Patapon $20 In stores NOW!

I tried the demo and it says to keep pressing the Circle button to the beat, but is there more to the demo?

Also, I didn't know about that utlity either so I had to d/l thru the PS3 and USB cable it to PSP.
[quote name='NamPaehc']Hey guys, just wanted to mention to the people who pre-ordered at Gamestop, that you can get 10% off.

Deal ends on the 29th *unless they extend it again* just a few days after the game is released.[/QUOTE]

So you can get $2 off? I wish God of War was coming out in time to use the coupon.
[quote name='NamPaehc']Hey guys, just wanted to mention to the people who pre-ordered at Gamestop, that you can get 10% off.

Deal ends on the 29th *unless they extend it again* just a few days after the game is released.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, didn't know about that coupon!
[quote name='javeryh']Pata! Pata! Pata! Pon!

...yeah, I still don't get it but I'm having fun![/quote]

Actually I don't get it at all either. I was having fun with it, but I honestly have to say I don't think I've made any "progress" in the demo. I do the button-pushing to the beat, sometimes I push too much (while they're singing I guess) but nothing happens. I usually have a sense of rhythm, maybe I'm doing something wrong?

They sing to the beat as well.

So you hit four beats, they sing four beats, you hit your next set of four beats, they sing them. Etc.
[quote name='Rocko']They sing to the beat as well.

So you hit four beats, they sing four beats, you hit your next set of four beats, they sing them. Etc.[/quote]

They don't always sing "every four" do they? I had a point where I was getting "combos" or "bonus" (I don't recall which it said). I'll have to give it another go, it sounds like I'm not completely off-base...

[quote name='Nobi-Wan']So you can get $2 off? I wish God of War was coming out in time to use the coupon.[/quote]

BTW the demo from gamestop is different from the download.. there are alot more items and better music and more items drop in the umd demo.
That should help a little on sorting out what items do what in game. I also recommend playing with a set of headphones. it helps to hear the timing better. I built up a full force of archers and elite spearmen and 2 elite axe men before I fought the final boss. Oh and don't take your axe men with you while hunting. they make it hard to hit the animals.
i really find the flashing border-box helpful with keeping the beat... and yeah, headphones would help isolate the sounds as well - i tried playing at a restaurant, and the background noise totally distracted me. can't really half-ass this game!
[quote name='terpkristin']They don't always sing "every four" do they? I had a point where I was getting "combos" or "bonus" (I don't recall which it said). I'll have to give it another go, it sounds like I'm not completely off-base...


The only time that their singing gets a little weird is when you hit "Fever" mode. There's a little fanfare and it drowns out their now altered singing. When I'm about to get to fever mode, I start counting out the beat in my head and can carry on more easily that way. Once you're in fever mode, their singing resumes a beat but it more... I dunno, extended. You'll still be hitting keys at the same rate but the individual sounds that the Patapons make sort of run over each other.

Awesome game though, I'm psyched for the full version.
Can't wait for this game to come out. I played and saved the demo and I absolutely loved it! The Patapons are so cute. I love when their attack chant gets more frenzied and determined.

I also keep time by looking at the flashing border. It does get a bit more harder to keep the rhythm when you first enter Fever mode, but the borders make it easier (especially the way they rapid-flash when it's about to be your turn to press buttons). Earphones help a lot as well. Yo ucan actually hear the drums. xD
This demo is fantastic. I've played it for over an hour and I'm still not finished yet. I'm picking this up at GameRush as soon as they get it in.

I'm good at the game, too, so it's a lot of fun. $20 is a good price for it, because if it was $30 or $40, I wouldn't have even thought about buying it.
[quote name='sj41']This demo is fantastic. I've played it for over an hour and I'm still not finished yet. I'm picking this up at GameRush as soon as they get it in.

I'm good at the game, too, so it's a lot of fun. $20 is a good price for it, because if it was $30 or $40, I wouldn't have even thought about buying it.[/quote]

The game is a LOT deeper then the demo. You'll be upgrading the patapons with crazy sets of armor and weird weapons, casting magic spells, battling large enemies (not all of them or animals/monsters), and covering the screen with your colorful army. Some of that is only lightly touched on in the demo, but it gets very intense in the later levels.

With all that it is worth a lot more then $20 to me. I'd like to see what people think of the price point after they get a hold of the final product. To me, if this kind of quality and depth is only worth $20 then I guess people have come to expect a lot out of their games.
I think the $20 price tag is mainly because SCEA is unsure of its appeal in the US, or its marketability. So they might be using it as a loss leader to get people buying the PSP.
I finally finished the demo. Awesome, awesome game. I enjoyed it from the start but I kept expecting my enjoyment to wane. It never really did, if anything it kept getting more fun. This might be the first PSP game in like a year that I actually finish. (Er, other than SW Battlefront but that was really short)

Gonna go pick this up with a coupon at GameStop tomorrow, but I've never had a good experience with them when it comes to games and their release dates. I almost always hear them tell me that the game's release date isn't actually a release date, but the date that the stores receive their shipments, with the next day being the release date.

Yeah, whatev.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Umm, but that's the truth. Tomorrow is the ship date. It'll be in stores Wednesday.[/quote]

I never knew that, and now I feel bad for thinking such mean things about the people who work at the GameStop near my house.
Yea, I played it for the first time last night. The game is a little wierd to get used to but when you do it is awesome. I think this is the type of game they needed to bring in casual gamers.
PSBlog update.

Gather up all spears and swords; mount the horses and man the catapults; shelter all the women and children: P-day is upon us!
Yes kids, Patapon is now available at all your fine retail shops, mega-stores and game stores nationwide. You are but a drive (walk, bike, skate) away from drumming up mighty rain clouds and creating unstoppable kawaii-armies of doom (to the Zigotons that is)!
Cold Pata-feet
If you’re on the fence or have commitment issues, here are a few items to help you decide and take the pata-plunge:
  • Check out the demo available for download at the PlayStation Network Store or Patapon Web site.
  • Read the accolades here, here, here, here, and here (Not to mention here - Pata-Props for the sweet Pics).
  • Stroll through our Patapon trophy case
  • What the reviewers are saying:“Patapon is the greatest game this system has ever seen“-
    unlike any game that has come before it” - GameSpot
    a bona fide hit for the PSP.”- GamePro
    just dynamite.”- Electronic Gaming Monthly
  • How else do you plan to spend 20 bucks?
Fear not, ye weary Patapon fighters, we’ll be checking in here on Patapost Friday with game strategy and special tips. So if you have questions on gameplay or are feeling a bit stuck: drop us a note, we’ll see if we answer them then.

Till Friday … same Pata-time, same Pata-channel.
I could pick mine up at around 12, but I have work at 6 (Gamestop) and I don't want to go there if I have to go in tonight anyway. So I'll be waiting T.T
[quote name='seanr1221']Oooo Oooo Oooo OOOo study history or buy Pataponnnnnnnn


WHAT TO DO?![/quote]

Buy Patapon, of course...History will always be there!

"Pon Pon Pata Pon" is this year's "Moja! Moja!"
bread's done