PlayStation 4 - General Discussion Thread

So I played Last of Us for a couple hours last night. I wasn't expecting it to be a stealth game, I was kind of expecting a modern day Resident Evil 1 for some reason. Anyway, it was fun but I am still getting used to the controls and the game pace so the stealth kills will only come easier after a couple more hours tonight. I found myself not wanting to us my gun last night because I didn't know what would be around the corner. Every time I opted not to us the gun and not to take the easy way out I was thankful because I did turn that corner and ended up facing a situation where I definitely needed four or five rounds. I guess that's part of the charm of the game.
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Forgot to mention as well that when I touched the console(had been in sleep mode for like 15 hours since updating) it felt really warm. To me, I don't think it's making it to sleep mode and it hangs. This is why it was really warm to touch because it didn't shutdown.
Same here. Pulsating orange light and very warm. I'm going to stay away from "Rest" mode. The PS4 is not resting at all!

Now they are saying that it's related to having a disc in the system or the USB ports, but I'm just going to turn the damn thing off from now on.

And Destiny is really terrible. It feels more like a free-to-play game.

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Yeah, I play discs and use my USB ports so Sony can suck it in the meantime while I wait for them to fix this crap.

I'm not going through a dragged out process to tuck in my PS4 for the night. I'm shutting it down completely right now.
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Sony support said that you should re-install the update as well, but others have reported that as not working for them. So who knows in these situations?

[quote name="Spokker" post="12196669" timestamp="1414684399"]Sony support said that you should re-install the update as well, but others have reported that as not working for them. So who knows in these situations?[/quote]
How do you reinstall the update?
How do you reinstall the update?
Completely shut the system down then when you go to boot it back up hold the power button until it beeps twice. From there it boots in safe mode and will give you a bunch of options. #3 is the one to install software updates. It's worth noting that I did this and it didn't make a difference. I rebooted in safe mode and rebuilt the database and that seemed to make the difference.
Driveclub PS+ is delayed until further notice according to Shuhei Yoshida.
How sad. I just got forza horizon 2 the other day but was looking forward to this at least for free. Who knows though maybe the game will tank so much in price by black Friday Ill just end up buying a copy. Maybe that was there plan all along O:)

It's amazing the a major patch can launch with all these issues. What does testing involve at Sony? Pizza, partying and finishing work at noon?
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It's amazing the a major patch can launch with all these issues. What does testing involve at Sony? Pizza, partying and finishing work at noon?
At least it didn't perma brick anything this time. I was effected by the ps3 one that made you wait until they came out with a new firmware that had to be loadied via usb. I fixed it by formatting the entire system again but that was a pain in the ass because I probably had 300gb of ps+ stuff on my system.

Thanks for reminding me. Mine RROD'd three times. They had to extend the warranty to three years, haha. Nothing will be as bad as that was.
I had both break on me last gen. I only had one rrod though thankfully. Though I upgraded to a newer one shortly after getting a refurbed 360 though

I'm not even mad about Drive Club, I always thought of it as a glorified demo and was concerned that if it was a hit PS+ may become more about demos than releases.  The disaster it has become will likely mean this will not happen again.

As soon as it was announced that you would need PS+ to play online on PS4 I knew value would plummet. The larger the PS4 install base grows, the less incentive there will be to offer up continued value.

The true test will be next year when there is then a lot of PS4 games on the market and there is no real reason to skimp by only featuring Indy titles.
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As soon as it was announced that you would need PS+ to play online on PS4 I knew value would plummet. The larger the PS4 install base grows, the less incentive there will be to offer up continued value. The true test will be next year when there is then a lot of PS4 games on the market and there is no real reason to skimp by only featuring Indy titles.
Value is subjective. Personally a lot of the indie games they offer on PSN + is great and some of them are games I might have over looked due to not being able to get them cheaply unless there is a sale or those $5 gamestop coupons. Resogun, Velocity X2, Binding of Issac and Don't starve to name a few more than gives me my value for it. Helps that I own PS4, PS3 and Vita as well but that doesn't even take into the fact the prices you get on games that are on sale.

As soon as it was announced that you would need PS+ to play online on PS4 I knew value would plummet. The larger the PS4 install base grows, the less incentive there will be to offer up continued value. The true test will be next year when there is then a lot of PS4 games on the market and there is no real reason to skimp by only featuring Indy titles.
It's far too early in the gen to make this assumption. Now if we get 5 years into the gen and the quality doesn't match what the PS3 was giving at that same time then you may have a point. But 1 year in when there are only about 70 retail titles and most are under 6 months old you can't just start handing them out for free.

