Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

Yeah I saw a lot of you nightowls were already at level 40 in less than 2 hours. Did you get there just through story content or were you also cashing in packages and mats for XP?
I had a full set of bounties to turn in from the last few days. But I hit the cap pretty quickly with lots more story to do.

I saw a bunch of people who were playing had the Y1 PS exclusive weapons equipped so I guess my theory on the smart RNG caused those to drop for a lot of us who have most of the exotics already. I was half asleep but the first quest has you going from vendor to vendor in the tower to get reaquainted with everything. They all give you something and the cryptarch gave me an exotic weapon (the PS auto rifle). Wasn't sure if that was from leveling up cryptarch or if the exotic was a standard drop for everyone doing that quest.
You get one automatically near the beginning. Both me and the person I was playing with got Monte Carlo so I assumed everyone got that. But no, it looks like some bastards got Hawkmoon. RNG strikes again :bomb:

Has anyone figured out the Petra quest yet? We couldn't get anything to happen in Divide/Rocketyards and the Internet was no help a few hours in last night.

I need to unsubscribe from this thread. I told myself I would wait for reviews but reading all of this us giving me the itch. I don't know if I should give up my Destiny Anonymous chip and fall off the wagon but it is getting more and more tempting...
Question for anyone who's already opened the Collector's Edition:
Is there a separate code for the Class items/Emotes/Shaders, or is it just one code that has everything: Class items/Emotes/Expansions....everything.
I was going to open a Legendary Edition to start playing since my CE isn't due until Thurs. but I don't want to lose out on the CE content.....or have to DL both codes.
Question for anyone who's already opened the Collector's Edition:
Is there a separate code for the Class items/Emotes/Shaders, or is it just one code that has everything: Class items/Emotes/Expansions....everything.
I was going to open a Legendary Edition to start playing since my CE isn't due until Thurs. but I don't want to lose out on the CE content.....or have to DL both codes.
It is all on one code.

Wow, that first mission was really exciting and cinematic. And the cutscene afterwards was interesting! What game is this? :lol:
I know, right? The person I was playing with said that was the first time a Destiny cut scene was actually worth watching. I thought that should go on the back of the box as part of their advertising ;).

I need to unsubscribe from this thread. I told myself I would wait for reviews but reading all of this us giving me the itch. I don't know if I should give up my Destiny Anonymous chip and fall off the wagon but it is getting more and more tempting...
Join us! Hehe...

Got to play with my new Poo Pa Papa Palpatine force powers last night - kind of cool... I want the Titan one next.

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[quote name="io" post="12921367" timestamp="1442351822"]I know, right? The person I was playing with said that was the first time a Destiny cut scene was actually worth watching. I thought that should go on the back of the box as part of their advertising ;).

Join us! Hehe...[/quote]
I think one of my Live friends has convinced me they did a much better job and it is worth picking up., my Suros and and Vanguard pre-order weapons have to be purchased from the Quartermaster and their attack values are lower than my ascended year one weapons?  Gee, thanks Bungie.   :roll:, my Suros and and Vanguard pre-order weapons have to be purchased from the Quartermaster and their attack values are lower than my ascended year one weapons? Gee, thanks Bungie. :roll:
It is hard to believe anything is lower than the ascended year one stuff. I was picking up greens within the first story mission that were better than those ;). Hell, the whites that the gunsmith gives you to test out are attack 200 which outclasses the year one stuff by 30.

But yeah, I didn't even bother to look at the Vanguard/Suros stuff other than the emblem which is pretty cool. So I had no idea where it came from. I think I had the same issue with the original Destiny. I remember inputting a code for Vanguard stuff and never knowing where to get that and then just forgetting about it later.

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Looks like the best way to level up your Light is by playing PvP and hoping for random drops and then leveling up your faction for gear drops.

I must say, I love the story that is actually here. I am only up to the Deadnaut mission but I am so excited that we have personalities and actual CHARACTER to all of the once lifeless inhabitants of the tower. Even if the story itself pans out and is lame with Oryx at least we have the start of some characterization in the game. Also... I still hate the NolanGhost.

Yeah, I'm not nuts about the new Ghost either. I love Nolan North and he's a better voice actor, but after all this time it just sounds wrong for it not to be Dinklage. North has this whole C-3PO thing going on. Best case would have been to get Dinklage back, but just... give him some direction this time.

