Official CAG Destiny Thread - Rise of Iron

Don't forget that they will be nerfing Black Spindle to 290 soon. Infuse it into another weapon while you can! I put mine into the vanguard sniper.
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In terms of the Nightfall I have been doing them each week on my characters and they are pretty much the same caliber of rewards as before I feel like. Nightfall has always been a crapshoot of maybe you will get something awesome, maybe you get something utterly useless. I have gotten multiple 310 exotics, hand-full of Three of Coins, Motes of Light/ Strange Coins and then random ~280 legendaries. The challenge on the Nightfalls have been drastically reduced from before so I do not see why people would not still run them each week; as always it is just up to Destiny RNG as to what you will be getting anyway. I have spent probably over 15 hours fighting Oryx with new groups and all I got was Moldering Shards each time whereas I have put less time than that into Nightfalls since TTK released and I have far more to show for it.

How did you guys do Chubby?
To give you an idea of how close they got - they had a near perfect run up to the last set of bombs. Someone died and no one covered the detonation so Oryx lived with roughly 6%. People started getting teleported and someone died - Oryx was down to a pixel when the dox hit and wiped.

Wow people wont touch you on if you list you are a raid first timer. I have been trying all morning to get on a group with n
I have had great luck on reddit fireteams. Especially, when I am the one starting the thread.

If you aren't in a hurry, I am probably going to try to set up something for Friday. Not for a full raid, mostly for those of us who are having bad luck with ghosts, and would like to try for the raid ghost. Also to get some practice on the Tomb ships.
I'd REALLY like practice there, since I'm terrible at platforming.
I figured I'd get a few people who haven't done any of the raid together and get our feet wet.
You're welcome to join in.
To give you an idea of how close they got - they had a near perfect run up to the last set of bombs. Someone died and no one covered the detonation so Oryx lived with roughly 6%. People started getting teleported and someone died - Oryx was down to a pixel when the dox hit and wiped.
Damn... : /

[quote name="Fearia" post="12963444" timestamp="1444579452"]Don't forget that they will be nerfing Black Spindle to 290 soon. Infuse it into another weapon while you can! I put mine into the vanguard sniper.[/quote]
Putting this back out there. All versions that are currently out will revert to 290 because it was apparently unintentional for it to drop as 310.
Putting this back out there. All versions that are currently out will revert to 290 because it was apparently unintentional for it to drop as 310.
We all have known the patch was coming since the gun was discovered, it was pretty big news. I have not read a single thing however confirming that the next patch will be the one to drop the Black Spindle down to 290. Am I missing something or are you just being ultra cautious?

[quote name="BrolyB593" post="12963732" timestamp="1444593820"]We all have known the patch was coming since the gun was discovered, it was pretty big news. I have not read a single thing however confirming that the next patch will be the one to drop the Black Spindle down to 290. Am I missing something or are you just being ultra cautious?[/quote]
This is just based off what I've been reading on reddit.
I have had great luck on reddit fireteams. Especially, when I am the one starting the thread.

If you aren't in a hurry, I am probably going to try to set up something for Friday. Not for a full raid, mostly for those of us who are having bad luck with ghosts, and would like to try for the raid ghost. Also to get some practice on the Tomb ships.
I'd REALLY like practice there, since I'm terrible at platforming.
I figured I'd get a few people who haven't done any of the raid together and get our feet wet.
You're welcome to join in.
I would definitely be interested in joining if I am free on Friday. It would be nice to go through part of the raid with people at a similar place as me (limited or no raid experience).
I was able to get in a group today and defeated the Warpriest for the first experience with the raid. I ended up with two Moldering Shards for the effort and that was it.

When is the last day you can place Armsday orders with Banshee? I went today to put an order in for the sniper and the options to place them were gone.

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I probably can't run it tonight since my daughter is back from college for the first time in a month and we are going to see The Martian.
How did you like it? I saw it with the wife this week and kept waiting for the Cabal to arrive and start shooting at Matt Damon. Damn Destiny!

Hey, anyone else still need to run through Deathsingers? I still have that checkpoint on my Warlock and would like to wrap it up before the next reset. Tonight is looking iffy for me, but if I can't be on tonight, then I might try to hit it on Monday night.
I still need a deathsingers clear if you are running it tonight.

