chubby and opened the chest there on my Titan and got the second part of the bounty. So now I'm at the "waiting" phase on him.

But Skipper, I could run the 32 and open the chest on my Hunter and hopefully get the second part there too.

So, Trials... We decided to play around noon today to see if we had better luck with less hardcore pros (who we figure is all you get at night). On our first card we simply got DESTROYED. We ended up 2-3 with one of those being the win we bought - and we had to scrape for the other. Man, that was horrible. But we decided to do it again and what do you know, we almost ended up flawless. We are currently at 8-1 but one guy had to leave so we'll try to finish it this evening. I would love to get to 9 since I just missed that last week. So part of it was just getting used to the map and learning how to deal with the dirty snipers.

In any case, I did end up with the boots, gauntlets, and 2 etheric light so far. Hopefully I can hit 9 and get a helm - then I'll have the whole set on my Warlock. That would be sweet.

Flawless is at least now a distant possibility for me one of these days whereas when I first heard about it I figured it was impossible. And our team isn't super-great either. We have one really good guy, one above average guy, and one average guy (that would be me). I mean I am literally average in that my K/D across all Crucible matches with all characters is right around 1.0. But average is still better than bad ;).

The odd thing is that the second time we ran into multiple teams with guys with the exotic emblems and absolutely destroyed them. I don't know if they got them from being carried or what but going into those matches we are always really careful. Sometimes (like in our first round earlier) they are pros. But other times not so much.

I'd love to finish off this card then try to get another character through it tomorrow.
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Since I have so many of those damn passage Coins I would love to try ToO but I know I dont have the multiplayer skill or luck to hang. I would be happy just making it to 5 wins to get the armor piece. Hell I was even going to try and get my son to play for me since he is a pretty decent COD and Titanfall player. The few times he has been over and played Destiny cruible on my account he did pretty decent.

Why do you care to close out the card? Since you are 8-1 you will gain nothing from winning. 8 wins net you everything you can get besides Flawless and since you already have a loss, getting 9-1 means nothing seeing as all "non-flawless" rewards unlock at 8 wins. Just claim all of your prizes and delete the card and get a new one to start over and not waste your time playing a match that will get you nothing.

BrolyB593 said:
Why do you care to close out the card? Since you are 8-1 you will gain nothing from winning. 8 wins net you everything you can get besides Flawless and since you already have a loss, getting 9-1 means nothing seeing as all "non-flawless" rewards unlock at 8 wins. Just claim all of your prizes and delete the card and get a new one to start over and not waste your time playing a match that will get you nothing.
I guess I just assumed there would be a prize awarded for completing the card. At the very least there is a good chance for loot drops which definitely seem to increase once you pass 4-5 wins. And maybe there's some grimoire for completing Trials without getting knocked out? I wouldn't mind getting a complete set of the alternate Trials gear, either. You know, the stuff that only drops after matches. I have the chest and boots right now. I'd rather collect that stuff than multiple VoG/Crota pieces or the faction stuff. Plus I have yet to get any emblems. I have one shader (the bright yellow one) - not sure if there are others though.

And besides that, our third guy didn't buy one of the boons for sure, and maybe not the 2-for-1 either. So he's either at 6 or 7 wins now, so we might as well help him finish (though he has done flawless before). So really it is only a couple more matches.

I do want to start it up on a different character. We may try to do that early tomorrow afternoon and see how it goes then. We had decent luck running it last Monday right before reset.

But man is it going to get busy this week with Iron Banner also coming Tuesday. I'll definitely be pushing all my characters to level 5 to get all 6 etheric light. I got them all to 4-5 last time and now they have the "catch up" boost for multiple characters so it should be much easier.

I may have to pass on Level 35 Skolas this week unless it is a repeat of week 1 or has Void burn. If there is no burn, it will most likely be pretty difficult. We'll see though. Maybe without a burn, capping the points normally (with Skolas still alive and the devouring essence thing bugging you) won't be too difficult. I just can't spend 4-5 hours a night on it for 3 nights in a row (staying up till 6-7am) this week. My work is suffering ;).

With the two etheric light I got today I'm sitting on 5 right now. I'm really tempted to max out a Fatebringer on each character just to avoid all the swapping. Yeah, the app makes it easy. But with the Vault full and each weapon slot on all my characters at 8 or 9 out of 9, it makes it a pain to switch guns around. I am going to have to delete some of the multiple Fallen themed weapons I got from the Judgement's Chances as painful as that is to do. It would essentially mean that a big chunk of the reward I got from two very tough Level 35 PoE's would turn into a single mote of light each. So on the hand cannon, do you think Dreg or Shank burn is the better perk? For the rocket launcher I will probably go with Shank just to deal with shielded shanks during arc burns (though the RL is void).
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Damn, I forgot about the Iron Banner this week too! I don't know how much I will even be able to play that. I have a crap ton going on this week after work each day but knowing me I will still somehow weasel my way on to Destiny haha

Sonne said:
What's your tag? I think I may have you on there already. Do you have someone else to finish off the team?
I think you are already on my friends list. I am Odibee on Xbox One (and PS4 and Wii U by the way).

