I just finished the game last night. I must say that it was quite excellent, though not quite as epic as I had been expecting. It took me over 20 hours to get the master sword (halfway between the 3rd and 4th dungeons), but only 42 hours to beat the game, so needless to say, the pacing picks up quite a bit after the 4th dungeon and you'll just start blazing through them. I expected the game to be longer than Okami, but whatever, over 40 hours is still good. Even better is that there's a ton of stuff for me still to do. I'll probably never collect all the Poes, but I want to find as many glow bugs as I can and there are still hidden caves and secrets that I'm finding. Much like with SotC, I was in a hurry to see the next dungeon/boss, but now that I'm through with it I'd like to take my time and really explore all the secret little hidden nooks and cranies of the game world.

One quick question; in the trailers there was a clip of Link running away from a giant Octorok. Was the taken out of the game, or is it a secret boss/sequence that I have yet to discover? (And if it is, don't tell me how to do it. I'd like to find it on my own, but I'm just wondering if it's there). Or maybe it was just an early version of that one spidery boss. Can anyone shed any spoilerless light on this? thanks
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I just finished the game last night. I must say that it was quite excellent, though not quite as epic as I had been expecting. It took me over 20 hours to get the master sword (halfway between the 3rd and 4th dungeons), but only 42 hours to beat the game, so needless to say, the pacing picks up quite a bit after the 4th dungeon and you'll just start blazing through them. I expected the game to be longer than Okami, but whatever, over 40 hours is still good. Even better is that there's a ton of stuff for me still to do. I'll probably never collect all the Poes, but I want to find as many glow bugs as I can and there are still hidden caves and secrets that I'm finding. Much like with SotC, I was in a hurry to see the next dungeon/boss, but now that I'm through with it I'd like to take my time and really explore all the secret little hidden nooks and cranies of the game world.

One quick question; in the trailers there was a clip of Link running away from a giant Octorok. Was the taken out of the game, or is it a secret boss/sequence that I have yet to discover? (And if it is, don't tell me how to do it. I'd like to find it on my own, but I'm just wondering if it's there). Or maybe it was just an early version of that one spidery boss. Can anyone shed any spoilerless light on this? thanks[/QUOTE]

As far as I know, it was taken out, 'cuz I didn't see it either, and I've played the fuck out of this game.

I still haven't seen everything, though. I need to find Tingle.
This isn't a spoiler but I have a basic question.

How can I make the night and day go by quicker? I'm waiting for for morning (well daytime) for something specific so I can go buy... but it's night now. Do I just walk around and it'll be morning? Do I gotta go through a few towns/villages? Or can I just sit and chill..?
How many Poes are there? I already found 20 for that one mission...
[quote name='lilboo']This isn't a spoiler but I have a basic question.

How can I make the night and day go by quicker? I'm waiting for for morning (well daytime) for something specific so I can go buy... but it's night now. Do I just walk around and it'll be morning? Do I gotta go through a few towns/villages? Or can I just sit and chill..?[/QUOTE]

Time passes quickly in Hyrule Field...there's no way to instantly change time as far as I know, but this game is very well designed to have stuff to do at both...for example, bug collecting is FAR easier at night.

Reality's Fringe;2463698 said:
60. Enjoy!

Not worth it, though.
I've had the game for a week now, about 10 hours in, just past the 2nd dungeon, and I'm loving every minute of it. This game has justified my purchase of the Wii by itself.
At about 28 hours, I just beat
the ice dungeon (mansion at snow peak)
. That new weapon is awesome, I also got the next hidden skill and set myself up for the next dungeon. Now I need to do my final exam paper in history and look over stuff for my finals :cry:. I'll be back soon Zelda....
[quote name='javeryh']OK, I'm at 25:59 and I think I'm in the 4th dungeon.[/quote]

