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[quote name='Mookyjooky']I dunno.....a "Dreamcasters Realm" clan....? What the fu(k is that about? If the Deadcast, "It's sinking" is so tits....why are you playing Xbox? Shouldnt you be kicking out some 2d fighting? Or some 2d Shooting? Maybe a 2d puzzle game?

I love the Dreamcast as well....but you're as unwanted as a geek in a Gandolf suit at a Star Trek Convention....

People who leave CAG, for Dreamcaster Realm.....should stay the fu(k out... Bad enough you get free advertisements for a site where 1/2 the links are dead.[/quote]

Remind me to get you to lick my anus later, bro. :roll:
[quote name='sj41'][quote name='Mookyjooky']I dunno.....a "Dreamcasters Realm" clan....? What the fu(k is that about? If the Deadcast, "It's sinking" is so tits....why are you playing Xbox? Shouldnt you be kicking out some 2d fighting? Or some 2d Shooting? Maybe a 2d puzzle game?

I love the Dreamcast as well....but you're as unwanted as a geek in a Gandolf suit at a Star Trek Convention....

People who leave CAG, for Dreamcaster Realm.....should stay the fu(k out... Bad enough you get free advertisements for a site where 1/2 the links are dead.[/quote]You need to shaq-fu off. Understand? I'm not coming back to the CAG clan due to assholes like you. I realize that you guys don't need me since better players (over 16) are already in the clan and are on constantly.

"but you're as unwanted as a geek in a Gandolf suit at a Star Trek Convention

People who leave CAG, for Dreamcaster Realm.....should stay the fu(k out"

If you're talking to me, then what the shaq-fu are you talking about? I know I'm not wanted in this clan. I'M NOT JOINING BACK! Is that good enough for you, asshole?

I'm not going to play against you guys. The Realm clan is gone. Nothing left. jlarlee and Stealthy Seal left, 4 guys that I had brought into the clan apparantly got booted somehow, and I'm one of the few that will probally try to keep The Realm clan going.

Mooky, I thank you for helping others with your tips (which were very helpful) but you need to shut the shaq-fu up. I don't need you picking at a site that I like very much.

I'll play a 1 on 1 game with you for slayer. I'm not very good, so I'll obviously not win, but if you "wanna make you my needler cushions and rape the bodies", then that's fine. I'll play later today.[/quote]

Oh ye of little faith. The Realm is far from dead. We still have about 11 members, and we still have some very good players.

I'd put Unity against anyone in the CAG clan.
[quote name='murcielago77'][quote name='Grave_Addiction']I'd put Unity against any of your guys.[/quote]

Ok bam its on, Arikado vs Unity: 1 vs 1 on Asenscion[/quote]

Naw it needs to be done best out of 3 on a collection of maps. We all know Arikado's strength is sniping so to put him on a sniper heavy map just proves hes a better sniper. It should be done like this

Best of 3
Lockout or Ivory towers

And he isn't talking crap about his bro he is actually quite good and in Arikados class
[quote name='jlarlee'][quote name='murcielago77'][quote name='Grave_Addiction']I'd put Unity against any of your guys.[/quote]

Ok bam its on, Arikado vs Unity: 1 vs 1 on Asenscion[/quote]

Naw it needs to be done best out of 3 on a collection of maps. We all know Arikado's strength is sniping so to put him on a sniper heavy map just proves hes a better sniper. It should be done like this

Best of 3
Lockout or Ivory towers

And he isn't talking crap about his bro he is actually quite good and in Arikados class[/quote]

yea thats a good idea. Then we can have a 8 vs 8 match. Our awesome clan :wink: vs the DCR clan
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Arikado and Unity can surely play.

But how about we play Four on Four in a few minutes?[/quote]

Looks like we gotta rumble. :wink:

Me and Arikado are going to be getting a four-player team together tonite for some Team Slayer. Just send us a invite when you get your guys together.
I like Mooky's idea. The guys he listed VS. DCR.

I was hoping Mookey was mostly joking around about what he said earlier, and I'm glad he was.
[quote name='murcielago77'][quote name='jlarlee'][quote name='murcielago77'][quote name='Grave_Addiction']I'd put Unity against any of your guys.[/quote]

Ok bam its on, Arikado vs Unity: 1 vs 1 on Asenscion[/quote]

Naw it needs to be done best out of 3 on a collection of maps. We all know Arikado's strength is sniping so to put him on a sniper heavy map just proves hes a better sniper. It should be done like this

Best of 3
Lockout or Ivory towers

And he isn't talking crap about his bro he is actually quite good and in Arikados class[/quote]

yea thats a good idea. Then we can have a 8 vs 8 match. Our awesome clan :wink: vs the DCR clan[/quote]

We only have like 11 people in our clan, and most of our people are offline right now.

