PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

[quote name="Bleedingwickedly" post="12194122" timestamp="1414603684"]Far Cry 4 seems like the right choice for you. Far Cry 3 was GOTY 2012 IMO. Also it doesn't matter that you never played the other ones. None of the stories go together. Each game is a completely different experience. I personally dropped about 80-90 hours in FarCry3, so you should have no problem spending time in FarCry4. It's an open world FPS, there's tons of collectables, upgrades, and multiple types of missions. There's also animals and vehicles. There is open world co op.While The Last of Us is a great game. It is kind of linear and won't last as long. I beat the Story in about a week, but I never played the online.Another game, if you haven't played it, is GTA5.[/quote]Thanks, what was FC3 multiplayer like? Could you customize loadouts and/or characters? Did they have all the standard matches like DM, TDM, capture, etc? This might be the one I get.

Maybe I wait for a sale on Last of Us as I'm not dieing to play it right now or anything.

I played the hell out of GT5 for PS3 but got bored with it shortly after finishing the story and so I can't see myself sinking in another $60+.

Thanks for all he the input, appreciate it.
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[quote name="bestkeeper14" post="12193937" timestamp="1414599820"]nope, still broken... I would say if you want that type of game get COD advanced warfare tuesdayAnother very under the radar game is Shadow of Mordor, even if you don't like Lord of the rings. if you batman Arkham games and assassins creed then the game is amazingThe Last of Us is a must play, and online multiplayer is the only multiplayer I got sucked into.[/quote]That sucks because the scope of BF4 is so damn appealing. COD is definitely on my list of maybes. I'll await the reviews though.

LOTR SOM sounds interesting but I read the campaign isn't that long, it's not like a Elders Scrolls or Fallout. That turned me off a little because I like my fantasy games like those two.

Thanks for all he the input, appreciate it.
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[quote name="8bitArtist" post="12194318" timestamp="1414606990"]last of us is a must play if you didnt own a ps3. one of the best games last gen is still one of the best games this gen. MP is really fun to, although not a run and gun like CoD or even BF. its way more calculated and slow paced.

FC4 will probably be pretty fun as i had a blast with FC3 on the ps3

AC series i find boring and only played 1 of the games (acII) so i cant really say about that series.

BF4 is trash, i wouldnt support a company that put out that kind of unfinished product. ill never buy a BF game ever again as the series has been on a decline since 3.

heard good things about shadow of mordor, ill be giving that one a go soon.

a few free ps+ games i really enjoyed was outlast, velocity 2x, pix the cat and dust: elysian tail.

the binding of isaac: rebirth is coming out for free for november ps+[/quote]
I've been a PS+ member for a couple years and I can't say that I've been impressed with the PS4 offerings. PS3 and Vita have been great overall though.

Thanks for all he the input, appreciate it.
[quote name="simpsonps121" post="12194393" timestamp="1414608276"]Frozen Synapse is a ported Vita game. 'Nuff said.... [/quote]
I bought it last week and it is fun and challenging. I'll admit that I was hoping for something like the Ghost Recon strategy game that came out on 3DS at launch. Man, I wish there were more of those games. That game should have been ported to Vita, PS3 and even PS4 as non-3DS owners missed out on a hidden gem.
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BF4 is still Broken? I played a few days ago and didn't have any problems. And yeah the ps plus offerings next month are pretty weak but I'll be swimming in games so I dont mind.

That sucks because the scope of BF4 is so damn appealing. COD is definitely on my list of maybes. I'll await the reviews though. LOTR SOM sounds interesting but I read the campaign isn't that long, it's not like a Elders Scrolls or Fallout. That turned me off a little because I like my fantasy games like those two. Thanks for all he the input, appreciate it.
Yea SoM is not a RPG, it is an action game with RPG elements... but between the nemisis system and the gameplay, it's awesome! Took about two weeks to play through playing roughly an hour or two a day. And I 100% the game.