The desert dungeon right? Oh man the boss in that is fantastic (not incredibly hard though). The 5th dungeon boss is really disappointing comparatively.
[quote name='SpazX']The desert dungeon right? Oh man the boss in that is fantastic (not incredibly hard though). The 5th dungeon boss is really disappointing comparatively.[/quote]

yeah, I'm in the desert dungeon
- there wasn't much to do in between the 3rd and 4th one. between the 2nd and 3rd one I spent like 5 hours doing mandatory stuff...
[quote name='smalien1']Are you done with the first dungeon after you rescue blank from the cage?
Does that constitute the first dungeon?[/quote]

Haha, just use spoiler tags, it's easier :p Anyway, no, you're not done, there's a real dungeon with a boss after that and that's the first dungeon.
IS there any reason at all to buy the GCN version? It is on sale this week.
The only thing I don't like about the Wii version is that Shield thrust feels clunky and I can barely use it without getting lucky.
Broke 20 hours earlier today just before heading to the boss of the third dungeon. I actually opened my guide earlier because I was so horribly stuck.
After an hour of wandering around, I was looking around for stalactites to blow up in every room, except for the hallway where you need to drop one to hop on the wall and pull the handle down. Things went a bit more smoothly after that. Damn confusing dungeon though.

And to Spike above, the only reason to get the GC version is if you don't have a Wii, in my opinion. The few complaints I have about the game aren't worth playing a different version. The camera control is missed, but they do it well enough for you that I've only encountered one or two times where it's really a problem.
6 hours in and I just finished the first dungeon. fucking awesome controls. Setting up targets and everything within that dungeon was pretty damn cool. Tell me though, the only goodies that aren't the basic map/compass items in the chests are rupees right? I've already reached the limit of 300 rupees in my bag and it bugs me that there's one other chest that showed up on my map that I had yet to open. It was all the way on the other side of the map so I just assumed it was a rupee. I'm hoping it is anyway 'cause I don't wanna trudge through that dungeon again.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']6 hours in and I just finished the first dungeon. fucking awesome controls. Setting up targets and everything within that dungeon was pretty damn cool. Tell me though, the only goodies that aren't the basic map/compass items in the chests are rupees right? I've already reached the limit of 300 rupees in my bag and it bugs me that there's one other chest that showed up on my map that I had yet to open. It was all the way on the other side of the map so I just assumed it was a rupee. I'm hoping it is anyway 'cause I don't wanna trudge through that dungeon again.[/quote]

Pretty much (at least in the first dungeon).
[quote name='SteveMcQ']6 hours in and I just finished the first dungeon. fucking awesome controls. Setting up targets and everything within that dungeon was pretty damn cool. Tell me though, the only goodies that aren't the basic map/compass items in the chests are rupees right? I've already reached the limit of 300 rupees in my bag and it bugs me that there's one other chest that showed up on my map that I had yet to open. It was all the way on the other side of the map so I just assumed it was a rupee. I'm hoping it is anyway 'cause I don't wanna trudge through that dungeon again.[/quote]Yeah, that is a pain; had that problem in one of the later dungeons where I had a tough time finding a key since there were a half dozen chests still on the map since I was full on rupees. This is where the touch screen will be very handy in Phantom Hourglass - get to make notes on the map.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']6 hours in and I just finished the first dungeon. fucking awesome controls. Setting up targets and everything within that dungeon was pretty damn cool. Tell me though, the only goodies that aren't the basic map/compass items in the chests are rupees right? I've already reached the limit of 300 rupees in my bag and it bugs me that there's one other chest that showed up on my map that I had yet to open. It was all the way on the other side of the map so I just assumed it was a rupee. I'm hoping it is anyway 'cause I don't wanna trudge through that dungeon again.[/quote]

There are heart containers in some of the dungeon treasure chests. I find it hard to believe that this wasn't picked up on by the testers. I noticed this in the first dungeon - now I go donate money to get my funds to near 0 before entering a dungeon. If I fill up I use Ooccoo to go out and get rid of it.
Personally, I think there should be an option to pimp out link with all of the rupees that he's racking up in the game. Let him go to the gym and work out, maybe get some bling.

