PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

Ever since the update when I shut off PS4 or put it in rest mode I return with the orange light flashing on the PS4. I wouldn't mind that,but I can't use the power button on the PS4 or on the controller to turn it on. I basically have to unplug everytime and get a message that states to NOT unplug while orange light is flashing. Does anyone here know of this being an issue with others? I can't seem to find any info anywhere. Sometimes I hate updates.
Stop using Rest mode and just power off. It's a known issue right now.

I think I read somewhere that they sold their laptop division. They made some pretty nice laptops but they were super expensive.
Stop using Rest mode and just power off. It's a known issue right now.

I think I read somewhere that they sold their laptop division. They made some pretty nice laptops but they were super expensive.
Their Laptops and TV's were really nice, but they were far too expensive because Sony believed they could charge extra for the "Sony premium name" when in reality competition like Samsung devoured them for being cheaper and being in most consumers eyes a better brand. Same story with their laptops they simply couldn't compete with people like Dell, HP and Lenovo especially when their laptops were the same spec wise, but costed a lot more due to "Being a Sony".

I'm not sure why you're turning this into a "Sony's going bankrupt and has to sell everything" thread Timbo.....

Sony's not going anywhere and they certainly won't be selling their mobile division or Sony Pictures. Their movies still turn large profits, and while their mobile industry isn't do so hot right now that's because they haven't focused on the US market yet.
You really think Sony has chance in u.s market? iPhone and Samsung has pretty big handle in u.s market. Sony phones have been around for years so don't act like that is not the case.
I really like the rectangular theme but you when you check a message or trophy it reverts to blue. Its a Minor annoyance for me, I wish Sony would hurry up and let the community make/share cool custom ones!

The messaging on the ps4 is so sloooowww, It keeps loading and loading for 10 minutes after it says I got a new one. It takes 20 minutes to even delete a message if its deletes it at all. I think this issue needs more attention since its impossible to communicate and coordinate game sessions like this.  The app is even worse with connection and time out errors. This is unacceptable for a paid service.

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The messaging on the ps4 is so sloooowww, It keeps loading and loading for 10 minutes after it says I got a new one. It takes 20 minutes to even delete a message if its deletes it at all. I think this issue needs more attention since its impossible to communicate and coordinate game sessions like this. The app is even worse with connection and time out errors. This is unacceptable for a paid service.
Sending/receiving messages has been fucked on and off for me since Destiny came out, but if you google the issue its been happening even before that for some people. I do notice that everything speeds up a bit at night/early morning, but in peak hours its at a crawl again, and yeah the app is useless as well.

I was hoping the new update would fix the issue, but nope. What I do now is I start a party chat with whoever I need to talk to since its faster. Its a very frustrating situation especially since now its a paid service like you said.

yeah i agree as a paid service for these issues to be going on is just crazy. It's not like it's a big ting it's just text why should it take that long to load text. I can't really say if i had the problem or not i have not used my ps4 since late september and until the update system issue is fixed if i do play it will be offline not on internet.

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Not sure what's going on with my PS4, I have seen some other people with this same problem.. First on Twitch, whenever I stream a game it gives me cannot display comments screen.  I tried using some DNS #s for google which didn't work.  Also on the new Youtube app I can't sign in on it, I think it has something to do with having 2 names under my Youtube account.

So I've logged about 8 hours in both TLOU and AC Black Flag in the past week. I never played either prior.

I have to say, Black Flag is a lot of fun. I really wish I bought it back in the winter when things were dry. This is turning into my favourite game on the system.

As for TLOU, well, I get why people love it but it's not my cup of tea. I returned it today and was fortunate enough to pick an EB Games that still had preorder available for COD AW. SO, naturally I put my money down for it. I could have picked up tonight after 10 but I'm opting for tomorrow. Wouldn't be playing it tonight anyway...

Anyone getting this(or should I say how many, everybody? ;)). If you added me for Destiny then I'll be looking for people to play with in this one.
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So I've logged about 8 hours in both TLOU and AC Black Flag in the past week. I never played either prior. I have to say, Black Flag is a lot of fun. I really wish I bought it back in the winter when things were dry. This is turning into my favourite game on the system. As for TLOU, well, I get why people love it but it's not my cup of tea. I returned it today and was fortunate enough to pick an EB Games that still had preorder available for COD AW. SO, naturally I put my money down for it. I could have picked up tonight after 10 but I'm opting for tomorrow. Wouldn't be playing it tonight anyway...Anyone getting this(or should I say how many, everybody? ;)). If you added me for Destiny then I'll be looking for people to play with in this one.
I've bought tlou twice and while I can appreciate the story and the atmosphere it creates I just didnt enjoy the gameplay enough to keep me going.
[quote name="TimboSliceGB" post="12203281" timestamp="1414907235"]The story I posted was about ps4 so gtfo and read back a page[/quote]
Thanks TimboSliceGB, I just sold all of my Sony stock and Sony toys to buy into Microsoft with their Windows Mobile and tablets. Should be a sure thing.

