OTT Expert Analysis: How the Rangers choked away another World Series

[quote name='Maklershed']Anyone have Dr Pepper codes I could have? (for Battlefield 3 dog tags)[/QUOTE]
I have 2 or 3 16oz bottle cap codes. I can PM them to you tomorrow.
I was hoping dad shoveled before I got home, but no. Most likely might get stuck shoveling tomorrow. I say fuck it and just let it melt. We all drive trucks and I was able to pull in no problem. Pushing carts with all the heavy slush sucked, but at least the store was dead an hour after I got there and we all left before 7pm. Wasn't really worth it to only work for 3 hours, but oh well.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Frosty, your sister is off her leash again.[/QUOTE]

wait, were you around way back when for the chipped tooth thread?
I spent probably 20 minutes today comparing noodles at the Asian market. I know noodles are not the healthiest, but I would have suspected Buckwheat noodles to have much higher fiber content than just wheat ones. There were two packages that had over 1,000 mg of Sodium per serving.
[quote name='Dkellar']I spent probably 20 minutes today comparing noodles at the Asian market. I know noodles are not the healthiest, but I would have suspected Buckwheat noodles to have much higher fiber content than just wheat ones. There were two packages that had over 1,000 mg of Sodium per serving.[/QUOTE]

gotta read the ingredients on soba. many of them are made with whole grain wheat flour, and not buckwheat... to get the real thing it needs to be primarily buckwheat with as little wheat as possible. buckwheat is also much lower glycemic index than wheat.
So I what's the consensus on L.A. Noire? I'm starting to see it for $20 more and more. I'm thinking of holding out for $10.
I loved LA Noire. Totally unlike anything I ever played before and I couldn't get enough of the setting. One of my all time favorites for sure.
[quote name='Chika']gotta read the ingredients on soba. many of them are made with whole grain wheat flour, and not buckwheat... to get the real thing it needs to be primarily buckwheat with as little wheat as possible. buckwheat is also much lower glycemic index than wheat.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I read all the labels on the various noodles. The ones with all buckwheat or had the highest fiber content also had the highest sodium levels, 1000 mg+. I passed on those and will probably just make my own noodles from here on out since it is not hard just time consuming.

On another note, jajangmyeon was not bad. I think I should have doubled the bean paste to give it more flavor, but I will do that next time. I think the next Korean dish I try to make will be Kimchi.
[quote name='munch']So I what's the consensus on L.A. Noire? I'm starting to see it for $20 more and more. I'm thinking of holding out for $10.[/QUOTE]

It's easily worth 20. It was definitely a unique experience and worth a play through. Only problem is, after you beat it, you might not want to go back to it as it does get repetitive. Good story, but there's not a whole lot there in terms of gameplay.
[quote name='Dkellar']Yea, I read all the labels on the various noodles. The ones with all buckwheat or had the highest fiber content also had the highest sodium levels, 1000 mg+. I passed on those and will probably just make my own noodles from here on out since it is not hard just time consuming.

On another note, jajangmyeon was not bad. I think I should have doubled the bean paste to give it more flavor, but I will do that next time. I think the next Korean dish I try to make will be Kimchi.[/QUOTE]

yeah, kind of like with beans, the buckwheat needs more salt to cook properly and taste right.
My whole experience with Darksiders (Zelda!) has been play for an hour or so each night. Get stuck, go to bed in frustration. Get up the next morning, find the answer on gamefaqs and play again that night. Get stuck again, go to bed in frustration.

It's not always a "puzzle" sometimes it's just trying to go over or through something when I should be going around.

Off to 5 guys, the Outlet Mall, and Costco. (Possibly in that order)
I haven't been to 5 guys in months.

Played some of the Ambassador games on the 3DS and Ice Climbers is horrible, as is NES Open Tournament Golf.
I just tried to do that Target thing. It rang up B1G1, but the guy working the counter tried to make some bullshit excuse.

Apparently, they'll ring it up as B1G1, then ring up another one. You could buy all those, then immediately return the last one. I think it'll work with Kinects, too.
I am happy to report, after years of continuing to leech of my kindness, Jonathan is moved out. Well, most of the way out. He of course did not have things packed up when people came to help him move so there are still remnants in the rooms. But I am hoping (probably falsely) that they will be out by the first.
It will be nice to go from having 4 cars at my house to 2 cars. It will also be nice to be able to redecorate the two rooms that he has occupied for 2 years. I also got rid of two antisocial cats. One that puked all the time and the other that would cringe at your very touch. So I'm planning on getting a kitten to hopefully befriend my cat.
I swear that reading all of the posts today was complete deja vu. I have fucking boring deja vu all the time it seems.

I wish I would have saw the Target glitch deal earlier.
Target thing sounds tempting.
Spending $120 on games (for the B2G1) just sounds.....irresponsible to me. $60 for 2 games isnt that bad, but I don't really need two games right now.

Also, 5 guys should really offer a triple burger. The double bacon cheeseburger isnt quite enough.
[quote name='eldergamer']

Also, 5 guys should really offer a triple burger. The double bacon cheeseburger isnt quite enough.[/QUOTE]

I agree. The only time I ate there I got that and an order of fries. Didn't fill me at all.
[quote name='seanr1221']I agree. The only time I ate there I got that and an order of fries. Didn't fill me at all.[/QUOTE]

My god. That's like 3000 calories. I can eat there at lunch, if I don't share the fries, and just eat a few snacks for the rest of the day. :shock:
I still haven't eaten at Five Guys. I guess whenever the one up in Hanover gets built, I'll have to finally give it a shot.

fuck driving to York though.
[quote name='seanr1221']I agree. The only time I ate there I got that and an order of fries. Didn't fill me at all.[/QUOTE]

Wow... I think I can put away a lot of food and I can barely finish a single burger and large fries from 5 Guys most of the time.
[quote name='darthbudge']Wow... I think I can put away a lot of food and I can barely finish a single burger and large fries from 5 Guys most of the time.[/QUOTE]

You order a large fries for yourself? :shock: Small fries alone is enough for two people.
I eat small fries and a burger by myself, but still
[quote name='munch']Sean, u iz a fat azz. Keep dancin' nucca.[/QUOTE]


My gf got the same order and we both left hungry. I think we got ice cream afterwards.
[quote name='flowery']If you ate a double and fries from 5 Guys and weren't full afterwards then you must be 500 lbs.[/QUOTE]

Double bacon cheeseburger and small order of fries. Felt full but not really stuffed. Felt like I could've polished off another patty if it was in there.

Current weight 168 lbs.

Granted, I hadn't eaten since breakfeast about 9 and this was about 3 pm. I'm also not having a full dinner tonight either.
Since when does 5 guys have a small fry?

They have a regular and large here -- and regular is medium size cup stuffed with fries, after which, they dump like another huge fistful into the bag with your sandwiches. The large isn't that much bigger really, unless you get someone who gives you a double extra fistful. :lol:
[quote name='gbpackers94']You order a large fries for yourself? :shock: Small fries alone is enough for two people.
I eat small fries and a burger by myself, but still

Well maybe that is the deal then... I love french fries, so half the reason for me going to a burger joint is the fries.
Hell, a lot of times when I go with Frosty for lunch, I get a single patty no bun, and share the fries with him and go back to work stuffed to the point of pain.
Unless you're getting a giant bucket, I have a hard time believing a serving of french fries can fill somebody up.
bread's done