Official MLB 2K7 Thread; Out Now; Demo out Now; Reviews are in

Ok the swing stick and i have resolved our ways....Man i cant wait. The person that said its more of the same...well yes it is but the problem last year really was the shoddy animations and the better throws and field anis make the gameplay much smoother
I just played one round with the demo, and I'll probably be picking it up on my way home from work tomorrow. I'm excited to have a baseball game for the first time since MLB 99 on my PS1.
man the presentation is nice. And boy I suck at hitting it is like High School baseball all over again. Also may be a bit early for judging graphics fellas a lot of demos have had inferior graphics to the retail product.
sowhat deal are there for this game?

i'm temptedto just go to BB tomorrow but maybe if i wait there will be a cheaper o nline deal. it seems like the $10 off BB coupon isthe only deal o n launch day

also the demo was easy, i hit several hr's in each game i played. it seems like there's only 1 camera angle in this game, especially confusing with hits into the outfield.
Well, I played a few games yesterday and I'm a bit mixed. I really want to like it since it's Next-Gen baseball.

- Swing stick seems ok (I usually prefer button, but I'm getting used to it, feels pretty smooth actually)
- Baserunning seems easy enough
- I could SAC bunt (stated above that others couldn't)
- Ambience is nice with stadiums flyby's, replays, etc

- FIELDING. HORRIBLE. The camera is a mess, I tried turning off "Keep fielder in center (or whatever it's called)" and that seems a little better. Hopefully the retail game gives us multiple camera angles
- The blue fielding circle blends in too much. Outfielders seem to lunge at most balls. I had Chavez completely drop a routine fly ball.
- Wall Climbs seems TOO easy this year.
- Throwing animations are weird. Throws on the run almost every play on a grounder
- I noticed a player completely run out of the basebath to avoid a tag...went from dirt to the inner grass...they called the runner SAFE (which he should be out for going completely out of the basebath).

Side note, not sure how I feel about the scorecard interaction for swapping players. I liked MVP's way of doing it....just something to get used too.

There are more of both, but I'm still comparing to MVP 05, which is still superior IMO. Graphics don't really mean nothing to me if the gamplay is lacking.

I'll still pick up probably....but I was a bit mixed about this. I'm sure once I get all the controls down, it will be better.
The fielding isnt that bad. Turn OFF AUTO FIELDER SELECT. Its actualy realitic this year. Fielding a ball isnt is in real life either. Dont run when you throw and you wont get a running throw ani. I get a runnning throw maybe 1/5 throws
the demo was not bad at all.. may pick this up...i havent bought a baseball game in years.

ill prob get this game the way i get most games...gameflys prices rule!
I didn't think the fielding was that bad. I also did not get a running throw animation often unless I was running with the ball before i threw it. Overall I think it is an improvement over last year and will be a better overall experience then last years game.
Does anyone know what the deal is with Best Buy? I got Crackdown there on Tuesday with no issues... but I did a store inventory check and only one store out of 6 (the furthest one away from me out of them) has this in stock today.

Should I assume that if I go at 2 or so, my store will have it in stock? Didn't it ship yesterday?
I would wait to check stock....maybe they will get them in later since stores are JUST opening on the East Coast.

I guess I just like the MVP style of fielding more....seems easier to see things. I also hate the 1B camera switch, that is annoying as fuck.

The fielders felt a little slugish too, but sliders may fix that.....I'll still pick it up I'm sure. Although, MLB The Show for the PS3 may be a rental also.
From what I've played, teh game is ok. Way better then last year's version though.

Is it just me or is the game really bright? Some times when the computer hits a grounder and one of my infielder goes in to pick it up, I can barely see where it is going. I tried to look for something in the options menu to lower it but they didnt have one. Hopefully the retail version either has this fixed or there's an option for it.
[quote name='doubledown']
- I noticed a player completely run out of the basebath to avoid a tag...went from dirt to the inner grass...they called the runner SAFE (which he should be out for going completely out of the basebath).

Almost 100 % certain thats one of the new baseball rules for 2007
[quote name='drbutchevil']Almost 100 % certain thats one of the new baseball rules for 2007[/QUOTE]

He was running from 1st to 2nd. So, if I understand this correctly, the new rule only applies to running to first.
[quote name='doubledown']He was running from 1st to 2nd. So, if I understand this correctly, the new rule only applies to running to first.[/quote]

That's the way I take it. I'm guessing they made the change to try and limit those collsions that can happen from home to 1st and not to give the runners a big advantage.
[quote name='schuerm26']Try pressing the right trigger in and then move the left stick in the direction of outside. I was doing that and the catche was moving around. Not sure if it will help or not.

Edit: Sorry the Right stick not the left one.[/QUOTE]

This is the exact controls I was looking for. Thanks a bunch schuerm26.
[quote name='doubledown']He was running from 1st to 2nd. So, if I understand this correctly, the new rule only applies to running to first.[/quote]

You didn't say that :)
[quote name='drbutchevil']You didn't say that :)[/QUOTE]

I think people could read my mind ;)

*Too much Heroes*

So, anyone pick it up yet? Best Buy has it in stock (according to locator). Tempted to get it....
[quote name='guyver2077']is bonds in this game?[/quote]

Hes in as Joe Young, wearing a different number, but the actual player apparently looks alot like him, including batting stance. Though in the video I saw, he looked a bit thin, maybe a slam on Bonds by making him look like he did when he was 25.
[quote name='guyver2077']why do they always use that stupid joe young name..

shit even ea eventually got jordan.. how come bonds doesnt happen?>[/QUOTE]

blame bonds, he licensed his own name, to make profit. also if youre not part of the players assoc, they cant use their names in the game
Yes, Bonds is not the ONLY guy in the game to not have his real name. Dice K from Boston is some Miles guy.