We all have known the patch was coming since the gun was discovered, it was pretty big news. I have not read a single thing however confirming that the next patch will be the one to drop the Black Spindle down to 290. Am I missing something or are you just being ultra cautious?
Cozmo posted about it again on Friday so the theory on reddit was the nerf was coming when 2.0.1 hits on Tuesday when they add the microtransactions. It is all just speculation but there is no reason to lose out on infusing a 310 that you are going to lose anyways.

I was able to get in a group today and defeated the Warpriest for the first experience with the raid. I ended up with two Moldering Shards for the effort and that was it.

When is the last day you can place Armsday orders with Banshee? I went today to put an order in for the sniper and the options to place them were gone.
Pretty sure Armsday orders leave when Xur leaves though I am not 100% on that.

How did you like it? I saw it with the wife this week and kept waiting for the Cabal to arrive and start shooting at Matt Damon. Damn Destiny!

Cozmo posted about it again on Friday so the theory on reddit was the nerf was coming when 2.0.1 hits on Tuesday when they add the microtransactions. It is all just speculation but there is no reason to lose out on infusing a 310 that you are going to lose anyways.
The Martian was great. I ended up seeing it last night instead of Friday.

As for Black Spindle, yeah, I suppose I should infuse the damn thing into something. I had held off which paid off as it was nice to have that 310 Black Spindle for the raid. If I do it now and they don't nerf it, I'll be stuck with a 300 one (since I wouldn't want to infuse that with one of my spare 310 exotic secondaries since it might nerf back down afterwards).

I guess I'll push one of my 1000-Yard Stares up to 308 with it though. I use that on the Deathsingers/Oryx when I'm using Touch of Malice and that will give me a decent light level boost on that part even if it costs me on the previous parts where I use Black Spindle.

I could use a NF on one character still if anyone is up for running it tonight (after 9-10 Pacific). I actually got a 310 weapon from one earlier so that was a decent reward. Much better than my luck with engrams lately (like 6 out of 7 being 290's) or the Raid (1 out of 4 armor pieces on 2 characters after 2 1/2 runs, 2 out of 4 on the 3rd with 3 1/2 runs, and no sniper at all yet out of 7+ total runs).

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I guess I'll push one of my 1000-yard stares up to 308 with it though. I use that on the Deathsingers/.Oryx when I'm using Touch of Malice and that will give me a decent light level boost on that part even if it costs me on the previous parts where I use Black Spindle.
That's what I did. I actually purchased a new one from the vendor because it had some pretty decent perks. I figure worse comes to worse, I'll infuse it back to the Black Spindle after the nerf.

That's what I did. I actually purchased a new one from the vendor because it had some pretty decent perks. I figure worse comes to worse, I'll infuse it back to the Black Spindle after the nerf.
I'll have to look at the vendor one. The ones I have come with some strange perks. One has a chance of refunding the magazine on assists. Normally that would be a crappy perk on a sniper rifle but it is useful when I'm on floating duty at Oryx since I usually snipe down each ogre to near death and then let the platform people finish them off. It also has counterbalance so it has max stability.

I don't want to spend 150 marks or whatever it is for the vendor one as I was trying to build up and save marks for Iron banner but I'll look into it. If only the fuck ing raid sniper would have dropped for me in all those fuck ing raids.

I'm also tempted to use my Black Spindle on my 308 Raid shotgun just so I can have a 310 legendary secondary (even though I never use the shotgun in the Raid itself since you nearly always need a sniper rifle). But that would give me 310's across the board for weapons. I already infused a 310 primary (Suros I think) into my Raid hand cannon, and I have a 310 sword - so a 310 legendary secondary would nearly complete that side with 310 (my ghosts are 307-309 right now - so close!). Or maybe I'll put my 307 Raid shotty into a 300 Conspiracy Theory and then my Black Spindle into that. That would give me a 310 shotgun to use for Iron Banner/Trials. Though I am kind of holding out for a better shotgun (from Crucible or IB). A friend of mine got a Year 2 Party Crasher + 1 with Rangefinder - that would be ideal.

Oh yeah, speaking of swords, I still have the solar sword to finish off if anyone needs to run Sunless Cell for that. I think Simo said he did earlier in the week anyway. Most people are so done with that that they don't want to run it any more.

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I helped simo with his solar sword earlier in the week

Also another benefit of Nightfalls is the the chance at a 310 Y2 Truth or Thunderlord

I helped simo with his solar sword earlier in the week

Also another benefit of Nightfalls is the the chance at a 310 Y2 Truth or Thunderlord
D'oh! I may have to LFG for it at this point then.

