[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

Um wow, the video misleading then. I thought that was the draw of it. I remember some other racing game trying to make race tracks from GPS-logged data.
So did I, but I looked and I don't think I missed anything. It promised free updates but then it has pay for DLC...lol Someone in the reviews mentioned hoping Steam workshop support gets added. I can only guess that maybe there are some licensing issues in play dealing with the mapping data they use preventing them from opening it up to full user modding.

Spoder asked me to compare Real World Racing with Little Racers Street so I played a bit of LRS before my laptop shut down again.  My impressions?  Two completely different games.  LRS is a fun arcade style top down racer.  The focus is on drifting and nitro.  The tracks don't look bad, but they are shorter and a lot more turns.  RWR is more of a sim type racer.  The controls feel much more realistic (as weird as that sounds saying about a top down) and the tracks are a lot more detailed.  So I do think there's enough difference in the two to justify owning both.

Also, jazzed up the OP a little for ... my own satisfaction.  

As if this crowd needs justification for buying more cheap bundle games. Though I was curious about the difference between the two myself.
I've done it myself, but it does make me chuckle when people are all like "how is this game" and then someone points out there is a demo. I think we like talking about and buying games more than playing them sometimes.

You should try it out racing guru and let us know. It has overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam. Even with what I've played so far I definitely think I got my money's worth for $3. I think one complaint was hard to find and MP match so this may be the dev's attempt to increase the player base.
I gave Real World Racing a shot on an Oslo track and a Berlin track (the two in the Arcade portion of the demo.

My impressions with only 20 minutes of the demo are:

(1) Its "real world" gimmick falls flat. They should have bought aerial photography, the satellite photography is blurry textures. They jazzed it up with a parallax effect and some other add-ins, e.g. a small group of spectators. (I'm playing on a 24" 1920x1200 monitor.) It could be more interesting if you could race around places you know.

(2) It has competent physics and puts up a fight. It feels like the AI bends the rules at times (pulling rubberbanding-like acceleration), but it's beatable. The controls are simple and do the job. Like fox said its physics is on staid side (not, zoom-zoom arcade). I don't think there's nitro.

The demo didn't inspire me to pony up $3 for it. I'm sure most of you reading this already have Little Racers Street, currently in the Blink Bundle, or are considering the said bundle. I find LRS to be a lot more fun, and certainly is better value* in the Blink Bundle.

That said give the demo a try for yourself, it's a 1 GB download.

*yes, faux, better value, says she who paid $29.99 for Assetto Corsa.

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(2) It has competent physics and puts of a fight. It feels like the AI bends the rules at times (pulling rubberbanding-like acceleration), but it's beatable. The controls are simple and do the job. Like fox said its physics is on staid side (not, zoom-zoom arcade). I don't think there's nitro.
A note on the rubberbanding, I think that's the one game element meant to give you a boost/chance to catch up win. It's their version of drafting to get a boost of speed. Otherwise a fair assessment. I prefer this one to LRS, but this one would be miles ahead if it allowed making your own tracks. I got some hills around Seattle I'd like to add in a race.


And right after I typed that it came to mind the game doesn't seem to take hills/slopes into account.

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I'm living a lie... For games that say quad-core CPU, I'm all like well surely they mean not a dual core... no one ever specifies for tri-core. My poor, forgotten-by-the-world, Phenom II X3 720 BE...
The last core wouldn't unlock?

I have a B73 in my HTPC, which is basically the same chip. I was able to unlock the 4th core and it tested stable even with my completely low-end MB.
The last core wouldn't unlock?

I have a B73 in my HTPC, which is basically the same chip. I was able to unlock the 4th core and it tested stable even with my completely low-end MB.
I tried a couple times over the years, but I'm not lucky... my 4th core isn't stable. Honestly I was expecting to be able to do a CPU upgrade after two years, but AMD didn't get much better (both period, and in the AM3 socket).

