Official NHL 10 CAG Team REBOOT - CheapyD All Stars - Hockey Night Fridays @ 8-12 EST

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I think it has to be 7 assists from Human players. I know we've gotten more than 7 assists, but not all of them were from humans, so who knows.
Yeah, 5th row behind the goal over by the Avs' locker room. It was my first time sitting that close.

We also were able to attend the morning skate, which was kind of interesting.
Of course, no one signed on while I was on. I'm sad... I hadn't been able to play games since last Thursday, and I missed out on all the winning.

I swear to God, the "Achieve an overall A rating with your BAP character" achievement is glitched for me. I've gotten an A at least twice in the 5 online games I've played, as well as a dozen times getting straight A+'s on BAP, and no achievement. very frustrating.
Of course, no one signed on while I was on. I'm sad... I hadn't been able to play games since last Thursday, and I missed out on all the winning.

I swear to God, the "Achieve an overall A rating with your BAP character" achievement is glitched for me. I've gotten an A at least twice in the 5 online games I've played, as well as a dozen times getting straight A+'s on BAP, and no achievement. very frustrating.
[quote name='Matt Young']Of course, no one signed on while I was on. I'm sad... I hadn't been able to play games since last Thursday, and I missed out on all the winning.

I swear to God, the "Achieve an overall A rating with your BAP character" achievement is glitched for me. I've gotten an A at least twice in the 5 online games I've played, as well as a dozen times getting straight A+'s on BAP, and no achievement. very frustrating.[/QUOTE]

Yea, it is glitched. What I read was do it in BAP mode offline, get straight A's in the first game and if it does not unlock just start a new BAP and try again. I got it that way.

I need to get back on the club and play some games with you guys. I actually was not able to play online at all when I got the game. Everytime I tried to get into a game it would prompt me to update the rosters and when I did it just sat there and timed out and told me I was disconnected form the EA servers. After fooling around with it I figured out I can only play the game online with the HD attached and my profile and saves on a memory card. Very weird.

I'll join up again tonight and possibly play a game or two if people are online. I'm not available friday again, but that's because I will be at the Penguins Stanley Cup Banner raising on opening night! Even better the next day I'll be at a special season ticket holder event where you get to go on the ice and get your photo taken with the cup! Very awesome!
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']I'm not available friday again, but that's because I will be at the Penguins Stanley Cup Banner raising on opening night! Even better the next day I'll be at a special season ticket holder event where you get to go on the ice and get your photo taken with the cup! Very awesome![/QUOTE]

Hey I will be there on both days also.
Page 2 bump. Not gonna make it tonight from the looks of it, I'm hoping to see a better winning record when I wake up tomorrow. Get it done fellas.
New season started yesterday. Vulcan, Mr. Hockey and I went 1-1. Thrilling OT win in game two...

I'll be a no show tonight. Penguin Party at my friend's house. The Stahl drinking game may be in effect...
Any chance we can change the team uni's to look like Max Talbot's shirt:

[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']Any chance we can change the team uni's to look like Max Talbot's shirt:


I'm sorry. I can't see anything else in that picture but Taylor Swift. There appears to be some kind of hideous blob on the left side, but I can't make it out. Taylor wearing that jersey and nothing else = Mr hockey time :D
[quote name='slickkill77']stfu yankees fan :argue: -----> :boxing: ------> :twoguns: :whistle2:([/QUOTE]

Haha, well we had to have a good year some time. As much as the signings of CC, AJ, and Tex helped, Jeter, Matsui, and Pettitte have had huge comeback years. Not to mention Phil Hughes has been outstanding. Just hope they don't disappear against Detroit.

Also, I'm about to get on Live for some CAG Hockey Night! Hope we have a good turnout...and some wins! :)
[quote name='Pure Apathy']Anyone got a link to the live stream of the Sexy Panthers game tonight?[/QUOTE]

^^^ LOLz.

I forgot about CAG hockey night and made other plans. Oops... hopefully it won't be too hard to find people to play with on another day.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I'm sorry. I can't see anything else in that picture but Taylor Swift. There appears to be some kind of hideous blob on the left side, but I can't make it out. Taylor wearing that jersey and nothing else = Mr hockey time :D[/QUOTE]

Does that mean you would be done cleaned up and back on cag in under 5 minutes

you were talking about taylor swift and not tylor kenedy right
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Just picked this up today. I sat out NHL 09, so I'm getting readjusted to the game again. I'm loving it so far and can tell that I'm going to be addicted again. I don't think that my skills are up to par to be part of the CAG team though. One day....
[quote name='Lokki']Just picked this up today. I sat out NHL 09, so I'm getting readjusted to the game again. I'm loving it so far and can tell that I'm going to be addicted again. I don't think that my skills are up to par to be part of the CAG team though. One day....[/QUOTE]