I do not have another. I can't do it until after 10pm Pacific.
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Eff Quodron. He sucks. I ran 34 with Linkin and my buddy PhatWabbit and we did fine getting through all the normal ones but we just could not take down Quodron. Took us HOURS. I was going crazy hahah. Phat and I were 34 with G-Horn and Linkin was 33.5 with his maxed out Truth. I figured that would work fine seeing as we did it before with 3x 34s but one of them only was using a 312 Hunger. This was not the case though for us we just kept getting him so close and then getting contained over and over again. And when you lose that one it takes forever to try again because you need to refill your heavy and have synths ready again AND get the Titan bubble charged back up. I felt TERRIBLE that at like 4am finally we decided to try it with another 34 with G-horn in Linkin's place and we beat it first try : /

I am really sorry again Linkin about it. I was so determined to get you through it but it just clearly was not in the cards. 

Also noticed that first time opening the big chest with each character does NOT yield a guaranteed exotic each week. Lame.

After all was said and done I FINALLY got my Exotic Bounty readied up with Varicks. Took me 3 days total waiting time for it. Now tonight I will just run through a few 32s and maybe attempt 35. I keep doing 34s and no 32s and so I have I think 5 weapon cores right now and zero armor cores... womp womp womp.

I think I posted back a bit ago that I scored those Hunter Exotic gauntlets and now I sat there and messed around and I have the PERFECT mix of armor now for my Hunter in terms of my play style. Now I need to go back and reevaluate my Warlock and Titan's armor who I just rushed to get to 34 for each of.

Eff Quodron. He sucks.
Yes... He... Does :bomb:

So far I've only tackled him while on the old-gen system. Problem there is the slooow menu system. You can't Gally-rush the boss because it takes too long for your menu to pop up just to consume the heavy synth. Which means you're stuck doing it legit.

And doing it legit takes way too long plus you can easily get screwed over by the "eye" not cooperating (ala crota swordknight booking it to the ogre towers). All around frustrating for the moment

If anybody is going to be on tonight and still needs to do anything and needs a third or another guy I should be on by like 11:00 est.

Had some diminishing returns last night with Trials. So we were 8-1 on that card from the afternoon. We figured we might as well try to complete it just to see what happens. We lost two games.

Then we switched characters and I went with my Hunter. We did OK but only made it to 6 wins. That got me the Osiris boots for the Hunter and the rank 6 package which has an etheric light so that was OK.

On the 3rd character we started to fall apart. We only made it to 3 wins. It was pushing 4am at that point so I think we were all fading. We might try it again tonight before reset as we did pretty good with that last week. I really want those boots for the Titan because they are the only one of the set that boosts heavy ammo which is essential in all non-PvP activities (and that is where I'd use the armor 95% of the time).

I have a really good PvP build for my Titan, too - much better than my one for the Warlock. I ascended my Iron Banner helm and used Armamentarium for the double lightning grenades and have around 90% on both Int and Disc.
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We might try it again tonight before reset as we did pretty good with that last week. I really want those boots for the Titan because they are the only one of the set that boosts heavy ammo which is essential in all non-PvP activities and that is where I'd use the armor 95% of the time.
I have had the worst luck right before reset. Literally every team we played Monday night like an hour or two before reset was some of the best players I have ever played against. You must have gotten super lucky or you are secretly a PvP god ; P

You don't keep the checkpoint if you leave. But you can join at the end and I think people just refer to being on the final boas as the checkpoint. If you are "given" the checkpoint it is only yours if the other two leave. Then you can invite whoever you want to join.

Glock - if you get another let me know and I'll help. Yeah, not being able to break the bonds is a good sign it won't go well.

I did LFG my 3rd Skolas kill last night. At first I thought I wouldn't get in because so many people were looking to do that. But I had said I did it twice already and the guy saw that and invited me. He had been doing Skolas for 2 hours with a friend of his who wasn't geared properly. We did it in about 15 minutes after just one wipe. I still havem't even bothered to ascend my Efrideet's Spear.
Yea, LFG is full of people at the boss who aren't able to beat him so there are a ton of people looking for help. Saw some horror stories on Reddit of people who invited randoms and gave them host and they proceeded to kick the original host out of the party to steal the CP. I have no idea why they would hand over fireteam control to some random, but still a shitty way to go about things. At least when people stole atheon or crota checkpoints before there was no harm to the others. But bungie doesn't want to have checkpoints in PoE, which seems lame considering the waves are pretty easy, then you get bogged down in a multi hour boss fight where the only way to beat the boss is to wait 5-10 minutes for synth cooldown on each run. I used to hate waiting the couple minutes it would take for everyone to do the Heavy ammo glitch and then produce orbs when clearing out the crystal room when running HM Crota, but these boss fight mechanics are just silly. Wipe synth cooldown when the entire team wipes and makes these battles a bit more bearable from a time perspective. Let people at least hold onto their own checkpoint if they get to a boss. Not everyone has 4-5 hours per run to sink into this game every week.

