OTT addict 'dies from blood clot

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So this just happened. I was in a meeting and because I am fairly good at my job and have worked with this client before, I am allowed to be completely random because the suits upstairs simply do not get the creative department. There is about 15 people in this meeting most of which are very straight laced uber business types in suits. The creative department is 1 black guy (me) 1 Korean Guy and 1 white guy.

Boss: Soodmeg, can you teach Mr. XXX the basics of IMAG so we can get started with the show design?
Soodmeg: Sorry I can only teach you how to Jerk.
*Proceeds to do the Jerk.
Audio Guy singing:Teach me how to Jerk...teach teach me how to Jerk
*Proceeds to do the Jerk on the table
Lighting Guy: Pause do that reject
*Proceeds to do the Reject.

My boss as the look of, what the fuck are you idiots doing?The client who is a fairly old white guy in a business suit has seriously no idea what is happening and the rest of the people are a mix of utter embarrassment, shame and I think I saw a couple people try and back slowly out of the room.

The shit was hilarious and I hoping to get the security footage from the guard tomorrow. The best part was when my boss was trying to explain what just happened the client says, Dont worry, I know these creative types are prone to odd behavior. Tattoos, Iblocks (No idea what a Iblock is) and ADD with too much soda pop. Something to due with using the left side of their mind more I believe.

We will catch a lot of hell for it tomorrow but it worth it.
[quote name='Soodmeg']So this just happened. I was in a meeting and because I am fairly good at my job and have worked with this client before, I am allowed to be completely random because the suits upstairs simply do not get the creative department. There is about 15 people in this meeting most of which are very straight laced uber business types in suits. The creative department is 1 black guy (me) 1 Korean Guy and 1 white guy.

Boss: Soodmeg, can you teach Mr. XXX the basics of IMAG so we can get started with the show design?
Soodmeg: Sorry I can only teach you how to Jerk.
*Proceeds to do the Jerk.
Audio Guy singing:Teach me how to Jerk...teach teach me how to Jerk
*Proceeds to do the Jerk on the table
Lighting Guy: Pause do that reject
*Proceeds to do the Reject.

My boss as the look of, what the fuck are you idiots doing?The client who is a fairly old white guy in a business suit has seriously no idea what is happening and the rest of the people are a mix of utter embarrassment, shame and I think I saw a couple people try and back slowly out of the room.

The shit was hilarious and I hoping to get the security footage from the guard tomorrow. The best part was when my boss was trying to explain what just happened the client says, Dont worry, I know these creative types are prone to odd behavior. Tattoos, Iblocks (No idea what a Iblock is) and ADD with too much soda pop. Something to due with using the left side of their mind more I believe.

We will catch a lot of hell for it tomorrow but it worth it.[/QUOTE]

... How are you not homeless and unemployed?
Easy, be extremely good at your job and you cant really get fired for any reason. Plus as a freelancer, I am not officially employed by anyone in the first place. They come to me, not the other way around. I have figured out the world is extremely different when have a set of skills not many people have. Hell its better than the typically situation which usually means a pissed off only freelancer screaming about how is contract contains a throw rug and 3 root beers. Most people find me hilarious and much better than the alternative.
To be honest, I've given Soodmeg a lot of shit, but I don't remember him ever complaining about job problems or not being able to afford things...
[quote name='Rocko']To be honest, I've given Soodmeg a lot of shit, but I don't remember him ever complaining about job problems or not being able to afford things...[/QUOTE]

I am not rich or anything I am just extremely hard working (15 hours a day) and considered really good at my job. Plus you guys dont understand the people in my field are complete dicks sometimes. Most people just find it better to deal with a guy who might randomly break out in song and dance than a guy who is fucking screaming about how his cooler didnt contain a starbucks coffee.
Putting on productions is stressful enough as it is, I would rather dance around and be happy than one of these jaded industry types. No one likes those guys but they are so good you have to have them. I refuse to be one of them.
I had two cups of Einstein Bros. coffee. I don't see how people go to the Starbucks, which is right next door to Einstein. Starbucks is not very good.
[quote name='Rocko']I really need a "water pipe," I'm so sick of getting ash in my fuckin' mouth.[/QUOTE]

Definitely the way to go. Especially w/ ice cubes.

[quote name='munch']I had two cups of Einstein Bros. coffee. I don't see how people go to the Starbucks, which is right next door to Einstein. Starbucks is not very good.[/QUOTE]

Not a fan either. The only national chain coffee I like is Seattle's Best. Plus their strawberry coffee cake is ungodly good. Unfortunately I'm stuck w/ Dunkin Donuts every morning.
You'd think I'd go to Dunkin Donuts more often considering I've always lived or worked near one, but never do.

