Official Coffin Support Group - Is your 360 Dead? Post Here.

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[quote name='hurley7715']quick question, im considering buying a 360 this week... so i was wondering where is the best place to buy it in terms of warranty? seems like best buy is hit or miss with their prp. When/If my 360 breaks I want to be able to swap in store, rather than go through microsoft.

any help would be appreaciated, thanks[/QUOTE]
Got an automated UPS call today saying that the delivery would be attempted tomorrow at anytime from like 8:00AM to 7:00PM. I can't wait to get my Halo 3 on... though I would be absolutely devastated if I get back a non functioning system.
Mine came back...refurb after they told me that I would get mine back. SOOOO ANGRY!!! Seems quieter, but the manufacture date is only 3 weeks newer than my original launch console (11-21-05). And the graphics don't seem as nice. Maybe playing the PS3 has spoiled me?

Now to play it like gangbusters so it will break and hopefully get a newer one.
I'm wondering whether they replace the S/N on the refurbs they send out. I bet a CAG has my original system (I took great care of it...just crappy manufacturing).
Well, I got back my new refurb today. My original 360 had a failing video card output and would freeze up depending on how much 3D was in a game.

The unit they sent me was from Dec 2005, though MS support swears that this one has new internals. Just get me through January, then fail so I can swap out under warranty, that's all I ask.
so if i get a 360 at eb, and get the 1 year extended warranty, and 10 months from now it dies, and i swap a new one at eb games through the warranty, is it possible that i will have a whole new year warranty from microsoft on the new unit i get?
A friend of mine just received his repaired unit from MS and it contained a 12 month XBox Live Subscription card for the inconvenience. This was his 3rd unit to have repaired.

Has anyone else received a 12 month card?
My 360 died a few days ago from a Halo 3 beta/Crackdown overheat K.O. attack. I called up Microsoft the day after and was told I was out of warranty and had to pay the fee (minus the 25% they knocked off rather quickly). I told them I would call them back and did today using my reference number. After explaining how it was utter BS that my pre-2006 console wouldn't get a free repair, the rep told me that I was under warranty and there was no reason I should dispute the service. Now, my coffin is being carefully placed into the hands of UPS and shipped out to sunny California.

How I love and loathe thee, Microsoft.
My 360 was sent on it's way today. It has some distinguishing blemishes, so I'll know if I get mine back or a refurb. It didn't red ring, but the dvd drive is acting up, so I'm hoping they'll just replace the drive. I guess we'll see.
Refurb I got back on the 29th already is crapping out, eating disc, burnout got off lightly, Call of Duty 3 has a huge ring around it now. Funny I wasn't that upset about it until I had to sit through the phone rep saying 20 times to cover their ass oh Microsoft does not design a console to scratch discs.
Ugh...they mailed 'my' console to my parents house instead of my would think since the box came to my house so would the console..
Got mine from UPS today..
I'm pissed because my original system had a build date of like July 2006, and this one they sent me is november 2005..
Anyway I tried Crackdown for like 30 minutes so far.. and it seems to be wrking good.. Hopefully this will last and I won't be on my 3rd system..
OK, just ended up getting my 3 red rings and just got off the phone with some lady I could barely understand who informed me that I would be paying $140 if I wanted to go through with fixing the system (it's a launch console). I ended up saying i'd think about it, but was wondering if anyone here has been able to get this fee waved or reduced? It seems ridiculous to me that after keeping this system in perfect condition for 1.5 years that the burden of paying for defective hardware should fall upon me. If I have to pay the $140 to get it fixed, i'd have to say that starting fresh with an elite is looking a lot more tempting than going through several refurbs like many others in this thread seem to have done. Any advice on what I should do would be most appreciated
My december-purchased 360 went red-ring today. Manufactured in august of 06, it survived just under 6 months. Should get my coffin in the mail by weeks end, and we'll see from there.

Error code 0102. After my first 360 died in 2 days, I can't believe this second one died so soon as well. Starting to wish I just waited another year and got a ps3 instead.

The girl on the phone got confused when I asked how long my warranty will be when I get it back. Does anyone know if they add on another year, or if they simply give you a 3-month? She said it is normally 3 unless you warranty goes longer.
[quote name='bobbyblane']OK, just ended up getting my 3 red rings and just got off the phone with some lady I could barely understand who informed me that I would be paying $140 if I wanted to go through with fixing the system (it's a launch console). I ended up saying i'd think about it, but was wondering if anyone here has been able to get this fee waved or reduced? It seems ridiculous to me that after keeping this system in perfect condition for 1.5 years that the burden of paying for defective hardware should fall upon me. If I have to pay the $140 to get it fixed, i'd have to say that starting fresh with an elite is looking a lot more tempting than going through several refurbs like many others in this thread seem to have done. Any advice on what I should do would be most appreciated[/quote]
Yes, if you complain enough and say how good of a customer you are they'll usually give you a 20%+ discount.
Got my console back Friday, without the power brick I was told to send in for repairs. I call up and as kindly as possible say "WTF MATE" and get told by someone its their standard operating procedure to not send both consoles and accessories in the same shipment, and they sent my console UPS and the power brick normal USPS snail mail, and that I will not recieve it until sometime next week. To say I am unhappy with the service is a huge understatement at this point. Its been a horrible ordeal over the last month which is guarenteeing I will never, ever, buy another MS console.
Well, you might as well put me down as a member of the club because my 360 died last night. I was playing Splinter Cell and out of nowhere, the colors start getting messed up, then the game freezes. So, I unplugged the AV cables, plug them back in, and start the console back up. I wanted to make sure it was the game disc, so I removed that too.