Yeah, that would be the only way to get 310 Truth/Thunderlord as random engram drops don't seem to be including heavy weapons for whatever reason. I ended up buying both Truth and Thunderlord from the kiosk when I had excess marks so I have year 2's for both - but they are in the 297-298 range. A lack of 310's for the heavies means it will be hard to push those over 300.

Though with the vagaries of NF rewards there is a very low chance of actually getting one of those. I think I've run 5 Nightfalls so far and I've only seen 2 or 3 total exotics (out of the 15 drops for all 3 people) and none of them have been heavy weapons. Though it does seem like all the exotics that drop from Nightfall are 310 so that is nice at least. If I got a 290 from that I'd be pretty pissed.

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[quote name="io" post="12964084" timestamp="1444611881"]D'oh! I may have to LFG for it at this point then.

Yeah, that would be the only way to get 310 Truth/Thunderlord as random engram drops don't seem to be including heavy weapons for whatever reason. I ended up buying both Truth and Thunderlord from the kiosk when I had excess marks so I have year 2's for both - but they are in the 297-298 range. A lack of 310's for the heavies means it will be hard to push those over 300.

Though with the vagaries of NF rewards there is a very low chance of actually getting one of those. I think I've run 5 Nightfalls so far and I've only seen 2 or 3 total exotics (out of the 15 drops for all 3 people) and none of them have been heavy weapons. Though it does seem like all the exotics that drop from Nightfall are 310 so that is nice at least. If I got a 290 from that I'd be pretty pissed.[/quote]
Assuming we're both on tonight, I'll help knock it out for you. Shouldn't be hard.
So apparently another way to get a 310 Truth is to have a legendary heavy weapon engram upgrade to an exotic.  'cause that happened to me tonight ;).

YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!  Nice pickup though.  I have not had any luck getting exotics from any legendary engrams so far and the one primary I carried over from the farming turned into a 290 Last Word.  :wall:

I did have some decent luck with raid weapon drops this week.  Got a 309 Sniper on my last Warpriest clear of the week.  Only raid weapon left to get is the Rocket Launcher.  Not as much luck with armor.  Zero helmets to be found and no really high rolls on any armor piece.  I cannot really push my light level any higher until I get the 310 class item and some better armor drops so I guess I'm stuck in "forever 304" mode until then.

Only thing I have left to do this week is the nightfalls if anyone is running them tonight.

I almost don't want Iron Banner or Trials to start this week.  Still feel like I haven't scratched the surface on a bunch of these quest lines.

Only thing I have left to do this week is the nightfalls if anyone is running them tonight.

I almost don't want Iron Banner or Trials to start this week. Still feel like I haven't scratched the surface on a bunch of these quest lines.
I still need to do a nightfall. I keep forgetting about it for some reason.
I'm guessing $5 each.
Holy poop! I was not thinking that much. I would imagine they would be priced fairly low especially with so many available. For me if they were only like $2 I feel like I would probably buy like 10 of them realistically. However if they are at a premium of $5 then I will pick one that I want and that will be it.

I'm just being pessimistic.  I certainly hope they are not $5, but I have a nagging feeling that they will be.  I'd buy some at $2 - probably none, though, at $5 other than using whatever free Silver they give us to start with.

But how are they equipped?  Right now you can only swap out just one slot (the pointing one), right?  Are all these new emotes just going into that same single slot?  If so, it doesn't even really make sense to buy more than 1 (or 3: 1 per character).  It would be nice to be able to swap out the wave and dance as well.

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I'm just being pessimistic. I certainly hope they are not $5, but I have a nagging feeling that they will be. I'd buy some at $2 - probably none, though, at $5 other than using whatever free Silver they give us to start with.

But how are they equipped? Right now you can only swap out just one slot (the pointing one), right? Are all these new emotes just going into that same single slot? If so, it doesn't even really make sense to buy more than 1 (or 3: 1 per character). It would be nice to be able to swap out the wave and dance as well.
I was just having the same conversation with my buddy. I feel for them the smart move would be allow us to map all four directions, giving us the right to decide if we want to keep the point or the sit and all of that. You are totally right in that the less space we have to put them, the less we will care to purchase. If we can only utilize the one slot per character then I will likely just be sticking with whatever one or two I can buy with the "free" silver provided to us.

someone compiled this on reddit:


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I thought Iron Banner started on the 13th.  I thought the emotes store was here on the 13th.  Well, it is well into the 13th now and Destiny is dead as a doorknob.  Nothing happened at reset and no one was playing - not even raiding like usual at reset.

