Official NHL 10 CAG Team REBOOT - CheapyD All Stars - Hockey Night Fridays @ 8-12 EST

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[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yeah, it's funny until your kid is born and he looks like Gary, haha.[/QUOTE]

Hey now, I don't look that bad....unless you mean In Game.....bastard! The kid will have my good looks, strength, cuteness. Hell, better than coming out like Dr P1ZZA!

Going off Alans Kidney Shot, I have a video I'm going to upload tomorrow. I was playing BAP and apparently my shot was so hard it hit somebody in the shoulder and he got sent out of the game for injury lol.
[quote name='moojuice']Wait, pulled the Goalie? Did you use a rubber this whole time? ;) :p[/QUOTE]

No. Just to make it sound like I was talking about hockey. The goalie was pulled before the game started.

I love on the new game how if you get into a fight you get blackeyes that stay for a couple days.
Once again, thanks for the code Alan. Much appreciated.

So Today I hit the mark for 70 points in a season, YET the damn Desert Camo Helmet isn't unlocked. I'm pist off. WTH?!
Congrats Mr. Hockey. I'd lie to think that the extensive training with the Seckz Panthers helped raise your game to another level. Mrs. Hockey must be estatic. :D

Also did anyone have anymore of the Kane 88 codes? I remember someon syaing something about extra, but I can't find the post now. Convienent...
First of all, congrats Mr. Hockey. That's so freaking awesome. I can't imagine how hard it must be to try for so long unsuccessfully. I'll be sure to try and score a few extra goals on Friday in your honor.

Also, I finally got my game, so if anyone sees me on there, send me an invite or whatever. I want to get some online games in.
Turns out I'm going to Vegas on Friday instead of Saturday for Frozen Fury XII, so no CAG hockey night for me this week. I'm definitely down to play tomorrow or Thursday as long as it's not too late.
sorry I couldn't play OTP last night, had to do some things with my BAP players and set them up the way I wanted

Since this game still gives you the wrong handedness for Goalie, I needed to change my character model a few times, play a game, save the be a pro season, and then go back and change it again....

any tips for fighting brawlers? I got in 6 in one game (on purpose) and got beat down every time.
In BAP, Take your time and try to counter the super punches by pulling back the right EASHLY. Throw punches wildly until one of you goes down.

That was so.....heart breaking Alan lol. But hey, we came back and PWNED the next team. 5 goals was it? And 3 beat downs....that was a great game! I have to upload my video of our epic loss also.
Oh man. I'm sorry my xbox froze when it did. I had to go to bed anyways probably, but that was amazing.

My favorite part of the night was our new AI Forward strategy coupled with our 12-4 loss.
[quote name='DestroVega']did they change the button to make the AI player shoot this year?[/QUOTE]

Nope. Still RB. It just seems like they don't do it half the time.
^Which sucks cause your player still throws his stick out when you press it

how come no one talks about how EA still can't get the goalie handedness right? I shoot right, but that makes me goalie have the glove in the right hand... stupid.

I had to switch it around and start my goalie BAP season and then after saving it, change it back for online play... but if I ever play goal online, it'll be wrong. ugh.
That goal blows, in overtime no less. They really need to fix the cheap goals. I know you aren't going to get a shutout from the AI goalie most games, but it is so frustrating when they stop all these impossible shots and then get beat with one minute left in the game from a backhand shot from the top of the faceoff circle.
As for the goalie handedness, I think that there isn't a fuss because not many people play goal to begin with, and it doesn't seem to make that big of a difference to those that do.

Darktower, the goalie in those vids was actually me lol.
[quote name='moojuice']As for the goalie handedness, I think that there isn't a fuss because not many people play goal to begin with, and it doesn't seem to make that big of a difference to those that do. [/QUOTE]

maybe true, but that's not an excuse for EA not noticing it... TWO YEARS in a row no less!
I'm sick of hearing EA this EA that... It's going to be hard but I'm not even going to buy another NHL game from them. This shit is getting irritating. Thankfully, I've never bought from them at full retail price.
[quote name='DarkTower80']That goal blows, in overtime no less. They really need to fix the cheap goals. I know you aren't going to get a shutout from the AI goalie most games, but it is so frustrating when they stop all these impossible shots and then get beat with one minute left in the game from a backhand shot from the top of the faceoff circle.[/QUOTE]

Well, actually that cheap goal was the result of cheap Alan (lol...j/k dude). He was trying to poke the puck out to one of our guys and it somehow bypassed his stick and squirted through his pads. We analyzed it like a million times over and couldn't figure out why he dropped to his knees as though he was trying to cover the puck. What's worse was the fact that the puck was sent back into our zone by a dumb AI pass, but wasn't headed for the goal until Alan gave it a little help. The other team hadn't even touched the puck for a good 20-30 seconds. It was just crazy.