Just wondering but do you have GCU at Best Buy? If not I would get in on the deal they have for it... I have played in the last 2 months 6 games and it cost me maybe $30 out of pocket total for all of them.

Last of Us is $40 with GCU, and between single player and multiplayer it's totally worth it.

I will be getting COD using only gift cards and trade it in in a month only losing $10 on a gift card at most.

I'm considering trading in Madden as part of a preorder on one of the November games. I'm completely bored with it and it's not one I like to play online.
[quote name="fatmanforlife99" post="12194487" timestamp="1414609741"]BF4 works fine, don't listen to those fools. The current version is what it was supposed to be. You can go to BFs site and look for yourself at what they fixed.[/quote]
Easy man, people are just trying to help. Thanks for the info but are you speaking from experience? Are you playing this game frequently post major patch? I don't think I can trust Dice after everything I read about the launch of this game. I trust gamers, not the makers of the train wreck released last year.
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[quote name="Pliskin" post="12194446" timestamp="1414609080"]BF4 is still Broken? I played a few days ago and didn't have any problems. And yeah the ps plus offerings next month are pretty weak but I'll be swimming in games so I dont mind.[/quote]
How much time did you log and what issues did you experience pre-major patch versus now?
How much time did you log and what issues did you experience pre-major patch versus now?
I guess literally a couple of weeks ago they have the biggest patch yet and it may be better, but it's nearly been a year and it is just getting fixed, if you can get it super cheap then check it out... but with COD advanced warfare coming Tuesday, I would go with that instead.

I'm considering trading in Madden as part of a preorder on one of the November games. I'm completely bored with it and it's not one I like to play online.
I'm a big NFL fan, but I feel the same way. The last 2 Maddens haven't been that good imo. Might as well trade it in towards one of the games I want in November. Advanced Warfare, Far Cry 4, GTA V, WWE 2k15, and Lego Batman on PS4, not to mention Halo, Smash Bros, and whatever is on sale Black Friday. It's an expensive month for games.

Wait, the new release of the game is priced at the same price as the new COD game. I think EA is making a mistake there. What do you want, an old game with a bad rap, that's repackaged or the new COD? I'm considering all options but the more I consider BF4 the more I am leaning to COD.
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Easy man, people are just trying to help. Thanks for the info but are you speaking from experience? Are you playing this game frequently post major patch? I don't think I can trust Dice after everything I read about the launch of this game. I trust gamers, not the makers of the train wreck released last year.
I understand the help, but both have not played the game since early December according to the tags they have in the signature area. Look for yourself, I wouldn't listen to the opinion from two people who haven't played since 3 weeks after launch. I have logged a considerable amount of time in BF4, I have always played BF over call of duty.

The only problem I really experienced was the crashes and those were fixed rather quickly after launch.

The content is always worth it when it comes to BF. The final stand map pack looks like a lot of fun.

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I will second what you have heard... Shadows of Mordor is a great game. I am 50% through, and it is still exciting.
I 100% SoM and while the main missions aren't a grind some of the side quests you have to do (like collecting plants, upgrading Sword/Bow/Dagger, Hunts, Collectibles, Slave Quests, etc.) are a grind

[quote name="fatmanforlife99" post="12194609" timestamp="1414611670"]I understand the help, but both have not played the game since early December according to the tags they have in the signature area. Look for yourself, I wouldn't listen to the opinion from two people who haven't played since 3 weeks after launch. I have logged a considerable amount of time in BF4, I have always played BF over call of duty.

The only problem I really experienced was the crashes and those were fixed rather quickly after launch.

The content is always worth it when it comes to BF. The final stand map pack looks like a lot of fun.[/quote]
So the other question is how much legs does a year old game have in terms of multiplayer? COD is guaranteed to be packed for a year. BF4 will lose people to games like COD and Hardline. Based on your experience, have you experienced a long lasting multiplayer community for past BF's?

