OTT satisfaction without inhaling OTT.

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[quote name='Eviltude']I looked and skipped around the video for a minute or two as I've seen it before. I was laughing my ass off the first time I saw it, but this time I guess I just wasnt high enough.[/quote]

Heh, I'm not blazed as I wished to be.

Well, I'm off to go play San Andreas. I'm stuck in this terrible mission I'm doing. I forgot how frustrating it was to get knocked off your motorbike as you fly for yards and yards, and the train you're supposed to catch just keeps going and going...:whistle2:x
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']Yes. :rofl:[/quote]

Tourette's guy: Who wrinkled my Randy Travis poster...pissed in the seat and hid my keys?!?!?

Tourette's son: It wasn't me

Tourette's guy: $$$$$$! SHIT!
Looks as though I will get hosed on getting to see There Will Be Blood soon. One week after leaving it comes to Lexington. At least I have a nice promo size poster framed up.

I was late enough on No Country For Old Men so I guess I can wait for this masterpiece.
-While on the phone with Colgate and they put him on hold-

"I hope this is the Puff Daddy version of the song, and not that sting piece of shit!!!


[quote name='thekeybladewars']-While on the phone with Colgate and they put him on hold-

"I hope this is the Puff Daddy version of the song, and not that sting piece of shit!!!


You two quoting the video out of context is actually making me want to see it less each time you do it. It seems like the quotes are getting less and less funny each time.
[quote name='thekeybladewars']Did anybody watch it?!?! I promise, it will make you laugh out loud![/QUOTE]
No one has the balls to tell you that the Tourette's guy shit is old.

Plus, I hear the guy is dead now.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']No one has the balls to tell you that the Tourette's guy shit is old.

Plus, I hear the guy is dead now.[/quote]
I hadn't seen it. :roll:
[quote name='Ugamer_X']No one has the balls to tell you that the Tourette's guy shit is old.

Plus, I hear the guy is dead now.[/quote]

Your balls must be tiny, and good, cause he was a dick.
[quote name='Moxio']Let me send the reigns to Fake.

It's a lab about electromagnetism I have to do for IB. Essentially, my lab incorporates the use of the simple Faraday's Law along with a derivation of the Biot-Savart Law to find the equation of proportionality. The lab is the simple act of dropping a magnet through a coil, calculating the peak induced voltage. In other words, I'm finding an equation to relate drop height to peak induced voltage.[/QUOTE]
Yuck. I hate electrical physics. :whistle2:(
Jeez, people say computer science is hard. My programming classes may be like learning another language (actually it is), but atleast it doesn't feel like a math class.:lol:
[quote name='JolietJake']Jeez, people say computer science is hard. My programming classes may be like learning another language (actually it is), but atleast it doesn't feel like a math class.:lol:[/quote]

Your CS classes suck. Currently have two math classes, and four CS classes, and all but one of those CS classes is heavy math/physics based.
I just started listening to "Dark Side of the Moon," and it's been at least a year since the last time I've heard it.

The heartbeat scared the crap out of me. :lol:
[quote name='lilboo']Mmmm! The milk after you've eaten all the Cinnamon Toast Crunch is so awesome!![/QUOTE]
[quote name='Moxio']Cloverfield looks like fail.[/QUOTE]
The early reviews I've seen have looked promising, but that doesn't always mean anything.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']The early reviews I've seen have looked promising, but that doesn't always mean anything.[/QUOTE]

In my opinion, it looks like another "human race being exterminated by some monster" crapfest. The only thing different is this movie's shitty gimmick, which is not revealing the monster.
[quote name='Moxio']In my opinion, it looks like another "human race being exterminated by some monster" crapfest. The only thing different is this movie's shitty gimmick, which is not revealing the monster.[/QUOTE]
Don't forget the Blair Witch-esque "shot from handheld cameras" gimmick.

I'm willing to give it a shot because I like J.J. Abrams.
The lungfish brain sequence in Psychonauts shits all over cloverfield. "Oh no, the natural history museum!"

I just started that. Psychonauts is the best six buxks I ever spent.
I started Psychonauts - after a good 2-3 years of owning copies - this week, and just got my Marksmanship bad (inside of Nine's head). Shafer is a genius, pure and stony.

Ackbar, good game earlier. I knew the comp was going to win once he played that second soldier, though. Eh. I can't believe 8s never came out.

We shall have to play again when you feel up for it. I played like shit, but that's just how some of those games go.

Did you and the other game play another?

On a completely different note, who has read Bone? It's quite good thus far.

And on another completely different note, Cloverfield looks like shit and will be shit. The gimmick of having JJ "I can't write shit through to a cohesive end" Brigadoons - or whatever his fucking name is - is lame and contrived. I won't be surprised if you find out that there's no monster at all in the movie - it's all some metaphysical dream bullshit.

