Official Collector's Edition Compilation XII - 2021


Official Collector's Edition
Compilation XII - 2021

Includes Books, Consoles, Controllers, Games, Miscellaneous, & Steelbooks

Anthology Index: 
  1. The Everything List
  2. Collector's Edition Games - January to March
  3. Collector's Edition Games - April to June
  4. Collector's Edition Games - July to September
  5. Collector's Edition Games - October to December
  6. Collector Edition Games - TBA to 2022
  7. Extra Space

Deals: (Updated 12/14/20)

  • What is this thread? A massive collection of limited edition games & other attributing items, included with links. 
  • Why put it all in one thread? More traffic due to collaborating interests.
  • Why is that important? This keeps the thread popular and doesn't risk a failed CE from falling through the cracks unnoticed. 
  • What can be discussed here? Anything relevant to what is posted.
  • Why make another CE compilation? Karma. 
  • Where are the big pictures? Still here, scroll down. Due to the increased number of CEs, a preface post is needed. 
  • When is the Final Fantasy XVI CE? Not announced. Granted, IF it does, you can bet I will devote an entire page to it. 
  • What about other CEs that have been announced? Give me a minute. It takes a bit of time to format the title, price, date, & retailer links in correctly.
  • What about the Book/Steelbook/Console/Misc. Picture Posts? I condensed the thread. Not necessary to include pictures for all those items. They will still be included in the Everything List post. 

Old Official Collector's Edition Compilations

XI - 2020

X - 2019

IX - 2018

VIII - 2017 & 2018

VII - 2017

VI - 2016 & 2017

V - 2016

IV - 2015 & 2016

III - 2014 & 2015

II - 2013 & 2014

I - 2011, 2012, & 2013

  • (OOS) = Out of Stock
  • CE = Collector's Edition Game
  • LE = Limited Edition
  • BK = Strategy Guide, Art Book, and/or Lore Book
  • SB = Steelbook
  • CC = Console and/or Controller
  • MC = Miscellaneous
  • Anything linked means it exists. If not it hasn't been announced yet.

Major Retailers: 
Patch Notes: (Updated 12/18/20)
12/18/20 - Version 1.2

  • Added:
  • [CE] Fallen Legion: Revenants: [NISA]
  • [LE] Theme Park Simulator: [Amazon UK]
  • Deals:
  • Fixed:
  • Updated:
12/17/20 - Version 1.1

  • Added:
  • [CE] Bloodlines 2: [Paradox]
  • [CE] Terminator: Resistance[TBA]
  • [CE] Ys Ix: Monstrum Nox: [NISA]
  • Deals:
  • Fixed:
  • Updated: 
12/14/20 - Version 1.0

  • Added:
  • Official Collector's Edition Compilation XII - 2021
  • Deals:
  • Fixed:
  • Updated: 
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fuck... I wish I could have gotten in on this. I went to 3 diff GS to find one that was just kind of fucked up but still just looked awful overall. I imported the EU Amazon Germany exclusive bundle for like $150, and they shipped it in a paper mailer and it arrived beyond fucked up. Finally paid like $80 on eBay for a semi-decent one.

Between this and the BBY Rebirth SBs, there had to have been a reprint of these SBs...

Was it a bonus only for the standard edition? I preorder the 1st Class Edition there and didn't get one.
It came with Intergrade only on the SE Store, not with the original FF7 Remake release.
Wario is incorrect on this, I got mine from the SE Store. I still have my archived email from them that has it in my order details. I remember thinking about cancelling my order from them because they charged for shipping, but deciding to keep it figuring they would ship the steelbook better than Gamestop would. I don't remember what they shipped it in at the time, but I got my steelbook from them with zero damage.

Expedition 33 CE $150. The same as the other $70 Lumiere edition, except this has a resin music box. IMO an easy pass, you're essentially paying $80 for the music box.

Really running out of room for CEs, so I've been much more selective lately. Plus the Lumiere edition has way better value. Only $20 more than the standard and you get a lot more.

Doom: The Dark Ages CE. Gonna pass on this one.
I've all but decided I will need to get a statue of Dark Age Slayer, but not sure this will be the one. When I go all in on a statue, I budget $4-500 for a premium one so I think I'll wait.
It's too bad these Bandai Namco CEs are always $200-$300. I ignore the lot of them. But it's good to see that the market is rejecting pretty much all of them these days too.

You can tell that the sales of new release collector's editions are down across the board, outside of truly special releases. No idea why everything had to become fan gouging.
bread's done