Well, once I started it up, I could tell it was not the game disc or loose cables. The colors on XBL were all messed up, so I figured my video card was fried.

To my surprise, the agent I spoke with wasn't half-bad. He went through the usual troubleshooting, which I already did, and confirmed that it's probably the video card that needs to be replaced. I also let him know my DVD drive is as loud as Boeing 747, so they'd take a look at that as well.
I dodged a bullet this weekend. I was playing NHL 07 when my game froze up, and I got 3 red lights on my 360. I completely freaked out. Unplugged the power cord from the outlet, turned the system back on and got the red lights again. I then unplugged the brink from the back of my 360, plugged it back in and switched on the 360. No more red lights since then.
[quote name='3kingdoms']Wait there are this many defects on just one message board?[/QUOTE]

When I went to the UPS store to drop off my coffin the guy looked at the plain no logo white box for 2 seconds before going oh sending in a 360 eh? Told me they had ten more in the back............. from just that day.
What a joke this is. I wish the gaming media (or any) would put MS's ass to the fire about this. They ask about it and let MS get away with some lame bullshit PR responce instead of following up and pinning them down. Notice you have NEVER seen any thread 10% as long as this one about a horrible build quality for any other console ever made. Great games and MS are going to ruin any goodwill with their responce to their most dedicated fans. See how many of these early adopters will be so quick to buy the next MS console after the treatment they got with this one.
[quote name='coolsteel']When I went to the UPS store to drop off my coffin the guy looked at the plain no logo white box for 2 seconds before going oh sending in a 360 eh? Told me they had ten more in the back............. from just that day.[/quote]

UPS must love MS. I wonder how much they've made off of this.
[quote name='Surferflames']The girl on the phone got confused when I asked how long my warranty will be when I get it back. Does anyone know if they add on another year, or if they simply give you a 3-month? She said it is normally 3 unless you warranty goes longer.[/quote]

Standard policy is a year now. I was told by a sort-of-english speaking chap that the console I received in January would be covered until the original one went out, then another year would be added for the new console. Of course, I'm chalking that up to diarrhea of the mouth, but if this one dies, i'm mentioning it to them.
Well I just got off the phone and got my coffin ordered. They were pretty quick in supplying me with the 25% discount, and $105ish wasn't too hard to stomach. Thanks to those who mentioned the discount, I never would have thought to ask for it. Does anyone know if the year warranty starts on the date of payment or when you actually get the repaired console?
Just booted up my 360 to play gears of war...and froze 3 times in a row...booted up once more and got the red ring.

This is my second 360 and it's really pissing me off.
So how long does it take to receive your coffin? Do you they use UPS Express or 2-Day shipping for transporting the 360 to/from the owner's address? UPS Ground isn't too bad, but 1-day or 2-day would be a nice touch.

Also, the rep told me I will be getting a 1-Month XBL Gold card with my fixed console. Not sure if that's standard or what, but if you call in, make sure you get something free!
For those of you that have gotten their fixed recently... How do you proove when you bought it? I don't have a receipt and the manufacture date on mine is 5/24/06. Am I still going to be able to get mine repaired for free?
They should be able to see when the console was purchased by looking up the serial number (even though they still ask). Assuming you bought it in June or later, just tell the truth, because you're probably covered.
[quote name='Dingleberry']For those of you that have gotten their fixed recently... How do you proove when you bought it? I don't have a receipt and the manufacture date on mine is 5/24/06. Am I still going to be able to get mine repaired for free?[/quote]

If you registered yoru console, that could be a good starting point for you arguing when you bought it. I decided to keep my 2005 model when i made an exchange at WalMart. Went from an 2006 to a 2005 model which is BS, but with the number of problems with the consoles, its only a matter of time before a lawsuit is brought up.
fuck yes! I just called the 1-800-4myxbox and it only took like 15 minutes and it was over. He was very upfront and pushing that they will fix it for free and that they'd send me my coffin for free.

This is very relieving considering the headache i had last september before they changed their policies.

