Okami Wii - Gen. Discussion & Info

I thought this got confirmed a long time ago (I recall watching an interview with a Capcom rep on gametrailers talking about it - even mentioned possible additional content)? Anyway, good news indeed - especially the 16:9 part!
[quote name='insertcleverthing']I thought this got confirmed a long time ago (I recall watching an interview with a Capcom rep on gametrailers talking about it - even mentioned possible additional content)? Anyway, good news indeed - especially the 16:9 part![/quote]
Yeah, old news, but still good news. I believe they were trying to add at least 15% new content too. Because I needed to own it on two systems.
[quote name='insertcleverthing']I thought this got confirmed a long time ago[/QUOTE]
No, previously widescreen/480p was a "goal," but not guaranteed. This is the first official confirmation.

I've never heard any suggestions of new content, though -- everything I saw was along the lines of "The game has too much content already!" ;)

The game drags as it stands...so new content would only be welcomed if it drastically improves the game. Probably not gonna happen.
[quote name='dragonjud']The game drags as it stands...so new content would only be welcomed if it drastically improves the game. Probably not gonna happen.[/quote]

yeah - I'd actually be happier if they cut about 10 hours out of it...
[quote name='zewone']They need to add 10 more hours.

Get out of here haters! :bomb::bomb:[/quote]

I'm not a hater! I loved Okami but these days 30-40 hours is just too long with all the other stuff out there I need to play...
[quote name='zewone']They need to add 10 more hours.[/quote]
Agreed. Maybe 20 more. I could honestly do fetch quests forever in this game and still enjoy myself.
You can also skip the text on the Wii version, so it should make the game go a little bit faster than on the PS2... ;)

Text skipping! Excellent. I'm going to replace my PS2 version...

... if the Wiimote controls aren't annoying.
Nice... Now I'm extra glad I pawned off my still-sealed release copy on eBay before Christmas for $44 or so. That covers this new version perfectly!
Great news, I can't wait to play this. I still feel like garbage for missing out on the PS2 version, and I have to check this one out. Although it is being released on 3/25 which is a huge problem due to me still playing smash like crazy :lol:
I was happy to see that Gamestop's got Okamwii listed as coming out in March. I'm fuckin' excited for it, especially since I never played the PS2 one (despite owning it at one point.)
Ohhh this is neat.

So WAIT. There ARE games on the Wii that ARE 16:9 AND 480p?! Who knew! (Not being sarcastic, I really didn't know that)
/me looks at his crappy television.

/me wishes the game was ten dollars less and lacked 16:9 and 480p.

/me runs from Zewone.

/me hides in a bunker with DMK.
Wait...comes out in March?

Oh yeah. It's gonna bomb again.

There needs to be about a 27 month long grace period/buffer zone between Brawl and everything else.

As much as I kid, I do foresee that being a problem on a game that probably deserves more attention.
[quote name='Strell']
There needs to be about a 27 month long grace period/buffer zone between Brawl and everything else.[/quote]Well, this is a Nintendo console we're talking about here. Hardly without precedent.
That IGN preview was rather... irritating. Look at the bit where they talk about the graphics. They switch from good to bad so many times, I don't know what the fuck to think. One sentence talks about how the Wii graphics are lacking compared to the PS2, then a caption beneath a picture says "Okami never looked so good". What the fuck?
$40 does seem to be a bit steep for this game, but I still have my Mario Galaxy Gift Card so I'll most likely use it to buy Okami, since I have Brawl preordered from Liongames.
[quote name='lilboo']Ohhh this is neat.

So WAIT. There ARE games on the Wii that ARE 16:9 AND 480p?! Who knew! (Not being sarcastic, I really didn't know that)[/quote]
Somewhere on Wikipedia is a decently maintained list of specs for all the games. Most of them after the first round or two following launch support 480p and 16:9.
[quote name='zewone']Ugh...

