Official?: No spring PS3 launch

Reality's Fringe

8 (100%)
From Variety:
"Sony’s new PlayStation 3 was widely expected to be introduced this spring, but will be delayed as the company fine-tunes the chips that are crucial to the success of the console’s Blu-ray function. The PlayStation 3 —- which is being called “the poor man’s Blue-ray” —- is vital to Sony’s plans because it plays Blu-ray discs as well as videogames.

Sony will roll out the PS3 by year end, in time for the holidays. If PS3 “delivers what everyone thinks it will, the game is up,” Stringer boasts.

Blu-ray is the system developed by Sony to view next-generation high-definition DVDs. Rival format HD DVD is championed by Toshiba. Microsoft recently joined the HD DVD camp, a move that came as its Xbox 360 videogame console is trying to grab market share from PlayStation, the industry leader."

All I have to say is that I'm shocked. Utterly shocked. I think all of the internets had the expectation that it would be in stores by April at the latest. Blasted Sony!
With the lack of info we'd been hearing lately, it comes as no surprise. This could be HUGE for Microsoft to help them stabilize after a shaky launch, and even for Nintendo if they can ship both the Revolution and Zelda before Sony gets the PS3 out the door. On the other hand, maybe this will bring the cost of the PS3 down into a slightly sane range.
So now we're going to get PS3 launch titles as opposed to 2nd generation 360 titles.

Somehow I think Gears of War or Huxley is going to blow anything on the launch lineup out of the water. Call me crazy.

Considering "spring" would have been March-May and we haven't heard squat yet for a Japanese launch who's really surprised?

Blu Ray players aren't launching until April and are being priced from $500-1,800. If anyone was expecting a PS3 launch this spring with the new stand alone players hitting the same month(s)? LOL! If anyone is expecting this to be >$500? You must be the world's biggest Sony fanboy.
I have no problem with this I just wish Sony could be more up front with us as anticipation grows so does the magnitude of potential disappointed of a delay.

As I have said before I wish Sony would come out and Say 2 things
1) PS3 delayed until _______
2) Ps2 is 99 dollars and with purcase you get 1 greatest hits title.

I know I would replace my old pansonic dvd player with a 99 dollar PS2 one, because you cann't get a good dvd player that has s-video, component out, progressive scan, DTS, Optic out for 99 dollars anywhere.

This would hold back SOME Xbox360 purchasers to some degree until the ps3 hits shelves. Think about how well the dreamcast sold when they dropped it's price after annoucing it was canceled and the ps2 has one thing going for it it isn't canceled.
They could've saved everyone a lot of time (no pub intended) by confirming what everyone already knew.:roll:
PS2 still has a ton of good games coming out and that just came out... they can delay PS3 as long as they want, makes no difference to me.
[quote name='Roufuss']PS2 still has a ton of good games coming out and that just came out... they can delay PS3 as long as they want, makes no difference to me.[/QUOTE]

Kind of my thinking...along with my Cube backlog I don't need a new console just yet.
Awesome, they just gave up the ghost. Who knew that Sony would be so willing? Everyone is sitting there going, its good that they wont release a bad product, (Like the PS2 was a perfect system) - but with all the problems people have been having coding for it and stuff... forget it, they rode the PS2 horse high for too long, and in the end, they were unprepared for the next gen.

I bet the Revo. comes out before the PS3 at this point.
I'd actually prefer the new systems to be spaced out - like every 2 years or so, Xbox 360 now, PS3 in 2007, Nintendo 5 in 2009, Xbox 3 in 2011, PS4 in 2013, etc... I know you couldn't develop games real well because so many companies are port-happy and they would eventually dumb everything down to the weakest system but still, I can dream...
Oh big shock *gasp*

So now for the real question: PS3 launch this holiday season for the US? Or only Japan? Cause this could potentnially mean a spring launch of 2007 for the US.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I bet the Revo. comes out before the PS3 at this point.[/quote]

I definitely think the Revo will hit before the PS3. I'll be highly surprised if the PS3 makes it out in 2006.
Yeah, when they say out by year end, that would most likely pertain to Japan, so add a few months for US launch. Nintendo is launching the Rev in the US first, so they should most certainly be shipping by the holiday season.