I will say that in terms of content, a game like BF seems to dwarf a popular game like Destiny(owned if for a week and played the alpha and beta heavily).
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How much time did you log and what issues did you experience pre-major patch versus now?
Pre-patch I would experience rubberbanding, spawn without a weapon, audio would cut out, crash to dashboard. I haven't had any of that since the latest patch. I mostly play conquest large a couple hours a week. But yeah it was a huge clusterfuck of a launch for dice I'll tell you that.

Destiny sucks.

Between BF and COD, just depends on the type of game he wants.  More of a BF fan so I'll chose BF4.

Not sold on Hardline yet, just might skip out on it and get Battlefront 3 instead.  Just sucks that it's now a FPS.

Destiny sucks.

Between BF and COD, just depends on the type of game he wants. More of a BF fan so I'll chose BF4.

Not sold on Hardline yet, just might skip out on it and get Battlefront 3 instead. Just sucks that it's now a FPS.
Battlefield but Star Wars skinned...

So the other question is how much legs does a year old game have in terms of multiplayer? COD is guaranteed to be packed for a year. BF4 will lose people to games like COD and Hardline. Based on your experience, have you experienced a long lasting multiplayer community for past BF's? I will say that in terms of content, a game like BF seems to dwarf a popular game like Destiny(owned if for a week and played the alpha and beta heavily).
Its definitely going to lose players to cod and other games coming out, but it will still have a lot of people playing it. I remember when BF3 came out in 2011, it was never hard to find servers a year or more after it came out. Personally I think its a great deal. The game cost 30 and premium cost 30, normally 50 bucks. You could wait till black Friday and maybe get a deal on the marketplace, its up to you.

Destiny sucks.

Between BF and COD, just depends on the type of game he wants. More of a BF fan so I'll chose BF4.

Not sold on Hardline yet, just might skip out on it and get Battlefront 3 instead. Just sucks that it's now a FPS.
Yeah I expect Destiny to be a ghost town once COD and The MCC drops. I think BF4 will still have a good player base though.

[quote name="RBK" post="12194655" timestamp="1414612391"]Destiny sucks.[/quote]I don't think it sucks. It excels in terms of controls and gunplay, it's just that the story is boring and Bungie seemed to take every opportunity to let gamers down in terms of decisions around the other game modes. I also felt content was lacking for $500M games. I theorize they're holding back a bunch of stuff that should have went a launch to nickle and dime us all later with DLC. Like I said, I played the hell out of it for a short time and then took it back to EB while I was still in the window for a full no questions asked refund
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I understand the help, but both have not played the game since early December according to the tags they have in the signature area. Look for yourself, I wouldn't listen to the opinion from two people who haven't played since 3 weeks after launch. I have logged a considerable amount of time in BF4, I have always played BF over call of duty.

The only problem I really experienced was the crashes and those were fixed rather quickly after launch.

The content is always worth it when it comes to BF. The final stand map pack looks like a lot of fun.
because the 1 gamertag i have in my sig means i havent played the game anywhere else since...

bf4 was a cluster fuck and even if they have patched it to all hell to make it worth while (i havent played in a few months and still had it freeze), i stand by you shouldnt support a dev that releases an unfinished game. a CoD never had problems at launch like bf4 had.

[quote name="Pliskin" post="12194740" timestamp="1414613726"]Lack of content made it suck, the gameplay was there IMO. Horrible loot system also hurt it.[/quote]
Yeah, the loot cave thing is economically game breaking in my view. Anytime an exploit makes a gamer choose between ceding an advantage to other players willing to exploit or they themselves exploiting to keep up will ruin an experience.
[quote name="8bitArtist" post="12194754" timestamp="1414614046"]because the 1 gamertag i have in my sig means i havent played the game anywhere else since...