That said, I decided to take Saturday and Sunday off as Destiny Mental Health days. Didn't even load up the game. Figured if I am going to run Iron Banner next week I'd need some time off. I need to see what the rewards look like first though.

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BrolyB593 said:
I have had the worst luck right before reset. Literally every team we played Monday night like an hour or two before reset was some of the best players I have ever played against. You must have gotten super lucky or you are secretly a PvP god ; P
Last week we tried it on Sunday night and got DESTROYED. When we picked it up Monday night we did really well. we played it literally right up to and past reset. And no, it is definitely NOT because I am secretly a PvP god ;). However, one of the players in our group is really good. The problem is that he is a rusher and he was doing much better on last week's map than he is on this week's. We don't have a good sniper so if we run into sniping groups we don't do as well. However, we have won a few matches against hang-back snipers by simply waiting out the timer and taking the control point ;).

I used to hate waiting the couple minutes it would take for everyone to do the Heavy ammo glitch and then produce orbs when clearing out the crystal room when running HM Crota these boss fight mechanics are just silly. Wipe synth cooldown when the entire team wipes and makes these battles a bit more bearable from a time perspective. Let people at least hold onto their own checkpoint if they get to a boss. Not everyone has 4-5 hours per run to sink into this game every week.
I definitely agree on the synths. Just reset the damn things each round. It doesn't take anything away from the game to take out the need to sit in the airlock for 5 minutes.

Checkpoints would be great, but I can see why they don't have them. They don't want people to pass them around to farm Skolas. It is nice that there is a way to invite other people in at least. However, I have a feeling that they will go the opposite way with this. They won't give us checkpoints that we can quit and come back to later - but they will probably patch the ability to have people drop in at the end.

Here's a compromise: let you keep the checkpoint simply so that you could return to it the next day (maybe after getting a new weapon like the arc sniper with high impact that was so crucial this week) but LOCK it down to the same 3 people that started it. I think that would be fair.
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I am getting really excited to finish up my Queenbreaker's Bow bounty and finally use it! I wont be back until late tonight and I got zero sleep from the other night though so we shall see if I will be able to get it done tonight!

My buddies (9-0 ToO ones) were saying they ran into a couple on Saturday morning and it just wrecked them,

So, just to try something new, I'm thinking of hitting Iron Banner this week.  Any suggestions for a first-timer?  I don't have any non-exotic primaries ascended, so I'm thinking of running with Red Death or TLW.

simosaurus said:
So, just to try something new, I'm thinking of hitting Iron Banner this week. Any suggestions for a first-timer? I don't have any non-exotic primaries ascended, so I'm thinking of running with Red Death or TLW.
The Last Word is an excellent choice for any PvP. I have used it in the past. I still find myself getting more kills with Vex Mythoclast, though, but TLW and Thorn are pretty good. And you'll see a lot of those being used. I see people using Red Death as well.

I plan on doing a lot of IB this week - I want to get all 6 etheric light from it. If you want to run it together just let me know. Plus I'm hoping Passage Coins drop as rewards. I hate having to ration those out and would prefer to start every Trials match with 2 of the boons (then buy the 2-for-1 when either at 3 or 7 wins).

While I want to get Flawless on Trials at least once, my more immediate goal is to get all the armor pieces. I'm doing decently so far: chest, boots, and gauntlets for my Warlock, and boots for my Hunter. Hopefully I'll get at least the boots for my Titan this evening. So of the 12 pieces I already have 1/3 of them - not too bad considering I only ran it once last week and just one time with each character this week (just missing out on the boots for my Titan). But each run is taking 6-9 passage coins and that uses them up pretty fast (even though I usually get at least 4 back from the rewards). I've been sure to do the Daily Crucible event the last few days but that is just 3 per day unless you get a lucky drop. I'm really hoping they drop like candy from Iron Banner so that I don't even have to hesitate about buying boons next weekend.

I'm not sure how familiar you are with IB, but it is Control and level makes a difference, though not a huge one. You ought to be OK at 33 1/2 (which is where I think you are after getting the 32 done a few days ago, right?). Also, you can lose up to 5 matches in a row and collect special medals which are redeemed once you finally win. I think you get a little less XP for those redemptions than for an actual win, but at least you can continue to make progress even if you lose, as long as you don't rack up more than 5 losses in a row. And with it being 6-on-6 with matchmaking, that is pretty rare. Even when I was a newbie at it I don't think I ever lost more than 5 in a row (though I think I did hit 4-5 a few times).

Make sure to buy the boost which lasts 12 hours as it gives you more XP from the matches and bounties. Then as soon as you can, buy the emblem, shader, and class item, as those all stack for more XP gains. Nightfall does not work on IB rep. It is really pretty easy to get to Rank 3 where you can get the first etheric light. And remember that the boost increases as the week goes on. So you may even want to wait until Thurs/Fri or even the weekend before starting. The boost is so much higher then. I'll probably just start early to see if I can get the bounties done each day which I've never been able to do before. But I will probably be on a least a little every day since I want to get all 3 characters up to level 5 this time.

