Official Collector's Edition Compilation X - 2019

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Official Collector's Edition

Compilation X - 2019

Includes Books, Consoles, Controllers, Games, Miscellaneous, & Steelbooks

Anthology Index: 

Deals: (Updated 03/25/19)
  • Nintendo LABO Kits  :switch: - $18-21 (In-Store Target YMMV)
  • Valkyria Chronicles 4: Memoirs of Battle Edition  :ps4: - $41.65 (Amazon)
  • Yakuza 6: The Song of Life Essence of Art Edition   :ps4: - $26.99 (Amazon)

  • What is this thread? A massive collection of limited edition games & other attributing items, included with links. 
  • Why put it all in one thread? More traffic due to collaborating interests.
  • Why is that important? This keeps the thread popular and doesn't risk a failed CE from falling through the cracks unnoticed. 
  • What can be discussed here? Anything relevant to what is posted.
  • Why make another CE compilation? Karma. 
  • Where are the big pictures? Still here, scroll down. Due to the increased number of CEs, a preface post is needed. 
  • When is the Final Fantasy VII CE? Not announced. Granted, IF it does, you can bet I will devote an entire page to it. 
  • What about other CEs that have been announced? Give me a minute. It takes a bit of time to format the title, price, date, & retailer links in correctly.

Old Official Collector's Edition Compilations

IX - 2018

VIII - 2017 & 2018

VII - 2017

VI - 2016 & 2017

V - 2016

IV - 2015 & 2016

III - 2014 & 2015

II - 2013 & 2014

I - 2011, 2012, & 2013

  • (OOS) = Out of Stock
  • CE = Collector's Edition Game
  • LE = Limited Edition
  • BK = Strategy Guide, Art Book, and/or Lore Book
  • SB = Steelbook
  • CC = Console and/or Controller
  • MC = Miscellaneous
  • Anything linked means it exists. If not it hasn't been announced yet.

Major Retailers: 
Patch Notes: (Updated 03/25/19)
03/25/19 - Version 1.8

  • Added:
  • [BK] Arcade Game Typography: The Art of Pixel Type: [Amazon]
  • [BK] Neon Genesis Evangelion Art Collection: [Amazon]
  • [BK] Overwatch: The Official Cookbook: [Amazon]
  • [BK] Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice: [Amazon]
  • [BK] The Art of Cuphead: [Amazon]
  • [BK] The Art of Diablo: [Amazon]
  • [BK] The Art of Hearthstone: Year of the Kraken: [Amazon]
  • [BK] The Art of Rage 2: [AmazonBethesda]
  • [BK] The Art of Super Mario Odyssey: [Amazon]
  • [BK] The Cinematic Art of World of Warcraft Volume 1: [Amazon]
  • [CC] Xbox One Phantom White Controller: [AmazonBest Buy]
  • [LE] A.I.: The Somnium Files: [Amazon]
  • [LE] Crystar: [Amazon]
  • [LE] Fire Emblem: Three Houses: [Amazon]
  • [MC] Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04: VR Kit: [AmazonBest Buy]
  • Deals:
  • Nintendo LABO Kits  :switch: - $18-21 (In-Store Target YMMV)
  • Fixed:
  • SNK 40th Anniversary Collection Limited Edition Image
  • The Princess Guide Limited Edition Image
  • Total War: 3 Kingdoms Collector's Edition Image
  • Updated:
  • The Caligula Effect: Overdose release date 03/12/19.
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Limited Edition release date 03/26/19
  • The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II Limited Edition release date 05/07/19

01/31/19 - Version 1.7

01/30/19 - Version 1.6

  • Added:
  • [SB] MLB The Show: [Gamestop]
  • [LE] Catherine: Full Body: [Play-Asia]
  • [LE] The Division 2: [GAME]
  • [LE] Total War: Three Kingdoms: [GAME]
  • [CE] Total War: Three Kingdoms: [Creative Assembly]
  • Deals:
  • Fixed:
  • Updated:
  • Division 2 Steelbooks updated to 03/15

01/29/19 - Version 1.5

01/28/19 - Version 1.4

01/27/19 - Version 1.3

  • Added:
  • [CE]JP Ace Combat 7 - [Play-Asia]
  • [CE]JP Code Vein [Play-Asia]
  • [CE]EU Code Vein [GAME]
  • [CE]NA  Tales of Vesperia - [Bandai Namco]
  • Deals:
  • Fixed:
  • Updated:

01/25/19 - Version 1.2

  • Added:
  • [SBThe Division 2 [Gamestop] 
  • [LE] Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - [EB Games AU]
  • [CEThe World of Tanks - [Amazon]
  • [CCKingdom Hearts III - [Amazon JP]
  • Deals:
  • Fixed:
  • Updated:
  • TBA to 03/26/19 - [CEGeneration Zero: [Amazon]