I guess they are doing this 10am bullshit again.  It really sucks when you lose a half a day that you are available to play because of that.  I can't play in the middle of the fuck ing day.  Earlier today I tried to look this up on Bungie's site but their link to Iron Banner (starting on the 13th!) doesn't mention a time.  In fact, it is a link to the old Iron Banner and shows out of date rewards and stuff - pretty lame on their part.

Oh well.  I went into regular crucible to finish up my Dead Orbit faction item quest on my Hunter.  I needed 6 more wins so I ground that out.  I was hoping to do it on Iron Banner but whatever.  Then I immediately switched over to New Monarchy and now I can't wear my fancy new Dead Orbit cloak  ;).  That's OK - I can always switch back if I want.  I just hadn't put any rep into New Monarchy on any character yet so I figured it was time.

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I thought Iron Banner started on the 13th. I thought the emotes store was here on the 13th. Well, it is well into the 13th now and Destiny is dead as a doorknob. Nothing happened at reset and no one was playing - not even raiding like usual at reset.

I guess they are doing this 10am bullshit again. It really sucks when you lose a half a day that you are available to play because of that. I can't play in the middle of the fuck ing day. Earlier today I tried to look this up on Bungie's site but their link to Iron Banner (starting on the 13th!) doesn't mention a time. In fact, it is a link to the old Iron Banner and shows out of date rewards and stuff - pretty lame on their part.

Oh well. I went into regular crucible to finish up my Dead Orbit faction item quest on my Hunter. I needed 6 more wins so I ground that out. I was hoping to do it on Iron Banner but whatever. Then I immediately switched over to New Monarchy and now I can't wear my fancy new Dead Orbit cloak ;). That's OK - I can always switch back if I want. I just hadn't put any rep into New Monarchy on any character yet so I figured it was time.
It's weird that they didn't update the site, but they announced yesterday that everything would be deployed with the new patch on Twitter (and not everyone uses Twitter).

I thought they had been starting iron banner later since HoW dropped to discourage people from grabbing all the gear right at reset?  I haven't played it in months though so not sure about that.  Odd that they haven't at least updated the Iron Banner page on either.  Seems like it should be a bigger deal than just getting a mention in the weekly update a couple weeks ago and then a mention on twitter.  Do we even know what the weapons and armor will drop at?  If these are all under 300 (or even base 280/290 drops) tell me why I should bother playing again?

Thanks for that loot table.  Only getting the (chest/arms/legs) armor drops at one place stinks.  I think I realized that was how the drops were but was in denial up until now. 

[quote name="GLOCKGLOCK" post="12966360" timestamp="1444748459"]I thought they had been starting iron banner later since HoW dropped to discourage people from grabbing all the gear right at reset? I haven't played it in months though so not sure about that. Odd that they haven't at least updated the Iron Banner page on either. Seems like it should be a bigger deal than just getting a mention in the weekly update a couple weeks ago and then a mention on twitter. Do we even know what the weapons and armor will drop at? If these are all under 300 (or even base 280/290 drops) tell me why I should bother playing again?

Thanks for that loot table. Only getting the (chest/arms/legs) armor drops at one place stinks. I think I realized that was how the drops were but was in denial up until now. [/quote]
Edit: never mind. I was reading trials info.
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Update looks to be all ready!

Main things are of course the emotes and IB introduced but also the shotgun nerf.

Oh and Black Spindle looks to be fixed now as well. 

One thing I appreciate is the rerolling of exotic armors. I thought it was strange that they gave us randomized perks on exotic armors now and since we have the ability to reroll them I can definitely appreciate that more. Though it does such in that I assume it will remove all of the leveling done on it and as you all know armors now seemingly take forever to level up compared to weapons. 

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Silver costs $5 / $10 / $20 for 500 / 1100 / 2300 apparently

Enthusiastic Dance: 500

Slow Clap: 500

Pumped Up: 200

Blow a Kiss: 200

Safe: 200

Swing: 200

Booyah: 200

Formal Bow: 200

Bring it On: 200

Victory Cheer: 200

Come at Me: 200

Congrats: 200

OH, Please: 200

Evil Scheme: 200

Cower: 200

Sorrow: 200

Tantrum: 200

Watch Your Back: 200

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Emote prices
WTF. The two I want are the two that are $5 each? I figured they would be a blanket price not have premium priced ones. Lame.

Plus all IB armor is 280. Didn't they learn last time that having that level of gear was shit? Even if it was 290 armor or something, just at least somewhat better than standard vendor crap. Ugh.