My IB and Trials experience is definitely making me better at PvP. I just did the Daily crucible matches (Clash) and pretty much tore it up.
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Finally finished Skolas. found a group running it on LFG that didn't have the firepower to get it done. Host quit and we added someone with a perfect efrideet's spear. Still took some runs but eventually took him down. Ended up getting him with my thunderlord right as he killed 2 of us. Luckily the Hunter left was able to get the mines in time. No bounty for me, but glad to have it done.

So, just to try something new, I'm thinking of hitting Iron Banner this week. Any suggestions for a first-timer? I don't have any non-exotic primaries ascended, so I'm thinking of running with Red Death or TLW.
Well getting bounties done every day is very important so you want to focus on a primary that you can get headshots with and even better if you can get sprees with them. I always use Suros since I feel that I can rack up headshots easier, but I know that auto rifles have been nerfed a lot so if you are good with Thorn or Red Death those are very popular weapons. Buy the tempered buff each day to give yourself a bonus for wins and as soon as you get your iron banner rank high enough you want to buy and equip the emblem, shader and class item as they give you a boost in iron banner rep. There is also a bounty for machine gun headshots so make sure you have a good one and camp heavy.

I think that there are going to be some new bounties this time, but playing 5-10 matches a game and knocking out 4 or so bounties per day will make it easier to hit max ranks.

I am average in PvP, but I feel that every noob and their mother plays iron banner so I don't think the competition is that difficult. People will rush you trying to shotgun you which makes headshots easy with a precise primary. If you dont have a group just play with just do matchmaking as they usually get you in with all singles so the teams flip every game and you will probably win half or more of your games without trying too hard.

Well getting bounties done every day is very important so you want to focus on a primary that you can get headshots with and even better if you can get sprees with them. I always use Suros since I feel that I can rack up headshots easier, but I know that auto rifles have been nerfed a lot so if you are good with Thorn or Red Death those are very popular weapons. Buy the tempered buff each day to give yourself a bonus for wins and as soon as you get your iron banner rank high enough you want to buy and equip the emblem, shader and class item as they give you a boost in iron banner rep. There is also a bounty for machine gun headshots so make sure you have a good one and camp heavy.
Just a note that I was able to get to Rank 5 without getting a few of the bounties done with any regularity. I find that the headshot spree one is really difficult but part of that may be because I'm using Vex. I probably one did that one once the whole week last time and I hit rank 5 on my first character by Thurs/Fri. With The Last Word it should be a little easier. But I would say don't worry about it too much.

There is one super easy bounty for scoring 10,000 points. The others vary. There is one for 10 melee attacks. That one is easier with a Warlock than the others.

Glock - I think the machine gun one has changed. I still have some IB bounties on my characters and the machine gun headshot one has changed from 10 machine gun headshots to 15 heavy weapon kills I believe. I'll still probably use my Jolder's Hammer (which was awesome for those headshots) as I can usually get more kills with that than a couple of rockets. We'll see...

I tried looking up the bounties but there is some old, bad info out there. And I don't see anything that reflects the bounties that changed in my inventory.
OK, I found one with the stuff from last time.

The boost goes like this:
•Tuesday: +10 percent
•Wednesday: +15 percent
•Thursday: +25 percent
•Friday: +40 percent
•Saturday: +60 percent
•Sunday: +100 percent
•Monday: +150 percent

Plus you get a total of 30% from all the items you can buy. You can get the emblem at Rank 1 which is only 100 points so you get there fast. Then it is 1200 for rank 2, and 2400 for each of the rest. You can get one of the shaders at rank 2 and the class item at rank 4.

Here are the bounties from last time:

Hard Forged Earn 10,000 XP while competing in the Iron Banner tournament. +100 +5000

Iron Embrace Defeat 10 Guardians with a close quarters Melee attack while competing in the Iron Banner. +100 +5000

Iron Wrath Defeat 10 Guardians without dying while competing in the Iron Banner tournament. +100 +5000

Focused Aggression Defeat 20 Guardians with Primary Weapon headshots while competing in the Iron Banner. +100 +5000

Exacting Measures Earn 5 Headshot Sprees while competing in the Iron Banner. +100 +5000

The Chaos and the Calm Defeat 10 Guardians with Machine Gun headshots while competing in the Iron Banner. +100 +5000

So really the only one I was able to do EVERY day was the 10,000 exp one (since you typically get 1000-3000 points per match, though maybe a little less when first starting out). Focused Aggression used to be just with auto rifles but they changed it to all primaries for last time. Unfortunately Vex doesn't count so I typically run The Last Word or Thorn until I get that done, then switch back to Vex. Like I said, the last one was in my inventory (apparently I deleted it just a few days ago to make room for Queen's bounties!) and I'm pretty sure it changed to 15 Heavy Weapon kills. So I think in a way that is actually harder since I could usually nail headshots with my Jolders and this means more people will be spamming rockets which can end your heavy run quickly.