To be serious though, there have been so many chests that I had to leave in the first dungeons. Oh, well. I guess money just isn't a big issue in the game.
[quote name='psunami']Personally, I think there should be an option to pimp out link with all of the rupees that he's racking up in the game. Let him go to the gym and work out, maybe get some bling.

To be serious though, there have been so many chests that I had to leave in the first dungeons. Oh, well. I guess money just isn't a big issue in the game.[/quote]

At least make sure you open every chest or you will be missing out... I wish the developers would tweak two things:

1. Have the option to play on a harder difficulty - make the potions matter. Back in the day, I remember going into the 9th dungeon with 2 red potions and hoping it would be enough.
2. Make money actually hard to come by and make things really expensive - remember the Blue Ring or Zora's Flippers? It took a while to save for that shit.
I'm on the third dungeon nearing the end. I have to say without giving anything about the dungeon away...that I think it may be one of the best dungeons in a Zelda game ever. Just from the design, the difficulty, and the overall look of it. It isn't the hardest but it feels really well balanced overall. I still can't understand graphical complaints when it comes to this game.
[quote name='jkam']I'm on the third dungeon nearing the end. I have to say without giving anything about the dungeon away...that I think it may be one of the best dungeons in a Zelda game ever. Just from the design, the difficulty, and the overall look of it. It isn't the hardest but it feels really well balanced overall. I still can't understand graphical complaints when it comes to this game.[/QUOTE]
I think the game itself style and art wise looks amazing. But being spoiled by some of the 360 games and it's graphics (ex. Gears of War) that's where I see some on the complaints coming from. Personally if a game plays well graphics aren't a big deal. One can only wonder though, how good a Zelda game would look with the power of the 360 or PS3.
If none of you are past the third dungeon yet, then you haven't had the need for a bunch of rupees. It comes into play relatively quickly after that point, but you're never really super strapped for them. If anyone wants to hold more rupees:
Find golden bugs and give them to Agatha in hyrule caslte town.

So far the main thing that miffs me about this game is how it's reversed on the Wii. You have to revisualize the map to make it fit with OOT.
Does the fruit balloon thing have anyone wanting to chuck their remote through the screen? I know I have to go for the strawberries and I know the reward I'll get if I get 10,000 is worth it, but dang it's pissing me off.
[quote name='Tybee']Does the fruit balloon thing have anyone wanting to chuck their remote through the screen? I know I have to go for the strawberries and I know the reward I'll get if I get 10,000 is worth it, but dang it's pissing me off.[/QUOTE]

My friend had trouble with thattoo, and I don't know why. My first try at it I got about 30,000 points.
So what's CAG's general consensus on this game? I know Wombat doesn't really like it, but I'm not sure how the board as a whole feels about it. Does it live up to the hype? Do the controls work? I was going to grab the GC version and wait till Brawl to get a Wii, but after playing Wii Sports at a friend's house, I'm seriously thinking about grabbing a Wii once one becomes easily available.
I'm up to the seventh temple and I have to say that I'm a little let down. My favorite part of OOT were the characters you met and how they changed once you warped forward in time. It's like the world went to hell in a handbasket the first time you come out of the temple of time.

Here there's no moments like that. The Twilight realm looks cool, but there's no sense that there is something truly evil at work here. Characters shudder and shiver, but their 'terror' feels cheap. Where as at the Lon Lon Ranch, Talon and Malon have their lives essentially ruined when Ingo had taken over the ranch.

I don't know, maybe I'm being hypercrictical, but other than Midna, it doesn't feel like any other character has been given any kind of proper development. It's like once you save the characters, you become irrelevent to them. It was the same in Wind Waker where the main character alongside you was the boat. I just wish they added more character development. At least, in the end of OOT, all the time you had put in saving characters was put towards them helping you reach Gannondorf's castle.


I finished the 3rd dungeon last night....I really wanted to play more but I had to go to band practice. I really loved the dungeon boss though:

I just loved how you really had to sink to the depths underwater to get to the boss. The atmosphere of all that water made it feel more grand and epic.