Who was part of the wide group expecting a spring launch?
I hope that sony doesn't fuck it up and launch in the US next spring. Missing this upcoming holiday season in the US I would think would really hurt there ability to control the market share again.
if this means Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Devil May Cry 4 as launch titles, then good.
My cousin's disappointed - but he wants a PS3 to play the huge backlog of PS and PS2 RPGs.

Odd thing is, where's the Sony hype machine? I thought they'd be in full swing by this point. Or, perhaps they are and no one seems to be listening.
[quote name='Ecofreak']Odd thing is, where's the Sony hype machine? I thought they'd be in full swing by this point. [/quote]

When its so bad, the hype machine wont power up to cover up major issues... then you know its bad. Lack of imformation means only the worst.
Everyone knew this would happen. It just took Sony awhile to admit to it. We still might see it by the end of the year. I think Sony rather have it out for the holidays in the US then wait for Spring. But who knows...
[quote name='Mookyjooky'] Lack of imformation means only the worst.[/QUOTE]

...yes. that we'll have to wait 2 more months for E3.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Lack of imformation means only the worst.[/quote]

Oddly enough, though, when Nintendo is lacking information it's not a problem for them at all. Looks like Sony's over-hyping for the past couple of generations may finally be catching up to them.
[quote name='mercilessming']
I know I would replace my old pansonic dvd player with a 99 dollar PS2 one, because you cann't get a good dvd player that has s-video, component out, progressive scan, DTS, Optic out for 99 dollars anywhere.[/quote]

I could not disagree more here. The PS2 is not a great DVD player, and for $100, you could gat a nice upconverting player.

That said, I'd jump at $99 with a game to replace my first gen PS2.
[quote name='mercilessming']I know I would replace my old pansonic dvd player with a 99 dollar PS2 one, because you cann't get a good dvd player that has s-video, component out, progressive scan, DTS, Optic out for 99 dollars anywhere.[/quote]

....have you ever been to Best Buy? Seriously, you can.

EDIT:There is a second page?
as most have said, I'm glad Sony just came out and said something about this. though all of us knew it won't be out for a long while. you'd be surprised at how many people thought it was going to have an early spring release. heck, the Sony Rep at where I work maybe a month ago, was still telling my friends there that it was coming out Spring 06'.

do you think being the last out of the gate, and possibly having the most expensive system might hurt Sony at all. by the time the PS3 does come out better Xbox 360 titles should be out and the Revolution will drop. what does everyone think?
[quote name='Genocidal']Oddly enough, though, when Nintendo is lacking information it's not a problem for them at all. Looks like Sony's over-hyping for the past couple of generations may finally be catching up to them.[/quote]

I dont see where Nintendo lacks info.

Micro was shown, micro came out when said time.
Brighter screens shown, came out in a month
SP shown, was in america in 3 months.

Unless we're talking about the Gameboy 3 thats never been even talked about by Nintendo. I think Nintendo releases what they show. Sony released a shitload of fake screenshots...

More than likely Sony is just waiting for Graphical technology to catch up to thier prerendered lies.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I dont see where Nintendo lacks info.

Micro was shown, micro came out when said time.
Brighter screens shown, came out in a month
SP shown, was in america in 3 months.

Unless we're talking about the Gameboy 3 thats never been even talked about by Nintendo. I think Nintendo releases what they show. Sony released a shitload of fake screenshots...

More than likely Sony is just waiting for Graphical technology to catch up to thier prerendered lies.[/QUOTE]

the revolution! we have had more rev info than ps3 info...but still no gameplay vids for either. E3 is going to be great this year...
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I dont see where Nintendo lacks info.

Micro was shown, micro came out when said time.
Brighter screens shown, came out in a month
SP shown, was in america in 3 months.