Looks like the best way to level up your Light is by playing PvP and hoping for random drops and then leveling up your faction for gear drops.

I must say, I love the story that is actually here. I am only up to the Deadnaut mission but I am so excited that we have personalities and actual CHARACTER to all of the once lifeless inhabitants of the tower. Even if the story itself pans out and is lame with Oryx at least we have the start of some characterization in the game. Also... I still hate the NolanGhost.
I've gotten decent drops from Crucible/Vanguard rank and even a random purple engram. My Titan got a legendary mark from the Queen when I hit rank 5. It looks like the old Queen's Guard mark, but it is brand new and has 260 defense! The legendary one I was using before that was only 225 or so. Then I got a legendary artifact out of a legendary helmet engram.

I've also gotten 3 legendary weapons so far. I got a decent hand cannon from Crucible rank-up (just from turning in some commendations that my Titan got for some reason). I also got an auto rifle and machine gun (one from Vanguard I think).

So another key way to lever up that Light is to push for ranks in Crucible/Vanguard/Faction/Queen and probably House of Judgement and Crota's Bane as well.

I've pushed both my Warlock and Titan to about half way through the story maybe (don't know for sure since I haven't completed it yet). I haven't touched my Hunter yet.

Glock and I completed the Petra quest sequence (just go to the locations listed and wait long enough...). It unlocks new bounties from Petra (if your Queen's rank is high enough - mine hit 5). They sound pretty interesting and must be the replacement for the old Wolves ones. I was wondering how they would handle Queen's rep without those.

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I had a great time plugging away at the story last night. Didn't get too far but my Titan is lvl 40. I got Monte Carlo, too. Speaking of PS exclusive stuff....the dust palace strike kinda stinks. It's a glorified story mission.

I was happy to see over 40 people online last night playing this! It'll be good to have friends back in the mix playing this game.
Yea, I am enjoying the new content so far, much more than I thought I would be.  In a way it is nice that the new gear outclasses the old stuff because now when a green or blue engram drop it has a good chance to actually improve your character.  It is kind of like starting all over again, but not starting all the way from scratch, if that makes any sense. 

Read a couple things on reddit today saying that the engram decode higher based on your current light level so make sure you put your best gear on prior to decrypting stuff. 

Also if you are into achievements and did the digital upgrade when you bought the game last year you can still get the achievements on the 360 once you unlock them on the XB1 without having to buy the DLC.  Just load up the game and they will unlock just like with the Year 1 achievements.  Works with the disc version too.  You have to install all the updates to log into the game so keep that in mind if you have slow internet.

I don't understand the reasoning behind the light level changes. Yes, I can now max out my level without grinding for gear, but content is still gated behind light levels.

I am glad to say I haven't blasted through the campaign like I was worried about. It seems like they have made a lot of great improvements. The VIP tour felt like Christmas with all the gifts I was getting. And Glock is right. I never thought I'd be excited again to see a green engram.
Got everything installed and updated. Going to start my Destiny today most likely. I am not going to use the level 25 boost potion. Want to see the missions and areas before I zip through. Probably save it for my 2nd character.

Any tips, tricks? I have tons of friends on destiny always so if you get a random party invite from me when your playing it's for advice!
Got everything installed and updated. Going to start my Destiny today most likely. I am not going to use the level 25 boost potion. Want to see the missions and areas before I zip through. Probably save it for my 2nd character.

Any tips, tricks? I have tons of friends on destiny always so if you get a random party invite from me when your playing it's for advice!
Kinda sounds like you're starting fresh. If that's the case then, don't sweat upgrading the gear you're going to get since it'll most likely get replaced by something better. So save up as much glimmer, materials, motes, coins, etc. for when you start getting purple (legendary) and exotic gear.

Pick up all the bounties, even if you don't think you'll do them... you never know (and you can discard them later anyway). And if you're going on Patrol to complete some bounties, remember to actually trigger patrol beacons too. They usually can be completed while you're focused on the bounty goal. Also a good idea to get familiar with the patrol beacon icons so you know which ones to avoid and which ones are quick to finish.

Before turning in completed bounties, equip gear you want to level up, sub-classes you want to level up.