I tried a couple times over the years, but I'm not lucky... my 4th core isn't stable. Honestly I was expecting to be able to do a CPU upgrade after two years, but AMD didn't get much better (both period, and in the AM3 socket).
No doubt. Though it's not like those Phenoms aren't holding up just fine for most games. A Phenom X4 was my upgrade only about a year ago mostly as I didn't see enough reason to do a more substantial and expensive build and decided to stretch out my AM2+ just a bit longer.
ur spoderbox roflstomps my 5-year old gaming pc. I'm only running on a 3-core CPU... I feel like one of those weirdos with a 3x CD-ROM drive.
HA. My computer only has TWO cores and it's slow as heck! So I hate you. So very much. You monster.

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No doubt. Though it's not like those Phenoms aren't holding up just fine for most games. A Phenom X4 was my upgrade only about a year ago mostly as I didn't see enough reason to do a more substantial and expensive build and decided to stretch out my AM2+ just a bit longer.
Yeah, that's the thing... I'm rarely CPU-bound... mostly on MMOs (but I'm not playing any MMOs seriously these days). I just don't have quite the incentive I need to upgrade... and Haswell & Ivy Bridge have only been minor improvements on Sandy Bridge... And Broadwell (14 nm shrink of Haswell) is delayed until Q4. I'm hoping to hold out until Skywell (2015 w/DDR4)... I wouldn't mind picking up an i5-2500K or better cheap, but without AMD being competitive in that space, Intel is under no pricing pressure.

I'm running a Phenom II X4 myself and it works just fine for what I need.  Mine is on the cheaper side of things.  I was going to order a tri-core myself, but was afraid of getting stuck with a dead or unstable fourth core.  

HA. My computer only has TWO cores and it's slow as heck! So I hate you. So very much. You monster.
You also run a 32-bit OS...


I had a AMD tri core for awile. The the price is was prob one of the best CPUs for the money at the time.
It was. At the time, games didn't use more than two cores. And the tri-core was 95W while the quad-core was 125W... which was another factor. (I like quiet air-cooled rigs.)

It was. At the time, games didn't use more than two cores. And the tri-core was 95W while the quad-core was 125W... which was another factor. (I like quiet air-cooled rigs.)
Yeah, same. Well, more cheap air-cooled rigs, but noise does matter too. The quad-core Phenom I got last year is 95W. The dual-core Athlon whatever Black edition that it replaced was 125W. It was nice to have a significant upgrade and end up running cooler.

When did the Capsule Gala BTA drop to $4.29? That's pretty low right, I thought it was 5.99 earlier.
It must have happened earlier today because when I checked this morning it was $4.89.

It was $5.99 maybe the first day or two, but when they removed the gift packs they lowered the price to $4.89. They must be lowering the price to try to drive sales since they don't have gift packs for it.

It must have happened earlier today because when I checked this morning it was $4.89.

It was $5.99 maybe the first day or two, but when they removed the gift packs they lowered the price to $4.89. They must be lowering the price to try to drive sales since they don't have gift packs for it.
Gotcha, thanks for the explanation. I think I'll go ahead and purchase it for 4.29 then since these games actually look quite promising.

What's the 0.5 game? (Assuming that's not like a tenth of five games.)
It's more a combination. I definitely want Hero Siege though that's been in three or four bundles/promos already so I'm sure it'll pop up again in a Groupees or I can just look to the trade thread/cheap Steam sale. Cubetractor and Dead Sky are like... 75% interest each which combines to 1.5 games! The rest I have no interest in whatsoever.

Motoki hooked me up with Hero Siege (thanks, sir) so that plummets my interest to zero. Which is just as well since it doesn't look like they'll do any kind of promotion.

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It's more a combination. I definitely want Hero Siege though that's been in three or four bundles/promos already so I'm sure it'll pop up again in a Groupees or I can just look to the trade thread/cheap Steam sale. Cubetractor and Dead Sky are like... 75% interest each which combines to 1.5 games! The rest I have no interest in whatsoever.
Surprisingly I only have one copy of Hero Siege at the moment.

WTF, waiting forever on a crapsule HH - rise of flight gets one in 2 hours
Crapsule is most likely not getting a HH. It is listed as a weekly and gift pack/10 pack/etc. options were removed from the bundle like the second or third day. They are doing a physical mouse giveaway for the top two contributors and I believe they removed packs to avoid group buyers from unfairly winning the mice and screwing over individual contributors. Of course, it's too late for that, but galogic never made sense.

bread's done