But as you can see, on the last day of IB, if you have the boost and the item buffs you can get nearly 1700 rank from the bounties alone. And of course you are also getting lots of rep from the matches themselves at that point.
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Yea, io has all the good info there.  The patch notes from the HoW launch says there are 6 additional iron banner bounites so I guess we will see.  There is a new update rolling out tomorrow as well, but no details have come out yet.   They did change the reforge for the Iron Banner weapons by making the old ones version (I) and the new drops as (II).  The new versions have different reroll perks.  Probably similar to what the new vendor weapons have.

Check out the videos at the end of this planet destiny post as they have good tips there.  They also have some tables showing how the xp scales based on which day the event is in.

Also I wouldn't mind running some iron banner with some other CAGs if you guys are going to be playing.

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Thanks for the IB advice, guys!

Another note:   fuck you, Variks!  A helmet?  I still have a spare armor core because I figured he'd be selling boots and I could get my warlock to 34.  But a helmet with +124 strength?  Grrrrrr....I'll probably still buy the helmet, but there's no way I'm equipping that and then using my first etheric light on ascending boots.  No way.

Thanks for the IB advice, guys!

Another note: fuck you, Variks! A helmet? I still have a spare armor core because I figured he'd be selling boots and I could get my warlock to 34. But a helmet with +124 strength? Grrrrrr....I'll probably still buy the helmet, but there's no way I'm equipping that and then using my first etheric light on ascending boots. No way.
Crap I needed boots to, a helmet with strength does me little good.
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fuck you, Variks! A helmet? I still have a spare armor core because I figured he'd be selling boots and I could get my warlock to 34. But a helmet with +124 strength? Grrrrrr....I'll probably still buy the helmet, but there's no way I'm equipping that and then using my first etheric light on ascending boots. No way.
My current Titan build doesn't have a 42 helmet so I will probably at least pick it up for her so I can still be 34 when swapping to Ruin Wings to score heavy. My Hunter and Warlock already have really solid Legendary helmets at 42 though.

Man, I wasted 50 Motes last night and have nothing to show for it. My buddy Phat scored a handcannon last week and rerolled it a bunch for the optimal build and swears by it in PvP. It is Ill Will and I know the average Destiny player would look at that with disdain due to its terribly RoF, Stability and Reload Speed; that impact however means it is one of the most damaging handcannons in the game. My buddy scored it finally with Quickdraw, Final Round, Braced Frame and Luck in the Chamber. So that means his stability has increased to 50 but the magazine size is down to 5. With each shot however he is destroying doing about 90 damage a crit shot and then factoring in the clip is only 5 large and it has Final Round AND Luck in the Chamber it is likely then that there is a 40% chance that one of the ones that land will do extremely high damage. He was pretty much going around 2 shotting everyone. Granted you have to be REALLY spot on with it since the reload is so low and the stability and RoF still leave a lot to be desired but damn that is so good. And yeah like I said I rerolled the crap out of mine that I finally got yesterday and ended with everything except Braced Frame but Flared Magwell instead. My Reload Speed then is up high but the cartridge size is 7 then and keeps the terrible stability so its not really worth it for me until I can get how he has it. It basically makes it as close as we can to a Hawkmoon here on the X1.

Oh and plus then putting that on my Gunslinger I have the increased reload speed with primary and then I can have Chain of Woe on as well so if I end up in a group of guys I can still take them out even if I have to reload between kills.

Thinking about it I do have The Fulcrum the new FWC handcannon and it has far better stats overall and just a slightly lower impact. I may try and get the same roll I was talking about but on the Fulcrum and then do damage comparisons with my buddy's Ill Will and see which works best.

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Thanks for the IB advice, guys!

Another note: fuck you, Variks! A helmet? I still have a spare armor core because I figured he'd be selling boots and I could get my warlock to 34. But a helmet with +124 strength? Grrrrrr....I'll probably still buy the helmet, but there's no way I'm equipping that and then using my first etheric light on ascending boots. No way.
Yea they are really trolling us with these all strength rolls, but I think you still should just buy them and ascend some Raid boots. The "carry more Heavy Ammo" perk is the best you are going to get on any boots and getting to 34 is the most important thing right now since you can get 3x Armor Cores, 3x Weapon Cores and 3x Etheric Light per week from the 32 and 34 Prison of Elders. You can get 3x more of each of those by beating Skolas each week as well. Plus you can get 2 Etheric Light per character from Iron Banner this week. Etheric light is not as scarce as it once was believed to be.