Or...maybe it's not as close as I thought. Looks like a mile or two from work, but it's out of my way. And it's closer to downtown hanover when I thought it was more in that shopping complex down on Eisenhower.
That sounds like 7-11s here. You can literally stand on the corner where one is and see the next one in many places. Slurpees and burgers in the shape of a hot dog are just so damn good, though.
Unless you live in Seattle or NYC, Starbucks is pretty much the only decent option for a cup of coffee. So, while I'm not a huge fan of Starbucks, they did bring better coffee to most places in this country. I have no idea why anyone goes to Starbucks in NYC though, other then to use the bathroom. :)
There's a slim jim brand/flavored chips? That sounds mighty gross.

[quote name='Lyricsborn']Coffee from BK for me.[/QUOTE]

It's been forever since I've been to a BK at all let alone at breakfast time but I seem to remember them having pretty good coffee.
I have always hated coffee. I just can not get into it, for one I cant stand drinking anything hot. I drink George Bush's for my morning fix.

I have to have 1-2 cups of coffee at home in the morning to get me going. Well, 2/3 coffee and 1/3 creamer. Efffin creamer is getting expensive at upwards of $3 a quart these days.

Starbucks is ubiquitous here and I'm surprised by how many "true Portlanders" shop there.

The fact that local roaster Stumptown coffee just had a large outside investment made almost front page news here and seemed to upset those whose indie identity is wrapped up based upon where they buy their coffee.
Coffee blows. I am addicted to tea. I have three boxes of tea on my desk: English Breakfast, Earl Gray, and Darjeeling.

Finally got Windows 7 from work and am looking forward to putting it on my computer this weekend. I can't wait to finally ditching Vista.
[quote name='Number83']The only place that rivals Dunkin Donuts in terms of coffee awesomeness is Wawa coffee awesomeness.[/QUOTE]

QuickChek has really good coffee, too. Stewart's isn't terrible. Most of the delis etc around here have Green Mountain so its at least decent. There's two local coffee places, Monkey Joe's and Dave's which both roast their own beans. Though, to be fair, Dave's only roasts enough to cover the smell of the weed growing in the back.
How comes sometimes when I eat ice cream I'm completely fine but sometimes I feel like I ate a bowl of razor blades and I'm gonna die any second? My first thought is I'm lactose intolerant but why wouldn't I feel terrible all of the time?
[quote name='Chika']QuickChek has really good coffee, too. Stewart's isn't terrible. Most of the delis etc around here have Green Mountain so its at least decent. There's two local coffee places, Monkey Joe's and Dave's which both roast their own beans. Though, to be fair, Dave's only roasts enough to cover the smell of the weed growing in the back.[/QUOTE]

Folgers instant
Yeah pizza is just about the only time other than ice cream I consume dairy.

Unrelated: The Chappelle show was so great. I've seen all these episode a million times and they can still make me laugh.
[quote name='MusicNoteLess']Trak must be ecstatic.[/QUOTE]

I'm telling you, I'm not playing it. MW3 will have to last 2 years.
[quote name='Chika']Sounds like you have colitis. The fiber in fresh veggies is supposed to scrape the old crap out of your colon, but with colitis, the fiber in fresh veg causes irritation and inflammation. I can handle spinach, but lettuces with no nutritional value such as iceberg and romaine destroy me.[/QUOTE]

Sounds likely. I thought I was/had "celiac" disease/disorder for a while, and/or fighting bouts of IBS another. I just avoid those trigger foods now and do okay. Can we talk about poo now?
/ / /
[quote name='h3llbring3r']Sounds likely. I thought I was/had "celiac" disease/disorder for a while, and/or fighting bouts of IBS another. I just avoid those trigger foods now and do okay. Can we talk about poo now?
/ / /[/QUOTE]

I have a wheat/gluten allergy. Celiac is an autoimmune disorder which is aggravated by a wheat allergy. It's possible you're mildly allergic to wheat. I don't get many gastrointestinal symptoms, but I get a weird pimply rash on my arms just above my elbows and across my face similar to a lupus "butterfly rash". I don't have colitis but I occasionally get colitis-like symptoms from the irritation from wheat/gluten. I can eat small quantities and be ok, like if I have soup at the diner and it's thickened with flour.

After going to a bunch of different doctors they basically said humans are not designed to eat large quantities of wheat and in the last 50 years people have been eating more because we have more money and our diets have gone from fresh, home made with a focus on veg to store-bought, processed crap that contains modified wheat gluten. It's amazing how many foods contain gluten these days - things that you wouldn't think . One of my doctors actually said he recommends most of his patients eat as little wheat as possible since so many conditions are made worse by the way the body breaks down wheat.
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