Can't think of anything else only because sooo much has changed and I don't know if the old tips would still be relevant/work.

Got my Titan through the last part of the story last night solo.  But I like that there's still a little more to do even after that.  You have to unlock patrol on the Dreadnaught for one.  And then even after that there's more story missions beyond fighting the big baddie. 

I also had no idea there were 3 strikes so there's quests for all of those too.  I did all three last night and the Shield Bros. one gets pretty intense at the end.  I kind of like that I paid little attention to the details of this release and didn't even watch teaser videos like I did TDB and HoW - it is nice to be surprised by stuff.

You guys probably know this, but I think I figured out why I had random Vanguard and Crucible commendations.  They converted whatever Vanguard and Crucible marks at 50-to-1 into commendations.  So that's why I either had 4 (if I was at 200) or 2 or 3 on my characters.

So 280 is the new max on armor, right?  I find it interesting that all the vendor stuff is max in that case.  So there is no need to grind Raid (or maybe later PoE and Trials) for the best gear.  But you also have some tough choices.  At least early on those legendary marks are going to be tough to come by.  So what piece of gear from what vendor do you get for what character first?  I have no clue what I'm going to do.  It also seems that legendary marks are shared across characters - that is interesting...

Also, I kind of wish the Raid wasn't coming so soon - next week would have been better.  I feel like I want to do more before trying that.

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Also, I kind of wish the Raid wasn't coming so soon - next week would have been better. I feel like I want to do more before trying that.
Yeah, I agree with this. There is so much to do still, but the allure of running head first into a new raid is pretty enticing.

You guys are killing me. I just started a residency this summer and don't have the time to commit to grinding. So I'm just lurking instead and living through all of you hahaha.
OK, so when exactly does the Raid drop?

I tried looking on the Bungie site but their link for the Raid just has promo crap and the forums are no help.  People on the forums are talking about stuff I've never heard of.  Some sort of special chests you open with special keys and use supers to get to before some ultra boss kills you or something.  There's still a lot I haven't seen yet ;).

Maybe the Raid is Friday at reset but everyone I talked to kept saying Thursday.  But the Bungie site does say Sept. 18th, which looks like Friday to me.  So we get Xur-mas and the Raid all at once?  Or will it be 10am for the Raid?

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Do we have until Tuesday to put in our orders for Armsday? I put in one for the Scout but now I really want that Lyudmila after looking into it more. Ideally I want both so will I have time to rank up another character to Rank 1 and order the Pulse by Tuesday or is it some weird thing where I can only put in orders on Wednesday?

Do we have until Tuesday to put in our orders for Armsday? I put in one for the Scout but now I really want that Lyudmila after looking into it more. Ideally I want both so will I have time to rank up another character to Rank 1 and order the Pulse by Tuesday or is it some weird thing where I can only put in orders on Wednesday?
Don't know - do we not get these things until next Wednesday?

Also, I was wrong about the max level being 280. I guess it is 300. So the vendor stuff is just one tier below what we'll presumably get from Raid, etc. Though the reason I thought I was 280 was because I swear the Year 2 exotics show that value. Do they upgrade to 300?

Or can you infuse stuff to make it 300? I haven't looked into that at all. I have enough legendary marks to buy a 280 armor piece but I have no idea which one. I'd like to see what Xur has first but then on the flip side if I can get my light level up now I'll get better drops.

I didn't realize Daily Crucible gave 15 marks. That seems excessive compared to the low marks in what I've seen for the hard mode story missions. But whatever - I played my first Rift match (today's Daily) and did OK.

I stumbled on some people doing the Court of Oryx thing and I don't understand the treasure chest. I summoned two of them myself and I didn't seem to get anything. I might have gotten a crappy blue weapon out of it - is that the sort of thing it gives you? I thought I just picked it up on the platform. I was never able to open the chest like you do with normal ones. Then when I got back to the Tower I got the quest from Eris to summon and kill things at the court - but I had just used my 2 runes. D'oh!

And I don't know about RNG giving you new stuff or not, but it definitely seems like the Vanguard playlist is tuned that way. I wanted to do the quest for doing 5 strikes and I also had not yet done 2 of the new ones as well as the 2 old PlayStation exclusives. In 6 runs, I got all 4 of those new ones, with one of them repeated and the sixth being Valus Ta'aurc. So that was pretty good - way better than when I tried to get the 2 PS strikes on the Legacy playlist last week.