Speaking of the weekly stuff:

Nightfall is Archon Priest with Arc/Solar/Primary weapon burn

Weekly is Omnigul with no burn

32 PoE is Quodron

34 PoE is new (Kaliks the servitor boss)

New Patch Notes are out

Ever since House of Wolves was released, we’ve been following player feedback on multiple fronts. These changes to the player experience are being deployed to correct a few issues that you’ve noticed – as well as a few we noticed.
Key Highlights
  • The first Wanted Fallen Bounty completed each week is now guaranteed to drop a Treasure Key
  • Greatly increased the drop rate of Treasure Keys from the small chests at the end of the Prison of Elders
  • Increased the drop rate of Treasure Keys from Ether Chests
Prison of Elders
  • Greatly increased the drop rate of Treasure Keys from the small chests
  • Class Items will now drop from Level 32, Level 34, and Level 35 
  • Fixed a bug in which the Ship (Hildian Seeker) did not drop under certain circumstances
  • Fixed a bug in which the ‘Elder Cipher’ Bounty could not be acquired if your Bounty inventory was full
  • You will need to defeat Skolas again to receive the ‘Elder Cipher’ Bounty
  • Damage caused by Qodron’s Gaze is reduced by 25%
  • Damage multiplier for the Jailbreaker buff increased by 100%
Trials of Osiris
  • Fixed an issue in which Trials of Osiris emblems were not sent to the Postmaster if your Emblem inventory was full
  • Passage Coins can now be dismantled
Weekly Heroics
  • Fixed an issue where the Weekly Heroic strikes did not award engrams (Note: Tooltip will not display them as rewards)
  • Increased the drop rate of Treasure Keys from Ether Chests
  • Ether Chests may only be looted once per spawn
  • Ether Chests will no longer grant ammo consumables when opened
  • Ether Chests will now grant a small amount of Queen's Wrath reputation when opened
  • Ether Chests now have a chance to drop Tokens of Flight, Identity, and Judgment
  • Petra will no longer display a quest waypoint for players who have not purchased House of Wolves
  • Fixed a bug in which players abandoning the ‘Gone to Ground’ quest were still being directed to the Venus Patrol
  • The first Wanted Fallen Bounty completed each week is now guaranteed to drop a Treasure Key
  • Fixed a bug in which the hotfix mistakenly did not contain the 1.1.1 Fusion Rifle balance changes.  As a result, players were playing with its pre-1.1.1 weapon balance state.  The original fix has been re-applied.
  • Tokens of Flight, Identity, and Judgment can now be dismantled to gain +10 House of Judgement reputation each 
  • Ammo consumables can now stack to 100
Looks all really good. Keys will be much more abundant and while they made it where we can only get one chest per kill that should be fine with all the other ways to get the keys. Also awesome to see the Quodron changes as it was near impossible to do it the way it was intended with the way it currently was at 34 especially.

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Only thing missing is they need to let keys stack more than 5 per spot and you should be able to dismantle ammo packs.
Keys! Yes, no more need to grind and hoard. In less then 30 minutes, I obtained 3 new keys without even opening a single chest. And with the stacking ammo syths, I reclaimed a ton of inventory space. Huzzah!
Keys! Yes, no more need to grind and hoard. In less then 30 minutes, I obtained 3 new keys without even opening a single chest. And with the stacking ammo syths, I reclaimed a ton of inventory space. Huzzah!
What do you mean by stacking? Like you just combined a bunch between characters or did the ninja patch that and allow more than 20 per stack?


I apparently cannot read and somehow skipped the very last note about stacking to 100 haha d'oh!

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Only thing missing is they need to let keys stack more than 5 per spot and you should be able to dismantle ammo packs.
There is absolutely zero incentive to stack more than 5 keys... The Queen's weapons from the chest absolutely suck. The only redeeming fact of that stupid chest is the exotic chance and the fact that you have to open it to continue your new exotic bounties.

So I ran 3 Gorgon Chests & 3 Nightfalls

4 Exotics once again LOL.

-Plan C > Crushed

-Truth > Kept, I thought I had 3 (1 for each) but I was wrong. Now I don't have to move it around. :)

-Universal Remote..... ....... ....... I don't know what to say. I think I have gotten this stupid thing at least 15 times. I did what I did with the previous 13 that I got. :)

-Red Death > So I'm debating this one since it is a good PvP weapon.

Still after Gjallarhorn #3. :(

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Keys! Yes, no more need to grind and hoard. In less then 30 minutes, I obtained 3 new keys without even opening a single chest. And with the stacking ammo syths, I reclaimed a ton of inventory space. Huzzah!
Nice, glad I never wasted a lot of time farming for them. 3 a week should be plenty for me. The only reason i can see using them is they are a required step for the new exotic bounties. I don't need more queens weapons that I will never use.

What do you mean by stacking? Like you just combined a bunch between characters or did the ninja patch that and allow more than 20 per stack?


I apparently cannot read and somehow skipped the very last note about stacking to 100 haha d'oh!
Yea, that is a pretty nice improvement. When they posted the patch notes on reddit they moved that ammo synth stack up to the first part of the notes so it wouldn't be missed.