I think I am also completely in love with the Wii controls now. I always liked them but now I'm not sure I could play this game any other way.
[quote name='pop311']I hate the fact that there is no big important musical instrument[/QUOTE]

Sure there is. It's just in your throat.
[quote name='javeryh']
There are heart containers in some of the dungeon treasure chests. I find it hard to believe that this wasn't picked up on by the testers. I noticed this in the first dungeon - now I go donate money to get my funds to near 0 before entering a dungeon. If I fill up I use Ooccoo to go out and get rid of it.

What does doing that
donating money
do for you?
Can someone help me with a part of this game that is more than 2/3 through
The second time you go through the Feywood forest... I can't find the boss (and ultimately the "puzzle" you're supposed to complete to get to the mines to the west
I looked in the Prima guide and it wasn't any help. Anyone who can PM me or post in spoiler tags? I would appreciate the help!
[quote name='simplygriff']What does doing that
donating money
do for you?

If you donate 1,000 rupees (cumulatively, not all at once), you get a piece of heart.
[quote name='guyver2077']so hows this fucking game? is it worth dropping $40 at cc?[/QUOTE]

Of course, you silly person. Do you see a 40 page thread about Monkey Ball?
[quote name='simplygriff']What does doing that
donating money
do for you?

I have no idea - I've only given him a few hundred rupees - maybe like 800 or so...
[quote name='javeryh']I have no idea - I've only given him a few hundred rupees - maybe like 800 or so...[/QUOTE]

Give him 200 more. ;)
[quote name='Tybee']Give him 200 more. ;)[/quote]Is it something worthwhile? I've only given him like 50 and I still have to donate to the other good cause ;)
[quote name='daroga']Is it something worthwhile? I've only given him like 50 and I still have to donate to the other good cause ;)[/QUOTE]

Depends on what you consider worthwhile. It will get you
a piece of heart
[quote name='Tybee']Depends on what you consider worthwhile. It will get you
a piece of heart

It also sets you up to get a
cheaper Malor Mart (which includes Magical Armor) in Castle Town
after you
donate a second time and perhaps help out the tired Goron

Edit: Perhaps I ought to use /spoiler instead of /s
How many bottles are there? We got three so far, but my son got one in a place I am not sure anyone else has
randomly fishing places for fun, he caught one!
Ack! I haven't played Zelda in 2 days and I don't feel right... I've been playing Wii Sports for about 30 minutes before bed aqnd I just don't think 30 minutes is enough time to do anything in Zelda...
[quote name='ahmedmalik']Great ending. Horrible pacing. .....[/quote] Good heavens man, SPOILER TAG that line! I'd have been pretty pissed to read that (what I edited out) if I hadn't beaten the game already.
[quote name='javeryh']Ack! I haven't played Zelda in 2 days and I don't feel right... I've been playing Wii Sports for about 30 minutes before bed aqnd I just don't think 30 minutes is enough time to do anything in Zelda...[/quote]You're tellin me. Now that my fiancee is done with class for the semester, I don't even have my Tuesday evenings available to sit in front of the TV from 6pm-9pm. Looks like I'll have to stick with it on weekends. Just so I have an idea, about how far along am I if I just
got the Master Sword and am headed to talk to the dude studying the desert
[quote name='botticus']You're tellin me. Now that my fiancee is done with class for the semester, I don't even have my Tuesday evenings available to sit in front of the TV from 6pm-9pm. Looks like I'll have to stick with it on weekends. Just so I have an idea, about how far along am I if I just
got the Master Sword and am headed to talk to the dude studying the desert
Somewhere between a 1/3 and a 1/2 I'd say. There's still a lot of dungeon action, but generally less dinking around between dungeons that is necessary, if you're playing like I was and just trying to rush to the end. ;) But I can easily say that most of the best parts of the game are ahead of you. Also, how'd you like that statue moving puzzle? That was the one thing I FAQed in the game. Ugh.
bread's done