Oh yeah, and I also got the last Dead Orbit shader that I needed from my very first post-DLC rank up. So, finally, after 70+ combined levels in Dead Orbit on 2 characters, I got Revenant. Too bad the one they gave us for Year 1 (and thus I got just a day ago) looks better :bomb:.

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Finished the primary story and the Oryx mission last night.  Man, that was a lot of fun.  Love that there is so much more that opens up after that, too.  And the Gunsmith is my new best friend:  I ranked up to 2 with him and got a Suros Dis-47 and then did a quest and got the Susano FR.  Very nice.  Also, I put in my orders for the Lyudmila PR and the Jingukogo SG.  Next Armsday should be nice.

What are the odds that Xur trolls us tomorrow with year one weapons and armor?

Go the new Exotic Scout that was called 347 Vesta Dynasty.  Now called Boolean Gemini


Oh yeah and my Hawkbae is there too.  :D/

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I think I've done like 3 story missions. And have been just patrolling earth for hours it seems. Just hit level 9 with tons of shit to turn in. Figure I better hit that story.
Are the gunsmith weapons all 280 light?  That will give everyone a nice boost if we all get a couple of them.

I have been enjoying the new content immensely and probably having more fun with the game than when I started playing last year since I am (somewhat) knowledgeable about how everything works now.  Although this new update does add a ton of new tings to do so I'm still trying to sort everything out.  I feel like I haven't even scratched the surface yet which makes me feel like I will definitely get my money's worth!

The raid is coming out way too soon, for me at least.  Although I did see some people on my FL who already have light levels well over 280.  If the nightfall is for 280 light then the raid is probably at least that so I'm not sure how many people will be properly geared up in just a few days.

Like io said make sure you are at least doing the daily crucible playlist as that gives you 15 legendary marks for only a few minutes of work.  The Daily story gives 15 as well.  These are both per account so once you level a bit you can get 30 per day pretty easily.

Where did Boolean Gemini come from?  Is it a quest or a random drop?

I found a random Purple Weapon on patrol that did not show up in my weapon slots.  When I went to the tower it wanted me to turn it into the gunsmith. Was hoping it unlocked some type of quest, but only gave me gunsmith rank.

Excited to see what Xur has tomorrow.  I will be completely off the grid until late tomorrow so it should be exciting to find out when I get back to civilization. 

Is it sad that I am considering trying to find a way to play Destiny when I am in Vegas next week... WTF is wrong with me... :beer:

I need better gear to increase my light.... But to get better gear I need to play vanguard strikes... Which I need more light to play... And I need better gear to increase my light. Am I missing an easy way to get better gear or marks?
I need better gear to increase my light.... But to get better gear I need to play vanguard strikes... Which I need more light to play... And I need better gear to increase my light. Am I missing an easy way to get better gear or marks?

I've been getting increasingly better gear from doing bounties and ranking up my vanguard and faction rep. The drops have been kind.
I need better gear to increase my light.... But to get better gear I need to play vanguard strikes... Which I need more light to play... And I need better gear to increase my light. Am I missing an easy way to get better gear or marks?
Good question. I have been enjoying it so much I haven't planned my way to top light level yet or really read up on it.

30 marks a day from daily crucible/story. First 3 strikes of the week get you 15 marks each (maybe its only 10, not sure) and I'm guessing a good shot at higher light gear.

Are all the strikes in the playlist or just the new/updated ones? If all of them are there maybe keep restarting until you get one of the easier ones (Sepkis/Phogoth/Nexus) until you can get your marks up to buy some good gear.

And yea, level up your factions and make sure you are wearing your best light gear when decoding engrams or picking up packages.

[quote name="simosaurus" post="12924779" timestamp="1442515630"]I've been getting increasingly better gear from doing bounties and ranking up my vanguard and faction rep. The drops have been kind.[/quote]
I did read that as your light increases so do the better drops. Maybe I just need to keep plugging away. I just noticed my vanguard gear isn't even maxed. RNG seems much more kind so I will hope for more drops as I do quests.
At a glance, the disc for Destiny (from 2014) and the disc for The Taken King look the same. Are they? Are the expansions actually on The Taken King disc, or did I really just pay for the codes inside that unlocked content from that large patch from a week or two ago?