Here are the Iron Banner bounties for today:


15 Heavy Weapon Kills

3 Machine Gun Sprees (3 straight kills with MG)

Capture 15 points in control


Earn 10000 xp

10 Melee Kills

10 Kills in a row without dying (if it is the same as before this includes assists so it isn't as difficult as it sounds)

Hmmmm so Gloves and Boots from Banner.  Guess my Warlock and Hunter are going through for sure.  I've kind of soured on the Titan class to be honest.  I absolutely hate the Titan smash in PvP.  If you've ever been in party with me, I refer to that as "No Skilling" in the crucible :lol:   My titan as always will be last/I'll do it if I decide I care enough ;)

I will have a bit more free time this week/weekend than the past 2 weeks so I guess some QT in PvP is what is going to happen.

Perun's Fire & Gheleon's Demise for the guns....

The Perun's Fire is pretty much an ideal roll for a Fusion Rifle.  Gheleon's Roll isn't half bad.  That one is definitely more PvP oriented roll than the previous one which was a PvE one.

I wonder what the drops are going to be this time around.  I have quite a few friends that are hoping it is Jolder's Hammer.  Probably going to be Fellwinters & Radagast. :razz:

Hmmmm so Gloves and Boots from Banner. Guess my Warlock and Hunter are going through for sure. I've kind of soured on the Titan class to be honest. I absolutely hate the Titan smash in PvP. If you've ever been in party with me, I refer to that as "No Skilling" in the crucible :lol: My titan as always will be last/I'll do it if I decide I care enough ;)

I will have a bit more free time this week/weekend than the past 2 weeks so I guess some QT in PvP is what is going to happen.

Perun's Fire & Gheleon's Demise for the guns....

The Perun's Fire is pretty much an ideal roll for a Fusion Rifle. Gheleon's Roll isn't half bad. That one is definitely more PvP oriented roll than the previous one which was a PvE one.

I wonder what the drops are going to be this time around. I have quite a few friends that are hoping it is Jolder's Hammer. Probably going to be Fellwinters & Radagast. :razz:
I read it will be Timur and Efrideet

I never cared to get Gheleon before. How does it hold up now that we have the ToO Scout Rifle?

I read it will be Timur and Efrideet

I never cared to get Gheleon before. How does it hold up now that we have the ToO Scout Rifle?
Gheleon shoots really slow and it has a pretty good amount of kick to it. Impact is good on it though so it encourages accuracy for sure. I have mine from the last time it was available for sale but with no added stability, I just can't justify using it over any of these:



-Crusader I - This was a nightfall drop and it has Luck In The Chamber, Firefly, and Send It. I love this thing when I'm not using a damage type scout :D

-B Line Trauma - Shoots faster than a MIDA, has explosive rounds and firefly. It has Who's Next which is kinda crappy but the high rate of fire is pretty fun to play with at times.

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Gheleon shoots really slow and it has a pretty good amount of kick to it. Impact is good on it though so it encourages accuracy for sure. I have mine from the last time it was available for sale but with no added stability, I just can't justify using it over any of these:



-Crusader I - This was a nightfall drop and it has Luck In The Chamber, Firefly, and Send It. I love this thing when I'm not using a damage type scout :D

-B Line Trauma - Shoots faster than a MIDA, has explosive rounds and firefly. It has Who's Next which is kinda crappy but the high rate of fire is pretty fun to play with at times.
I have one with Rodeo, Send it and Firefly from a previous Iron Banner and I used it and Fang of Ir Yut interchangeably before I ascended my VoC.

First of all, Trials was brutal last night. We went 8-1 last week on it right before reset. This time we couldn't even get to 5. And I really wanted those Titan boots since they were the only ones with the heavy ammo perk. I wasted 12 passage coins and didn't get any back since we had done the first two package tiers earlier. I bought the 2-for-1 boon TWICE when we were at 3 wins (3-1 and 3-2) figuring I had a good chance. Then we got destroyed both times. Then just for kicks we played up to and after reset. We started to do better and won 3 in a row but hadn't bought any boons. But at reset the card resets so we were sent back down to 0-0. We got it back to 2-0 but the proceeded to get destroyed again. At 2-1, and around 3am, the player base started to fall off and we ended up playing the same pro team twice in a row. The good news was that we were able to cash in our 2-win card with Vance to get the 2 passage coins at least. So it does carry over into the new week - but it sucks our card reset or we would have been at 4 or 5 wins.

simosaurus said:
Thanks for the IB advice, guys!

Another note: fuck you, Variks! A helmet? I still have a spare armor core because I figured he'd be selling boots and I could get my warlock to 34. But a helmet with +124 strength? Grrrrrr....I'll probably still buy the helmet, but there's no way I'm equipping that and then using my first etheric light on ascending boots. No way.
I ascended boots and a chest piece the first week to get to 34, and then a helm this week so I could use Armamentarium in Trials. It was the best way as it appeared pretty clear from the second week that all Variks stuff will be strength rolls. Look at it as "starter" armor that you need to replace either via Judgement's Chances (good luck with that as I am 1-for-7 on getting armor instead of crappy Fallen-themed weapons) or via ascending your own gear. Still, after passing on the chest piece last week, I decided to get the helm since the Titan one is so funky looking.

