[PC] The Indie Gala Thread

Dam... I saw "The Slaughtering Grounds" and I felt like scammed. No keys for voters, (that opened link seemed enough for the dev) and no answer even.. oh well, win is not always possible.
I own it, so keys must have gone out at some point, since I don't believe it's been in a previous bundle.

Also, Time Ramesside = A New Reckoning, that abysmal, broken shooter that got pulled because it didn't meet Valve's already exceptionally lack standards.

Worth it for Bionic Heart 2.

Bionic Heart 2 sweet. I quite liked the first one. I may buy this and Tomasety if you want Slaughter Grounds it's yours I don't want that.

IG Every Monday Bundle - $1.99 for the first 24 hours

  • Aces Wild: Manic Brawling Action!
  • Bionic Heart 2
  • The Slaughtering Grounds
  • The Moon Sliver
  • Tail Drift
  • Time Ramesside
Action fighting game,

Cyborg Lesbians 2,

The game that Jim Sterling made a review of that got reviewed by the devs that got reviewed by Jim Sterling,

Dear Esther II: The Dearestherning

Some sort of racing game

and A New Reckoning renamed. Which is still in the store, by the way.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeh. I want Cyborg Lesbians, but I dunno.

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Bionic Heart 2 sweet. I quite liked the first one. I may buy this and Tomasety if you want Slaughter Grounds it's yours I don't want that.
No no, sorry for the misunderstanding here. I'm not eagering to get that game. I was trying to explain the game got through the path => vote for a key, and dev put a opened url link in which whoever was either in the group or not could claim a free key.

So lots of people went in late and couldn't grab their copy. (like me)

But much appreciated nitrosmob, you can give to someone else if that is your desire.

Kind of want Tail Drift and Moon Sliver, but not enough to buy the whole bundle. I'm sure they'll show up in another bundle eventually.
Pass .. I already own Time Ramesside and Slaughtering Grounds and they're both shite.

50c each for the other 4 is too much so I'll wait for them in future bundles.

Could only find cards for 2 of the games, and Bionic Hearts 2 card prices were bad. 

If I wasn't running low on free bitcoin, I'd be tempted to buy it for the 40-50 cents in card but meh. 

Poop giveways. Quote if you want me to poke fun at you for adding it to your Steam Account.

The Pooping Grounds - Link

Time Rammed Me Right in the Side - Link

Enjoy. :no:

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fuck yes Bionic Heart 2

Hilarious that they used the graphics from Bionic Heart 1 to advertise the bundle... there's quite the graphical change between the two.
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Action fighting game,
Cyborg Lesbians 2,
The game that Jim Sterling made a review of that got reviewed by the devs that got reviewed by Jim Sterling,
Dear Esther II: The Dearestherning
Some sort of racing game
and A New Reckoning renamed. Which is still in the store, by the way.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeh. I want Cyborg Lesbians, but I dunno.
I, too, want Cyborg Lesbians, but Winter Wolves's site only advertises heterosexual relationships in that game.

And god damn it, I know I hate Winter Wolves games, so why the hell do I keep forking over money for them when they get bundled, even when I wouldn't otherwise buy the bundles in question?
I bought a IG Monday 6 bundle off of someone just for Collateral.. so quote this post if you want any of these crappy games:


Metal Drift

Race injection

Zero Gear

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I bought a IG Monday 6 bundle off of someone just for Collateral.. so quote this post if you want any of these crappy games:

Metal Drift
Race injection
Zero Gear
I'll take metal drift to help round out my collection of crap. Now I remember why I skipped that one.
Last Templar is miiiiiiiiiiiine!!!!


As soon as someone sells me a Happy Hour bundle.
Damn you, you sneaky and elusive game! Next time, I will be ready ... and you will be mine

I'm down for a Mixed Up bundle too, I guess. Even though all those games look pewp.

EDIT: Confirmed, even borderland doesn't have any Leadership bundles

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bread's done