I redeemed the codes inside the physical version of The Taken King.  I guess my questions are: 

-Can I now return The Taken King to Gamestop/Best Buy/etc. for credit and run the full updated Destiny experience from the original disc?

-Does Gamestop/Best Buy/etc. give more credit for trade ins of The Taken King than they do for the original version of Destiny?  

-Since the discs look identical, are they? Would employees be able to check this in some way?

I am just thinking that if a store wants to give me the typical ~$40 for a trade in of a new release on this particular game, I don't know what I'd have to lose by doing so...

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The discs are the same, save for a small difference in the art on it. The code is for everything that isn't vanilla, regular, original, plain destiny. It may have some of the updates on it, but that's irrelevant as it has to still get the latest updates from XBL/PSN.
so may as well trade in The Taken King then?

$33.47 TIV at Amazon ; )

(credit to io for noting this earlier last week)


Also looks like Xur will only be selling Engrams from now on?

I wonder (as I posed the question on the article above as well) if they will be able to be purchased with Strange Coins then since that is all he is pretty much in stock or how the pricing will be. I think it would be really nice if we had the option to use Motes of Light OR Strange Coins for any of his stock but I doubt that will be the case.

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Yes, just don't expect more than a regular disc is what I was trying to convey. I bought the $80 CE from GameStop and took advantage of the $20 offer ($27.40 was the actual TIV on the receipt). I told them to take the disc out of he box and kept the original, which is what has been in my drive this whole time playing Taken King.
I did read that as your light increases so do the better drops. Maybe I just need to keep plugging away. I just noticed my vanguard gear isn't even maxed. RNG seems much more kind so I will hope for more drops as I do quests.
Just from progressing through the quests and wearing better stuff as I find it, I'm getting slightly better drops every time. Now I'm getting stuff in the 240 range (I am about that level). It is fairly slow but steady progress - every once in a while you'll get a green or blue that is 5 or 10 light higher than what you have. I have more than enough marks to buy a 280 armor piece but I wanted to see what Xur had. But then again, if I get it now (or really tonight when I play before reset) then I'll get better drops in the hours leading up to reset (and Raid?).

So there are lots of little secrets in the game which is making it more interesting. In addition to that mysterious Court of Oryx which I mentioned earlier, there are chests and rune thingies all over the Dreadnaught. Just doing patrol I found a "Key of Yuul" but while I've found several other named chests I haven't found that particular one.

I also got a sword! Once you get the quest (pretty soon after finishing the story) you can get the Hadron flakes (or whatever they are) from the regular chests on the Deadnaught. I just did a loop around the very first area and got the 25 in an hour or so. It behaves differently than the Sword of Oryx (or Crota) sword. I think it only has one attack and it uses a heavy ammo each time you do it. So you can't go too crazy with it. Supposedly you can infuse it from the base 220 to 280 and then get a quest for an exotic sword.

I soloed today's heroic story mission. It isn't too bad. I have the Heroic strikes available now but I think it is still tagged as "very hard". I think the Nightfall is still "impossible" but I should get it to "very hard" pretty soon. I've been playing a lot of hours (6-10 each night so far) and I feel like I'm falling way behind some others I see on my friends list. I haven't even done anything with my Hunter yet. And the quests keep begetting more quests. My Warlock, who is the farthest along, has 13 open quests!

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I am level 12 and plan on doing more patrols and story missions tonight. Before I got off I ended up doing the first strike and killed some floating purple robot ball. Cheesed him behind a gas tank thing on left side of map.

I am afraid my MMO background will come back and Destiny will take all my gametime now.
I am level 12 and plan on doing more patrols and story missions tonight. Before I got off I ended up doing the first strike and killed some floating purple robot ball. Cheesed him behind a gas tank thing on left side of map.

I am afraid my MMO background will come back and Destiny will take all my gametime now.
My ~900 hours logged warns you (and that is after stopping playing the game the past few months)!

Taikonaut, Stag, Mask of the Third Man, and the Celestial Nighthawk. I was really hoping for that new Nightstalker helmet... which my friend got on his one and only engram. Curse you, Destiny.
bread's done