Unless we're talking about the Gameboy 3 thats never been even talked about by Nintendo. I think Nintendo releases what they show. Sony released a shitload of fake screenshots...

More than likely Sony is just waiting for Graphical technology to catch up to thier prerendered lies.[/quote]
I really dont get why people argue and fight for companys... If you like a console great, please stop telling us to like it to...

What hes talking about is the lack of info for the "revolution"

Ohh and i didnt know Variety was an offical video game source, that should be the breaking information
[quote name='Apossum']the revolution! we have had more rev info than ps3 info...but still no gameplay vids for either.[/QUOTE]

My first guy reaction to that statement was "No way." But after thinking about it, maybe you're right, which I find kind of surprising actually as Sony is so used to trumping its own horn. And the funny thing is that all news about the Rev has been coming out in slow trickles. - Rumor, denial, then confirmation.

Oh, the crazy games these companies play w/ our minds!
I am telling you guys they will release this year. They HAVE to. It is not an option to give M$ a two holiday season head start. Even if they only have 100,000 units available at launch for $500 a piece they will still launch before the year is up. They have now realized that their plans have been too ambitious and are now making cut backs to ensure it gets out this year. We seriously need a betting thread on this. I would bet all my cash that it comes out this year.
[quote name='Lice']I really dont get why people argue and fight for companys... If you like a console great, please stop telling us to like it to...

What hes talking about is the lack of info for the "revolution"

Ohh and i didnt know Variety was an offical video game source, that should be the breaking information[/quote]

I own more Sony stuff than Nintendo stuff by far. I was just pointing out the obvious. The Rev has been clear on record saying it was in development and that the release date hasnt been decided. Are they supposed to just chime in every month and repeat that?

The PS3 has shown everything but playable demos. It had release dates, release gamelists, console hardware look and a controller, with videos, and lies about how its real-time gameplay. Yet no one played it.

I'm not a fanboy of any company, if I was of anything it would be Sega....even though lately they're nothing to scream at.

So Lice, relax... no need to panic.
seeems sony is becoming the next nintendo.... push a date and they change it and keep pushing it back and back and back...

we be lucky to see the PS3 by Xmas 2007 by that time the Xbox 360 and the new nintendo system will own so much market share sony will be hurt

400 bucks with xbox 360 with tons of games out there
400-500 bucks for a PS3 with 10 games

most will go the xbox route... nice try sony maybe you and SEGA Can share a cab an talk about the good old days when your company was number 1 LOL
[quote name='apokalipze2']
Is this official. btw I always though sony was going to release the ps3 during spring[/QUOTE]

Hmm. Now I'm not sure. He was quoted as saying it's delayed while they fix up the hardware, so if it's not this Spring it'd more than likely be this fall(unless sony went fucking nuts and will do a summer release). I'll change the title.
So wait, Vanity just randomly decided to state a "fact" that the PS3 is delayed? They had to have heard it from somewhere. I am now confused.
[quote name='botticus']So wait, Vanity just randomly decided to state a "fact" that the PS3 is delayed? They had to have heard it from somewhere. I am now confused.[/QUOTE]

They quoted what he said in an interview, that the Ps3 "will be delayed to fine tune the blueray chips" so they took that as "No Spring Launch" which is a completely logical and 99% probable conclusion.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']
I'm not a fanboy of any company, if I was of anything it would be Sega....even though lately they're nothing to scream at.

So Lice, relax... no need to panic.[/quote]

Mooky, No panic here. Fanboy came through the dancing revolution icon in your sig mixed with the defense of the console... crazy conclusion aye

Im not trying to argue, just ask, why cant all the consoles get along...:bouncy:
I like the first comment, makes sense...