I hope they're wrong about them not being able to transfer the paper filter to the Wii.[/quote]
Yeah. It won't impact my decision to get the game since I never played the original, but it's still pretty pathetic on the dev's part. Honestly I think it'd be a great idea to delay the game until they can fix this and map the dodges to the d-pad, if only because then it wouldn't be competing with Brawl.
Holy shitballs...

While I'm glad to hear of 480p/16:9 support, $40 price tag and March release aren't definitely NOT good. I can't justify buying it again for $40 (I actually bought the PS2 version at launch unlike many) especially when I'll no doubt be too busy playing Smash Bros.

But the screens over at IGN do look nice- they'll no doubt be amazing on a HDTV.
[quote name='Strell']Wait...comes out in March?

Oh yeah. It's gonna bomb again.

There needs to be about a 27 month long grace period/buffer zone between Brawl and everything else.

As much as I kid, I do foresee that being a problem on a game that probably deserves more attention.[/quote]

Umbrella Chronicles came out at the same time as Galaxy. That didn't bomb.
Neat, I was bummed that I never found the PS2 version on clearance, this'll ease the pain nicely provided the controls work out. I actually played my first "waggle" game last night with RE:4. Very confusing at first but I got used to them pretty quickly, Capcom knows what they're doing.

I've haven't played it on the ps2 yet, but I agree about being released in March is a bad idea

What happened to the summer 08 release? That wouldve made alot more sense due to the summer drought of games
[quote name='Foo228']
What happened to the summer 08 release? That wouldve made alot more sense due to the summer drought of games[/quote]If it helps, you can buy it now and keep it shrink-wrapped until summer.
This isn't a good sign for either game. I've been wondering what's coming out for the Wii aside from Brawl in the near future, and even though I'm interested in both Okami and HotD, I didn't know that either of them were slated to be released any time soon.
[quote name='The Crotch']If it helps, you can buy it now and keep it shrink-wrapped until summer.[/quote]

I thought the same thing. Either way I have until April 29th to finish everything in my backlog. There's another game that I will be playing all summer long...
[quote name='javeryh']I thought the same thing. Either way I have until April 29th to finish everything in my backlog. There's another game that I will be playing all summer long...[/QUOTE]


*EDIT* Oh yea, GTA IV :p
[quote name='lilboo']Well House of the Dead is priced correctly at $30 :)[/quote]

Glad to hear that, and it also seems pretty price drop/sale friendly so I can certainly wait on that. Okami is harder sell if it really is going to be $40, but I imagine (hope) it'll drop in price quicker than the ps2 version did. Either way I'll be pretty good well into summer with these games coming out :)
[quote name='zewone']I hope they're wrong about them not being able to transfer the paper filter to the Wii.[/QUOTE]
IGN is wrong -- the filter is in the game, just not in the preview version they played. I personally don't think it's a big deal myself, but whatever.

[quote name='rjung']IGN is wrong -- the filter is in the game, just not in the preview version they played. I personally don't think it's a big deal myself, but whatever.


After watching the videos, I kinda like it without the paper filter. Everything looks so much more vibrant.
Crap, I just realized I have Brawl, GTA IV, and Army of Two preordered - plus, I need to finish Zack and Wiki, Devil May Cry 4, and Umbrella Chronicles...

Wtf? Is this Christmas Season Part II?!? I never thought I'd be so stressed about so many games coming out at once...
Yeah, this is a day one pickup for me as well. All I was waiting for was confirmation of 16:9 and 480p, and we got that this weekend. Looks gorgeous. I'm really looking forward to it since I never played the original. Hope it gets the love on Wii it was denied on PS2.
This game needed the delay for two reasons.

1) Because coming out anywhere near the Brawl shockwave guarantees instant incineration, immolation, and damnation.

2) Because they should get the fucking paper filter working. How shitty do the people porting the game have to be to not get something working that the PS2 can do? Hell, I bet the GC could do (looking at Viewtiful Joe as evidence).
bread's done