You'd be surprised! :bouncy:

Also......F Baseball this is a hockey thread damn it! As you can tell, I'm not a huge baseball fan unless it's The Bigs. :p
Nice session last night boys, too bad I think that I have brought about a curse on the Sex Panthers. We didn't score a goal in the first three games I played, and we didn't record a W all night while I was on the ice. I'm going to have to put in some serious practice for next Friday.
It's not you....It's me. When I was left handed we seem to have won 4-1. Then I switched back to Right handed and we just kept getting beat. Odd.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']Does that mean you would be done cleaned up and back on cag in under 5 minutes

you were talking about taylor swift and not tylor kenedy right[/QUOTE]

Haha, probably. And yeah, ahh! Taylor Swift! Tyler Kennedy can mr hockey Max Talbot.

Also, yeah, CAG Hockey Night was brutal last night. Don't feel bad Captain Obvious. We were cursed long before you got there. I played for like 6 hours last night, and was only on one winning team. I don't know what the hell was up, but it seemed like no matter what we did, the bounces just went against us.

And there were only a couple games where I could win a decent amount of faceoffs. Maybe I need to redistribute my points and put more into faceoffs. I hardly put any there because it was already like an 80, and EA said that it would be based less on your rating and more on timing/randomness this year. But I guess like all the other "changes" from 09, that's not true. Anyway, I'll probably want to play again sometime this week to get the taste of Friday night out of my mouth.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I had a better response, but this will also suffice...



I'm sorry, whos team got their asses beat last night :lol:? Just wait till the playoffs, CC will be a nice surprise and he already showed that last night.
Go Steelers! No chance for the Bucs this year! Steelers and Penguins! I miss PA sometimes.....stupid hot ass FL!

Good games last night fellas
[quote name='slickkill77']I'm sorry, whos team got their asses beat last night :lol:? Just wait till the playoffs, CC will be a nice surprise and he already showed that last night.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry. I don't pay any attention to meaningless games.
[quote name='slickkill77']$200 million a year will do that[/QUOTE]

Unless you're the Mets, in which case you finish the season 25 games behind the Phillies.
So, how does the "get all the trophies" achievement work? Do I have to personally participate in all the trophies, or just be in the league that gets them all. I didn't get the achievement, but I can't remember if I signed into the game between the time we finished the last one and the end of the month. At any rate, if anyone has a better idea of how this works, let me know.
[quote name='ChunkyB']So, how does the "get all the trophies" achievement work? Do I have to personally participate in all the trophies, or just be in the league that gets them all. I didn't get the achievement, but I can't remember if I signed into the game between the time we finished the last one and the end of the month. At any rate, if anyone has a better idea of how this works, let me know.[/QUOTE]

Well, I don't think it unlocked for any of us until we looked at one of the club pages (club member page, awards page, etc.). It was weird because we had actually seen that all the trophies were unlocked before we got the achievement, and were kind of wondering why it hadn't happened. Then, while looking around, all of a sudden it popped up for us kind of one at a time. Just try poking around the club page and maybe it'll happen for you too.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Well, I don't think it unlocked for any of us until we looked at one of the club pages (club member page, awards page, etc.). It was weird because we had actually seen that all the trophies were unlocked before we got the achievement, and were kind of wondering why it hadn't happened. Then, while looking around, all of a sudden it popped up for us kind of one at a time. Just try poking around the club page and maybe it'll happen for you too.[/QUOTE]

yea, look at the trophies and then back out to the main club page, that is how it unlocks. Its the same with the medals. BTW there are a bunch of public teams that have the medals that you can join and get the achievement. TGodz on Ice is one of them that has a gold from the first "season". The achievements stack so you get 3 for 90gs if you join, look at the medals and then back out to the main club page.
Not to start a fight, but do you really want those medal acheivements when it's not your actual team that earned them? Hopefully we can get at least a bronze at some point, and being that it would have been actually earned would make it better, for me.

Just getting it to get it that way... I dunno.
[quote name='DestroVega']Not to start a fight, but do you really want those medal acheivements when it's not your actual team that earned them? Hopefully we can get at least a bronze at some point, and being that it would have been actually earned would make it better, for me.

Just getting it to get it that way... I dunno.[/QUOTE]

In theory, I completely agree with what you're saying. But playing this game over the past few days, I'm starting to get the feeling that it's headed right back to where 09 was, so I don't know if we even stand a chance at any of the medals. The glitch goals have really started to rear their ugly head, and the OTP games are starting to become ridiculous again. We had one game where thanks to the little "deke, curve shot from the faceoff circle" glitch goal, our opponent had 4 goals on 9 shots.