We'll play Four on Four.
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Do you guys have your team ready to play?

EDIT: We gotta do Team Training cause one of our players is at Unity's house.[/quote]

We'll soon have our four ready. We can't do Team Training eaither, because we can't choose to play eachother in matchmaking, you silly guy you. We ust have to make a room and play a custom game. Just send me a friend invite and I'll invite you guys to the party.
yea, my rumble stats went to one too..currently i am 3 after playin a few matches...i was only a 7 though...i herad someone who was 24 that went to one...damn...
[quote name='Grave_Addiction']Congrats fellas. You guys are pretty damn good.[/quote]

:lol: I wish I was there. I need results!

Led, are we going to lose you for a while when GW comes out?
[quote name='pimpinc333']I just wanna thank everyone for all the invites I received tonight. "Sarcasm" Thanks again.[/quote]

Hey man, relax. They could have been playing custom games and had too many people. I wasn't on tonight, so I don't know. I know if they played 4 vs. 4 with DCR, then alot of people didn't get to play. Play matchmaking and request an invite. If you don't get one, it's not a big deal. I didn't get a chance to play with Led yesterday, so I just played by myself. Not everything can go perfect at all times.
[quote name='Trakan'][quote name='pimpinc333']I just wanna thank everyone for all the invites I received tonight. "Sarcasm" Thanks again.[/quote]

Hey man, relax. They could have been playing custom games and had too many people. I wasn't on tonight, so I don't know. I know if they played 4 vs. 4 with DCR, then alot of people didn't get to play. Play matchmaking and request an invite. If you don't get one, it's not a big deal. I didn't get a chance to play with Led yesterday, so I just played by myself. Not everything can go perfect at all times.[/quote]

I spent about an hour just tooling around before I had anyone from the clan to play with. I popped on, sent a couple of messages asking for in, and after a game's time when I didn't get one, I made my own party and started to tool around the maps, doing recon.

After a bit, I went and sent invites to people. When I didn't get a response, I did more map recon and some vehicle practice.

Eventually, jugsta showed up and we did one-on-one CTF. :rofl: Sort of funny, actually.

After that game, we found a few people and went with that for a couple of hours, until we joined up with the rest of the clan.

If you don't get invites, make your own party and go do something on your own, make it open and have random people show up. Do recon, do vehicle practice, do something.

Whining about it is only your own fault. If I had a buck for every time that happened where I didn't get an invite, I'd be buying a few new Xboxes. Just go and do something.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I made a Weapon Placment Map for Waterworks....

Here it is....

Maybe this will get me out of the doghouse a little ;-)[/quote]

Thanks for the map, mooky. Quite helpful.
Hey, a quick question: How do you send text messages? Do you need a communicator? I'll be replacing my faulty (it better be faulty, it don't work!) comm. tomorrow, so yeah...thanks for any help.
[quote name='humidore']Hey, a quick question: How do you send text messages? Do you need a communicator? I'll be replacing my faulty (it better be faulty, it don't work!) comm. tomorrow, so yeah...thanks for any help.[/quote]

Text messages are done through the on-screen keyboard, which works regardless of having a a XBL communicator.
All I know is I gotta practice more. I thought I was slowly getting better but last night I sucked ass! Seemed like I couldn't get my brain working right. I'd want to aim one way and go the other. More practice for me...
The DCR clan wasen't competition...I along with Murc, Led, & Kado won all the matches played...nice long night of Team Slayer to end these holidays
DCR Clan gets an A for effort. :wink:

[quote name='Trakan']Led, are we going to lose you for a while when GW comes out?[/quote]

That's the lovely thing about GW; since there's no monthly fee, there's no obligation to play it just to get "your money's worth." I don't think it will affect my Halo 2'ing much.

[quote name='pimpinc333']I just wanna thank everyone for all the invites I received tonight. "Sarcasm" Thanks again.[/quote]

I'm sorry pimpin, but we were doing Team Slayer, as Arikado and I had been planning to do for hours. I really, rally wish there was a Big Team Slayer option, but there isn't. I can't be everywhere for everyone at everytime. That's what the practice nights are for.