I think Jamie Walker was never in there, there is a handful of guys not in the PA.
Just picked up my copy at GameCrazy. The PreOrder bonus was some lame 5 Free Songs on iTunes card with Derek Jeter on it. Time to check out my Padres!
Anyone else have a problem with the in-game achievements? I whooped the mets and should have most of the in -game stuff(3 hrs w/ one player etc) but they didn't unlock. The Franchise stuff did unlock tho. What gives?
[quote name='doubledown']Yes, Bonds is not the ONLY guy in the game to not have his real name. Dice K from Boston is some Miles guy.

Matsuzaka will be in there once the season starts. He can't officially be part of the PA until he plays in one game. 1st roster update after the season begins should fix that.

Bonds? Eh. The game (both real and virtual) are better without him.
[quote name='lt_homer']Anyone else have a problem with the in-game achievements? I whooped the mets and should have most of the in -game stuff(3 hrs w/ one player etc) but they didn't unlock. The Franchise stuff did unlock tho. What gives?[/QUOTE]

Did you screw around with sliders or difficulty? Sometimes that disables achievements.

I picked up my copy today....RZ coupons + $10 Best Buy coupon made it worth the risk for $26.xx
[quote name='doubledown']Did you screw around with sliders or difficulty? Sometimes that disables achievements.

I picked up my copy today....RZ coupons + $10 Best Buy coupon made it worth the risk for $26.xx[/QUOTE]
Didn't change a thing the first game.
Second game I boosted the difficulty setting. Still nothing.
IGN review was up temporarily, 9/9.5 in all catagories, but final score was 6/10, they took it back down to fix the mistake and its not back up yet.
[quote name='doubledown']Yes, Bonds is not the ONLY guy in the game to not have his real name. Dice K from Boston is some Miles guy.

I think Jamie Walker was never in there, there is a handful of guys not in the PA.[/QUOTE]

Jamie Walker, Damian Miller, and some others aren't part of the MLBPA because they were replacement players at the beginning of 1995 when the players were striking. So they will never be allowed in (barring some amnesty).
I'm extremely happy with my purchase. People are saying it's rediculously easy to hit home runs. This is definitely not the case for me as I can't hit a homerun to save my life. I use the Padres, so that is part of the reason since our offense is pretty terrible. But even in the demo I only managed 1 HR in about 6 or 7 games. Maybe it's just a swing stick timing thing.

The catcher still doesn't have an animation for taking off his mask to chase a fly, at least from the one chance I saw. Is it really that hard to make an animation for this?

Time for more franchise play!
I don't have the game, but a friend of mine got a secret achievement. I was watching him play.

Get Ejected from a Game, worth 10 pts. If anyone is into achievements and all that, theres one for you.
[quote name='Flyersfan']I don't have the game, but a friend of mine got a secret achievement. I was watching him play.

Get Ejected from a Game, worth 10 pts. If anyone is into achievements and all that, theres one for you.[/QUOTE]

sweet, time to bean some batters
Just curious, when I put it in....there was a Auto Update already. Also, there are rosters for 2-17 available. I made some tweaks to the Tigers roster (although I feel that Operation Sports will do a MUCH better job in getting REAL rosters out sooner than later).

Also, the game got pretty happy with jerseys blowing in the wind. 2K seems to like to make any uniforms move...a LOT.

Game is decent....I had 1 achievement for answering a trivia question. Yeah!
I was messing around in Franchise mode, and stumbled over to the Staff section of my team. I checked out available staff and found the following coaches available:

Famous in the Video Game World:
Hideo Kojima - Hitting Coach
Shigeru Miyamoto - Fielding Coach
Sid Meier - Fielding Coach
Peter Molyneux - Scout
Will Wright - Scout
Koji Igarashi - Scout
Yasumi Matsuno - Trainer

Famous Old School Baseball Players:
Moonlight Graham - Trainer

Famous Writers:
Francisco Quevedo - Pitching Coach

Interesting choices. There are probably more shoutouts in the free agents as well.
Demo didn't impress me that much, may give a rent.

If my birthday weren't a couple days off, I'd wholeheartedly agree with this entire statement. Instead, I'll 100% concur with the pre-comma part. Just played about six innings, but it felt very listless in terms of presentation and gameplay. Now, let's all wait for a hardball-hating troll to come in and quote that last sentence, with a "WTF did you expect its baseball!" remark.

Shouldn't take more than two or three posts.
THIS game rocks i am in love with it. DUDE the character models ears are like a see through red when the sun is shining on them fucking gorgeous. I love the wind blowing there jerseys. This game is fun finally a FUN baseball game again.
My thoughts exactly. Dont know if you guys have played around with the alternate jerseys but they have some good ones. The padres have their camo but i dont think the twins have their navy one. All teams have the new spring training/batting practice two colored jerseys that i love so much
i found a glitch!!! press right bumper than right trigger and it switches hitters to opposite side of the plate even if they dont switch hit. you can do it during the same at bat
[quote name='rly723']i found a glitch!!! press right bumper than right trigger and it switches hitters to opposite side of the plate even if they dont switch hit. you can do it during the same at bat[/quote]

Feature, not a glitch. Its meant for people who would rather use a switch hitter on the opposite side, rather than Righty vs Lefty, and such. If used on a non switchhitter, the results are... not good.
bread's done