WTF. The two I want are the two that are $5 each? I figured they would be a blanket price not have premium priced ones. Lame.

Plus all IB armor is 280. Didn't they learn last time that having that level of gear was shit? Even if it was 290 armor or something, just at least somewhat better than standard vendor crap. Ugh.
All vendor gear is 280 no?

Considering the infuse mechanic is in the game now there's really no reason to complain unless you were expecting 310 gear lol. The perks are more important imo.

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I think I might be ok with the armor and weapons being 280 because that makes it easy to not prioritize Iron Banner.  Only reason I played it during HoW was to get etheric light which I never ended up using anyways.  Might just do my normal weekly stuff and see if I have time/interest in IB come the weekend when the progression will be quicker.

All vendor gear is 280 no?

Considering the infuse mechanic is in the game now there's really no reason to complain unless you were expecting 310 gear lol. The perks are more important imo.
I totally agree that perks make or break the armor but infusing to Raid level gear is a pain in the ass. I was hoping it would be at least 290 to give us a little jump start on the infusing. I of course was not expecting 310 but I was hoping they would be slightly better than the general vendor gear because they even said last time around that they understood that having low level IB gear was a deterrent and that was why they gave us Raid equivalent gear. Like I said I am not expecting Raid equivalent already at this point but I was hoping for at least not vendor level.


I won't be on until later but can we equip more emotes or is it still limited to just the one slot?

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Yup, BS pricing... $10 for the two I'd want to have.  The rest are throw-aways that should have been sold in a 5-pack for $1

The IB gear doesn't bug me as much since we can infuse it.

Does anybody know why I had 400 in silver in my account already. It did say I purchased it as soon as I got to the tower which I did not.

Everyone gets 400 free silver, enough for two of the blue emotes. I picked /sorrow and /pumpedup. There are some pretty good ones!

The legendary dance one is amazing, but not paying extra for it. :)

I thought they had been starting iron banner later since HoW dropped to discourage people from grabbing all the gear right at reset? I haven't played it in months though so not sure about that. Odd that they haven't at least updated the Iron Banner page on either. Seems like it should be a bigger deal than just getting a mention in the weekly update a couple weeks ago and then a mention on twitter. Do we even know what the weapons and armor will drop at? If these are all under 300 (or even base 280/290 drops) tell me why I should bother playing again?

Thanks for that loot table. Only getting the (chest/arms/legs) armor drops at one place stinks. I think I realized that was how the drops were but was in denial up until now.
They did that a while ago so people wouldn't double dip but apparently people still were able to do it with the 10am thing too. The way to fix that would be to reset progress before IB starts. There's no need for your rep to stay after the end of IB. But no, as usual with Bungie instead of a common sense fix, they bludgeon it.

And yeah, it sucks that all the armor drops at a boss that almost never drops anything at all (for me, anyway). Same with all the special/heavies at War Priest who is even worse for drops. Those ghost shells and class items drop like crazy for me though :roll:.

It's weird that they didn't update the site, but they announced yesterday that everything would be deployed with the new patch on Twitter (and not everyone uses Twitter).
Yeah, I don't do Twitter - enough crap for me to check regularly. It should be on the damn web site.

WTF. The two I want are the two that are $5 each? I figured they would be a blanket price not have premium priced ones. Lame.

Plus all IB armor is 280. Didn't they learn last time that having that level of gear was shit? Even if it was 290 armor or something, just at least somewhat better than standard vendor crap. Ugh.
I knew there would be variable pricing when they said you could buy "1 or 2" emotes with your free Silver. And I was spot on with the $5 - though I'm certainly glad they all aren't $5. If I can get 2 "cheap" emotes with my freebie Silver and you can only equip one at a time anyway (is this still a thing?) then I'm fine with that.

All vendor gear is 280 no?

Considering the infuse mechanic is in the game now there's really no reason to complain unless you were expecting 310 gear lol. The perks are more important imo.
I would have thought it would be a random roll, at least for the armor that drops - maybe it still is? I mean armor from Vendor rank-up packages is randomly rolled. I just really hope Trials gear is similar - no need for those bastards who breeze through to the Lighthouse to get cheap and easy 310 gear and get further ahead! At the very least it should be randomly 300-310 like the Raid gear.

Interesting info about re-rolling exotics. I have some 310's that don't have the greatest perks (like melee energy instead of health on orb pickup) and would be interested in re-rolling them. But resetting their progress is a pain - it took a long time to max those out.

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bread's done