Yea they are really trolling us with these all strength rolls, but I think you still should just buy them and ascend some Raid boots. The "carry more Heavy Ammo" perk is the best you are going to get on any boots and getting to 34 is the most important thing right now since you can get 3x Armor Cores, 3x Weapon Cores and 3x Etheric Light per week from the 32 and 34 Prison of Elders. You can get 3x more of each of those by beating Skolas each week as well. Plus you can get 2 Etheric Light per character from Iron Banner this week. Etheric light is not as scarce as it once was believed to be.

Speaking of the weekly stuff:

Nightfall is Archon Priest with Arc/Solar/Primary weapon burn
Weekly is Omnigul with no burn

32 PoE is Quodron
34 PoE is new (Kaliks the servitor boss)
Yep, Nightfall is pretty easy but of course be careful of the arc burn when you get to the end part. Of course when I ran it (just once) last night my two teammates got exotics (one got the new Hunter boots) and I got a legendary engram that turned into a Dead Orbit pulse rifle. Yuck.

Then we tried all 3 PoE's. The 32 isn't too bad. Quodron went down even faster than last week. We didn't have to use a heavy synth. We just unloaded our first round of rockets then hit him with primary/black hammer to finish him off. So the good news is that people without Gjallrhorns who maybe couldn't do it on 34, should be able to do it on 32 this week.

On the 34 we were all prepped for some crazy-ass mechanic on the new boss. But it didn't end up being that hard. We kind of cleared it just while on a scouting run - so we weren't even prepped with max rockets, which would probably take him out right away.

The trick here is that there are a bunch of yellow dregs and he will eat them to gain back his health. So he actually regenerated back to full once we had him at half. But once we realized what he was doing we killed as many of the yellow guys as we could and then just laid into him and he went down pretty fast.

It was after 5am when we tried level 35. It shouldn't be too hard this week since it is void burn. But one of our teammates kept falling asleep and we were wiping on round 4 so we just called it a night. We only spent like 45 minutes on it total.

I have the final phase on the exotic bounty on my Titan (looks like it took 72 hours for Variks to summon me which is what a lot of other people have reported). Level 32 and 34 both gave me 350 points so I'm only 300 away from completing that. This is the way it works: minibosses give you 75, and then I think there are various amounts for completing the different levels (which I think match the judgment rep you get from them). Since Qodron has 2 mini-bosses you get 150 just from that and I think 200 from completing it. I think 34 just gives you 350 for completion (and there are no mini-bosses in it this week). So I guess last week's Qodron 34 would have given you 500.

I got tons to do still: 2 x Nightfall, 2 x PoE 32, 2 x PE 34, 3 x PoE 35, and a ton of Iron Banner.

I've pretty excited about the 100 stack ammo synths. It does kind of suck they NOW stop having them drop from the chests though - was still nice to collect heavy ammo that way since you go through so much in PoE. The one guaranteed key per week from bounties (plus increased drops from small PoE chests) means that key farming will pretty much become a thing of the past anyway. So also it doesn't matter that you can only get one chest per run now.
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io said:
First of all, Trials was brutal last night. We went 8-1 last week on it right before reset. This time we couldn't even get to 5. And I really wanted those Titan boots since they were the only ones with the heavy ammo perk. I wasted 12 passage coins and didn't get any back since we had done the first two package tiers earlier. I bought the 2-for-1 boon TWICE when we were at 3 wins (3-1 and 3-2) figuring I had a good chance. Then we got destroyed both times. Then just for kicks we played up to and after reset. We started to do better and won 3 in a row but hadn't bought any boons. But at reset the card resets so we were sent back down to 0-0. We got it back to 2-0 but the proceeded to get destroyed again. At 2-1, and around 3am, the player base started to fall off and we ended up playing the same pro team twice in a row. The good news was that we were able to cash in our 2-win card with Vance to get the 2 passage coins at least. So it does carry over into the new week - but it sucks our card reset or we would have been at 4 or 5 wins.
I'm glad to hear you had problems in ToO. I decided to try for first time, and am good at sniping. First team, we got 3-1, but that was it for them for the night. I bought a boon for the next win being 2 (wanted boots), and lost 2 straight. 2 more new teams and couldn't get more than 2 in a row, and 3 total wins. Every match up had someone with the exotic emblems, and mostly all 3 players. I'm done with Trials, but I love the scout rifles.

I am so glad it's the helms. That's what I've been wanting. I also LOVE my Gheleon's Demise. It did have the highest impact for scouts besides the other Vanguard one last dlc (varmit one started with a In IB, you can only get the weapons for drops that Saladin sold the IB prior, and only after you get to rank 3. I forgot what he sold. I know time before it was Jolder's & Similar's.

Bungie's site says there is only Brawler on Skolas. You sure it's void?
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bread's done