I will be horribly amazed if the movie garners anything worthwhile to convince me to see it outside of loser Lost zealots claiming it to be awesome.
I read and finished Bone, Strell. I found it to be too kiddy and unfulfilling, even though it had a promising concept.

[quote name='Moxio']F: All that type and Liquid isn't even around. :lol:[/QUOTE]
Sorry. It sounds interesting, and not terribly difficult--as long as you have a firm grasp of the concepts.

Unrelated: I need to move the fuck out.
[quote name='Strell']I won't be surprised if you find out that there's no monster at all in the movie - it's all some metaphysical dream bullshit.[/quote]

I think it's been confirmed that it won't be.
Yawn. Liquid saying it's bad.

How did I not see that coming?

Edit: LMAO@the video Callandor posted. Son of a bitch!
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']Your CS classes suck. Currently have two math classes, and four CS classes, and all but one of those CS classes is heavy math/physics based.[/quote]What CS classes? My app programming classes were VB and C#, i've had web programming and database programming. This semester i'm taking web programming with and network management.
The VB and C# weren't advanced, just an intro to programming with those languages.
Damn my flaky internet. :twoguns:

Every time I listen to Dark Side of the Moon, I think it's overrated until I get to Money and then my opinion of the album steadily goes up until I reach its end.

Pink Floyd isn't bad, but I'm always going to go back to my Tommy and my Sgt. Pepper.

[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']The lungfish brain sequence in Psychonauts shits all over cloverfield. "Oh no, the natural history museum!"

I just started that. Psychonauts is the best six buxks I ever spent.[/QUOTE]
Completely worth every penny, even though I didn't need to spend a dime on it - the PC version kept stuttering on my two and a half year old laptop, so I just gave up and played the PS2 version that my sister had bought six months earlier. :)

[quote name='Strell']I started Psychonauts - after a good 2-3 years of owning copies - this week, and just got my Marksmanship bad (inside of Nine's head).

Ackbar, good game earlier. I knew the comp was going to win once he played that second soldier, though. Eh. I can't believe 8s never came out.

We shall have to play again when you feel up for it. I played like shit, but that's just how some of those games go.

Did you and the other game play another?

On a completely different note, who has read Bone? It's quite good thus far.[/QUOTE]
Bone, as in the comic series? I've been meaning to buy the compilation that's got the entire run for some time now, but I wouldn't have a chance to read it until summer. During the school year, I pretty much don't have any time to read on my own, or sometimes for classes. Thank god textbooks aren't crucial for engineering.
TFN you should go play more Shitfest Under Fire: Shitfest of Doom.

I've seen calculator programs with more playability than that. Ones that told me molecular weights and shit.
[quote name='Strell']Yawn. Liquid saying it's bad.

How did I not see that coming?[/QUOTE]Yawn. Strell with a bitchy response and italics.

How did I not see that coming? :roll:

You asked for an opinion and you got it, you bleeding cunt.
Actually I asked if anyone had read it. I care not for opinions, especially not ones from clueless little bitchbastards whining that they can't go to concerts because their big mean door-stealing dad said so.
[quote name='Strell']Actually I asked if anyone had read it. I care not for opinions, especially not ones from clueless little bitchbastards whining that they can't go to concerts because their big mean door-stealing dad said so.[/QUOTE]
Door stealing? :whistle2:s
[quote name='Liquid 2']
Sorry. It sounds interesting, and not terribly difficult--as long as you have a firm grasp of the concepts.

F: I dunno, deriving the equations and all that crap was hard.
[quote name='Strell']Actually I asked if anyone had read it. I care not for opinions, especially not ones from clueless little bitchbastards whining that they can't go to concerts because their big mean door-stealing dad said so.[/QUOTE]
Let's argue semantics! Yay! :roll:
[quote name='TFN']wii sux! :/[/quote]

Funny fact:

Typing "Wii Sux" into google yields no pornographic images.
Speaking of which, the all-holy portal object has been reassembled. It floats with an eerie red light, silently spinning.

[quote name='Moxio']F: I dunno, deriving the equations and all that crap was hard.[/QUOTE]I guess. I wouldn't know, as my AP Physics class wasn't calc based, so we didn't go too in depth. We also did no EM labs, and the teacher couldn't teach the entire unit at all. He straight up told us: "Trust the textbook more than me, because you won't do very well if you don't." (He didn't write his tests, for whatever reason, and had to prep us for the AP).

[quote name='Gothic Walrus']Door stealing? [/QUOTE]My dad took it for a day or two to "teach me a lesson." :roll:
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