Aside from board play, first person fighting, and the new passing (for better or worse), this year's game feels like a $60 roster update. It's an incredible game of hockey, but EA's inability to stop cheaters, and the fact that many games seem to play out as though you get rewarded for playing like an asshole (ie. the reward for cherry picking seems to greatly outweigh the risk), just ruins EASHL.

I had mentioned to a couple of the guys about doing one more regular CAG Hockey Night, just to see how things go. But if we take another 6 hours of losing, while managing to only win one game, we'd probably be better off splitting into two clubs and just doing challenge matches.

I don't know how everybody feels about this, but this game has only been out 3 weeks and I'm already starting to hate humanity again. I messaged the main glitcher after our 4 goals on 9 shots loss, telling him "way to abuse glitch goals". He responded with "I know. It's great!" Maybe it's just me, but I don't want to waste my night playing with people like that. I also love that we're in the "casual" league and this shit happens to us. Just seems like another one of EA's "fixes" this year that does absolutely nothing.
^ I don't know, I've only played about 25 OTP games, but it's way better than at the begining of last year's game. They will patch some stuff sooner than later, and it'll be even more refined.

Second, I saw a team that went 41-35 and was ranked 566 or something, and they got a bronze... we can definitely pull that off, we went on a tear for a week winning games. It's definitely not out of the question.

I do agree though, playing 6 on 6 against each other was a lot of fun. I'd even be open to doing something where we play OTP one week vs. random teams, next week all of us against each other, and switch every week. I dunno.

I just wouldn't get too frustrated just yet... it's not like MLB 09 where they did nothing to improve your online experience... EA is at least trying, in my opinion
[quote name='DestroVega']^ I don't know, I've only played about 25 OTP games, but it's way better than at the begining of last year's game. They will patch some stuff sooner than later, and it'll be even more refined.

Second, I saw a team that went 41-35 and was ranked 566 or something, and they got a bronze... we can definitely pull that off, we went on a tear for a week winning games. It's definitely not out of the question.

I do agree though, playing 6 on 6 against each other was a lot of fun. I'd even be open to doing something where we play OTP one week vs. random teams, next week all of us against each other, and switch every week. I dunno.

I just wouldn't get too frustrated just yet... it's not like MLB 09 where they did nothing to improve your online experience... EA is at least trying, in my opinion[/QUOTE]

I've played about 65 OTP games. Alan (moojuice) has played close to 100. He pointed out the "deke, curve shot" glitch to me, and then we ran into a few teams who used it exclusively. I'm just saying, as it becomes more known, it will get worse. I'm holding out hope that last Friday was an anomaly, but we've won 3 out of our last 28 games.

Another Friday like that, and we might as well pack it in. The cross crease still being an issue is bad enough (although tolerable). When you throw guaranteed glitch shots on top of it, it's just miserable. I love the competitiveness of playing against other clubs in EASHL, but when EA allows them to cheat, it becomes a "Who Can Be The Biggest Dick" contest. We actually even started trying to glitch to get back at the team, and that's just a shitty way to play.

Also, I haven't read anything about a patch for this year (although I haven't really looked either). But with no blatant 99 glitch, I wonder if EA would feel the need for one. It just blows my mind that there are holes in the programming where if you just do a certain move, it renders the goalie incapable.

Either way, I'm just putting these ideas out there. It's not that I'm all about winning, and don't enjoy just getting together and laughing with fellow CAGs. But when your goalie allows 3 goals on the first 6 shots in the 1st period, it kinda sucks the fun out of the game pretty damn quick.
In anticipation of a possible Crotch Sharks return, I'd like to inform everyone that you can now get your own Crotch Sharks MasterCard. That way, the next time you're at Victoria's Secret, shopping for your special lady, and the girl at the counter asks you "How would you like to pay for this?", you can whip out your...


...and say "WITH MY CROTCH SHARK!"

(for those of you wondering, yes, this does exist:
Or maybe I will play some random games and really try to get better at goalie so they can't glitch goal either. But I sorta feel where your coming from Nate. Shit we could all trade in 10 and go back to 09.....:p
Just came across the glitch vid. Posting it so everyone knows what to look for.

Notes: For the Five-Hole shot, this can be accomplished via slapshot as well. For the wrist shot, he is doing a lot more dekes than he needs to. The minimum needed is a backhand to forehand to short-side wrist shot(not snapshot)

SO far, it seems like the best way to stop either shot is to lay down or kneel directly infront of the shooter. Standing there and hoping for the block works, but isn't guaranteed, as it's more likely you will get nutmeg'D.
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