Overstock mistake: Neon Genesis Platinulion collection for $8.03 + tax

I ordered 2, I know about 6 people I could give this to (besides myself), but I figured any more than that they probably wouldn't honor.

I thought this was out though, it says pre-order (nov. 22nd).
This show is on cartoon network RIGHT NOW lol. I think it's the second episode they're showing. I know nothing about this series though but am interested.
I went ahead and ordered 25 sets. You think they'll honor 'em all? Hopefully this doesn't raise suspicion and get them to cancel EVERYONE'S order -- but then, yeah, I'm kidding! ;-)

No interest in this when I read it at DVDtalk a couple of hours ago. *yawn* It's late.
It's supposed to be one of the greatest classics of anime. There are a couple (I think) of movies that take place after the show - which I've conveniently cable->DVDd in the last week or two (they're shown occasionally, not sure on which digital channels).
this has been my favorite anime for a while, definitely worth the $10 haha. there are more than one movie, 1 is basically a recap along with the first part of the actual movie (replacement eps 25&26) and then theres the movie all by itself, both parts (End of Evangelion). Honestly the movie doesa better job of ending the series than the real episodes 25 and 26, but both are cryptic in their endings, so be prepared to ask someone what happened and what it means, or just google it.
Price has dropped to $6.63. Damn, I wish I was not teh poor.

Edit. I'm stupid! 8.03 includes tax. Once I figure out how to delete this I will.
score! thanx op / ofinder. this was going to be the next series i watched, hopefully it does come in at the price. ive seen bits and pieces and it does look like a fuck-ing awesome series good quality and story for one of the classics. i made a ploy for 2 of the sets as well.
it hasnt been released yet but the single dvds retail for 10ish - 20 a piece. ive seen some box sets in the thin packs go for as low as 20 for the full series but the old Neon Genesis Evangelion perfect box set was 100+ i think maybe 185 or something ridiculous for 26 eps. 8 bucks for 7 dvds i think is worth it even if they redid some sections, or compress it to less dvds for the collection. and if its horrible whatever it was 8 bucks ^_^.
Supposed to retail for around $89.99 so...crazy deals, if they honor it!

I'd really love to get on the ground floor of this but I don't want to end up having to cancel a $60+ charge or something later if they don't feel like honoring it. I only worry since I remember that Right Stuf International used to have misprices like this in the past as well and they would honor ones that weren't obviously abused (ie: 30+ unit orders from 400 different people) and were reasonable ($29.99 instead of $44.99? Ooops, we'll take that loss. It's only fair!) rather than...er...some of their more interesting mistakes ($19.99 instead of $119.99...sorry, too much of a loss to even consider. Sorry guys!)

Here's hoping that Overstock honors this, though! Man, what a savings!
just do a search on overstock on this forum and look at some of the horror stories. Overstock has history of canceling orders that are not even mistake. Since this wont be out for a few weeks things it would make things worst. Also the people who decide to buy 20 copies for resell will easily rasie a flag. Hopefully they will at least ship out the early orders.
I dont think that they are going to honor the price because the set retails for about $150...but heres hoping ..... i ordered it
thanks op!
[quote name='62t']just do a search on overstock on this forum and look at some of the horror stories. Overstock has history of canceling orders that are not even mistake. Since this wont be out for a few weeks things it would make things worst. Also the people who decide to buy 20 copies for resell will easily rasie a flag. Hopefully they will at least ship out the early orders.[/QUOTE]

It seems like most of the orders canceled were pre-orders on games from what I have read. I have ordered from Overstock numerous times with no problem but I usually order older anime titles that aren't going to sell out in a short period of time. With a pre-order and a pricing error chances are that more orders will be cancelled than not.
I went ahead and ordered 2 even though I bought the dvds as they were released over the past year. I figure I can use them as Christmas presents if they decide to honor the price.
The Thinpack version strips all the extra stuff they added with the single sets but for this price can't beat it but right now the URL goes to a PS2 for me even when I do a search on Foxfire, but it comes up fine on IE.
hell yeah, thanks op. If they honor it, me and my cousin just got a set of an amazing anime for dirt cheap. If not, no harm no foul. (they WILL cancel it instead of shipping it and charging my credit card like 200-300 dollars if it falls through, right? I hope.)
I'm in. And they've honoreed every price mistake I've ever ordered from them. That includes Joan of Arcadia for $10, MArd Daybreak LE for $12, Tomorrow people for $7.
[quote name='alive741']the person who ordered 25 is a fucking idiot, and could potentially ruin the price mistake for everyone else.[/QUOTE]

I think he was kidding. :)
Sku # Product Name Shipping Quantity Total Price
10083223 Neon Genesis Evangelion - Platinum: Complete Collection (DVD) (Neon Genesis Evangelion - Platinum: Comp) US Postal Service 1 $6.63
Subtotal: $6.63
Extra Discount: - $0.00
Coupons: - $8.03
Shipping Charges: $1.40
Tax: $0.00
Grand Total: $0.00

Here's hoping... ;)
[quote name='Doylerulez']I have the original box set which I bought years ago, but at that price, it wouldn't hurt to get some extra features :).

Thanks OP.[/QUOTE]

I think the only thing you'll get differn't from the other set is a better transfer and perhaps sound. They stripped all the other extra's from what I hear. But I got the first set for 40 so i'm not complaining if I get this for 8 heh.
ordered 3 one for me 1 for cousin and 1 to be safe..

what i mean was i ordered 2 of them but used paypal then i went and ordered 1 using a credit card

i dont know if they cancell paypal orders more then credit cards so i went back and got 1 more and put it on a credit card
I'd order it, but the last thing I need right now is for them to charge me close to retail when they realize the mistake. Would rather cancel if tha'ts the case or just not order at all. The only reason I'd get it to the price, as personally I think it's just a mediocre show at best, but that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.
[quote name='alive741']the person who ordered 25 is a fucking idiot, and could potentially ruin the price mistake for everyone else.[/QUOTE]

I said 20. But yea, like moiety said, I was kidding.

I guess its only cool to buy video games that are cheap in bulk to ebay, huh
bread's done