Good games tonite guys.
[quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='humidore']Hey, a quick question: How do you send text messages? Do you need a communicator? I'll be replacing my faulty (it better be faulty, it don't work!) comm. tomorrow, so yeah...thanks for any help.[/quote]

Text messages are done through the on-screen keyboard, which works regardless of having a a XBL communicator.[/quote]

How do I open this onscreen keyboard? When I go to "Send message", the right side is empty (I think it says "voice message: none" on the bottom right), and the only selection is "send". When I press start, or A, all I get is a "error" beep.
[quote name='humidore'][quote name='shrike4242'][quote name='humidore']Hey, a quick question: How do you send text messages? Do you need a communicator? I'll be replacing my faulty (it better be faulty, it don't work!) comm. tomorrow, so yeah...thanks for any help.[/quote]

Text messages are done through the on-screen keyboard, which works regardless of having a a XBL communicator.[/quote]

How do I open this onscreen keyboard? When I go to "Send message", the right side is empty (I think it says "voice message: none" on the bottom right), and the only selection is "send". When I press start, or A, all I get is a "error" beep.[/quote]

Toggle down one level to "Change Text Message". Once you select that with A, you should see the "Type Message" window with the on-screen keyboard.

I did this with my communicator unplugged, so I know it works without having the communicator plugged into the controller.
[quote name='Ledhed']Good games tonite guys.[/quote]

Totally. Our team was really tearing it up in the Team Slayer games. I leveled up a few times from it.
sorry i didn't play with youse guys tonight, i had three friends over and we were playing offline multiplayer most of the time. (side story: though this might not be anything new to some of you, i did the coolest thing ever tonight on coag. i was flying in a banshee, being chased by a friend of mine in the other banshee. just as my energy was getting low, i accelerated forward a bit, did a barrel roll up so that i was fairly high above him, ditched my dying ride and stole his fresh one while falling on the way down, all without ever touching the ground. it was so friggin' sweet. anyhow. :) )

yeah, as far as all this drama in the clan goes, it's fucking lame. don't waste thread space with immature insults and whining. if you have any problems with a particular person or with how the clan is being managed, please take it up with ledhed, zewone or myself. otherwise you'll find yourself looking for a new clan, no matter how good you are or how good a singing voice you have.
[quote name='Cracka']uh... apparently i got dropped from the clan again so i need an invite...

sn is FlavaFlav2004[/quote]

again? were you on the last cut list and not speak up for yourself? i'll gladly send you another invite if you like, but if you're not going to play with us regularly i don't see the point.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']sorry i didn't play with youse guys tonight, i had three friends over and we were playing offline multiplayer most of the time. (side story: though this might not be anything new to some of you, i did the coolest thing ever tonight on coag. i was flying in a banshee, being chased by a friend of mine in the other banshee. just as my energy was getting low, i accelerated forward a bit, did a barrel roll up so that i was fairly high above him, ditched my dying ride and stole his fresh one while falling on the way down, all without ever touching the ground. it was so friggin' sweet. anyhow. :) )[/quote]

Haha, nice.
Sorry guys I was just a little pissed about working the early shift and didn't get my Halo 2 fix in on the time I had. Well anyways i'll be on tonight and hope everyone else is too. Also any of the JV players that need or want some practice hit me up while i'm online and i'll help you all out. Peace.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']sorry i didn't play with youse guys tonight, i had three friends over and we were playing offline multiplayer most of the time. (side story: though this might not be anything new to some of you, i did the coolest thing ever tonight on coag. i was flying in a banshee, being chased by a friend of mine in the other banshee. just as my energy was getting low, i accelerated forward a bit, did a barrel roll up so that i was fairly high above him, ditched my dying ride and stole his fresh one while falling on the way down, all without ever touching the ground. it was so friggin' sweet. anyhow. :) ).[/quote]

Mid-air Banshee-jacking. Cool. You should show us this in practice, rock. :lol:
with luck (i.e getting sent home early from work) i may be on tonight at 2:00 EST. so if anyones on then and wants to play and sees me hop on, invite me. if not no biggy. but its bed time now
[quote name='rocksolidaudio'][quote name='Cracka']uh... apparently i got dropped from the clan again so i need an invite...

sn is FlavaFlav2004[/quote]

again? were you on the last cut list and not speak up for yourself? i'll gladly send you another invite if you like, but if you're not going to play with us regularly i don't see the point.[/quote]

I don't either. But your still going to send it to him? We have to talk. :D
[quote name='gaelan'][quote name='zewone']I'll have to check this guy's Unit out.[/quote]


You are so cut. :wink:
[quote name='zewone'][quote name='gaelan'][quote name='zewone']I'll have to check this guy's Unit out.[/quote]


You are so cut. :wink:[/quote]
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