01/22/19 - Version 1.1

  • Added:
  • Hyperlinks to the Anthology Index in OP.
  • Hyperlink to the IXth thread in Graveyard in OP.
  • Crackdown 3 [SB] - [Best Buy]
  • Dead or Alive 6 [SB] - [Gamestop]
  • MLB The Show [CE- [Gamestop]
  • Deals:
  • Valkyrie Chronicles 4: Memoirs from Battle Edition - $49.22 (Amazon)
  • Fixed:
  • Updated:

01/20/19 - Version 1.0

  • Added:
  • The Thread
  • Deals:
  • Yakuza 6: The Song of Life Essence of Art Edition
  • Fixed:
  • Updated:

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Luckily enough nothing they share the same DVD lock and region free on games.
I think you mean they share the same region on Blu-rays. You wouldn't be able to play a North American DVD on a Japanese PS4 as the region coding is different for those.

Random question, if I get a PAL version of a game, I won’t be able to use any dlc from the NA ps store with it right? Or a dlc that came with a NA version of the game
That's correct. If you're on PS3/PS4 you can make an account in that region and purchase the EU version of the DLC but still play the game with your US account, but on Vita you're out of luck since it only supports one account.

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I'd maybe jump on that Persona CE...  but I lost my MM LE N3DSXL along with one of my LE Fire Emblem games and some Prada sunglasses, so now I don't want to buy another 3DS or designer sunglasses.

In better news, I got my ToV CE from Germany yesterday, very happy with it.  Might start the game after I beat RE2, has any of the major sites reviewed it yet?

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Dumb question but when your BB Elite is up thought someone said you would get code for extra discount before it expired mines done in 2 weeks? Do they email you that extra offer or did they stop doing that?

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Dumb question but when your BB Elite is up thought someone said you would get code for extra discount before it expired mines done in 2 weeks? Do they email you that extra offer or did they stop doing that?
You get a code if you GCU is up, elite status lapsing gets you nothing afaik

Random question, if I get a PAL version of a game, I won’t be able to use any dlc from the NA ps store with it right? Or a dlc that came with a NA version of the game
Correct. For example I had to create a UK PSN account to get the free DLC from Tales of Vesperia to work on my European copy.
I'd maybe jump on that Persona CE... but I lost my MM LE N3DSXL along with one of my LE Fire Emblem games and some Prada sunglasses, so now I don't want to buy another 3DS or designer sunglasses.

In better news, I got my ToV CE from Germany yesterday, very happy with it. Might start the game after I beat RE2, has any of the major sites reviewed it yet?
Easy Allies is the only one I’m aware of.
People dont care about prices. Shit sellouts all the time. Could be 399 and it would be soldout.

I cancelled Anthem because the demo was pretty dull.  Best Buy still says my steelbook is pre-ordered for free. Is that common or will it drop off before release?

I cancelled Anthem because the demo was pretty dull. Best Buy still says my steelbook is pre-ordered for free. Is that common or will it drop off before release?
Seems like that is the norm. Buddy cancelled his RE2 since he bought it for PC and he still had the Steelbook ready for pickup the day the game came out lol. He picked it up no issues.

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Finally got around to playing ToV DE...  not impressed.  It's nice that they finally released this for other consoles here in the US with the added content, but this is definitely (or is it definitively?) an upscale...  they could have just made the 360 version BC and I am sure it would look exactly the same.  Still... not mad I bought it.  Sold my 360 CE for like $100 when this was announced and was able to get the German CE for $75, so I look at it as a free upgrade, as minor as it may be.  At least the CE itself is better compared to the 360 one which just had a 1 disc OST and steelbook.  I might replay it some day but right now RE2 and P4G is getting most of my time as far as remakes/remasters go.

I cancelled Anthem because the demo was pretty dull. Best Buy still says my steelbook is pre-ordered for free. Is that common or will it drop off before release?
My experience is it would change to whatever they price it at once it's picked up since the game was canceled. Not saying that will be your case, they seem to handle this differently every time. Just beware the price doesn't go up to $10 at the register or upon shipping.

As for Anthem, the public demo ironically went smoother than "VIP" and we played the few short missions available in a private game to our satisfaction. Game was far more enjoyable without all the issues (SURPRISE) and while the story and characters are shit (we don't care lol) the core gameplay was solid enough to have us interested in playing. That said, if this is really supposed to be a Hail Mary for Bioware, they'll be through faster than Ram's offense in the fourth quarter. The game is by all standards mediocre and I'm betting it's just because we've never played Destiny or Division, or any of these looter shooters since Borderlands that we're even interested. To anyone facing genre fatigue, this game is probably years too late.