In other news, Timbo posted a negative Sony post. News at 11.
Thanks TimboSliceGB, I just sold all of my Sony stock and Sony toys to buy into Microsoft with their Windows Mobile and tablets. Should be a sure thing. In other news, Timbo posted a negative Sony post. News at 11.
sucks that those ms products suck.

in all truth it's pretty pathetic that you guys try to put paper over the company sony issues. You sometime's forget i OWN couple sony products including a sony tv/ps4/camera i as a consumer is scared at these numbers and you all should be also. Trust me like you might think microsoft does not do things i always like also like the anti consumer stuff they WERE going to do with xbone.

Sorry had to get that off my chest and hope you guys OPEN your eyes.

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When people continue to pay for PS+ you're telling Sony it's ok to get f*ucked in the butt by them because you'll pay them anyways.  

I'll be selling my Vita off this week so I'll no longer have any more Playstation consoles after that.  Looks like I'll be sticking with 3DS, WiiU and PC this generation until the "I have no idea what the frack I want to be" machines this generation decide and maybe I'll look into going back next gen....if online is FREE.  I'm so glad I didn't pay one penny for the crap service that's PS+.

sucks that those ms products suck.

in all truth it's pretty pathetic that you guys try to put paper over the company sony issues. You sometime's forget i OWN couple sony products including a sony tv/ps4/camera i as a consumer is scared at these numbers and you all should be also. Trust me like you might think microsoft does not do things i always like also like the anti consumer stuff they WERE going to do with xbone.

Sorry had to get that off my chest and hope you guys OPEN your eyes.
Wow, you were saying the same things in the xbox thread and I replied with noting from you... so

Here is why Sony COULD afford some great bundles this holiday and I expect them to match MS..


Not to mention, that yes Sony as a company is doing badly, but it has nothing to do with PlayStation and them doing badly will not have any effect on PlayStation, there most profitable brand. Any company that has failures and is required to shut down entire parts of the company and absorb the unsold product is going to have terrible numbers... but Playstation can still be profitable!

NO! what will probably happen is Sony can spin off PlayStation as a brand and be just fine

The next-gen system's performance continues to outperform Sony's internal targets. Game income for the quarter soared to $195 million, and as a result Sony has increased its full-year targets by $89 million.

Sales of PlayStation 4 were so strong that Sony claimed it was a key reason why revenue for the whole business climbed 7.2 per cent.
For once Timbo read a whole post, you say that the first article is before their second quarter losses, but the second was from Friday and overall the playstation brand has ncreased revenues 7.2% from what they estimated. Yes Sony is going to lose a heck of a lot of money, like I said they stopped their computer division and ate the costs of leftover product... it will be a couple of years until that is made up and they are not eating dead money.

Unless you go to school for economics or work as a ceo you have no idea how big business works...

Well so far, Dell has announced PS4, GTA V, and The Last of US for $399

They are not known for amazing black Friday deals, so expect similar and better from others.  This holiday season is going to be amazing for gamers!

Dell black friday shows a PS4 bundle with GTA V and The last of Us for $400. I wonder if this is the black or white system.
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$400 With Grand Theft Auto 5 would sell so well it wouldn't be funny.
Really? $400 with a game most people have probably already played who care about it would sell well? Sure it might spike some sales but you have to do better then a year old game. $350 with something relatively new would entice more people. Unfortunately sony blew their load with Second Son earlier in the year and I can't really think of any exclusives except driveclub that came out recently. Maybe if they threw in a year of ps+ or something.

Really? $400 with a game most people have probably already played who care about it would sell well? Sure it might spike some sales but you have to do better then a year old game. $350 with something relatively new would entice more people. Unfortunately sony blew their load with Second Son earlier in the year and I can't really think of any exclusives except driveclub that came out recently. Maybe if they threw in a year of ps+ or something.
Don't you have broken controller, slow game download/install or faulty internet connection to complain about?

I think it's great, yea both games came out last gen, and I owned both games last gen, but I loved both games that I am getting them agin.  If I didn't have a PS4 already and was in the market, I would hop on that bundle so fast!

black, white was only apart of the Destiny bundle...
We might get the white one too. In Europe they have a GTA V bundle that comes in black and white.

