Official NHL 10 CAG Team REBOOT - CheapyD All Stars - Hockey Night Fridays @ 8-12 EST

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I sucked as Goalie as you could tell tonight. I need to unlock more Boost's stuff for him. But fun night none the less.

Oh yah, Alan and I = Awesome Defensive line!
because of the amazing brain wave my step-father had, I was caught moving dishwashers, fridges, stoves, compactors, beds, dressers, and their replacements till 10:30 mtn. I missed the whole night, but I did end up getting on for a few games with the boys before I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. Old... yea I guess I am, so sad. Good times boys, thanks.
[quote name='SeanAmI']Did the record ever get fixed?[/QUOTE]

It doesn't seem like it since it says our club record is 1-2-0. But if you look on the team page , you'll see that it says we've played 40 games, and have 10 wins, 26 losses, and 4 overtime losses. When we started playing last night, we were 9-24-4. So, add that to the 1-2-0 "current record" and it gives us that new total.

This means that most of the games played during the 5+ hour hockey night last night didn't count at all. I have no idea why they did this. I would think it was just the start of another "season", but it also said "days remaining in season: 12" yesterday. The only answer that makes any sense is " is EA after all". I just hope they don't fuck up any more of our shit.
I sent a join request, is there anything I need to do?

#19 | Albo23 | Legendairy Milk | Albert | Right Wing/Defense/Goalie
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I'm going to create a video from something that happened last night during one of our games. A few of you already know what it is and I'll have it finished up sometime tonight. I'm going to start working on it while I watch the UFC PPV. I wasn't sure what song I was going to use, but I'm going to go with something that Nate mentioned last night that I think is very fitting.
[quote name='Pure Apathy']I'm going to create a video from something that happened last night during one of our games. A few of you already know what it is and I'll have it finished up sometime tonight. I'm going to start working on it while I watch the UFC PPV. I wasn't sure what song I was going to use, but I'm going to go with something that Nate mentioned last night that I think is very fitting.[/QUOTE]

Haha, oh God, what did I say? lol...can't wait to see this. :)
That was without a doubt an early stoppage in the Koscheck fight. Yeah, Trigg wasn't blocking the punches, but he was trying to move to a better position. Typical Koscheck bullshit. Swing wildly, make it look like you're causing damage, and get a rookie ref to stop the fight. Not saying he wouldn't have won, but against a veteran like Trigg, that fight shouldn't have been stopped there.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Haha, oh God, what did I say? lol...can't wait to see this. :)[/QUOTE]

I'm sure you'll remember what you were talking about when you see the video. If you don't remember I'll be sure to remind you. ;)
[quote name='VipFREAK']Geez... Hinder? Really? lol[/QUOTE]

Nate made a comment about people asking him to edit their wedding footage with Lips of an Angel playing in the I figured it was fitting for this video.

Hell, I've got Hannah Montana playing in another one of our videos. :lol:
[quote name='Pure Apathy']Here's the video:[/QUOTE]

AHAHAHAHA nice! Man, that song in any context is just horrible. I just always get a kick out of dumb ass couples who use it as "their song". I'm just like "Have you even listened to the lyrics???" Not mention that guy sings like he's always taking a dump. They should change the name of the band from Hinder to Shitter. It actually makes me grateful that Nickelback is on the NHL 10 soundtrack and not these ass monkeys. :)
^I'll be on, but I'll probably be "practicing".

I just muted it. :p

Anyway, Actually I was playing earlier and I don't know what the hell happened. I guess either my team cleared it or the Ai team member for the Computer pasts it back to the goalie and there was a player there that accidentally tapped it in 5 hole. I was changing and all my players were near the red line. Wish I got it on tape now. I just remember seeing the red light and thinking... WTF?
[quote name='Pure Apathy']Hell, I've got Hannah Montana playing in another one of our videos. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, and sadly, I actually think that song is better and at least has a purpose. I fully expect Saving Abel's "Addicted" (or as I like to call it "I Like It When You Give Me Blowies") to be in our next video. I mean, how else do you follow up "Lips of an Angel"?
I went to my moms to watch UFC since she has a good internet connection. I'll hop on when I get home if you guys are going to be playing.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yeah, and sadly, I actually think that song is better and at least has a purpose. I fully expect Saving Abel's "Addicted" (or as I like to call it "I Like It When You Give Me Blowies") to be in our next video. I mean, how else do you follow up "Lips of an Angel"?[/QUOTE]

lol, well I'm thinking about changing the song now that most people have seen the original version of the highlight. I might go with Alvin and the Chipmunks.
[quote name='Pure Apathy']lol, well I'm thinking about changing the song now that most people have seen the original version of the highlight. I might go with Alvin and the Chipmunks.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, see, I'm not even going to waste the energy ripping on Miley because in a little over a year she'll be legal and completely bone-worthy. In the meantime, she can be in as many Disney movies as she wants. It's all just cultivation for the wild times she has ahead of her. Making fun of her now just doesn't make good fiscal sense. :)
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Yeah, see, I'm not even going to waste the energy ripping on Miley because in a little over a year she'll be legal and completely bone-worthy. In the meantime, she can be in as many Disney movies as she wants. It's all just cultivation for the wild times she has ahead of her. Making fun of her now just doesn't make good fiscal sense. :)[/QUOTE]

I meant I was going to change the Hinder song to something else. It makes me want to one star the video.