I cancelled Anthem because the demo was pretty dull. Best Buy still says my steelbook is pre-ordered for free. Is that common or will it drop off before release?
Thinking of doing the same thing but will I get my GC amount back? I thought I remembered those just disappear unfortunately. Anyone here know?

Thinking of doing the same thing but will I get my GC amount back? I thought I remembered those just disappear unfortunately. Anyone here know?
Any reward certificates that were used should be refunded to the account, usually happens pretty quickly as well in my experience.

Thinking of doing the same thing but will I get my GC amount back? I thought I remembered those just disappear unfortunately. Anyone here know?
I believe if you return by shipping back to them, they refund the gift card amount in the form of rewards points. i haven't used a BBY GC in years though so I don't know that 100%. If you return in store though, if you don't have the GC anymore they put the amount on a new GC. I remember that happened for me

I believe if you return by shipping back to them, they refund the gift card amount in the form of rewards points. i haven't used a BBY GC in years though so I don't know that 100%. If you return in store though, if you don't have the GC anymore they put the amount on a new GC. I remember that happened for me
I only return stuff in store because I don't have time/patience to make sure I get refunded. They will give you a new gift card if you ask as said above.
Metro exodus is out on 15th. Debating picking up the Aurora limited edition.
Predictions on this edition getting clearanced?
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Metro exodus is out on 15th. Debating picking up the Aurora limited edition.
Predictions on this edition getting clearanced?
I highly doubt it personally. Metro isn't a big enough title for them to make a crazy amount of these like they do with other games. I think it's really cool and I'm glad to support the dev, for mine pre-ordered for launch! Along with Far Cry New Dawn and Crackdown 3. Man busy day next Friday.

For some reason I can't post a pic - do people still play FF: XIV - The statue is cool at least.
I haven't in over 3 years now I think? I wish that had been the first expansion though as it looks badass -- I agree. They fucked up Bard so bad I just outright quit after trying to make it work for a couple months. Almost all my Bard friends either went Engi or just quit as well. It was a massive misstep TBH.

Jump force ultimate edition isn’t available for pre order at bb or gs anymore. Wonder if it just sold out this month. N I hope it’s not rare

For some reason I can't post a pic - do people still play FF: XIV - The statue is cool at least.

Was anyone able to pre-order Shadowbringer before the site crashed?
Edit: Nvm order, seems like order is just being process slow.

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Finally got around to playing ToV DE... not impressed. It's nice that they finally released this for other consoles here in the US with the added content, but this is definitely (or is it definitively?) an upscale... they could have just made the 360 version BC and I am sure it would look exactly the same. Still... not mad I bought it. Sold my 360 CE for like $100 when this was announced and was able to get the German CE for $75, so I look at it as a free upgrade, as minor as it may be. At least the CE itself is better compared to the 360 one which just had a 1 disc OST and steelbook. I might replay it some day but right now RE2 and P4G is getting most of my time as far as remakes/remasters go.
If you redeemed the code inside the 360 CE on the BN website within a year of release, you got Vol. 2 & 3 of the soundtrack mailed to you for free.
Two copies of ToV were delivered from in the thinnest cardboard burrito I’ve ever seen. Of course, after a trip across the Atlantic and most of the US one of the game boxes was smashed and creased on all edges. Amazingly the other one came out unscathed. Now I have to figure out if it will be worth dealing with German customer service. Sprechen Sie English, bitte?
Shortly after release the deluxe came back in stock everywhere, amazon still has SC6 deluxe on PS4 and Xbox available. Amazon also still has the jump force CE in stock
Maybe with AZ/BB, but not GS, Walmart, or Target in my experience, except for two returns on XB1 Deluxe at one STL location.
Two copies of ToV were delivered from in the thinnest cardboard burrito I’ve ever seen. Of course, after a trip across the Atlantic and most of the US one of the game boxes was smashed and creased on all edges. Amazingly the other one came out unscathed. Now I have to figure out if it will be worth dealing with German customer service. Sprechen Sie English, bitte?
Sorry to hear that. I'm curious how that works out. I've ordered from recently and so far have been lucky but would like to know what happens if I'm in a similar situation.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
You have to pay to ship it back, then they refund you the shipping cost.

Told this story before. Had to ship back The Hobbit steelbooks because they slapped a label on it without even putting it in a box. I thought I had a picture, but I can't find it.

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Sorry to hear that. I'm curious how that works out. I've ordered from recently and so far have been lucky but would like to know what happens if I'm in a similar situation.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk is total shit. Had a few boxed games come in from them recently and they were all stuffed in a box way too small with 0 packing materials so everything was crushed to shit. It's a strait up gamble buying anything from them just like shitty amazon in the US.

just prordred Fate/EXTELLA Link - Fleeting Glory Limited Edition for switch on amazon after get my free amazon giftcards from doing aome surveys that gave out amazon credit as insensitive for doing them  

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