I really hope there is an option for a white GTA V PS4 bundle. I want to upgrade my PS4 to white and also pick up GTA V.

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Really? $400 with a game most people have probably already played who care about it would sell well? Sure it might spike some sales but you have to do better then a year old game. $350 with something relatively new would entice more people. Unfortunately sony blew their load with Second Son earlier in the year and I can't really think of any exclusives except driveclub that came out recently. Maybe if they threw in a year of ps+ or something.
Tomb Raider and TLoU still sold on new systems, and GTA is arguably the largest franchise in the game. It will sell. Maybe not to you, but it will sell.

And thanks to Sony and its inability to market much of anything, people forget about Little Big Planet 3. Viable exclusive option to bundle this holiday.
Tomb Raider and TLoU still sold on new systems, and GTA is arguably the largest franchise in the game. It will sell. Maybe not to you, but it will sell.

And thanks to Sony and its inability to market much of anything, people forget about Little Big Planet 3. Viable exclusive option to bundle this holiday.
LBP3 is coming out for ps3 though too, so i dont think thats going to necessarily move many ps4s.

im not a fan of LBP. its terrible as a platformer and sitting there creating a level just doesnt do it for me.

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Got my copy of COD AW and I can't wait to pop that sucker in tonight and game.

Maybe I'll go install the patch now(assuming there is a patch)...
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Im really lovin Advanced Warfare's MP. The maps are great and the added exo suit and verticality really adds to the gameplay. It does suck that you have to pay separately for zombie mode.

I never played a GTA game before. Is this game any good? I'm not a fan of playing crime games that glorify criminals or playing crime games in front of the kids.
I wouldn't say GTA glorifies violence.  It's usually a parody of all the hot topics going on in the world of today.  

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[quote name="RBK" post="12208947" timestamp="1415063174"]I wouldn't say GTA glorifies violence. It's usually a parody of all the hot topics going on in the world of today. [/quote]
Naw, it glorifies violence and that's what people are looking for who buy it. They're not buying it for Sunday driving and not breaking the law by way of violence.
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Im really lovin Advanced Warfare's MP. The maps are great and the added exo suit and verticality really adds to the gameplay. It does suck that you have to pay separately for zombie mode.
Best buy still hasn't shipped my copy I hope its better then titanfall. Otherwise I'll get rod of it after beating campaign. Haven't particularly been a fan of the multiplayer recently
[quote name="RBK" post="12208965" timestamp="1415063611"]You could almost say for every game.[/quote]
Yeah, I agree, you can say it about any game about robbing and murdering people for money.
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LBP3 is coming out for ps3 though too, so i dont think thats going to necessarily move many ps4s.

im not a fan of LBP. its terrible as a platformer and sitting there creating a level just doesnt do it for me.
I think some people hold too much weight on what games are on both gens. Even with larger install bases, cross gen games still seem to be selling better on the newer systems.

And this stems from the X1 bundles which include COD: AW (cross gen), MCC (Halo Anniversary and 3/4 were last gen), and Sunset Overdrive.

I would definitely consider LBP a bigger aystem seller than Sunset, but not nearly on par with MCC or COD. GTA certainly can go toe to toe with either of those, but I cant imagine TLoU still carrying its PS4 several months later like a more recent game would.
Best buy still hasn't shipped my copy I hope its better then titanfall. Otherwise I'll get rod of it after beating campaign. Haven't particularly been a fan of the multiplayer recently
I never played TF so I cant say if its better, but its a big step up from Ghosts in everyway so far, and BB has been having issues with shipping some pre-orders on time. My Shadow Warrior just shipped this morning after a two week delay, same thing is going on with some SO pre-orders as well, I hope thats not the case for you.

I would definitely consider LBP a bigger aystem seller than Sunset, but not nearly on par with MCC or COD. GTA certainly can go toe to toe with either of those, but I cant imagine TLoU still carrying its PS4 several months later like a more recent game would.
I think a $399 GTA V and LBP3 bundle would sell very well.

I never played TF so I cant say if its better, but its a big step up from Ghosts in everyway so far, and BB has been having issues with shipping some pre-orders on time. My Shadow Warrior just shipped this morning after a two week delay, same thing is going on with some SO pre-orders as well, I hope thats not the case for you.
better not be said expedited shipping when i preordered it
well, ive never played call of duty MP and only did like, half of black ops campaign. So far, the campaign for AW is pretty meh as id expect but the MP seems alright. its not really my thing though and im not very good at it so ill just trade this back in for profit and stick with Destiny

bread's done