bf4 was a cluster fuck and even if they have patched it to all hell to make it worth while (i havent played in a few months and still had it freeze), i stand by you shouldnt support a dev that releases an unfinished game. a CoD never had problems at launch like bf4 had.[/quote]
Actually COD Declassified was the most broken piece of vile horse shit that ever dropped out of a developers asshole. It was a big f'you you to COD fans everywhere lured in by lies of a AAA COD game on a handheld console. If BLOPS was a sexy supermodel then Declassified was the dirty wretched shower water running down the drain after weeks of not showering. It was the worst game I every played in my life. So yeah, you're completely wrong, sorry to tell you.
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Actually COD Declassified was the most broken piece of vile horse shit that ever dropped out of a developers asshole. It was a big f'you you to COD fans everywhere lured in by lies of a COD game on a console. If BLOPS was a sexy supermodel then Declassified was the dirty wretched shower watch running down the drain after weeks of not showering. It was the worst game I every played in my life. So yeah, you're completely wrong, sorry to tell you.
you do realize it was developed by a developer that has nothing to do with Cod or that series before... let alone having released really any good games? I wouldn't even count that as a COD game even though they tried to cash in on the series success

[quote name="bestkeeper14" post="12194831" timestamp="1414615590"]you do realize it was developed by a developer that has nothing to do with Cod or that series before... let alone having released really any good games? I wouldn't even count that as a COD game even though they tried to cash in on the series success[/quote]
Did it have Call of Duty in the name? Who published it? Who publishes the rest of the series? Right, thanks. Your point is incorrect. That game should have been delay or cancelled. The publisher holds the keys. Dice ran out of time, you think they would have dropped that if EA told them it was OK to delay until March like they're now doing with Hardline(EA learned their lesson maybe?)

The publisher almost never takes the hit, the gamer does. Bad on Dice for running behind and not meeting the time lines. Bad on EA for choosing to sell it to gamers as it was.
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I played battlefield a ton. And still do occasionally at a friends. I experience no problems at all. Battlefield will lose players when COD drops. But think about all the 12 year olds you no longer have to deal with in battlefield.
Did it have Call of Duty in the name? Who published it? Who publishes the rest of the series? Right, thanks. Your point is incorrect. That game should have been delay or cancelled. The publisher holds the keys. Dice ran out of time, you think they would have dropped that if EA told them it was OK to delay until March like they're now doing with Hardline(EA learned their lesson maybe?) The publisher almost never takes the hit, the gamer does. Bad on Dice for running behind and not meeting the time lines. Bad on EA for choosing to sell it to gamers as it was.
Was created by instigate games, Sony paid activision to license the Call of Duty game so that they could have a game with Call of Duty in the title for Vita, thinking it could sell Vita's.... However the team that created the game hadn't made a game over 70 on metacritic and only had first person experience from Resistance on Vita, which wasn't great either. Sony had them rush it to get it to Vita, aand Activision simply made some money on allowing Call of Duty in the title and being listed as publisher because they own Call of Duty.

Same way that Infinity ward and sledgehammer make Call of duty games, saying who published it bla-bla-bla means nothing.

Declassified was not truly a call of duty game and the only game with Call of Duty in the name that dropped the ball completely.

[quote name="bestkeeper14" post="12194908" timestamp="1414617134"]Was created by instigate games, Sony paid activision to license the Call of Duty game so that they could have a game with Call of Duty in the title for Vita, thinking it could sell Vita's.... However the team that created the game hadn't made a game over 70 on metacritic and only had first person experience from Resistance on Vita, which wasn't great either. Sony had them rush it to get it to Vita, aand Activision simply made some money on allowing Call of Duty in the title and being listed as publisher because they own Call of Duty.

Same way that Infinity ward and sledgehammer make Call of duty games, saying who published it bla-bla-bla means nothing.

Declassified was not truly a call of duty game and the only game with Call of Duty in the name that dropped the ball completely.[/quote]
Who publishes it means everything because it's their intellectual property. They could have delayed and switched developers. They could have chose a more reputable developer right out of the gate. Sony had no control over the project, it was Activision.

If your car breaks down are you blaming Toyota or the subcontractor they cheaped out on who made the faulty parts?