As for getting screwed over and not being competitive, we seem to have found a decent solution. After ChunkyBasty, ShadyMarino, and myself lost a few early games, we joked that we should just play the 3 defensive positions and let the AI try to score for us. But we found that they were being ridiculously conservative, and sometimes wouldn't even carry the puck into the other team's zone. After playing around with the strategy settings, we set them to be super aggressive and crash the net hard.

The result was insane. It was as though it made them smarter. They were deking past guys, slamming rebounds home, and hitting the open man with relative ease. Alan joined us, and we took on a group of 6, and blew them out 6-2, with both of our AI forwards getting hat tricks (I played the other forward spot and had 3 assists).

It's not like we'll win every time doing this, but it makes the games much more competitive and its nice to see the AI actually playing their positions for once. It also greatly increased our time on attack as they were throwing themselves after loose pucks. I think we had one stretch where we kept the puck in the offensive zone for at least 4 minutes. It was awesome...and made the games much more enjoyable. :)
[quote name='DestroVega']^Which sucks cause your player still throws his stick out when you press it

how come no one talks about how EA still can't get the goalie handedness right? I shoot right, but that makes me goalie have the glove in the right hand... stupid.

I had to switch it around and start my goalie BAP season and then after saving it, change it back for online play... but if I ever play goal online, it'll be wrong. ugh.[/QUOTE]

They also need to accommodate people that play both ways. When I played hockey I shot left handed but I'm actually right handed in baseball and hockey goalie wise.

I'll start playing some more once I get odst out of my system enough. I've unlocked the +5 passing and +5 puck control boost. Still working on some others.

Has anyone unlocked the one for scoring 250 goals in season mode with your team? Simming doesn't seem to work for that one.
[quote name='Panther1484']The ironic thing Mr. Hockey is that you got the "score a goal with the goalie pulled" relatively around the same time! :D[/QUOTE]

I know 'i laughed when it popped up!
[quote name='moojuice']As for the goalie handedness, I think that there isn't a fuss because not many people play goal to begin with, and it doesn't seem to make that big of a difference to those that do.

Darktower, the goalie in those vids was actually me lol.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I know I saw that. Just decided to rant a little bit since we were on the topic of cheap goals. :D
[quote name='Azumangaman']Finally got the game!
Hopefully I can make it late (11ish on friday).[/QUOTE]

We are usually up till around 2 am EST so I think you'll be fine.

Also, I still can't make Alan a GM, Can you try Sean and see if it says the same thing? ALSO, last night's games with Sean and Alan were awesome, especially the last one. I was laughing so damn hard, my ribs were hurting and my eyes were watering. If only you guys could have seen it last night. Also, let's all congratulate Sean on having a 3 minute long fight. Yes you heard me right, a 3 minute long fight. Man that was a epic game last night.
How many do we have? 5? That would seem like a reasonable limit, I guess. But it still makes me wonder whether EA did it intentionally or unintentionally.
I know this is a million links, but a bunch of people have been asking if other people are having issues with the league stats not saving and stuff. Here are a bunch of threads over at the forums. It seems pretty widespread, and it seems like it might be a problem with one club member's gamertag or something. Who knows. Anyway, it makes for some good reading. Also, in the 10 threads I saw, there wasn't a single response from a moderator. So, they know the problem, and they're afraid to fess up to it.
Also, my stats have been recording just fine when I play with randoms in OTP. Is anyone having problems with stats recording when they play outside of the league? That might be a way of pinpointing if the problem is just with 1 or a few people.
[quote name='ChunkyB']Also, my stats have been recording just fine when I play with randoms in OTP. Is anyone having problems with stats recording when they play outside of the league? That might be a way of pinpointing if the problem is just with 1 or a few people.[/QUOTE]

Hmm...that's a really good point. I haven't played a game with randoms in a while. Maybe I'll hop on now and give that a shot to see if it updates for me. I can't even fathom the possibility of one person's gamertag not working with EA's stat system. How the fuck does something like that happen? All of our XBL accounts are the same. What kind of convoluted system is EA using that it somehow makes distinctions between gamertags?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Hmm...that's a really good point. I haven't played a game with randoms in a while. Maybe I'll hop on now and give that a shot to see if it updates for me. I can't even fathom the possibility of one person's gamertag not working with EA's stat system. How the fuck does something like that happen? All of our XBL accounts are the same. What kind of convoluted system is EA using that it somehow makes distinctions between gamertags?[/QUOTE]

That's what I thought, but a few people said on the forums that it depended on who was playing, or who was in their league or whatever. It still sucks though because there's no apparent reason why it wouldn't work for certain people.
Also, I know that '09 had an issue where it would automatically change your pro name if it was inappropriate, and it wouldn't tell you or anything. I know it's totally far fetched, but maybe it stopped recording because our league has a weird spelling of sex in it. I know it doesn't make sense because this problem seems really widespread, and I can't imagine they all have "explicit" names, but it's just a thought.
Just played a game with randoms and it did record my stats (1 goal, 1 assist). So, we're basically led to believe either someone on our team is broken, or our team itself is broken.
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