Messaging seems to be working for now. Also, COD will be running at 1080p/60fps for the ps4. I've caught some streams of the MP and it looks really good, better then ghosts that's for sure. Plus Zombies, Cant wait.

I'm not even mad about Drive Club, I always thought of it as a glorified demo and was concerned that if it was a hit PS+ may become more about demos than releases. The disaster it has become will likely mean this will not happen again.
the issue about the game is not just ps plus it's the servers and other game issues. This game was delayed for a year for what? the servers sucked since launch and other game issues. seems like drive club was sony way to go up against forza until gt 7 is ready and nothing will beat gt games when it comes to racing.

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the issue about the game is not just ps plus it's the servers and other game issues. This game was delayed for a year for what? the servers sucked since launch and other game issues. seems like drive club was sony way to go up against forza until gt 7 is ready and nothing will beat gt games when it comes to racing.
I agree, however it's not the people who purchased the game that are making all the noise, it's the ones who want the PS+ demo.

I agree, however it's not the people who purchased the game that are making all the noise, it's the ones who want the PS+ demo.
they have right to since e3 2013 they talked about ps plus and drive club at launch then the year delay and now this. Sony made it sound like a big thing with plus was drive club and they failed on that.

they have right to since e3 2013 they talked about ps plus and drive club at launch then the year delay and now this. Sony made it sound like a big thing with plus was drive club and they failed on that.
They should just give away the full game due to issues. It'd be better then the games coming in November.
Messaging seems to be working for now. Also, COD will be running at 1080p/60fps for the ps4. I've caught some streams of the MP and it looks really good, better then ghosts that's for sure. Plus Zombies, Cant wait.
Did the clock adjustment trick work?

They should just give away the full game due to issues. It'd be better then the games coming in November.
I dont think they can do that since that would be bad for the people who actually paid for it. I think they should add a bit more content to the ps plus version when it releases for goodwill on their part.

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What they should do is just apologize, cancel the demo, and for compensation offer a choice of one of the Sony exclusive launch titles as a replacement, choose between Knack, Killzone or Infamous as compensation.

Whats sad is that this will hurt drive club so there probably won't be any other ones. PSN is still down for me also ugh..
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Ever since the update I haven't been able to access the store on my PS4. This is really beginning to get old fast. I swear if this shitty service weren't free... oh wait...

Any of you guys going to the PlayStation Experience Event? I was checking flights and its only $233 round trip from Baltimore to Vegas. I paid double that earlier this year when I went to Evo. I don't really have much interest in playing games before they're released but its always fun to be around people with similar interests which is really rare for me these days. 

Any of you guys going to the PlayStation Experience Event? I was checking flights and its only $233 round trip from Baltimore to Vegas. I paid double that earlier this year when I went to Evo. I don't really have much interest in playing games before they're released but its always fun to be around people with similar interests which is really rare for me these days.
I live 4 hours away from LV so I'm considering it. On the fence and just need to decide if I think it's going to be memorable enough to drop the money during Christmas season (when money is tight as it is.)

the only downside of that is when the system sales slow down which i think will in a a year or two can sony keep everything rolling smooth. i would not be shocked if sony starts selling things like movie studio part of company and possible other brands as well like sony phones.

Well, they sold 100 mil+ PS2 so not impossible for them to sell that many PS4s.
you can't keep losing billions a year. sooner or later they will have to start selling things off and the first good chance will be cellphone div and would not be shocked if sony pictures is next that's the two big money bleeders

you can't keep losing billions a year. sooner or later they will have to start selling things off and the first good chance will be cellphone div and would not be shocked if sony pictures is next that's the two big money bleeders
I thought it was Lap tops and phones they were mostly losing their money in. I think Tvs might be up there but i'm pretty sure they sold off some of those branches already.

I'm not sure why you're turning this into a "Sony's going bankrupt and has to sell everything" thread Timbo.....

Sony's not going anywhere and they certainly won't be selling their mobile division or Sony Pictures. Their movies still turn large profits, and while their mobile industry isn't do so hot right now that's because they haven't focused on the US market yet.

Ever since the update when I shut off PS4 or put it in rest mode I return with the orange light flashing on the PS4. I wouldn't mind that,but I can't use the power button on the PS4 or on the controller to turn it on. I basically have to unplug everytime and get a message that states to NOT unplug while orange light is flashing. Does anyone here know of this being an issue with others? I can't seem to find any info anywhere. Sometimes I hate updates.
bread's done