Sony is hush-hush about PS3 for 3 reasons:
1) PS2 hardware and software still selling very strong. Take a look at Japan last week:

1. DS: 52,099 (403,901)
2. PSP: 27,430 (337,682)
3. PS2: 23,433 (241,273)
4. GBASP: 5553 (57,890)
5. GBM: 2941 (35,529)
6. GC: 1814 (32,392)
7. Xbox 360: 1314 (23,971)
8. GBA: 105 (1584)
9. Xbox: 92 (762)

PS2 outsold 360 by 20 to 1. 23,000 units moved in a week is very solid. Not point in hurting this business.

2) The longer the gap between 360 and PS3 launch, the more obvious it will be to consumers that the PS3 is more advanced hardware. By launching a year later (as Xbox did over PS2), the 360 is perceived as 2005 tech, while the PS3 is perceived as 2006 tech.

3) By saving up all details, videos, news, etc, they will once again have an amazing E3. There is an effective 'publication ban' on PS3 details now, even studios are barred from releasing videos, details, anything. At E3 2006 everything will be revealed and, just like last year, 360 will be grossly overshadowed.
[quote name='Ecofreak']My first guy reaction to that statement was "No way." But after thinking about it, maybe you're right, which I find kind of surprising actually as Sony is so used to trumping its own horn. And the funny thing is that all news about the Rev has been coming out in slow trickles. - Rumor, denial, then confirmation.

Oh, the crazy games these companies play w/ our minds![/QUOTE]

the more i think about it, it seems like they are about equal in info right now...and both waiting for E3 to jump MS, who may or may not have the next Bungie game on display to counter it. can't wait for may!
[quote name='Kendal']....have you ever been to Best Buy? Seriously, you can.

EDIT:There is a second page?[/quote]
[quote name='Qui-Gon Jim']I could not disagree more here. The PS2 is not a great DVD player, and for $100, you could gat a nice upconverting player.

That said, I'd jump at $99 with a game to replace my first gen PS2.[/quote]
Really? I would like to know where when I have gone into bestbuy with intentions on replaceing my dvd player they don't have a 99 dollar or less Sony or Panasonic player that has the 3 main options I have to have svideo, optic sound and progresive scan. Most below 150~200 dollar range only have coax digital out and some I have seen don't have s video just component and rca and I will only buy a Sony or Panasonic brand dvd player.

I am picky about brand loyality and product quality

I like Sony and Panasonic for TVs
Panasonic or Sony for Dvd Players
Samsung for CRT only Monitors
Onkyo for Amplifiers
Cerwin Vega for Floor Standing only speakers.

Panasonic Players
Sony Players
[quote name='TimPV3']I like the first comment, makes sense...

Sony is hush-hush about PS3 for 3 reasons:
1) PS2 hardware and software still selling very strong. Take a look at Japan last week:

1. DS: 52,099 (403,901)
2. PSP: 27,430 (337,682)
3. PS2: 23,433 (241,273)
4. GBASP: 5553 (57,890)
5. GBM: 2941 (35,529)
6. GC: 1814 (32,392)
7. Xbox 360: 1314 (23,971)
8. GBA: 105 (1584)
9. Xbox: 92 (762)

PS2 outsold 360 by 20 to 1. 23,000 units moved in a week is very solid. Not point in hurting this business.

2) The longer the gap between 360 and PS3 launch, the more obvious it will be to consumers that the PS3 is more advanced hardware. By launching a year later (as Xbox did over PS2), the 360 is perceived as 2005 tech, while the PS3 is perceived as 2006 tech.

3) By saving up all details, videos, news, etc, they will once again have an amazing E3. There is an effective 'publication ban' on PS3 details now, even studios are barred from releasing videos, details, anything. At E3 2006 everything will be revealed and, just like last year, 360 will be grossly overshadowed.[/QUOTE]

You live in Japan? Hmmm I live in the about some numbers on this country.... :p
[quote name='Mookyjooky']

More than likely Sony is just waiting for Graphical technology to catch up to thier prerendered lies.[/QUOTE]

Good to hear from someone else....couldnt agree more....reminds me of the "emotion" engine presentation at the E3 for PS2....that never happened either
Oh and this guys post made me remember about that whole encoding no renting thing...that sucks:

Gamespot Forum:

Yeah blue ray will be great...if you dont mind 10 percent of the disk being used for the movie/game and 90 percent filled with anti piracy software. Wow what a deal! I hope blue ray goes the way of the beta tape. Not only that but with some of the nastiness Sony is considering (like making blue ray discs encoded to only work on your system, goodbye rentals, goodbye sellng used games...oh and if your system breaks......?????) and the fact that Sony may be charging 700 dollars per console, I hope sony goes the way of sega and becomes history. Posted Mar 6, 2006 8:29 pm PT
I hear sony is changing the hardware around so that it self-destructs after putting 50 hours into it, forcing you to buy a new one. it's true, I heard it from Dale at the Lake Woebegone Gamestop.
[quote name='mercilessming']Really? I would like to know where when I have gone into bestbuy with intentions on replaceing my dvd player they don't have a 99 dollar or less Sony or Panasonic player that has the 3 main options I have to have svideo, optic sound and progresive scan. Most below 150~200 dollar range only have coax digital out and some I have seen don't have s video just component and rca and I will only buy a Sony or Panasonic brand dvd player.

I am picky about brand loyality and product quality

I like Sony and Panasonic for TVs
Panasonic or Sony for Dvd Players
Samsung for CRT only Monitors
Onkyo for Amplifiers
Cerwin Vega for Floor Standing only speakers.

Panasonic Players
Sony Players[/QUOTE]

You can't transmit progressive scan (480p) over s-video, that's why those players don't have s-video and only component.
[quote name='TimPV3']I like the first comment, makes sense...

Sony is hush-hush about PS3 for 3 reasons:
1) PS2 hardware and software still selling very strong. Take a look at Japan last week:

1. DS: 52,099 (403,901)
2. PSP: 27,430 (337,682)
3. PS2: 23,433 (241,273)
4. GBASP: 5553 (57,890)
5. GBM: 2941 (35,529)
6. GC: 1814 (32,392)
7. Xbox 360: 1314 (23,971)
8. GBA: 105 (1584)
9. Xbox: 92 (762)

PS2 outsold 360 by 20 to 1. 23,000 units moved in a week is very solid. Not point in hurting this business.

2) The longer the gap between 360 and PS3 launch, the more obvious it will be to consumers that the PS3 is more advanced hardware. By launching a year later (as Xbox did over PS2), the 360 is perceived as 2005 tech, while the PS3 is perceived as 2006 tech.

3) By saving up all details, videos, news, etc, they will once again have an amazing E3. There is an effective 'publication ban' on PS3 details now, even studios are barred from releasing videos, details, anything. At E3 2006 everything will be revealed and, just like last year, 360 will be grossly overshadowed.[/quote]

Thats awesome in Japan. But since their gaming market is declining and Japan is the size of Florida... why dont we post numbers that matter. Japan's gaming world would of collapsed on top of itself years ago if the Nintendo didnt have what it took to capture every kid in 1985.

Gaming was dead in america, and somehow Nintendo saved the industry single handedly....but lets not even pretend that those numbers mean anything. Japan sells dating sims by the boatloads, but they dont break records like Madden or GTA3.
[quote name='slidecage']seeems sony is becoming the next nintendo.... push a date and they change it and keep pushing it back and back and back...

we be lucky to see the PS3 by Xmas 2007 by that time the Xbox 360 and the new nintendo system will own so much market share sony will be hurt

400 bucks with xbox 360 with tons of games out there
400-500 bucks for a PS3 with 10 games

most will go the xbox route... nice try sony maybe you and SEGA Can share a cab an talk about the good old days when your company was number 1 LOL[/QUOTE]

when exactly was sega on top in the first place. i thought nintendo had that spot till the 64
[quote name='Fire']when exactly was sega on top in the first place. i thought nintendo had that spot till the 64[/quote]

Dreamcast Launch?
genesis did what nintendidn't for a little while. har har.
bread's done