The blame lands squarely on the shoulders of the decision maker and the decision maker is the entity that owns the property.
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SoM is great.  The fighting is just like the modern Batman games so it's pretty easy to avoid dying a lot.  It has elements of stealth ala Assassin's Creed but you don't do near as much parkour/scaling so it feels more like Batman than AC since Batman had less than stealth elements than AC. 
The nemesis system is a pretty neat idea.  It makes the AI feel more alive.
The game isn't very long.  I'd say 8 - 10 hours for the core playthrough.  So although it's much shorter than Elder Scrolls and Fallout titles, the gameplay is vastly superior.  The LOTR setting doesn't really require any sort of LOTR knowledge since it stands alone for the most part.  It would enhance your understanding if you knew the lore for background but I've already forgotten the LOTR story and still find the game entertaining and worth the price of admission.
As for your multiplayer fix, all I got to say is: TLoU Remastered.  Legalized cocaine. 
So guys I got a x1 yesterday and would like to get both consoles NAT setup properly. I used the settings in the pic for my x1. Can I get open nat on both just by port forwarding certain ports? Or am I destined to get some overlap?
Each sevice will use some diff ports just use the live auto and psn auto setting on art router
Each sevice will use some diff ports just use the live auto and psn auto setting on art router
Well I defaulted to using the setting on my router to allow all traffic on my x1. I might try the psn default setting depending if I get any lag on fifa more than i have been getting before i got the x1. But my test shows type 2 which I guess is good? I'm not gonna worry about it if it doesn't effect the only game I play online.

[quote name="Spokker" post="12195254" timestamp="1414624848"]It's a common issue. Don't listen to anyone claiming it can be fixed. The solution right now is to wait for an update and don't use Standby/Sleep/Rest/Bedtime mode.[/quote]
Well that's stupid. I keep mine in sleep mode so I can launch it from bed or the toilet via Vita remote play. It's a beautiful thing and they had to go and wreck it.
So here's an update. I traded in Madden 15 and used another credit I had to buy AC Black Flag and Last of Us both used. I'm gonna buy one of the new releases later on in November once I see the reviews and hear what you guys think.
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My PS4 automatically went into standby mode/orange light after I let my system update for a couple of hours last night. It wouldn't respond to my DS4 when I tried to power it back on. I just did a hard reset by holding down the power button for 30 seconds on my console.

It had to do a system reboot when I turned it back on since I did the reset but everything with my console seems fine. I can see it screwing people up if they don't know how to do a hard reset and just unplug their console when it's still in standby mode which would be really dangerous.
I had to do this last night. Seem to have gotten lucky so far and there haven't seemed to be any major problems...

Actually COD Declassified was the most broken piece of vile horse shit that ever dropped out of a developers asshole. It was a big f'you you to COD fans everywhere lured in by lies of a AAA COD game on a handheld console. If BLOPS was a sexy supermodel then Declassified was the dirty wretched shower water running down the drain after weeks of not showering. It was the worst game I every played in my life. So yeah, you're completely wrong, sorry to tell you.
fine, then a CoD game on xbox/sony console that isnt a dumb handheld

That's not the point. The guy said that the COD series didn't produce any broken games, unlike the Battlefield series. That is simply untrue and I proved it with my example. Not only that, they didn't even attempt to fix Declassified, that's how broken it was. The price tag on it wasn't that much cheaper than an home console game either.

It doesn't matter what it was released on. There have been some nice AAA games come out for Vita. The Uncharted game for example was as good as Uncharted 1 for PS3, if not better.
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[quote name="ApolloSupreme" post="12195372" timestamp="1414628406"]Well that's stupid. I keep mine in sleep mode so I can launch it from bed or the toilet via Vita remote play. It's a beautiful thing and they had to go and wreck it.[/quote]
Forgot to mention as well that when I touched the console(had been in sleep mode for like 15 hours since updating) it felt really warm. To me, I don't think it's making it to sleep mode and it hangs. This is why it was really warm to touch because it didn't shutdown.
bread's done