Just changed it to an All That Remains song.
[quote name='Pure Apathy']Well, I meant I was going to change the Hinder song to something else. It makes me want to one star the video.[/QUOTE]

Oh, yeah, definitely change that one. It makes me feel like we should change our name to the Gay Sex Panthers. It's that bad, haha.
lol, oh EA you're too funny. Could you be LESS predictable? Flames on skates...? Really... ? "boost pack" via M$ points...? really... ?

Edit: YES... yes... I was sooooooooo hoping for "checking from behind" to be back in duh game. I want to see checking from sideways though... :roll:
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Anybody eles get a game misconduct for boarding in the first 2:00 minutes of a game?

They are still trying to clean the guy of the glass.
Off Topic Question:

Is there any setting/sliders posted anywhere that would make the offline "BAP" mode a little harder than rookie but slighty easier than pro? I am tirder of getting 6-8 points every game on rookie but I cant seem to do anything on the pro level of difficulty.
Hopefully I'll be back on the Ice (Live) tomorrow. Wife has yet to get paid by her stupid fucking company and they blanatly lied to her. So alot of over due bills and no live.....I know I'm gonna pull a Dr. Pizza here and ask, Does anybody have a 1 month card they have for free I could use?
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Hopefully I'll be back on the Ice (Live) tomorrow. Wife has yet to get paid by her stupid fucking company and they blanatly lied to her. So alot of over due bills and no live.....I know I'm gonna pull a Dr. Pizza here and ask, Does anybody have a 1 month card they have for free I could use?[/QUOTE]

Ah, that sucks man. I checked and all I've got are a couple 48 hour trial cards from a few games that I never used. Not sure how much that would help.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']Hopefully I'll be back on the Ice (Live) tomorrow. Wife has yet to get paid by her stupid fucking company and they blanatly lied to her. So alot of over due bills and no live.....I know I'm gonna pull a Dr. Pizza here and ask, Does anybody have a 1 month card they have for free I could use?[/QUOTE]
You really think I would post a code here so you could steal it? Check your PMs Gary
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Ah, that sucks man. I checked and all I've got are a couple 48 hour trial cards from a few games that I never used. Not sure how much that would help.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Matt Young']Same for me, Gary. I think the only game I ever got a 1 month with was GTA IV, and I gave that to another friend long ago.[/QUOTE]

It's all good, much appreciated for the help

[quote name='moojuice']
You really think I would post a code here so you could steal it? Check your PMs Gary

Thanks Alot Alan. I appreciate it :D :D
I'm restarting my Be-A-Pro season. I'm all for being the playmaker, attempting to set people up during online team play. But I had to change my guy from a playmaker to a sniper because it's way too hard to get assists during BAP.
I find it a lot harder to get hits then assistes because I am more of a poke checker then a hitter and I am kind of mad because I put my BAP as a power forward. However I think Besting deserves the dumbass player of the year. BESTING FTW!
[quote name='Matt Young']I'm restarting my Be-A-Pro season. I'm all for being the playmaker, attempting to set people up during online team play. But I had to change my guy from a playmaker to a sniper because it's way too hard to get assists during BAP.[/QUOTE]

you know you can make the computer player shoot right?
So after two years of trying. Mr_hockey finally pulled the goalie and scored the game winning goal. WINK WINK. If ya know what I mean! I just found out this morning. Nice way to start a monday morning.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']So after two years of trying. Mr_hockey finally pulled the goalie and scored the game winning goal. WINK WINK. If ya know what I mean! I just found out this morning. Nice way to start a monday morning.[/QUOTE]

Congrats! Are you going to have your kid playing as well in NHL 2020? lol, Father and son team!

Also, Matt I have ALOT of assists in BAP. Almost up to 50 right now all cause I always make the computer shot the puck, plus I have ALOT of the AI Sliders down which helps a whole bunch. RB for the Comp to shoot Matt!
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']So after two years of trying. Mr_hockey finally pulled the goalie and scored the game winning goal. WINK WINK. If ya know what I mean! I just found out this morning. Nice way to start a monday morning.[/QUOTE]

Haha, wow! CONGRATS! That's awesome. Man, two years! That sounds like our 6 overtime game the other night. At some point, you think "Ahh, I can't do this anymore. Just let it be over!", haha. You realize, we fully expect you to name the baby "Sex Panther". Now the only question. Did you score on a backhander? Or was it a wrap around? :)
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']So after two years of trying. Mr_hockey finally pulled the goalie and scored the game winning goal. WINK WINK. If ya know what I mean! I just found out this morning. Nice way to start a monday morning.[/QUOTE]

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