**EDIT** They also made sure I knew that they were giving me a free month of live along with it. I didn't even have to ask for it.
How long does it take to get a coffin? I called it in last Wednesday night and the guy said 3-4 business days. Now its Thursday and I'm just wondering how long this whole process is going to take...
[quote name='Nilbog']How long does it take to get a coffin? I called it in last Wednesday night and the guy said 3-4 business days. Now its Thursday and I'm just wondering how long this whole process is going to take...[/quote]

Call again if you don't get it by Saturday night
[quote name='Scorch']Call again if you don't get it by Saturday night[/quote]

I called Sunday to get my box, and as of today it didn't arrive. So I called up Customer Support, and for whatever reason (they didn't tell me why) my first order was fucked up, so they have to re-send the box. :bomb:

Tack on another 4 days to my wait. Let's hope they actually send the box this time! If I could, I would have just sent it at my own expense, but if it got damanged on the way, I'm sure I would have been screwed.

Here's to hoping I'll be playing again by July!
[quote name='Dingleberry']
**EDIT** They also made sure I knew that they were giving me a free month of live along with it. I didn't even have to ask for it.[/QUOTE]

Sweet. Did you tell 'em thank you for the $4?
Add another name to the list. My console (manufactured 12/09/05) finally up and died. The sad part is I did everything possible to try to prevent this from happening. I kept it in a well ventilated area, I always kept a large fan on it blowing cool air at the intake side, and the saddest of all, I hardly ever played the bloody thing. I would estimate less than 500 hours total play time. I own every major console made in the last 20 years and this is the first to die on me. Sure, the cd drive in my launch PS1 wore out after 6 years, and the headphone jack on my Genesis broke after 10 years but there is no excuse for this. This is just poor hardware design on M$'s part. Very poor.

[quote name='Walt Jay']I called Sunday to get my box, and as of today it didn't arrive. So I called up Customer Support, and for whatever reason (they didn't tell me why) my first order was fucked up, so they have to re-send the box. :bomb:

Tack on another 4 days to my wait. Let's hope they actually send the box this time! If I could, I would have just sent it at my own expense, but if it got damanged on the way, I'm sure I would have been screwed.

Here's to hoping I'll be playing again by July![/quote]

Great..I called saturday so I guess I better call them back in the morning since I haven't gotten my box yet either. If they fucked up I am bitching until i get overnight both ways..
[quote name='Havoc1701']Add another name to the list. My console (manufactured 12/09/05) finally up and died. The sad part is I did everything possible to try to prevent this from happening. I kept it in a well ventilated area, I always kept a large fan on it blowing cool air at the intake side, and the saddest of all, I hardly ever played the bloody thing. I would estimate less than 500 hours total play time. I own every major console made in the last 20 years and this is the first to die on me. Sure, the cd drive in my launch PS1 wore out after 6 years, and the headphone jack on my Genesis broke after 10 years but there is no excuse for this. This is just poor hardware design on M$'s part. Very poor.


Yeah, i really think we'll see some lawsuits being brought up this year pretaining to the failure rate of the 360. Whether it be a DVD drive, or the video card, these should not be failing in huge numbers.
Well, I got a call earlier today from UPS (automated message) saying to be home expecting a package tomorrow. The only thing that can imagine it being is my xbox, which would be massive turnaround time, as MS just received the thing a few days ago.

If it is the 360, it tells me it's a refurb. They would have had to ship it out as soon as the other one arrived. :/
[quote name='Surferflames']Great..I called saturday so I guess I better call them back in the morning since I haven't gotten my box yet either. If they fucked up I am bitching until i get overnight both ways..[/quote]

Do they actually upgrade the shipping to overnight, or even have the ability to? If I knew it'd be this long, I would have shipping my 360 overnight at my own expense just to get it over with. I'll call back this afternoon to see if my box went out yesterday.
It showed up today with one hell of a turnaround. They received mine on the 4th, I received the replacement today, the 8th. As an added bonus, the replacement I received is a month newer than the old unit.

I also got the standard 1 month XBL card, even though both my wife and I have seperate gold accounts. Oh well, let's hope this one lasts more than 8 months.
this is the 2nd time that my 360 got the lights of death on it. The first time i had to pay $160 to get it fixed. then M$ sent me a check few months down the road for that amount. As of today it got it again. They said it would cost $160 and after being on the phone telling them how this the 2nd time that it has happend to me and i don't want to pay $160 again for it. the lady said well since you already paid before you only have to pay $100 and you will get another one year warranty on it and 2 more months of xbox live all for $100. I only had the system for less then a year before it died again.
So I called in today to see if my box was mailed out. Big shocker, it was not. The rep did inform me that I could send it in at my own expense. With the rumors of a box shortage and 5 days wasted already, I'm going to overnight it from work. At this point, I'd rather just pay to ship it, which probably will be $8 to $10 max (corporate discount FTW!), then sit around waiting for this magical box to appear. Hopefully this will help speed the whole process up.

I wish I knew about this option last Sunday. I would have shipped it on the 4th and my console would be on its way back by now.
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